The March of the Illegals, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This is one that needs to be seen to confirm the immigration dystopia of The Camp of the Saints, the 1973 novel of White Racial Replacement, coming true each day. New York illegals take over Times Square and demand the end of immigration enforcement. They want totally open borders so their racial tribes can invade the country. This is the place whe...

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Official Lies: Distrust the Government Must be the Order of the Day! By Richard Miller (London)

Professor Norman Fenton et al., is one of the few academic epidemiologists and statisticians to have challenged at many points the official Covid narrative. On one point, he maintained that the official UK ONS (Office for National Statistics) statistics on the Covid deaths for the vaccinated and unvaccinated groups, was methodologically flawed. In ...

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“1984”: Do People Believe the Lies that They are Told? By James Reed

Professor Jean Seaton, Director of The Orwell Foundation, has said: "In Nineteen Eighty-Four, Orwell posed the most terrifying of all questions: could people be brought to really believe (rather than merely pretend to believe) the lies they are told? Seventy-Five years later we are at the start of a roller-coaster experiment with our minds as we ba...

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Malcolm Roberts on WHO’s Power Grab, By Brian Simpson

Malcolm Roberts, who did great work in opposing the World Health organization pandemic treaty, has published his take on how the war was won, at least for a little while, because the evil empire will strike back, to use a Star Wars metaphor. It will all come back again in May 2025, so after a brief breather, it will be another turn to opposing this...

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US Court Admits into Evidence that Covid Shots Not “Vaccines,” By Chris Knight (Florida)

This US court decision may be of use to the Australian lawyers who are pursuing the case that the Covid mRNA vaxxes are not vaccines, but gene therapies, and thus are contrary to the laws regarding the use of genetic manipulation. The 9th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals, in hearing an appeals case by the Health Freedom Defense Fund (HFDF), Califor...

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Stopping Green Communism, By Richard Miller (London)

The European farmers are showing the rest of the West the way to go. They have, via use of their tractors, truly marvellous machines, caused heartburn to the tyrannical EU authorities, who have backed down on some measures related to the climate change conspiracy. Now the farmers have blockaded the border between France and Spain, to show oppositio...

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Australia is Committed to the Pandemic Treaty, By Brian Simpson

There has been rightful celebration that the World Health Organization pandemic treaty has not been signed, given that many nations, but Australia is not one of them, expressed concerns over numerous aspects of the treaty, especially the surrender of health sovereignty to the World Health Organization. However, the treaty process is still proceedin...

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Endless Wars, Endless Death, Endless Destruction: Confronting the Military Industrial Complex, By Brian Simpson

Although I think that the publication source for the article extracted below is liberal-Left, it is of relevance given the present seemingly inevitable slide of the world into World War III, and says nothing that I disagree with. The take home point made is that what has evolved in the West, seen especially in the United States, is what President D...

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Resisting the Global Tyranny of the Great Reset, By James Reed

How does one resist the globalists "great reset"? C. S. Boddie, writing at the American, has addressed this issue directed explicitly to a US readership, but some points of relevance can be gleamed for Australian readers. The short answer is "peaceful political involvement with determination to remain in control of our own lives." What ...

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No Disasters Due to Climate Change; Only Disaster is the UN! By James Reed

As we all know, the media have worked with the mainstream science establishment to firmly plant in the minds of the public, through the aid of the equally corrupt universities, that there is a climate change apocalypse happening right now, which can only be averted through radical social and political change. Among these changes is the ending of th...

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Will There be a Mistrial of Donald Trump? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

There has been a very interesting development in the aftermath of the conviction of Donald Trump. The trial judge has written to all attorneys stating that the court has become aware of a Facebook post by someone calling himself "Michael Anderson," who wrote that "My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted. Thank you folks for all you...

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NATO Prepares for World War III Ground War with Russia! By Richard Miller (London)

Just asking, but does anyone know why the West is so keen to have a war with Russia, given repeated warnings from Russian authorities that such conflict could fast escalate into nuclear war? And what is the point of the Ukraine War anyway; is it worth risking Western civilisation? The Ukraine must be something very special to the elites; there must...

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Scandal: Censoring the Covid Vax Cancer Connection, By Brian Simpson

Leading alternative investigative journalist, Rebekah Barnett, has been in the forefront of breaking the story about the Covid vax-cancer link retracted study. The case is informative as it shows the limits, and flaws of the present peer-reviewed process, such that even when peer review does provide an affirmation for publication, politics can stil...

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A Smack in the Face to Aussie Canned Fruit Growers! By Bob Farmer, Dairy Farmer

It seems that can fruit producer SPC is set to reduce its orders of peaches by 40 per cent, and pears by 60 per cent, which is devastating to the Aussie fruit growers, who already have hard times at the best of times because of the fickleness of the weather. Fruit growing is tougher than people might think. The reduction is supposedly due to people...

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Life Among the Lions, By Charles Taylor

If one can bear to watch, here is an illustration of what is becoming quite common across the West, as the diverse multicultural society falls apart, including not just behaviour, but the rule of law. The murder of the unborn child, is of course symbolic as well. If transgressors are not in fear of punishment, then this may result. It is an excelle...

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The Contaminated Vaccines, By Brian Simpson

This is an important development as reported by one of the Covid critical lawyers, working on the genetically modified organism aspects of the vax case. It seems that while Australian labs were not interested in doing the analysis, the team organised for Australian vax vials to be tested in Canada, by Dr. David Speicher PhD, who is the first author...

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Elon Musk, 1, Australian Censorship Government, 0! By James Reed

 A good news story. The Australian government has dropped its case against Elon Musk's X over the footage of the knife attack by an Islamic terrorist upon Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel. This case was used by the Albo government as a show of power and intimidation against social media. The eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman-Grant, ordered X to remove ...

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Aussie Doctor Speaks Up: Covid Vaxxes One Factor Behind Australia’s Record Excess Death, By Brian Simpson

The Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs has opened its inquiry into "excess mortality," the deaths above the statistical norm. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), excess deaths in Australia during the Covid pandemic was 30,332, and there were according to this source, 19,401 deaths that were not related to the actual...

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Dr. Francis Boyle, Drafter of the US 1989 “Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act” States that Covid Vaxxes Violate This Law, By Chris Knight (Florida)

This is very interesting, and I think quite damming of the Covid mRNA vaxxes. If there is anyone who knows what a biological weapon is, it would be Dr. Francis Boyle, who drafted the 1989 US Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act, which passed both houses of Congress unanimously. He has recently provided an affidavit in a Florida lawsuit, where h...

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The Hunter Biden Laptop is Real! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

During the 2020 presidential debates, in responding to allegations from Donald Trump about the Hunter Biden laptop, Joe Biden lied and said that the laptop and its revelations of Joe being the "big guy," getting pay-offs was a Russian fabrication. But now this very laptop is government exhibit 16 in Hunter Biden's gun trial. What is significant her...

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