Now it is the Fifth Covid Shot! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Get ready Australia; we here in the US are facing a fourth Covid jab, and even before the mRNA proteins have speared hear, brain and ovarian tissue, medicrats are itching for a fifth jab. The pattern is to push as many jabs as possible until there is no-one left to jab.

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New World Order Summit By James Reed

Once upon a time, the idea of the New World Order was a conspiracy theory promoted by infamous organisations such as the League of Rights, spoken about by Eric Butler and Jeremy Lee. It was a plan to erode national sovereignty and put in place a world government, according to one plan, based around the UN. Over the decades much of he ground work for this has been done, from eroding traditional immigration policies, to globalising finance, to law being subject to international conventions. Now the globalists of the Great Reset of the World Economic Forum (WEF) are gloating about the final stages of this, where technology will be used to push to the final frontier of globalism. Here is a neat, but horrible summary.

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Boff Defends the Pope from Traditional Christians By Peter West

Left-wing Brazilian liberation theologian Leonardo Boff has been a strong defender of Left-wing Pope. He has claimed that the Pope has came under attack from traditional Catholics, you know, people like me at the bottom end of the critical chain. Boff rejects European conservativism, seeing the Church as now a church of the third and fourth worlds, when of course, it is a church for everyone. Along with this he believes that an unidentified shadowy group of financiers invested millions of dollars to “depose” Francis from the papacy, “as if the church were a company and the pope was its CEO.” Well, if only it was true and they had been successful. The truth is probably the opposite, as the woke Pope now promotes in his own bumbling way, every Left wing cause going, warmed up, slightly.


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US State Department Plugs for Wuhan Lab Release Hypothesis on Origin of Covid By Chris Knight (Florida)

Is the truth about the origins of Covid, slowly seeping out? After numerous attempts to suppress the lab leak hypothesis as a racist conspiracy theory, it has recently been revealed that US State Department officials believed that the Wuhan labs were the likely source of Covid. Further, as did turn out to be true, they feared that international virologists would act to cover it up. Of course they did, many having direct financial links to China. It is but another consequence of globalism that Euro-whites do not seem to be able to take on board.

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Post Truth in the Biden Universe By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The White House in the wake of damage control over the acceptance now by the mainstream media of the veracity of the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell,” revealing all of his grotty deals, has denied that Hunter made money from China, or did anything unethical. That is of course false, as documented below. It is but another example of lies and corruption that would have let to Trump being impeached by the Democrats, thousands of times over, if the roles were reversed.

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Covid Tyranny Rides Again! By James Reed

It is just a top virus expert proposing this, but who knows, the Covid mad establishment may go for it. The Covid expert has called for random Covid testing, presumably compulsory, my hypothesis only, as there are more cases than reported. Ok, but what does it matter, with Covid Omicron racing through the population anyway, giving natural immunity in its wake? The infection is generally mild and many people are not reporting anything, because they do not even know that they are infected.

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The Chinese Military in Australia’s Backyard By James Reed

Australia’s history in the post-World War II period has primarily been putting into place the Great Replacement of its former Anglo-Saxon people and traditions, to be replaced by mass migration, multiculturalism, and then Asianisation, all in the context of globalised economics and the manic desire by the elites for profit maximisation. It is thus only fitting that the final chapter of Australian history is simply the end of Australia, as it is engulfed by a monoracial, monocultural, non-diverse, non-multicultural giant, communist China. Big fish eat smaller fish in the globalist food chain. Thus, all the diversity and all the propaganda to be found in the social “science” texts by the Left that dominate the university courses of white guilt history, poisoning the minds of our youth, will themselves be ultimately replaced, by texts, communist of course, in Mandarin. The CCP takeover of the Solomon Islands is just the beginning.

The Left may be excited, but my guess is that as with past communist regimes, these useful idiots will be the first to fall. Australia should have maintained its Anglo-Saxon heritage, not engaged in populate or perish, and instead got nuclear weapons and become a technology nerve centre rather than a hole in the ground and a depository for migrants. Unless some miracle occurs, I do not see even the name of this country surviving into the 22nd century.

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Doctor Ordered to Supress Covid Vax Injuries By Chris Knight (Florida)

One area where Covid vax injuries are not reported is in hospitals where admin warns doctors not to report, that is, injuries are suppressed. Evidence of this came to light in the case of Dr. Theresa Long, a medical officer with the United States military. She has testified in court that she was ordered by a superior to suppress Covid-19 vaccine injuries. Details are below for the interested, but this shows that corruption and dishonesty are present in the Covid establishment, who aim to keep vax injury reports down. Big Pharma must be protected.

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What’s an Excess 255,000 Votes Among “Friends”? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

According to an academic paper by Dr John R Lott Jr. to appear in the journal Public Choice, Biden got 255,000 excess votes in key swing seats. Voter turnout in Republican areas increased from 2016 to 2020 while voter turnout among Democrats decreased. But this was except in places where voter fraud was claimed. “More heavily Democratic counties actually had a slightly lower turnout in 2020, except for counties where vote fraud was alleged. In those counties, you had a huge increase in turnout,” according to Lott. “In some of those swing states, you had counties where vote fraud was alleged. In some of those swing states, you had counties where vote fraud wasn’t alleged. And yet you only had huge increases in turnout where vote fraud was alleged.” Suspicious, eh?

Lott does not want his research to challenge the 2020 results. Sure, fat chance of that. Maybe some time in the 22nd century what is left of American politics, will crack open a radioactive beer and gloat about it.

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Covid Under Question: The Cross-Party Inquiry into the Australian Government’s Response to Covid: Some Thoughts By Ian Wilson LL. B and Brian Simpson


Covid Under Question is a cross-party inquiry into the Government's response to Covid held on 23rd March 2022, hosted by Senator Malcolm Roberts (One Nation Federal Senator for Queensland) and attended by Stephen Andrew (One Nation Queensland State MP for Mirani), George Christensen (Federal Nationals MP for Dawson), Gerard Rennick (Federal Liberal Senator for Queensland), Alex Antic (Federal Liberal Senator for South Australia) and Craig Kelly (Federal Palmer United Australia MP for Hughes). All of these parliamentarians have taken a critical approach to the Covid narrative and policies that have been imposed, with no informed consent, upon the Australian people. Australia is one of the extreme cases in the world, less severe perhaps than the CCP China, even with its lockdowns at present, but Melbourne did have the longest lockdown on the planet. And one must ask, with Covid Omicron moving through the population, escaping the existing multi-jabbed vaxxes, and bestowing natural immunity, what was it all for? The answer, at the end of the day, as stated clearly in Professor Flint’s video evidence, is that a movement away from liberal democracy towards Chinese style social credit (not to be confused with the good Douglas social credit) has occurred, and the dominance of the Left in our institutions has enabled this. But it is power politics in motion, too.

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The Price, Any Price, is Not Right! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Surely I am mistaken in my reading of Dr Paul Alexander that … bribery is afoot? I simply cannot believe anything bad about those who have saved us from a fate much worse than death … Covid!

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Covid Cases Explode in Heavily Vaxxed South Korea By Richard Miller (London)

Here is yet another case study refuting the mainstream idea that this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Israel is one example, but South Korea is another. South Korea is set for its fourth booster shot, but Covid cases are surging, with over 400,000 cases per day based on a seven-day average and record deaths. However, at present “Korea’s whole population is currently 86% vaccinated, one of the highest in the world, with about 63% of its population boosted as well. Of countries with 10 million or more people, South Korea is the third most vaccinated in the world and one of the most boosted. By January of 2022, the Korean Herald reported that 93% of the population aged 18 and up had been “fully vaccinated” with either the two-dose AstraZeneca, Pfizer, or Moderna series or single dose of Johnson and Johnson. Among the elderly, 94% have been fully vaccinated and 78% boosted. All the booster doses have been mRNA-based vaccine product from Pfizer or Moderna.”

That suggests that the Covid vaccines are not working, at least as “working” used to be defined.

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The Profits of Covid: BlackRock and The Vanguard Group By Chris Knight (Florida)

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has detailed how Financial houses BlackRock and The Vanguard Group, two of the world’s “Big Three” asset managers, have profited “enormously” from the Covid-19 plandemic. BlackRock and Vanguard as two of the top three shareholders in COVID vaccine makers PfizerModerna and Johnson & Johnson. BlackRock and Vanguard are the two biggest financial houses in the world and “They control a huge part of the world economy. How is that healthy for good old fashioned Adam Smith capitalist competition?

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Heart Damage in Teens After Second Pfizer Jab By Mrs Vera West

A new study has shown that over two-thirds of adolescents with COVID-19 vaccine-related myopericarditis had persistent heart abnormalities months after their initial diagnosis. This raises the unfortunate prospects of these heart conditions persisting for the longer term, thus wrecking more young lives. The study thus refutes the mainstream claim that the vaccine-related myopericarditis effects are mild and to be not taken seriously.


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Did the CIA Kill Former Beatle John Lennon? Why Should We Care? By Chris Knight (Florida)

I would not be surprised if the CIA or some other dark and sinister murderous US Deep State organisation knocked off John Lennon, former Beatle in December 1980. I just assumed that if someone troublesome to the state gets murdered, then they were politically assassinated. However, I did not know details about the doorman who was at the Dakota’s entrance when the murder of Lennon took place. The guy was Jose (Sanjenis) Perdomo, a trained assassin who killed for the CIA! It seems incredible that such a person was the doorman, filling in for the usual guy who just happened to be sick on that night. I am no fan of Lennon the man or musician, but I do not support people being murdered in cold blood. It always struck me as something terribly odd about the Mark Chapman killing, and why the doorman did nothing. I mention all this because the stakes are now much higher with the Covid New World Order than it was for Lennon leading a new anti-war movement. There have already been threats made to most of the leaders of the Covid critique movement, but as yet, no murders. But as seen with the January 6 peaceful protests, the Deep state will kill when they need to.

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Communists and Organ Donation By James Reed

In the article quoting Dr Mercola below this one today, he says: “No one can demand that you donate a kidney because you have two functioning kidneys and someone else needs one. You have the right to keep both of your kidneys, even if it means the other person dies for lack of organ donation.” But I wonder how this swings with communist doctrine of radical equality, embraced on paper by the Left? Surely if a Leftist has two functioning kidneys, Leftist equity demands that one be donated to the needy? Go on comrades, share all the resources of the world, including your body parts! I wonder how many from the Left would go through with their Leftism right to losing a kidney? We know the answer, for as with the cult of refugeeism, it is always society that has to meet the costs of their so-called humanitarianism. Just look at the Leftists who dominate the universities, who have comfort, while down the street, homeless people sleep on cardboard, and in the day, while the obese academics go to coffee shops for pricey coffee, they pass these people by without a glance. Some humanists.

A Psycho-Political Hybrid War By James Reed

Today at the blog we are giving a plurality of perspectives on out perilous times. Dr Mercola, in as now deleted post, saved here, discusses a video of Joe Rogan interviewing Maajid Nawaz, a former Islamist revolutionary who eventually became an anti-extremism activist. Nawaz’ past history of extremism led to him knowing how best infiltrate and undermine the West. He details the same forces being used by technocrats in the Covid plandemic. This is a “hybrid war,” not kinetic, but based around control of information, thus manufacturing consent, by dismantling former world views, then reassembling reality for total social control. This has been done with the plandemic, with the lockdowns eliminating the once-God given right of freedom of movement, right down to the symbolic slave culture of mask wearing.

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Brandon J. Weichert’s Case Against Putin By James Reed

Here is some more material for balance, least anyone thing some side is taken in the present second Act of the great drama of the Great Reset. Brandon J. Weichert gives a good case for seeing Putin as just another New World Order man, like  Zelensky, and no defender of Western civilisation. Putin has very much an orientalist view of the world, quite consistent with CCP China, and he is naturally gravitating to this Asiatic source. And the West has pushed him in this direction too. “Putin’s brain,” philosopher Alexsandr Dugin, in his doctrine of neo-Eurasianism, puts this it starkly as described below: “An important aspect of the Eurasian worldview is an absolute denial of Western Civilization. In the opinion of the Eurasians, the West with its ideology of liberalism is an absolute evil.”

Putin may have blue eyes and light hair, but those genes given by the Vikings will be gone in the Asian future of Russia as it stands.

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Will Black Hats Now Become White? By Chris Knight (Florida)

Mike Adams had a rare streak of optimism saying he had intelligence indicating that there will be a revolt against Biden by the Deep State who want to survive but seeing America being destroyed. I think the opposing view is more credible, that the Deepers are so psychopathological that they do not care if the West sinks, and as detailed in many posts at, most are on the payroll of the CCP, and delusively believe that communist China will take them in as the rats desert the sinking ship of the West. Of course, the CCP regards them as useful, but expendable idiots.

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If They Push Hard Enough Then World War III It Will Be! By James Reed

The Burning is a site that I often go to via a link from, and there is also something thought provoking. Regarding the Ukrainian War, the logical solution would be the compromise of the Ukraine not joining NATO, being independent and to honour the Minsk Agreement of 2014, which grants the democratic right of the Donbas to vote on their own sovereignty as they are Russians and Ukraine today, was merely created by the Soviet Union in drawing borders. That seems preferable to facing down Russian hyper-sonic missiles which NATO and the US have no defence against. However, for twisted theological reasons, probably due to a warped reading of the Revelation of Saint John the Divine, the neo cons want, beyond all things, war with Russia. It is really a mutual death wish.

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