The Rule of the Mobs, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

At present in France, in the aftermath of the elections which saw Le Pen surge ahead, and which forced Macron to call a general election, young Leftist ferals have been on a rampage, destroying property; this time they are targeting private businesses of people who they think support the Right. Nasty stuff indeed. However, as noted by an observer o...

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The Great Lie of Diversity, By James Reed

Bo Winegard has written a great piece taking apart, at a fundamental philosophical, level the cult of diversity, which is of course the position that grounds multiculturalism. In general conservatives who are critical of multiculturalism do not probe deep enough to challenge the core philosophical basis of the doctrine. As argued by Winegard, what ...

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The Hunter Biden Guilty Distraction, By Charles Taylor

Hunter Biden has been found guilty of purchasing a gun while being a drug addict and lying on a form. He could face up to 25 years jail but will not. Daddy Joe is likely to pardon him in the worst-case scenario. And as noted by Trump, this trial was a distraction from the real Biden family crimes, of selling influence to enemies such as communist C...

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How the Far Right is Winning Over the Youth Vote, Which is a Thing of Joy! By Richard Miller (London)

One of the great shocks to the Left in the European elections, was the gains made by the far-Right Alternative for Germany (AfD). There were gains in all age groups, but young voters enthusiastically supported the party, with 16 percent of youths voting for the AfD. The AfD made creative and productive use of social media, more than the other parti...

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How European Leftists Respond to Democratic Elections with Results They Don’t Like! By Richard Miller (London)

The success of the far Right in the European elections resulted in young Leftists, mainly Whites, going on a rampage in France. There are numerous videos of the ferals, straight out of Lord of the Flies, kicking in private business frontages because they thought the owners were supportive of the Right, or not Leftist enough. It is amazing that ther...

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Whoa! European Greens Get a Thumping! By James Reed

Our London correspondent Richard Miller predicted that the European Greens would get taught a lesson in the European elections, and he was spot on. As was previously argued, the Greens had power beyond their representation, punching above their weight. This enabled them to roll in the Green Deal, and all matter of climate change monstrosities. But,...

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What Does it Take for a Sacred Refugee to be Deported? By Richard Miller (London)

Under our woke, pinko commo legal system, it is pretty hard for a refugee to be deported, unless he engaged in extreme Right wing activities, which would only occur when hell freezes over. Thus, we have the exhibit of a Sudanese refugee who engaged in multiple arson attacks across the French city of Pau, which led to people being injured, fortunate...

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International Student Cheats in a Cheating System! By James Reed

With Australian universities now being essentially immigrant producing centres, there have been a few changes to the academic culture. Previously, when there was a resemblance of universities serving the national interest and supplying higher education to locals, instead of being the Asian supermarkets which they now are, cheating occurred but was ...

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The Conquest of Britain, By Richard Miller (London)

While the US open border is a major concern, the UK and much of Europe has, and is, already facing the ramifications of so-called non-discriminatory replacement level mass immigration. English actor-turned political activist Lawrence Fox recently noted that the conquest of Britain is almost complete, as the country begins the transformation into an...

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Beyond Book Burning: One Complaint and Books Banned from Libraries! By Richard Miller (London)

It has been observed here in the UK that books in libraries, notably community libraries, have been removed after only one complaint. This has been primarily the few traditionalist books remaining, but is not now limited to this, as most of these have been removed and put into stores anyway. This trend occurred first in the universities, both here ...

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The 1960s Pinko Generation: Destruction Unlimited! By James Reed

Victor Davis Hanson pens great conservative pieces, and is a major US dissent thinker. In a recent article at American Greatness, he reflects upon the damage done by an entire generation that was taken over by Left wing ideology, and moved to destroy the conservative society that had been built up by generations. There are numerous examples of the ...

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The Bell Tolls for the European Greens, By Richard Miller (London)

There has been opinion expressed in many forums, that the power of the Greens as a political movement, and of environmentalism as an intellectual movement, is now declining. As for the decline in environmentalism, which has hitched its wagon solidly to the climate change alarmist position, see the article by James Reed at the blog today, "The Green...

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The Greenhouse Party is Over, By James Reed

One can only hope that the destructive, anti-Western madness unleashed by the Greens and environmentalism is winding down. That is one opinion made at Frontline News. They cite a recent study published in the peer-reviewed journal, Science Direct, that shows going back to fundamental physics, that carbon dioxide has a natural limit to warming, and ...

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A Lawsuit Against Election Fraud, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The story is unfolding, but it seems that the Arizona Republican Party has discovered that there are between 500,000 to 1.3 million illegal voters on the state's voter rolls. This includes dead people and non-residents. Many counties have more registered voters than eligible citizens! This is an obvious fraud, as the authorities would have known th...

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Bird Flu and the World Health Organization, By Brian Simpson

We must closely watch the bird flu issue as I have pointed put in previous blog posts, as there seems to be a replication of the events of 2020 occurring. My hypothesis for why the US Deep State and the communists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology collaborated in the creation and release of the Covid-19 virus, was primarily to allow the mandates t...

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Former CDC Director on the Covid Scams, By Chris Knight (Florida)

If anyone would know, he would. The former US director of the CDC, under the Trump administration, Dr Robert Redfield, not to be confused with the actor, Robert Redford, has made some revealing comments regarding the Covid plandemic. Thus, Big Pharma exerted a "huge influence" to get everyone vaxxed with the Covid mRNA goo. Redfield is a vax believ...

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The Mainstream Confronts the Cancer Epidemic, By Brian Simpson

Below is a mainstream media account, one of the few, to address something that has been discussed by Covid vax critics for some time, namely the unusual rise in rare and deadly cancers that have arisen after the Covid plandemic. The article is interesting as it cites doctors who are saying that Covid is responsible for the cancers, Long Covid perha...

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Nobel Laureate Physicist John Clauser Exposes Climate Change Myths, By James Reed

In general, the climate change establishment has not received the sort of foundational challenge that could be made on fundamental physics grounds, questioning the entire basis of the hypothesis that carbon dioxide is responsible for supposed global warming trends since the dawn of the industrial age. However, Nobel laureate in physics, John Clause...

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Illegals Really Taking Jobs from Locals! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

One of the official narratives from the pro-immigration lobby is that migrants do not take jobs away from locals; in fact, migrants create jobs, and will supply tax money for pensions, so you had better shut up about your replacement! But sometimes cracks appear in the official narrative. Thus, even the Wall Street Journal has admitted that for the...

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WHO International Health Regulations: A State of Perpetual Emergencies, By Brian Simpson

Much along the same lines as expressed by One Nation's Malcolm Roberts, discussed today at the blog, a summary article at the Covid vax critical site Brownstone, addresses the battle against the World Health Organization's quest for a global health dictatorship continues. But there is a sign of hope coming from this battle, namely that the WHO has ...

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