The Mother of all Earthquakes, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Cascadia Subduction Zone, is a megathrust fault that runs offshore along the coast from northern Vancouver Island to Cape Mendocino, California. This zone has the physical potential to fault, and in so doing generate a mega-earthquake, with tsunami waves of 100 feet high, travelling at around 500 miles per hour, hitting the west coast of the Un...

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The Smiling Killer of 3-Year Old, Julian Woods, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Black woman Bionca Ellis has been charged with stabbing three-year-old White Julian Woods to death and injuring his mother. The terrible event was caught on CCTV, and Ellis was quickly apprehended. At her hearing, as the judge announced that she would be charged with murder, she smirked and grinned and appeared ready to laugh. What is interesting h...

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The Deleted Article: Celebrity Doctors Promoting the Vax Without Declaring Payments, By Richard Miller (London)

The Telegraph published an investigative journalist article about "celebrity doctors" who were paid by Big Pharma to sell vaccines. The doctors appeared on UK television to do their promotion. Fine, but today it is required that there be a disclosure of interests, even in publishing academic articles. And the good doctors did not reveal to the publ...

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Daniel Kokotajlo, Former OpenAI Governance Researcher: Probability AI Wipes out Humanity is 70 percent! By Brian Simpson

According to former OpenAI governance researcher Daniel Kokotajlo, the probability of artificial intelligence either destroying or catastrophically harming humanity is 70 percent. And that is not great odds for survival. He is one of many who have made similar claims. Still, we live in an age where disasters and existential threats are as plentiful...

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Captain Cook “White Devil" Song All Part of School Reconciliation Week: A Deconstruction, By John Steele

It seems that a Sydney primary school was playingthe hip-hop track "Bagi-la-m Bargan" by Indigenous rapper Birdz, before the bell rang for class each morning, in the lead-up to and during Reconciliation Week. The track featured the lyrics describing Captain Cook as ""self-righteous, a murderer without license", "from the land of the white skin," wi...

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The Deconstruction of Western Civilisation, By James Reed

The destruction of Western civilisation is proceeding according to the globalist plans, and no doubt is exceeding their expectations. This is not just a physical destruction, say by mass immigration and Camp of the Saints diversity and multiculturalism policies, leading to the Great White Displacement and Replacement, and by climate change alarmist...

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“Let International Education Burn”: David Llewellyn-Smith! By James Reed

David Llewellyn Smith really cuts to the chase with his recent critique of the international Student marketing scam that is devastating the accommodation situation for Aussies, leading to an epidemic of hunger and homelessness, not seen in this country since the Great Depression. Even the small token number of reforms to reduce to a tiny degree the...

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The Subsidies for Renewable Energy: Yet Another Scam, By James Reed

The Centre for Independent Studies has a major report on its website, which discusses the high cost of subsidies for Australia's so-called renewable energy resources, as they are. Renewable energy now comprises 39 percent of the National Electricity Market (NEM), a growth from merely less than 1 percent in the year 2000. This growth, the Green ener...

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The War on Chickens, By Bob Farmer, Dairy Farmer

Richard Miller in London, at the blog today, discusses how in Britain it will be law for anyone owning any poultry, even one bird, to register them. The authorities love registration as it makes it easy for confiscation. Guns are a notable example of this, where the drive is now on to ban what remains of guns held by lawful citizens, by a process o...

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They are Coming for Your Chooks! By Richard Miller (London)

I got this item from a rural friend, out there in the green and moist countryside of England. It seems that backyard poultry keepers, even those having just one bird, will now be required to register their bird(s). Bird owners will need to provide information, including their contact details, the location where birds are kept and details of the bir...

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European Serfs Fight Back Against Globalist Lords, By Richard Miller (London)

The dust is beginning to settle after the results of the European Parliament elections. The Left in France went on a rampage, targeting small businesses which they believed to be run by ordinary people who supported the Right of Le Pen. But the police did hose them down with tear gas. No doubt businesses owners who are vulnerable to these sorts of ...

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Macron Freaks Out, Calls an Election! By Richard Miller (London)

This one has been discussed in passing, but deserves an article mention on its own.French president Emmanuel Macron, is an annoying little globalist man, who is typical of the politicians of today; big on ego and narcissism. Faced with the election victory of Le Pen in the European parliament elections, he dissolved the national parliament and call...

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Can a Morbidly Obese Woman be a Beauty Queen? By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

Sure, we ladies probably need to lose a few pounds. But we are not helped by Sara Milliken winning the Miss Alabama beauty pageant. She weighs in at scale-breaking 500 pounds. That is supposed to be a role model. And I guess it is in a postmodern kind of way, for at least she is a female, unlike the winner of Miss Maryland USA, who is a man. So, le...

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Jeff Kennett on the Daniel Andrews Award: An Outrage! By James Reed

Here is an extract of the take which former Victorian premier Jeff Kennett has made to Daniel Andrews getting the AC. Kennett says that this is an outrage that such an individual gets this award: " In awarding the highest honour to Mr Andrews, the Governor-General, and the Secretariat that manages the awarding of honours, have rewarded gross financ...

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Andrews Made Melbourne into “Hellbourne”! By James Reed

One of my favourite blogs,, takes a more conventional approach to my own take on Andrews getting the AC award. It is heart-felt outrage, anger. They quote former premier Jeff Kennett, whom I hated at the time, but now looks like a saint compared to what we in Victoria have been served up with. The Kennett article is extracted t...

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Of Course Aggressive Covid-era Premiers, Daniel Andrews (Victoria) and Mark McGowan (Western Australia),Should be Rewarded by the Globalist Elites! By James Reed

We are covering the "joyful" occasion of Australia's top award, the Companion of the Order of Australia (AC) going to Covid-lockdown premiers Daniel Andrews (Victoria) and Mark McGowan (Western Australia). Now Rebekah Barnett has compiled a painful list of what these lockdowns and Covid mandate policies achieved, in wrecking small businesses, in cr...

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The World Health Organization, The Real Evil Empire, to Go After Anti-Vaxxers! By Brian Simpson

The World Health Organization Director, Dr Tedros, has stated that it is time to get aggressive with anti-vaxxers. He is disturbed by the pushback given to the WHO pandemic treaty. But his main concern is the coming new pandemic, disease X. This could be bird flu; the Dr Frankensteins in the bioweapons labs have not decided what will be used next t...

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Safe and Effective for What? Killing People? By Chris Knight (Florida)

 Across the West, the mantra regarding the Covid mRNA vaxxes has been "safe and effective." The "effective" bit has been refuted by the failure to prevent transmission and even to prevent vaxxed people getting the Covid infection multiple times. And the "safe" part is refuted by the death and injury toll. According to Dr. James Thorp and Dr. P...

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What the Ukraine War is Really About, By Richard Miller (London)

United States Senator, Lindsey Graham, stated on revealed on CBS News what the Ukrainian war is all about. And it is not about preserving "democracy," or gay/trans rights. Or even to stop Vlad Putin rolling into Europe. Nope, it is all about the minerals, including rare earths that are there. And who would want the Russkies to get their hands on th...

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The Rule of the Mobs, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

At present in France, in the aftermath of the elections which saw Le Pen surge ahead, and which forced Macron to call a general election, young Leftist ferals have been on a rampage, destroying property; this time they are targeting private businesses of people who they think support the Right. Nasty stuff indeed. However, as noted by an observer o...

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