Orban Beats Soros! By Richard Miller (London)

Speaking in Budapest, Viktor Orbán said, “We’ve won a victory so big that you can see it from the moon. You can certainly see it from Brussels. Don’t be afraid, hold on, the motherland is with you.” Yes, indeed, Viktor Orbán’s nationalism has won the day against a massive campaign by Soros to bring Hungary in line with the rest of the degeneracy of the West. Everything was done in a sensible nationalist fashion, including being neutral in the present Ukraine/ Russia/New World Order War. It looks like the globalists, as in the Ukraine, took desperate messages, such as joining with the ultra-far Right, although I doubt that these groups were anything more than plants, and totally controlled opposition, in the first place, like in the Ukraine.


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Technocracy More Dangerous than Communism? Surely, They Parasite Off Each Other? By James Reed

The position has been made that we are facing a technocracy more dangerous than communism. As I see it, one cannot separate the two, as totalitarianism is built into the very essence of a technocracy, which involves centralised control by technocratic elites, as we saw in both the USSR and now in CCP China. And, from the Covid plandemic, it is now a growing cancer in the West, and our elites having tasted the power to smash down their fellow citizens, will not let up. Unless politically resisted.


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Here Comes the Son of Covid Omicron! By Chris Knight

Here is a report from the mainstream media about the next Covid crisis, BA.2, a subvariant of the highly infectious Omicron. It reminds me of Bananas in Pyjamas, my favourite kids show, and vaccine policies makes less sense than a kid’s cartoon, anyway.  BA.2 is now the dominant version of the coronavirus in the United States and around the world. Will history repeat itself, and another wave of lockdowns occur, until “save” by a new round a miraculous vaxxes? Then guess what?


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McKinseygate: The Rule of the Corporate Technocratic State By Dr Kimberly Clarke

Freddie Ponton has published in 21st Century Wire, a long investigative journalist coverage of what he argues is the creation of a new shadow government parasitic to the corporate state: “McKinseyGate: France’s Shadow Government and the Rise of the Corporate State.” The essay exposes the role played in this by consultancy firm such as the globalist Accenture, Bain & Company, Boston Consulting Group (BCG), Cap Gemini, Deloitte, Eurogroup, EY, McKinsey & Company, PwC, Roland Berger, and Wavestone. Among these firms, the name of McKinsey & Co should be familiar to Australians, and there will be more about their role in the discussion below.

Ponton’s essay is motivated by the recently released report by the French Senate, Summary report of French Senate Commission Inquiry into the Growing Influence of Private Consulting Firms on Public Policy. The conclusions of the report are discussed in detail in the extracts reproduced below for readers wanting details about how this played out in France. In summary, these transnational corporations have been paid billions of loot for work done in recent times, especially for consultancy on the Covid pandemic, the implementation of vaccine strategies and the rollout. This has occurred not only in France, but also the United States and Australia. The French Senate Report expresses alarm at the power and secrecy around these consultation firms, and the way the government bureaucracy has been taken over, to serve corporate agendas. In particular, the separation of the corporate sphere and government, something as important as any separation of powers, has been broken down and what the French call “pantouflage,” has arisen, as people move from the corporate sphere to government and back again, bringing enormous conflicts of interest, let alone security issues, since most of these big firms, as referenced this article, work with CCP China on projects as well. Their interests are globalist, not to the local nation.

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New World Order Becoming a Mainstream Issue By James Reed

After President Joe Biden speaking of the endgame of the Ukrainian War creating a New World Order (NOW), the topic, once a concern of conspiracy theorists, has gone mainstream, proving that a conspiracy today, is truth tomorrow. Below are some US takes on the NWO, but a more recent one comes from South Australian Senator Alex Antic who detailed to the parliament how the Great Reset of the World Economic Forum (WEF) is but the latest manifestation of the communist drive for the destruction of national sovereignty and total global control, as embodied in the new mantra, “you will own nothing, and be happy.” Senator antic detailed how the Covid mandates, with the harshest restrictions, derived from WEF policy. And it is not surprising that the WEF has this influence upon parliaments, since WEF founder Klaus Schwab himself, has claimed to have implanted WEF Young Global Leaders in world government cabinets, gloating, “We penetrate the cabinets… I know that half of this cabinet or even more than half are actually Young Global Leaders of the WEF.” Good for the senator for expressing this in parliament.


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Transhumanist Biofascism By Brian Simpson

A common theme being discussed at the blog is the battle against technocracy. This is detailed by Kimberly Clarke in her article today about the rise of consultancy firms constituting what amounts to a shadow government for corporates. However, technocracy comes in other forms, the best known being biological control and biofascism, as seen with the Covid plandemic. Naturally, there are intellectuals who are championing this world view, such as Yuval Noah Harari, beloved philosopher of the World Economic Forum. However, none of this technocratic control is new in essence, merely that the form is now more intense and has built upon past successes. The problem has been that people passively accept technology and science as defining reality, and being for humanity’s good, when this is quite open to intellectual scrutiny. Being given as few crumbs people are bought off. Thus, we little people have the internet, but the elites have vast global IT resources which has enabled surveillance and the creation of social control beyond that of the dictators of the past, finally attempting to control the human mind and soul as Harari foresees. Humanity becomes hackable, controllable, and then disposable.


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The Weekly US VAERS Covid Vax Deaths and Adverse Events Report By Brian Simpson

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), is the principal government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. New data shows a total of 1,205,755 reports of adverse events following Covid vaccines between December 14, 2020, and March 25, 2022, including a total of 26,396 reports of deaths, an increase of 337 over last week, and 214,521 of serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period,  an increase of 2,937 compared with the previous week.


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Heart Damage in Teens from the Covid Jabs By Chris Knight (Florida)

A recent peer-reviewed study has shown that over two-thirds of adolescents with Covid-19 vaccine-related myopericarditis had persistent heart abnormalities months after their initial diagnosis. This is an indication that these effects could be long term, and contrary to the establishment, will not disappear quickly to be forgotten. It is possible that the Covid vax, really is forever.


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Biden, Most Corrupt US President of All Time! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I agree with Mark Levin that Joe Biden is the most corrupt US president, and he certainly has some competition, such as from Bill Clinton. But, apart from the “laptop from hell” revelations, the crime of the century as the stolen 2020 election, and the Demon-crats got away with it.  The stole the candy right out of baby Trump’s plump hands.


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Yuval Noah Harari on COVID-19 Biometric Surveillance By Brian Simpson

We will be doing a more detailed article on world Economic forum philosopher Yuval Noah Harari. But, for the moment, a quote to indicate where he stands:

“WEF advisor says COVID-19 is critical to convince people to accept total Biometric Surveillance… “Covid is critical because this is what convinces people to accept total biometrics surveillance

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Critical Studies on Vaccine Efficiency By Brian Simpson

This article at the highly informative site, Brownstone.org, with the pleasant brown printing, by Dr Paul Alexander goes back to October 28, 2021, so it is dating in a fast-evolving, or is it mutating, field. Still for reference purposes, here is a neat summary of studies to that time raising doubts about vaccine efficacy, challenging vaccine mandates. Keep it handy for the next round of the plandemic, as it is far from over. As the elites know, “when you are onto a good thing, stick to it.”


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The Cholesterol Debate By Mrs Vera West

We are not offering health or medical advice, and this is for information purposes only. That said, Dr Mercola in a now deleted post details what he believes are the myths surrounding cholesterol. Far from being a biotoxin, cholesterol is needed for the formation of cell membranes and for neurological functioning. Most of the body’s cholesterol is made by the body itself. More remarkably, a 2014 study found higher levels of cholesterol were associated with a reduced risk for amyloid plaque deposits in the brain. The cholesterol story is biochemically complicated.


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Foo Fighters Drummer Could Have Died from the Vax By Chris Knight (Florida)

A number of high-profile people are either getting sick in mysterious ways, or dying. An example of the latter is Foo Fighters drummer Taylor Hawkins. These cases are complicated by the presence of drugs, but Steve Kirsch makes a prima facie plausible case that the Covid vax might have been the cause, with drugs as co-factors. The autopsies to definitely establish this are not being done.


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Breastfeeding Sheds Vaccine to Infants By Brian Simpson

Igor Chudov in his recent substack pursues the idea that breast feeding by Covid vaccinated mothers leads to the spike proteins being transferred, and in turn, adverse effects. As cited below, according to Pfizer’s 

Igor Chudov in his recent substack pursues the idea that breast feeding by Covid vaccinated mothers leads to the spike proteins being transferred, and in turn, adverse effects. As cited below, according to Pfizer’s own research, out of 133 breastfeeding vaccinated mothers reported, there were 17 cases of adverse events in breastfed infants and three of them were “serious.” The scientific significance of these black swan events are being pursued at a snail’s pace, and much too slowly to actively prevent, give the manic, comprehensive vaccine steam roller, rollout, that has encompassed pregnant women, and now babies. Apparently, the government has no thought: what if this is all another Zantac (see article yesterday on Zantac.)

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The Laptop from Hell By Chris Knight (Florida)

At long last, the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell,” to use the title of journalist Miranda Devine’s ground-breaking book, is getting some attention from mainstream media. At least they no longer push the Russian misinformation thesis, although no-one has officially said; got that one wrong, sorry about losing the election for Trump! Still, this is just in time for the US mid-terms and it will be irresistible for even the most passive of RINOS not to give this controversy a token nod. As Devine says below: “[there is] evidence that Joe Biden financially benefited from Hunter Biden’s grift and his brother, Jim Biden’s grift, with these countries which are crucial to America’s national security interest. The lack of curiosity from most of the media is repellent and really corrupt. But I think the dam is about to burst.” It raises the likelihood of an impeachment of Joe Biden, unless he does the unusual thing, even for a corrupt president, of pardoning himself.


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Declaration of the International Covid Summit By Richard Miller (London)

The Internationals Covid Summit has been held in France, bringing together the best critics in the world of the Covid establishment. Here is the Declaration that was made, and it is powerful, stirring stuff indeed.


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The Rising Toll of Bird Flu … and Chickens Everywhere are Scared, Most Wearing Masks and Social Distancing! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Actually, perhaps unlike alleged human pandemics, the present bird flu pandemic that has swept through the US, devastating poultry farms, and now spread across the world, is all too real. Millions of birds have had to be killed. There are some who are arguing that this is all part of the globalist conspiracy to eliminate food supplies, and PCR tests have inflated numbers. While that needs careful evaluation, there is no doubt that millions of birds have died, so something bad is going down. It could well be that this virus was deliberately released or more likely, was a natural spread. Whatever the ultimate causes, the results will be exactly as if the conspiracy theory is correct, a massive threat to a major source of protein at a time of a global food crisis. A perfect storm of catastrophes, all favouring the globalists, is emerging.


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Even the Rats are Disgusted! By Chris Knight (Florida)

This little piece of satire from the Christian site, The Babylonbee.com, is about the degeneracy of our capital, Washington DC, but from my memory of Canberra, I think the rats under that decadent city would concur.


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Russian Cancellation: A Warning Sign of the Dawn of Western Totalitarianism By James Reed

Professor Gary Saul Morson, an expert on Russia and the URRR, has warned that the present West’s mania of cancelling everything Russian, including literature and music, is the same mode of thinking that was seen during the period of tyranny of the USSR. “To me, it’s reminiscent of exactly how the Soviets thought. They certainly divided the world into all good and all bad. And so, literally anything you did that hurt your enemy was good. And that was the basis of their morality,” said Morson. “It is what led to the horrors of Soviet behavior to killing millions of people.” And that seems to be the path that the West is now on, with Covid mandates being the very first steps. Either that or total social collapse.


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Video: Why Are News Presenters Across The World Collapsing? By Brian Simpson

Below you can watch seemingly healthy people, usually TV presenters, collapsing on air, usually due to a heart condition. They fall like ten pins, almost a kind of horror Gothic ballet. Of course, it could not be the vax …. It must be the stress of facing the camera! It has been common for TV presenters to simply collapse like a house of cards, for decades. There might even be fainting contests and prizes for all we know! After all, the vax is safe, and effective, the medicocrats. and government tell us. Just like mRNA spike protein laced mother’s milk!


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