German Insurance Covid Vax Whistle-Blower Fired By Richard Miller (London)

The German insurance whistle-blower, who revealed that since the Covid vax rollout, there has been an explosion of claims, has been fired. The establishment is not even making a token attempt to hide their suppression of dissent any more. No-one must defy Big Brother and Big pHARMa.

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Worrying about Nuclear War? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I am interested in the prospects of global nuclear war, which will likely give us all a bad day. The higher elites, both East and West, will move into their underground cities, but we little folk will be left to enjoy the fallout, if we are not blasted to oblivion. So, what does old Joe Biden think about all of this? Here is one take on the Armageddon issue by Robert Spencer.


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China-Russia: Wolf Warrior Diplomacy: US Former Deputy National Security Adviser By James Reed

It seems that the path of true “love” does not run smooth, even for the elites. The present Ukrainian War is an illustration of this, which reflects the present division of the New World Order elites into the Western decadent liberal camp, who wants totalitarianism, but cultural degeneracy and white genocide, versus the China-Russia form of illiberal totalitarianism, which is basically all of the above minus stuff like the gender agenda, totalitarianism with traditionalism. In the emerging global battle for freedom, the big players are all evil, as well shown by the Western Covid mandate adventures, which showed the true face of the system. Our quest is to survive this battle among giants, with the hope that they neutralise each other, much like the giant elephant things in the film, The Two Towers, which collapsed over each other.


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The Conception of Conspiracy Theories By James Reed

Covid critic Mathew Crawford always has interesting things on his site. A recent gem went into my pet area of interest, conspiracy theories, and in particular, the origin of the idea. Certainly, conspiracies have been around since Adam and Eve tried to pull of their grand lie, but use of the term apparently goes back to the American Civil War, and the role adopted by the British elites, who hoped that the conflict would destroy America showing the failure of democratic reforms. Perhaps they should have waited until now to proclaim that.

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The Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Plant Battle By Richard Miller (London)

If the mainstream reports are to be trusted, and in a war, who knows what is true, a fierce battle took place between Ukrainian civilians and Russian soldiers over the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, which took shelling and one of the six reactors was set on fire. It was not in use, so everyone lucked out. The  plant is the largest nuclear power plant in Europe, so the threat of nuclear danger was great. For a time, fire fighters could not put out the fire as Russians were shooting at them. Now that the Russians control the plant, apparently the fire is out.


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The Leaked Pfizer Document, Another Smoking Gun By Chris Knight (Florida)

The US FDA started releasing Pfizer documents on March 1. One of the documents that went public is titled “5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports of PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) Received Through 28-Feb-2021,” which is linked below. This 38-page document alone is revealing, and an appendix details known adverse effects from the vax. What is particularly interesting is that one of the adverse effects is 1p36 deletion syndrome, a congenital genetic disorder that affects foetuses and deletes part of their chromosomes, causing them to be born with severe intellectual disabilities. While the covid mainstream have denied it, this shows that the vax can indeed affect unborn children. Yet the campaign to vaccinate pregnant women was, and is, pushed relentlessly.

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Soaring Food Prices; We have Not Seen Anything Yet! By Richard Miller (London)

Apart from its strategic value, the Ukraine supplies Europe with wheat, and the present war has cut off supplies. Already this has been felt here In London, an expensive city to live in at the best of times, but now food prices are soaring, especially for grain-based products. Prices are up at every supermarket visit. If this war continues for months, or drags out into another Afghanistan, Europe will need a new source for agricultural products, and hopefully will look towards Australia which should have been done in the 1960s instead of the Common Market nonsense. Apart from that, the war demonstrates the need for energy self-reliance, not to be dependent upon Russia. That will mean a fierce battle with the Greens and climate change fanatics, who are extremely powerful here in Europe.


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There … Falling from the Sky … Covid Jabbed Pilots! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Having had a pilot’s licence back in the day doing crop dusting in Texas, after my Honourable Discharge from the US Army due to injuries from gunshot wounds from the Afghanistan front, I know how easy it is for accidents to happen. That is why pilots have a rigour set of safety checks to methodologically do. Even then crashes occur, but not as frequently as the general public might think. Yet, there is, along with the phenomenon of athletes collapsing on the field, a significantly significant rise in light plane and helicopter crashes here in the US.  There has yet to be any official investigation of this, but nor has there been one of the long stringy blood clots that US embalmers have found. The great Covid cover up continues.  


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World War III Will be Nuclear! By James Reed

Russia’s foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, has said that a third world war would be “nuclear and destructive,” with Russia having moved to nuclear alert. The Biden administration is not worried about a nuclear war occurring, and maybe they are right, it could be yet another case of Putin playing a poker bluff. However, Russian attacks upon nuclear power plants could be an even greater worry, and Russian tanks, in their wisdom, have opened fire on  the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, which  is the largest of its kind in Europe. It is now on fire. I suppose the idea is to cause a nuclear meltdown, like Chernobyl, only bigger and better, and thus kill of everyone, ensuring that the Ukraine, being a radioactive wasteland, will not be a part of NATO or anything else. Have they heard that radioactive fallout might just coat those pretty towers in Moscow, or fill the milk of the cows of Moscow?

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UK Triple Vaxxed Now Account for 9 in 10 Covid Deaths! By Richard Miller (London)

The argument is somewhat involved, and we can’t reproduce the colour graphs here, but the Daily, has presented a compelling case that in the UK, according to official data, interpreted correctly, the triple vaxxed now account for 9 in 10 Covid deaths. So, what is the likely explanation for this? It would seem that the triple vaccination process is making the hyper-vaccinated more susceptible to the very thing the vaccine was supposed to stop! Thus, not only does the vaccine not work in a traditional sense of preventing illness, but it has negative efficacy. If there is one knock-down argument against the Covid vaxxes, this is it!


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“BNT162b2 mRNA is reverse transcribed intracellularly into DNA as fast as 6 [hours] after BNT162b2 exposure.” Translation: The Vaxxes Rewrite Your DNA! By Brian Simpson


Current Issues in Molecular biology has an article presenting evidence that the messenger RNA (mRNA) from Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine is able to enter human liver cells and is converted into DNA. This is a direct challenge to the mainstream position, which still holds that the spike proteins do not circulate in the body, but remain at the injection site. Biodistribution studies refuted this idea long ago, but the mainstream Covid narrative ignored this research, believing what fairy tales it wants to believe.

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With War, the Supply Chain Problem Will Worsen By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Some of my earlies memories were of Grand mom, and then mom, telling me about shortages in the first and second world wars respectively. Things were rationed and one needed ration cards to get most things, like tea, coffee, sugar, you name it. And money was tight to. People would make pants from grain bags, and bread and dripping, was popular. I have tried it, growing up dirt poor here in the south of the US. With inflation and supply shortages from the Covid mandate flow-on, and now war, I would not be surprised to find ourselves, we the already poor, back to bread and dripping.


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Whoa! Here Comes the Ukrainian Conspiracy Story of the Day! By James Reed


Nobody loves a good conspiracy like me, and sometimes even before breakfast I think of six conspiracies. No, that is the White Queen in Alice in Wonderland. Seriously though, there is a claim made that the US was making bioweapons in the Ukraine and the Russian invasion is about eliminating the bioweapon centres, so the Russians are white, or is it red, knights? Well, maybe there were bioweapons being made, but the present situation, one involving from recent reports actually shelling a nuclear power plant, seems excessive. Why not send in special forces to take out the bioweapons? Less people would be murdered.

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Of Course, Coverage of White Deaths in the Ukraine is “Racist! By James Reed

I expected as much. The Left-wing press, especially that funded by Soros, is saying that coverage of white war casualties is a racist “dog whistle.” Well, I say; so what! That we might be concerned about deaths because we have a racial identification with the people, is part of human nature, and Blacks identifying with their kind would do the same, and that is fine by me. But the Left cannot resist their Great Replacement white genocide agenda for even a second.

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The Covid Jab is Deadlier than Covid for Anyone Under 80! By Brian Simpson


The case is made below that the Covid vaccines are deadlier than Covid itself for anyone under the age of 80 years, and for young people there is little benefit and high risks, especially in young males. Thus, for those under 18, the Covid vax increases their risk of dying from Covid, and they are also 51 times more likely to die from the jab than they are to die from Covid if not vaccinated. That seems to be to be a compelling case against the vax.

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The Tale of the UK Covid Vax Data By Richard Miller (London)

A publication now at, with Norman Fenton, documents that official mortality data for England, for both Covid and non-Covid deaths, the two weeks of post first vaccination deaths have been omitted from the official ONS dataset, a  pattern which is repeated in all age groups over 60. The paper speculates that this may be due to including miscategorisation, reporting lags and data handling or transcription errors. My own explanation is much simpler: it is to keep mortality data down. In any case, the conclusion is strong for academics: “The dataset is therefore corrupted, making any inferences about vaccine efficacy or safety that are reliant on the data, moot. Accordingly, the ONS should publicly withdraw their dataset and call for the retraction of any claims made by others that are based upon it.”


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The Relevance of Guns in a World on Fire By John Steele

An angry Lynn Thompson unloads on the anti-gun culture of Europe and Australia saying that the Ukraine situation is what lies ahead for them. For example, Australia is largely undefended, once the army collapses in a day or so, the population is unarmed and can be genocided. Is that a myth? Well, the Russians are now set to have public executions; this could be wartime propaganda, but it may not be.

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Abandon Your Home, Do Not Rebuild? Is that the Aussie Way? By James Reed

The iconic poem by Dorothea Mackellar (185-1968), My Country, has the famous lines:

“I love a sunburnt country,

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Light Relief from Biden in Clown World By Chris Knight (Florida)

In his State of the Union address Joe Biden forgot which country it was that was at war, or being blasted by Vlad the Impairer. He said Iran, not the Ukraine. Putin must have laughed into his heavy black bread and vodka.


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Is the Ukrainian War to be Used as Cover for the Great Reset Cyber Attack? By Brian Simpson

There is not much on the net yet about this, but one line of speculation is that the Great Reset monsters had talked about cyberattacks being the next Big Thing after Covid, and another reason for global control. It is possible that Russia may intensify its on-going cyberattacks upon the West, as China regularly does, or that a false flag attack could be made, 9/11 style, blamed upon the Russians. It would be wise to have ways of living not totally dependent upon electricity, such as tin food, stored drinking water, battery powered torches, and the like. Mike Adams has a good discussion on how to prepare for this type of grid down scenario. Who knows, today anything is possible.


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