Did Kamala Harris Cheat (More than Usual)? By Chris Knight (Florida)

I was wondering about the earrings that Kamala Harris wore at the debate. They looked like they could be some devise of deception, a clandestine Bluetooth device, so that unseen advisors could feed her answers. She was supposed to have the clip-on NOVA H1 Audio Earrings by conspiracy types. This idea was attacked in the mainstream media, naturally ...

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The Aftermath of the Trump-Harris Debate, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The first comments on X about the Trump-Harris debate were about how supporters of Trump were disappointed in his performance. Then the comments went along the lines of "three against one," rightly attacking the moderators who were beyond biased, and fact checked Trump, always distorting what he said (such as saying that babies born in abortions we...

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The Covid Test Run for the New World Order, By Brian Simpson

Social and covid plandemic critic Leo Hohmann, has written that the Covid mandates were an exercise in testing the scope and limits, if any, of public obedience, as a prelude to the technocratic New World Order that the World Economic Forum, among others are tireless working for. He refers us to the World Economic Forum "MY Carbon" page: https://ww...

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Who Wants More Communist Chinese Law Enforcement Officers … Here? By Paul Walker

Communist China's Minister for Public Security Wang Xiaohong has stated that China will train thousands of foreign law enforcement officers for the West. Why do this? The aim is for the "world order" to "develop in a more fair, reasonable and efficient direction." "We will [also] send police consultants to countries in need to conduct training to h...

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Undermining the Jury System, By James Reed

At first glance it seems like a good idea, with it seeming unjust for Aboriginal defendants to appear before an all-White jury. But, why? The assumption must be that Whites are in their hearts racists and will not be impartial to the Aboriginal accused of crimes; that is refuted by the case quoted below of an all-White jury finding an Aboriginal ma...

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The “Welcome to Country” Animist Metaphysical Theology, By James Reed

Dave Pellowe has done fine research on the issue of the meaning of "country" in the Welcome and Acknowledgement of country ceremonies. Most people, even those opposed to this seeing it as a woke arbitrary convention that serves the purposes of delegitimising the Australian nation, think that country means "land mass." It does not, and has a clear p...

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A Woke, Anti-White Show of Force, By Richard Miller (London)

It is hard to believe that the anti-Whiteism of the UK government has got to these levels so fast. Whites who protested against the immigration tyranny, even those who merely observed the protests, have been prosecuted with the maximum possible sentences, along the same lines of political punishment as done in the US with the January 6 protesters. ...

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The Leak of a “Highly Evolved” Strain of Polio from the Chinese Lab, By Brian Simpson

When President Trump proposed that the Covid-19 infection was due to a lab release from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, this was howled down by the woke pro-Chinese communist establishment, as a "racist" thing to say. And, as has been covered in other posts, academics and scientific organisations will not debate this issue because of the Chinese f...

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Aussie Buildings Falling Down. Like London Bridge. Like London, By James Reed

Australian Housing and Urban Institute (AHUI) research has uncovered the grim fact that 70 per cent of households have building quality problems. Two thirds of homes have an energy rating of three stars or lower, which is very poor, and one reason for higher energy consumption that should be, ideally, not needed. University of South Australia's Lyr...

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Before the Fall: The Trump versus Kamala Harris Debate, By Charles Taylor

I watched as much of this debate as I could stomach. It was one of the most biased of all the presidential debates Trump stumbled into, with the Moderators teaming up with Harris. Trump was constantly fact checked, but Harris was not. One segment sticks in my mind, showing how Trump really is not good on thinking on his feet. Harris said that five ...

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The Atlantic Slave Trade All About Agriculture; the Arab Slave Trade was all About Sex, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The intellectual liberal elites use the Atlantic slave trade as a Big Argument against nationalism, and White people in general, the descendants of which being eternally guilty. Thus, there must be countless billions paid in reparations, to Blacks existing today, whose ancestors for many generations were not slaves at all. And, the vast majority of...

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CIA and M16: The World Order is “Under Threat in a Way We Haven't Seen Since the Cold War.” By James Reed

An article recently appeared in the Financial Times, co-authored by CIA Director Bill Burns and UK MI6 chief Richard Moore, they wrote that the world order is "under threat in a way we haven't seen since the Cold War." They did not dwell on the usual woke stuff, but went right down to business, naming the main threats as from Russia, China, and the...

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Elle MacPherson and Cancer: The Beauty of a Fighting Spirit, By Mrs Vera West

Even though she has done nudity, which as a Christian lady I do not approve of, I still admire Aussie super-model Elle MacPherson. She has revealed that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer seven years ago, but eschewed chemo treatment which as recommended by the doctors. Now this is not medical advice here, but I note that it is a display of ...

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Here Comes the (Angry) Sun! By Brian Simpson

George Harrison sung "Here Comes the sun," in about the only Beatle's song I like, not being a "silly love song." I always hum this after a bitter cold Melbourne winter, when Spring sunlight at last starts to warm things up a little bit. But the sun can be a problem too, from a cosmic perspective, with the possibility of solar storms and mass eject...

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Armed Venezuelan Gangs Attacking Oil Fields Now, By Chris Knight (Florida)

Previously there were reports of armed Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment buildings. However, there are now reports of the level being raised with armed Venezuelan gangs invading American oil fields in Texas. A Texan oil and gas company issued a memo to the FBI and others that migrant gangs from both Venezuela and Cuba that are committing theft...

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The Globalist Elites Will Not Permit Trump, Even if He Wins, to Become President Again, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

An interesting opinion has been expressed by social commentator Eric Weinstein, that the previous presidency of Donald Trump has so disrupted the way presidencies were to obey the exact dictates of the globalists, that all stops will be pulled out to prevent Trump from becoming president again, even if he does win. We have seen already lawfare, att...

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Banning Social Media for Kids: What is the Real Agenda? By Mrs. Vera West

 The big news story at the moment in Oz is the government's plan to impose an age limit for youth re social media. And the Opposition agrees as well with the proposed legislation, to "save the children." It is something out of the Simpson's TV show wherewhen there is a public meeting, one woman always shouts, "think of the children." Yes, Albo...

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The Covid Lab Leak, and China’s Power, By Brian Simpson

Matt Ridley is a science writer and co-author of Viral: The Search for the Origin of Covid-19, with Alina Chan. He is well positioned to conclude on the present state of play on the two hypotheses for the origin of Covid-19, the natural origins view, and the lab leak. He documents how the scientific establishment do not want conferences on this, pr...

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The Dogmatism and Oppression of “Science,” By Brian Simpson

Professors Jay Bhattacharya and Bryce Nickels, have just published a piece which surprisingly got into News Week.com, a mainstream source. Jay Bhattacharya, coauthored the Great Barrington Declaration (GBD) in October of 2020, a document which stood against the emerging narrative and public policies of masks and lockdowns. He was attacked by the me...

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UN: Some Cheek to Speak about the Risk of a Dystopian Future! By James Reed

 Opening a session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, Volker Turk, UN human rights chief, said that the world is set to face a future of military conflict, disinformation increased inequality and shock, horror, climate change. "we are at a fork in the road." "We can either continue on our current path – a treacherous 'new no...

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