Shot-to-Death Immune systems By Brian Simpson

Here is what I could find about a paper written by scientists from the famous Wuhan Institute of Virology, where it all started, many propose, reporting that patients who experienced severe SARS-CoV-2 symptoms also had “lymphopenia.” Lymphopenia is the depletion of the major immune T lymphocyte cells, caused by apoptosis, or the cellular suicide, of T cells after infection. These observed immune suppressing results are consistent with observations by other Covid researchers and practicing doctors, such as Dr Zev Zelenko, who has said: “And so that’s why there’s a huge spike in cancers. A huge spike in autoimmune diseases, opportunistic infections. Not to mention blood clots, heart attacks, strokes, myocarditis, miscarriages, ovarian testicular dysfunction, most likely infertility and antibody-dependent enhancement.” Dr Zelenko is referring to the effects of the Covid vaccines, but it is academic, since the majority of Covid infections now are occurring in the multiple vaxxed.

The real Covid crisis is just unfolding.

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The Coming Nuclear Dystopia By James Reed

I am closely following the nuclear issue in the Ukraine War, and have been obsessed with nuclear annihilation all my life, and here is the latest. Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chairman of Russia's Security Council, who also previously served as the country's president and prime minister, is the latest Russian to say that things could go badly and a nuclear war could occur. I wonder why so few journalists are taking this threat seriously, especially thinkers from the dissent right? I look at sites such as Vdare and American Renaissance daily, with writers that one of my colleagues said are the smartest people on Earth, but I do not find any in-depth analyses, led alone reflections on what happens in the worst-case scenario. I would surmise that most of these people do not have any idea of what to advise, so they say nothing. Well, when I was a lad out in the Victorian scrub, at the time of the Cuban (spell check advised “cubic”) missile crisis, I dug a bomb shelter in the side of a hill, and a mighty fine bomb shelter it was for a lad.


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Ukraine Sending Transwomen to Fight, But isn’t that Contrary to the Values that They are Fighting For? By Richard Miller (London)

The Ukraine is defining transwomen as men, and preventing them leaving the country; they must fight being defined as men. But didn’t some big wig in British intelligence say earlier in this planed chaos, that the only real difference between the Ukraine and Putin’s Russia was trans freedoms? So, where does that stand now? Should the West now invade the Ukraine to re-establish fundamental freedoms? It is confusing.


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Japan and Russia have Not Ended World War II, but Soon Will be in World War III! By James Reed

This is interesting; Russia and Japan have not officially ended hostilities over World War II and have not kissed and made up, but continue to dispute over islands just off Japan's northernmost island of Hokkaido, known in Russia as the Kurils, and in Japan as the Northern Territories, which the Soviets grabbed at the end of World War II.  And now the world is moving into World War III, as I have long predicted, as part of the insane drive for a New World Totalitarian Order, there will be two wars going on. Thus, will the new war for Russia and Japan be called World War II part II, or will they just plunge into World War III to keep things simple?

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One Day, a Happy 12-Year-old, then Covid Vaxxed, and Pericarditis By Mrs Vera West

I have been suffering from exhaustion lately and have not done much writing, letting the boys carry the heavy weight. My return to the bullpen sees me facing this sad Covid vax story, as an Australian 12-year-old boy was hospitalised within hours, with pericarditis after getting an experimental mRNA jab. He is now isolated from his friends and constantly resting to keep his heart rate down. So, how exactly has the Covid stab made life for him “safe”?


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War is the Second Act of the Great Reset By James Reed

Dr Mercola in a now delete piece, gives his insights into the meaning of the Ukrainian War. He sees it as no accident that this war comes as the follow-up to the Covid mandates, as it is in fact, by accident or more likely design, the next stage in bringing in global totalitarian control. In this sense the lockdowns got people used to living in a police state, and war will push this social control even further, unless both the vaxxed and unvaxxed unite in opposing the measures that will follow, as the Great Reset agenda unfolds in record time. Biden himself has said in a recent speech, that people will simply have to get used to inflation and shortages. This is wartime mentality, only the real war is the one being conducted against people at home in the nation states of the West.

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The Laptop from Hell Points to Joe Biden By Chris Knight (Florida)

As much as the mainstream media hates it, the Hunter Biden laptop story has broken at last, and they are forced to report on it, albeit lamely, as the Russian misinformation story that Joe Biden and the rest of the corrupt establishment pushed will no longer fly. And the core point is not that Hunter was shonky, but that the finances of Vice President Biden and Hunter were intermingled, so in essence, what Hunter goes down for Old Joe should too, meaning that he truly deserved the term “vice”! And, if the Republicans get in, overcoming the now almost insuperable barrier of electoral fraud and vote corruption, old Joe could well be impeached. The sad thing though, is that on that day probably the experimental senility suppressing drugs he is being fed daily, I hypothesise, would be withdrawn, and Joe will not even understand what has happened. President Harris will be cackling on that day: “a friend in need, is a friend indeed,” as she said at a press conference in Europe recently, before laughing hysterically.


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The US Biolabs in the Ukraine By Chris Knight (Florida)

At first the US denied the existence of US biolabs with dangerous pathogens, in the Ukraine, proclaiming it to be Russian misinformation, just like the Hunter Biden laptop revelations. Then, once the evidence was in, it was said to be just normal biological research. And then it was said to deal with Russian bioweapons left over from the Cold War. Could it be that the Ukraine was yet another development area where these sorts of gain-of-function research experiments could be done? I bet the US would be nervous too, if this stuff was sitting right on its door step.


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Rod Dreher: “Live Not by Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents” By James Reed

Rod Dreher has a new book which is recommended reading for all Christians concerned about the perils facing Western civilisation, Live Not by Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents (2020):


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The Graphene Oxide Hypothesis By Brian Simpson

I am a fence sitter on this one, the presence of toxic graphene oxide in the Covid vaccines. I tend to think not, as this would be relatively easy for the guys with chemistry set and a lab or too, to detect, but, who knows? Certainly, Dr Rose is beginning to seriously consider this, and I think that she knows what she is doing, more so than me.

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The Sheer Splendour, Joy, Ecstasy, and Magic of Life-Saving Totally Safe Covid Vaccines, Radiating Beauty and Goodness????? ... Well, Not Really at All … By Chris Knight (Florida)

While countries are getting into fourth Covid vax jab mode, the numbers of people experiencing death, or debilitating injuries grows each week, as evident by vaccine adverse effects reporting sites like the US VAERS. Perhaps most alarming are the stories of healthy young people and athletes, who have dropped dead within hours of being jabbed. Here are some such stories.

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The Ruling Class Censors All Who Speak Up Against Them …Which Makes Sense as that is What Tyrants Always Did By Charles Taylor

Everett Piper in an article at The Washington, comments on the media elites censoring of Tulsi Gabbard. Of course, this was standard for Trump, with something being done every day. I like the fire in Piper’s article of sheer moral outrage, which is rare in the lame stream media today: “our nation's established elites have once again proved themselves to be shameless, pompous, unpretentious power brokers.”


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A Fourth Jab? Told You So! Get Ready for Infinity Jabs! By James Reed

I hate to say that I said it will happen … but it happened. Now millions of Aussies will have to get a fourth Covid jab. Did the medical technocrats tell us this when the magic rollouts began? You bet they did not. Anyway, my prediction is that there will be a fifth jab, a sixth, and jabs for as long as the human race lasts, if Big pHARMa has its way, as the profits are just too tasty.

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China Chewing Up South East Asia By James Reed

While the attention of the world is upon the Ukraine, China continues its relentless push to dominate, then no doubt colonise Asia. It is militarising disputed islands in the South China Sea, filling them with deadly weapons to control the South China Sea, and the main commercial shipping lanes of the world. Even blind Freddy can see that this is a march on the road to war, no doubt the bloodiest one yet.

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A Breeze of Covid Sanity in the Land of the Long White Mandate By Bruce Bennett (Former Kiwi)

It is hard to believe, but the socialist republic of New Zealand has now scrapped Covid mandate restrictions. Well those Australian states still clinging to the security blanket of the mandates, if New Zealand can do it, what is your excuse? Beyond, the sweet taste of tyranny?


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At Long Last, Trump Does Something By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Whoa, at long last Donald Trump is doing something about the Hillary Clinton scam that Russia stole the 2016 election, and suing her. Well, the evidence is now in, so it should be interesting. A pity though that nothing is being done along these lines regarding the stolen 2020 election, which is more relevant. Still, if the Donald gets cashed up from this case, maybe he might try the next one.


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Potentially Reduced Brain Immunity Caused by Pfizer Vaccine By Brian Simpson

Evidence is slowly accumulating; here is the abstract of a recent paper that the punchline is that the mRNA vaccines reprograms immune function and effects upon glial cells (non-neuronal cells) “are similar to those we observe for brain cancer vs grade of aggressiveness.” So, why did they say that the mRNA spike protein goo would just obediently stay in the arm, like a good vax? Now it is a Covid vax on the brain!


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A Would-Be Woke Judge Who does Not Know What a Woman Is! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Much is being made by conservatives about Supreme Court of the United States candidate, the one put up by sleepy Joe Biden, Ketanji Brown Jackson, not being able to say what a woman is. The diverse candidate said in reply to the question that she did not know, as she was not a biologist. But, that was a mistake. Surely as a solid Leftoid, she should have said “sociologist,” and should have told Senator Cruz, that the term “woman” is essentially contested in the age of transgenderism. And, she will make decisions based upon what is the Left ideology that is dominant at the times, like the rest of the judges. I say, an “excellent” choice for SCOTUS, an intuition that decided that the state of Texas had no standing to decide the 2020 election fraud issue. Time for secession so we can break away and watch the Left go down the gurgler.

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Woke Poetry Written by Right Wingers; Way to Go! By Richard Miller (London)

Whoa! I just love these hoaxes where Left wing academic journals get taken for a ride by sneaky right wingers, pretending to be oh so woke. Like this poetry story, but there have been others in the past, such as the Sokal hoax, where physicist Alan Sokal published a paper in Left journal Social Text, on the hermeneutics of quantum gravity, which he alleged was nonsense. Still, in a post truth relativist world, the Left could respond that it made as much sense as anything else!

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Oh, It is Just Nuclear Chicken! By James Reed

Both Biden and Russian reps have been talking tough on using their weapons of mass destruction, if necessary. Is this just bluff, a game of chicken to see who will pull away from oblivion first? Maybe. But, if it is not, get ready for life down here in OZ in a Mad Max Road Warrior world. I just need a leather jacket and a double -barrel shotty. And a trusty dog, Bluey. Oh, the hot car like a fuel-guzzling V8 Interceptor; how come these guys drive around when the fuel was all supposed to have been gone? And even if it was made from vege waste, why V8s? It makes as much sense as the nuke sabre rattling:


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