The Great Replacement of Euro-Whites by the Third World, involves more than just replacement of people, but also of religion. Christianity is being replaced by Islam, the migrants are keeping to their religion, naturally enough. Take France. "[A] mosque is erected every fortnight in France, while a Christian building is being destroyed at the same rate." — Edouard de Lamaze, president of the Observatory of Religious Heritage in Paris; Catholic News Agency, May 4, 2021. "During my first trips to the Middle East, in the early 1980s, I did not see veiled women and gradually the veil spread everywhere. It is the sign of the re-Islamization of Muslim societies and, in this sense, it takes on a political and geopolitical dimension. It is part of a conquest strategy. France is in a state of self-dhimmitude.... a legal and political status applicable to non-Muslim citizens in a state governed by Islam according to a prescription of the Koran (9:29). [Dhimmis] do not enjoy equal citizenship with the 'true believers,' who are Muslims." — Annie Laurent, essayist and scholar author of several books on Islam, Boulevard Voltaire, May 19, 2022. This is the same issue throughout Europe, especially the UK and Italy. It tells of tempestuous times ahead, the West’s darkest hour, all aided by the Left who welcome this, despite inconsistencies with doctrines such as feminism, which are expendable anyway.