Dr Zelenko on the Covid New World Order Slave System By James Reed

Before discussing Dr Zelenko, I should add the usual disclaimer that Alor.org is not offering medical advice, and the discussion is for information purposes only.  There. Done. Dr Zelenko is well qualified to speak on the significance of covid, being on the front line of medicine, treating patients, and saving them. He makes no bones about it, that there is a Covid plandemic, devised to make us all salves of the New World order. Many have said the same, but here is his view.


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The Suppression of the Wuhan Lab Leak Hypothesis By Brian Simpson

Matt Ridley, co-author of Viral: The Search for the Origin of Covid-19, with Alina Chan, over at Spiked-Online.com, discusses why scientists in the West suppressed the covid lab leak hypothesis. Worse, in private many felt that molecular evidence indicated that that SARS-CoV-2 was a product of gain of function genetic engineering in a lab, 12-letter genetic sequence that creates a furin cleavage site, which makes the virus much more infectious.


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The University as a Covid Sheep Factory! By James Reed

Another great critique of the modern university, this time from the dissent site, Unherd.com. Universities, with their suppression of free speech, and free creative thinking, especially in the social sciences, so-called, have become sheep factories. This is seen very clearly in recent times with the roll-out of the vaccine mandates, where many universities require full vaccination to enter the grounds, even while the vaccines do not work as advertised. Yet, natural immunity is ignored in most mandates. This is scientifically irrational, but politically explicable given the close links universities have with big pHARMa. The obvious conflicts of interests are ignored. This is one more reason for shutting these cesspools down.


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Midwives and Gender Neutral Language By Mrs Vera West

The gender agenda has reached midwifery, my old profession, with gender-neutral language increasingly becoming mandated for midwifes. Unlike in the old days, where things were binary and clearer, now one needs to be careful what one says, or even … thinks. It could well be a man, whose baby you are assisting in delivery. Here is an exposition of the genderscape of modern midwifery from a midwife on the front lines.


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Jordan Peterson Unloads on the Woke Universities By James Reed

Jordan Peterson has resigned as a tenured professor at the University of Toronto, and one almost does not need to read his resignation letter to know his complaint, which centres around the over-the-top wokeness, and political correctness of the modern university. Some universities are worse than others, but all are infected with the same Leftist diseases noted by Peterson. But, like most academics, he does not go to the next level and see the full logical conclusion of his critique, which indicates that the modern university is too far gone for conservatives to save. It is a pity that thinkers like him could not bite this bullet and put their creative energies into getting up an alternative higher education system, but I guess, the West is doomed to Spenglerian collapse, before rebuilding once more, in the endless cycle of creation, destruction, and creation.


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Enter the Mind of a Technocrat By James Reed

Tessa Lena was a technocrat, but cured herself. She gives us some insights into how the mind of a technocrat works. Technocracy began with the Taylorist principle of “scientific management,” to regulate workers so that in specifically assembly lines, workers blended into the machinery and became smooth  functioning machines themselves. Modern technocracy goes to the next level and proposes that society is best ruled by algorithms and/or a bureaucracy run by technologists. The paradigm case of this is Dr Fauci, whom senile false president Biden jokingly referred to as running the country. Yes, running it into the ground. However, it gets worse, as the ultimate conclusion of technocracy is the transhuman agenda, of replacing the human species by robots. This is clearly the reductio ad absurdum of the position, but the technocrats push on regardless. Movies such as the Terminator series are relevant here.


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Nuremberg 2.0: Pursuing Covid Genocide By Richard Miller (London)

The proposal that the Covid vaccines and the mandates, altogether constitute a policy of genocide, which needs to be prosecuted in a Nuremberg 2.0 style trial, is gaining momentum. There is already an application before the International Criminal Court accusing 16 individuals of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression. The accused include Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Peter Daszak, Bill and Melinda Gates, the CEOs of Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson, U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson along with several other British authorities, as well as the presidents of the Rockefeller Foundation and the World Economic Forum. Specifically:

  1. Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the NIAID.
  2. Dr. Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance
  3. Bill Gates
  4. Melinda Gates
  5. Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer
  6. Stephane Bancel, CEO of Moderna
  7. Pascal Soriot, CEO of AstraZeneca
  8. Alex Gorsky, CEO of Johnson & Johnson
  9. Tedros Adhanhom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the WHO
  10. Boris Johnson, U.K. prime minister
  11. Christopher Whitty, U.K. chief medical adviser
  12. Matthew Hancock, former U.K. secretary of state for Health and Social Care
  13. Medicines and Healthcare, current U.K. secretary of state for Health and Social Care
  14. June Raine, U.K. chief executive of Medicines and Healthcare products
  15. Dr. Rajiv Shah, president of the Rockefeller Foundation
  16. Klaus Schwab, president of the World Economic Forum.

It is alleged that the 16 defendants have violated the Nuremberg Code and Articles 6, 7, 8, 15, 21 and 53 of the Rome Statute.

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Covid Surges in Highly Vaccinated Israel By Chris Knight (Florida)

In more normal times, when Enlightenment values such as reason and scientificity mattered, evidence contrary to a hypothesis would be taken seriously. But, in a post-truth world, contrary evidence is either ignored, or is taken that even more of the same must be applied. From an objective, unbiased scientific point of view, surely if an infection is surging in a place, and that place has been highly vaccinated, then one thing that would need to be checked out, is whether the vaccines in question actually worked. If a drug was said to prevent a disease or condition, but it was found that over time its effectiveness rapidly dropped off, then a rational scientist would conclude that the drug needs to be replaced by a better one. This is what would be done in other areas such as engineering, and it should apply to medicine and public health too. For example, insecticides which may be effective for a time, which are found to have diminished effectiveness, are soon replaced by “better” killers, rather than get to the level of having to drown insects in the stuff. The parallels to the Covid vaxxes are obvious.

The vaccine camp needs to explain the case of Israel, which has one of the highest Covid vaccination rates in the world, with already nearly half of its citizens having received three jabs, but leads the world in new daily Covid cases per capita, according to January 20 data. Clearly there is something wrong with the mainstream Covid narrative.

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China’s Bullying of Australia a Wake Up Call for the World By James Reed

Perhaps it started with Sco Mo Bozo the prime minister of Australia, calling for an investigation into the origins of the Wuhan flu, known, not to offend the new Masters of the Universe, CCP China, as Covid-19. The CCP went ape crazy, immediately going to threats, then trade sanctions against Australia. As Australia is basically a hole in the ground for minerals, and a sink for migrants from non-white countries as its part of the Great White Replacement, there was not much it could do. Then there came the defence agreement between the UK, US and Australia, the AUKUS pact, and the CCP said that this made Australia a nuclear target. The positive thing here is that the West at long last started to take note, that as China’s power grows, so does its capacity to be a bully.


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Dr Peter McCullough: The Failure of the Covid Vaccines By Brian Simpson

It is hard to keep up now with the amount of material from a variety of sources documenting the failure of the Covid vaccines. By way of a running conclusion, Dr Peter McCullough has said that the available evidence, such as the failure of the vaccines to deal with the Omicron variant shows that the vaccines do not work, and that the vaccine mandates should be abandoned. Dr McCullough gives a good non-technical summary of the literature indicating that the vaccines have failed. For anti-vaxxers who want more detail some abstracts of the most important recent papers is also given.


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Human Augmentation and the Transhuman Agenda By James Reed

As pointed out by Dr Malone, the military forces of the world are embracing the idea of human augmentation for soldiers, to use genetic modifications and/or artificial intelligence interfaces to improve the combat effectiveness of soldiers. One of the most significant recent developments is that Elon Musk’s Neuralink project, discussed below, involving chip implants into the human brain, to augment the brain is getting ready for testing. Technology, under the control of the mad, is naturally out of control.


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Spiking the Machinery of Life: Covid Vaxxes By Brian Simpson

Here are abstracts of two recent scientific papers that investigate the damage that the mRNA Covid vaccines do to the cellular machinery, which is quite unlike the natural infection.  The regulatory mechanisms for control of cancer and the prevention of neurodegenerative disease are disrupted, creating the potential for an array of alarming vaccine adverse effects. None of this was investigated before the vaccines were rolled out to most people on earth, in the frantic desire to vaccinate the world. It could well be a version of the I am Legend movie, where a vaccine brings down civilisation.


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The Vaccines Don’t Stop Transmission, Even with a Booster By Brian Simpson

There are a number of recent peer-reviewed articles that reach the conclusion that the Covid vaccines do not stop transmission of SARS-CoV-2, even with a booster. As I see it, what follows from this is the mandates are totally pointless, since they are unable to achieve what hey purport to be able to do.


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Tripled Vaxxed on the Road to AIDS? By Brian Simpson

I must admit the statistical analysis here has me still thinking, that UK government data is indicating that the vaccinated are developing a type of AIDs. This cannot be literally true in the sense that they are now infected with the HIV virus (easily tested), although some have maintained that there are similarities between SARS-CoV-2 and HIV, but that does not prove identity. The more plausible claim is that there is evidence of immune system failure in the vaccinated, which is consistent with other evidence. Anyway, for readers who love statistics and epidemiology …


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One in Every 14 Voters in Wisconsin is at Least 124 years Old! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The US 2020 election fraud issue has become so pathetic that it is now at the stage of absurd humour. How about this article by Andrea Widburg, which documents that over 100,000 people in Wisconsin are older than 124 years, and that some voters are 2,000 years old! Clearly this is the ultimate reductio ad absurdum of the present voting system, and the Democrats are going to use the same tried and proven method to steal the 2022 mid-terms from the Republicans once more, right under their noses. Seemingly, conservatives never wake up.


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130 Studies on Natural Immunity to Covid: A Research Guide By Brian Simpson

The Brownstone Institute has published a handy tabular summary of 130 studies showing that natural immunity is equal to or superior to existing Covid vaccines. This should be a helpful reference guide for Covid Vax critics. To reduce space, I deleted the article description. To locate the original, simply Google the entry.


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Covid Vax Criminality Update: Texas By Charles Taylor (Florida)

A criminal complaint has been lodged with Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s office by Harris County resident Jack E. Boteler, accuses the makers of COVID-19 vaccines, as well as all corporate and government officials involved in pushing and distributing them, with “murder” and “crimes against humanity.” “This Complaint alleges murder and crimes against humanity arising from a collection of facts, observations, expert opinions, media reports and eye-witness testimony,” Boteler’s complaint stated.

“It will show that Defendants planned and executed, jointly and/or severely, the development and release of a bio warfare toxin, referred to herein as either “SARS-CoV-2” or “Covid 19” and/or as the ‘Spike Protein’ component with the dual objectives of: 1) global depopulation, and 2) population control leading to a one-world government by inducing panic, economic hardship, terror, death and injury to global populations,” it said.

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The Great Disintegrating Covid Narrative By Brian Simpson

Many Covid vax critics are arguing that the Covid narrative is collapsing, with mainstream evidence surfacing of the dramatic failure of the vaccines. Steve Kirsch gives an overview. However, in the context of the cult-like state of he Covid culture, we have a situation of “when prophecy fails.”


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Are there Tainted Covid Vaccines Ear-Marked for Conservatives? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I do not know if this is true, but it is one more Covid vax conspiracy hypothesis is gaining some internet momentum. It has been proposed by former Pfizer Vice President and Chief Science Officer Dr. Michael Yeadon that some batches of Covid vaxxes are deadlier than others, with about 0.5 percent of the vaccines being found to be “highly toxic”, and resulting in hospitalization, disabilities, and even death within days or weeks of the injection. The rest are placebo. The hypothesis is that big pHARMa is conducting an experiment to see how much of the vaxxes is deadly. Well, maybe, but the small percentage of deadly vaxxes is inadequate to account for the large amount of Covid vax injuries and deaths. It is possible that there still could be super-hot vaxxes though, amongst the usual toxic mRNA stuff. More investigation is needed. Still, today’s conspiracy is tomorrow’s truth, in a post truth world.


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Is Dr Fauci Keeping Count? Now it is Four Jabs! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Covid king, Dr Fauci has now floated the idea of four jabs to try and deal with Omicron. After viewing the guru’s words, let as turn to hyper-vaxxed Israel, a case study that should shed more light upon things.


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