Same Garbage - Different Flies A comment on the Australian Federal budget by Viv Forbes of the Saltbush Club.

“The Australian Budget was a profound disappointment. Not one useless law was repealed, not one tax was abolished and not one bureaucracy was eliminated.

“Here are three essentials that were missing from the budget.

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Australia’s Move to Cashless Society, Some Say by 2024! By James Reed

Here is what I could find today about the likelihood of Australia moving to a cashless society. We have heard this before, and seen how Covid was used to further this, with physical money being said to carry the dreaded Covid germs, as if credit cards did not. The really alarming thing, documented below, is that some commentators see this happening sooner rather than later, by 2024, which is a heartbeat away in political terms. And, we have seen from the Trudeau government’s use of financial cancellation on the Canadian truckers, that a cashless society is a controlled society, with those speaking out, even making donations getting cancelled. This is the next big fight, so get ready. Contact all politicians opposed, and your local member, and opposition, in the runup to the federal election.

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Exploding Heart Attack Rates, Caused by Anything Other than the Vaxxes! By Chris Knight (Florida)

There is now some admission of the alarming rise in heart attacks among the young. The media offers many explanations, all incapable of giving a common cause, including cold weather, hot weather, daylight savings, sex, skipping breakfast and television. Anything but explore whether this is Covid vaccine caused or not. I imagine that the mainstream big PHARMA-backed media will hold out on that story until the bitter end, given their track record of false news, lies and deception.

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Cyber-Attack: The Vulnerability of the Grid By Chris Knight (Florida)

The power grids of most Western countries, including the US and Australia are highly vulnerable to cyber-attacks. This can be done by hacking, but in the contest of war, it is possible that either Russia, China, North Korea, and perhaps in the future Iran, could detonate a high-altitude nuclear bomb and black out an entire country or more. Certainly, Putin could do this effortlessly with one nuke fired from an unstoppable hyper-sonic missile. This technology, far beyond the West, was developed while the West devoted its energies to woke causes such as replacement migration. I could not find any discussion of these issues in the Australian press. But what happens when the lights go out, and power is down, indefinitely?

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The False Slap that Echoed Around the Internet! By Chris Knight (Florida)

We are only covering this grotty story because even Dissent Right sites like Breitbart have devoted a lot of space to it, as well as others even stronger in the Dissent Right. In short, at the Oscars, Black comedian Chris Rock who was announcing the winner of Best Documentary, or some nonsense, made a joke about Black actor, Will Smith’s wife, who has a shaved head, suffering from  alopecia, a medical condition that causes hair loss and often affects Black women. Rock made a reference to a movie most people have forgotten or never seen, GI Jane, where the lead feminist character has a shaved head. At first Will Smith had a big laugh at the joke, then apparently wifey told him she was upset, so Will charges onto the stage and slaps Rock. Then he uses the f-bomb and sits down. Security did not remove him. Then he collects an Oscar minutes  later, and gives a sob speech about violence etc., and defending the family, being in a film about just that. As I saw someone on the net saying, if one believes that this is not acting, in the epicentre of bs, then Hunter Biden really is an energy consultant, and honest! Nothing about the episode looks authentic, including the slap. Normally someone would not go to the extreme of striking someone for such a light remark. One would have expected Will Smith to have shouted back some witty insult about Rock, perhaps challenging his manhood. But, the strike got people thinking about the Oscars again, as ratings have been crashing. And, that’s show business, bs business.

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Jim Goad Discovers that Putin is Evil Incarnate, and Not a Nice Person, Too! By James Reed

A nice piece of satire by one of my favourite journalists, Jim Goad. He is rough and sardonic, dropping f-bombs all over the place, so I have to look carefully for these words, and censor them from any text reproduced. This used to take a long time, but for my joy I discovered the search function on Word “navigation panel,” so now I am good to go, with a sanitised text. So, without further ado and waffling on, here is Jim explaining why Putin is so evil that a nuclear war eliminating the human race is the least of our problems!

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The Ukraine Torture Issue By Richard Miller (London)

There is still controversy about the videos, extremely graphic, depicting torture of captured Russian soldiers, many of whom were post-capture, shot in the legs. If true, this is a war crime, but we do not know if the videos are authentic, as so much false news has been poured out in this war. Hence, we need to hear both sides of the story. Here is the Russian side from a site that is pro-Russian. When I find an Ukrainian response, I will post that for journalistic objectivity.

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Direct Evidence of Synthetic Biology on a 75 Percent Lethal Nipah Virus Inside the Wuhan Institute of Virology (CCP China) in December 2019!!! By Brian Simpson

The article abstract and reference below, details how in patient samples sequenced by the friendly Wuhan Institute of Virology, Nipah virus vector sequences were found. Nipah is a BSL4-level pathogen and CDC-designated Bioterrorism Agent. I wonder when someone cooking bat soup down the road from the Wuhan Institute of Virology will release this virus to our happy globalised world, and enrich us with its bio-diversity? Of course, the bats did it!


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Professor Norman Fenton Explains How They Manipulate the Data By Brian Simpson

These two articles at the blog, deal with how the data has been manipulated to exaggerate Covid infections, and death numbers, to create a “pandemic,” more appropriately called a “plandemic,” since, as explained in a video by Professor Norman Fenton, referenced below, the methodologies do not stand up to a moments technical scientific scrutiny. Yet for exposing this, there was a drive to cancel the professor. Yep, that is the modern “intellectual” culture for you!

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The Fabrication of the Covid Pandemic = Plandemic By Brian Simpson

Dr Mercola, in a now deleted post, details the means by which the Covid infections were exaggerated and magnified into a pandemic, leading, as in the case of Melbourne, to the longest lockdown on the planet.  There was clear evidence of hospitals counting as Covid deaths, people who died WITH Covid, not FROM it. This would be a failed methodology in an Epidemiology 101 course, but the medical technocrat authorities sought social control, all the way down the line, to put in place key components of the Great Reset. You will be imprisoned in solitary confinement in your own self-funded prison (homes), and be happy, or else …

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Dr Robert Malone on What Can be Done about the Spike Proteins (Nothing) By Brian Simpson

As detailed in the statement by mRNA technology inventor, Dr Robert Malone, nothing can be done about the circulating mRNA spike proteins, beyond hoping that somehow the immune system can clean them out. This is worth noting, as some alternative medical folk, well-intended, are recommending various treatments, which probably are more placebo than anything else. However, if the spike proteins get integrated into DNA itself, according to one hypothesis under research (as covered in a previous post) … good luck with that one!

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The Corruption of Evidence-Based Medicine By Brian Simpson

I have been following the issue of the corruption of what is known as “evidence-based medicine,” after an academic paper in the British Medical Journal blew the lid on it. In fact, the British Medical Journal has been good on exposing this issue, and also had an editorial some months back (use search engine by those key words), about the lack of evidential transparency with the original Covid trials. This is one of the major problems today with the evidence-based medicine approach – the lack of data/evidence to even get the process going, let alone technical methodological disputes about statistical methodologies, such as significance tests. Above all else is the corrupting influence of medicine being at the mercy of Big pHARMa money, which, as detailed below, has a corrupting impact all the way down the medical/health food chain.

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Woman Dies of Rare Brain Disorder After mRNA Jab By Mrs Vera West

One of my sad tasks is to report on Covid vax tragedies, since the mainstream media, especially Australia’s vax-brain dead media, does not report on this. Nothing must challenge the sacred vax. Anyway, here is story of a pre-vax healthy woman getting two mRNA jabs,  and shortly after dying from Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), a fatal degenerative brain disorder, caused by prions. Prions are disease causing proteins, more primitive than viruses. So, how did the so-called “safe” vax cause that? It is a disease, if I understand it correctly, that is often associated with activities such as eating infected meat!


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Why Did Hunter Biden Have DoD Encryption Keys on His Laptop? By Chris Knight (Florida)

Hunter Biden, son of false President Joe Biden was doing shonky deals with various agents, as revealed by the contents of his abandoned laptop, now accepted by the mainstream as authentic, and no longer “Russian misinformation.” Apart from the damming information on the laptop, it has been discovered that the laptop also has a number of US Department of Defense encryption keys on it. It is speculated that Hunter used this unauthorised IT to send encrypted emails, to escape police surveillance, if there was any. But the important thing in all of this is how the vice-president’s son got the keys in the first place. Could Joe Biden have broken the law and allowed him to have them? Will we ever know?

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James Howard Kunstler on the Ukraine Scam By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Sensible man of the Left, James Howard Kunstler has nicely summarised the Ukraine scam in his opening paragraph: ““Did “Joe Biden’s” handlers actually want to start World War Three? They are the same posse who contrived the Russian Collusion hysteria of 2016-19, then launched Covid-19 — and the even more deadly mass “vaccination” response to it — and have now successfully goaded Russia into cleaning up the international hub of grift and mischief known as Ukraine. One thing established for sure as fact: the “Joe Biden” family received plenty of cash off that grift wagon, and those “handlers” have neatly ring-fenced it from official scrutiny. Where does that leave the so-called president of the US in the current crisis?” Of course, with the runaway revelations of the Hunter Biden laptop, that lead right back to Joe Biden, it means Biden’s corruption is open for all to see. If they will look, and can survive the Medusa-like ugliness of it all.***-nation/dont-look-now-2/

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Dr Robert Malone on CDC Data Fraud By Chris Knight (Florida)

What should be said about the CDC admitting that large slabs of Covid Vax data are not being published because people might “misinterpret the data? Clearly, this amounts to fraud, and as it is done by an organisation with a duty to release such data, there should be criminal proceedings. That would get the data released for sure! “The CDC is using cumulative data from the beginning of the vaccine roll-out in early 2021 to prop up the lie that these vaccines are effective against Omicron,” Dr. Malone believes. “The CDC is clearly hiding the data about safety.” And the only plausible reason here is that they are simply hiding the truth about Covid vaccines, committing data fraud.

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Ron Paul: Putin as the New Covid By Chris Knight (Florida)

Ron Paul has written a much-reproduced article, asking if Putin is the new Covid? The answer is of course; yes! Media fanaticism over Covid has been given a temporary break to focus on the next panic porn, war, and the titillating prospects of nuclear annihilation. Of course, Putin, whatever his real sins, can and is being blamed for all the ills that the Biden regime has brought, and just like Covid, continues the excuse for expanding power. As has been expressed before at this blog, the Ukraine War is the second Act in the Covid Great Reset drama, and it will bring about even more tyranny, such as food shortages, if not starvation. If the population was not terrified enough by the Covid mandates and home imprisonment, they have not seen anything yet.


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Yet More Proof of 2020 Election Fraud By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The 2020 US election fraud exposure continues, with Trump in his gatherings talking about all the latest developments. With Biden’s unpopularity, Trump is certainly on the rise for a comeback, with some postulating that he could be back sooner rather than later as speaker of the House, if impeachment proceedings against Biden, Harris and perhaps Pelosi succeed. We will see. Still, he has plenty of material to work with for the next election, such as video evidence of double-counting of ballots in Georgia.  


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The Ukraine Back Story By Richard Miller (London)

Dr Mercola has given an excellent overview of the history of the Ukraine, which is a place that seems to have been subjected to one invasion after another by imperialist conquering forces. The Ukraine has been surrounded by large, hostile powers for all of its existence, and thus had learnt the art of changing sides, strategically, very early in its history. So, nothing has changed in recent times with the United States being the present dominant power that has made it the playground of the elites.


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Where Informed Consent about the Covid Vaxxes Led By Chris Knight (Florida)

We should not be too hard on the ordinary people who are getting vaxxed and vaxxed forever, since they are not given information about adverse effects. Instead, they are told that the Covid vaccines are the best thing since sliced bread, totally safe, like having a drink of water, one doctor said to a friend. But, what happens when people are given information, all factual, so that they can have fully informed consent? Why, most won’t get vaxxed! Hence the Great Replacement system never told people what they should have been told. Gee, most prescription medicines have a sheet with a full listing of adverse effects, but how many people lining up to be vaxxed get that sheet?


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