Conscription/Draft, Cometh! By Chris Knight (Florida)

 The US House of Representatives has just approved the annual defense policy bill, effectively clearing the $883.7 billion National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The main issue coming from this has been an amendment which automatically registers all draft/conscription aged males within the Selective Service System: https://www.armed-servic...

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Another Round of the Australian Climate Wars! By James Reed

Once more on Peter Dutton, our Opposition Leader of sorts, or at least on paper, has voiced token resistance to an Albo policy. It is good that Dutton has said that the Albo government's 82 percent renewables target by 2030 is a failure and should be delayed. However, while saying that, Dutton is still holding to zero net by 2050, which one can see...

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A Wrecking Ball Called “Albanese,” By James Reed

There was some surprisingly uncharacteristic fire from the otherwise cold as ashes Opposition Leader, Peter Dutton, saying that the Albo energy policy has wrecked the Australian economy. The focus upon renewables, to keep happy the inner-city elites, of the New Class, the typical Labor Party voters, can afford the extra 20-30 percent increase in th...

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World Health Organization Desperately Wants Another Pandemic, By Brian Simpson

The World Health Organization is just itching for a new pandemic, as it had hoped to consolidate its globalist power with the pandemic treaty, but that has fallen through to be taken up in May 2025. No doubt if a pandemic of anything occurs, so-called disease X, with bird flu at present being the great viral hope, then it will make it easy to push ...

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The Problem with ALL Vaccines? By Brian Simpson

Dr Mercola, at a now deleted post, puts the case that most vaccines have dangers and some with serious side-effects. For example, he cites research by neurologist Andrew Moulden who discovered that vaccines frequently trigger micro-strokes. Beyond that though, vaccines have been associated with immune dysfunction and varying degrees of immune suppr...

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Dr John Campbell: The Dangers of the Onrushing mRNA Future, By Brian Simpson

We have discussed at the blog today, the movement of Big Pharma to vaccinate both cows, then people for bird flu, only this time using a state-of-the-art mRNA vaccine, which is in production. As usual this is being raced through, and may be given emergency approval, as with the Covid vax, if bird flu takes off. But, the entire idea of an "emergency...

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The Australian Immigration Crisis, By James Reed

While in the longer term, there is as Elon Musk has said, a global birth dearth crisis, this crisis runs parallel for the short term with the mass immigration crisis, as seen in Australia. It is a question of contemporary limits. Australia's population is growing at a rate of 13,148 people per week, with migration accounting for 80 percent of this ...

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Swiss Reject Ruling on Climate Change by European Court of Human Rights, By Richard Miller (London)

A few weeks back I reported on the climate change case where the European Court of human rights held in favour of a group of old women, that Switzerland had violated the human rights of these old women, leaving them more vulnerable to climate change. The court then urged Switzerland to go full-out on the net zero carbon emissions agenda. Fortunatel...

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Covid-19 Injections are Biological Weapons of Mass Destruction: Dr Francis Boyle, Biological Warfare Expert, By Chris Knight (Florida)

This is a severe departure from the "safe and effective' narrative that the health authorities, such as those in Australia still push. Dr. Francis Boyle, the Harvard educated law professor that drafted the 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act provided an affidavit asserting that Covid 19 injections are biological weapons of mass destructio...

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Long Covid Patients of Colour, By Chris Knight (Florida)

I came across this piece which satirised another mainstream article dealing with the themes of woke and Long Covid, so it had everything. The woke article is in the Washington Post, entitled: "In Communities of Color, Long-Covid Patients are Tired of being Sick and Neglected." Here is the story which I think best sums it all up: "The article next t...

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Business Leader Slams German Immigration Policy, By Richard Miler (London)

Something odd is being observed in Germany, as business leaders are criticising the government with rigour. The CEO of Deutsche Börse AG, a multinational corporation that operates the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, Theodor Weimer, has said that the German government's policies on economics, defence and immigration are disasters. Regarding mass immigrati...

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The Very Idea of a False Flag, By James Reed

While the dissent Right is big on proclaiming various events as false flags, there is not much written by way of analysis of what actually a false flag is, and its ramifications. Below is material from as primarily liberal source, pro-environmentalism, but for this article, has some surprisingly good material and nothing I disagree with. I say "sur...

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Here Comes the New Bird Flu Vax for Cows and People, By Brian Simpson

The media, encouraged by globalist organisations such as the World Health Organization, are whipping up concern, soon no doubt to be hysteria, over bird flu. The WHO has noted that that bird flu, H5N1, has recently infected humans, most of whom have been associated with cows. There has ben one case of a death of a person in Mexico, from another bir...

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The Army of Hungry and Homeless Australians, By James Reed

It is, at a social level, just like the Great Depression for many Aussies. Masses of homeless and hungry Australians occupy the inner-city area where they have their tent cities, waiting to get a meal from a foodbank. I see them here in Melbourne, each day. Welfare aid organisations report that the numbers of people seeking help has increased drama...

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Putin Calls BS to NATO Claims! By Richard Miller (London)

Vlad Putin is normally calm and reserved and seldom swears. But his response to the claim that Russia was getting ready to attack NATO countries, and roll across Europe, Putin said: "Look, someone has imagined that Russia wants to attack NATO. Have you gone completely insane? Are you as thick as a plank? Who came up with this nonsense, this bulls**...

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Excess Deaths Investigated in the Philippines, By Brian Simpson

It has been a long time coming, but a number of jurisdictions, including Australia, are investigating the record excess deaths that have occurred since Covid, this being deaths far above the statistical mean, or average. Among the countries doing this, are the Philippines. That nation saw a 43 percent rise in mortality rates from 2021-2023, compare...

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Trump is a Real Problem for the Elites! By Chris Knight (Florida)

As one can infer from the extent of lawfare conducted against Donald Trump, including attempting to destroy his business empire, and imprison him for the term of his natural life, for a charge that was artificially constructed just to imprison him. So, if the elites are that upset with Trump, he must be doing something right! Indeed, while I think ...

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Violent Crime Rises in Australia, By James Reed

As shown by the statistics at (see link), violent crime in almost all categories is on the rise in both New South Wales and Victoria, and I think that a fair case could be made for the other states as well. The cultural shock began with the Covid plandemic, which was more than anything, an undermining of traditional values in f...

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Leftists Want Deprogram Trump Supporters! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

 The writing is on the wall if the Democrats win the 2024 election. The indications are that the Great Replacement program will be taken to new horrific places, with the possible setting up of "re-education" camps to deal with Trump supporters. This surpasses even the measures taken by the USSR and Maoist China, which had his, but not to deal ...

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Climate Alarmism is the Real Existential Threat to Humanity! By James Reed

Climate change, the Left and the establishment tells us, is an "existential threat," a terminology that is becoming so commonly used it is getting annoying, at least to me. Thus, we saw Joe Biden giving a speech in France to observe the 80th anniversary of D-Day saying: "The only existential threat to humanity, including nuclear weapons, is if we d...

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