The Manifest Absurdities of the Lockdown Mandates By Richard Miller (London)

Allison Pearson, writing for The Telegraph, has given a candid presentation of the manifest absurdities arising from the lockdown mandates. Example: “I got thrown out of a McDonald’s for refusing to stand on a yellow circle. I was the only customer.” Thousands of absurdities like this, that were, and are still are, part of Covid culture indicate that Dr Malone may well have been too kind with his mass formation psychosis hypothesis. Surely we have seen superstitious, if not black magic thinking, not seen since the Dark Ages, or before.

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Rendered Speechless by Covid Mask Mandates By Mrs Vera West

One collateral damage arising from the manic mask cult, something I particularly dislike, is the impact upon speech leaning of children. There are no peer-reviewed studies yet, but speech pathologists for children have seen a rapid rise in cases. Language learning depends upon the social context, and seeing the mouth is important for learning. Thus, an entire generation, brought up on the mask fetish, may end up with language difficulties. Yet another harm of the Covid culture.


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Tyranny in Wild West (Australia) By James Reed

Western Australia has always wanted to break away from Australia, and maybe with its radical Covid mandates it will finally succeed in secession of sorts, perhaps even from Western liberal democratic core values. As I see it, the place is going to be a new North Korea at the pace it is moving. Unfortunately, the draconian mandates will be likely to achieve little in stopping the inevitable march of Omicron the Conquer (of sorts).


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Covid Lockdown Suicides By Richard Miller (London)

The Dutch Psychiatric Association has said that lockdowns, and specifically the closure of schools, have had serious, potentially permanent psychiatric side effects among young people. Dutch Psychiatric Association chairman Elnathan Prinsen in a report by the NL Times, said: “Closed higher education institutions and vocational schools threaten to leave young people with permanent mental health issues.” “The lockdown is intended to prevent illness, but it is the lockdown that is making people sick,” Prinsen said.  
There have been numerous reports of young people exhibiting “serious problems” with loneliness, stress, and depression, which he suggests at young ages “can lead to a [permanent] mental disorder.”

“We know from studies that three-quarters of mental disorders develop before the age of 21. The average age at which such a disorder starts is around 18, 19 years old, which is exactly the age of students in secondary vocational education, college, and university,” and each time restrictive lockdown measures are put in place “more problems” continue to “pile up.”

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The Multiple Harms of the Pfizer Jab By Mrs Vera West

The Canadian Covid Care Alliance (CCCA), has produced a 50-page booklet outlining in clear terms, complete with full references, the harms of the Pfizer vaxxes. The book and video presentation start at the ground and work up, with the first critique being the misleading claims made about risk reduction. In the initial stages, Pfizer said that the vaccines showed 95 percent efficacy seven days after the second dose. But, the 95 percent figure, uncritically regurgitated by the mainstream media, according the CCCA, actually referred to a Relative Risk Reduction (RRR), whereas the Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR) was only a mere 0.84 percent, a big difference. Many more aspects of the debate are conveniently summarised making this a good reference guide for anti-vaxxers.


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Radical Socialists have Big pHARMA and Corporate Capitalist Control By James Reed

We have noticed that the various radical socialist groups across Australia have a new enemy, anti-vaxxers, whom they depict in their illegally pasted posters (e.g. on public infrastructure), as extreme Right-wing fascists. That should be news to those good people on the ground protesting, who come from all races and ethnic groups. Just ask Aussie Cossack who is not white and has given a video refuting the radical socialists.


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Academic Has a Covid Insanity Attack! By James Reed

For my amusement, during these depressing days of Covid tyranny, I like to amuse myself with reporting on crazy happenings in the insane universities. Here is a story with woke and Covid, so it has everything, well, maybe transgenderism might be missing. Anyway, the professor will be handing out grades at random because students are nothing more than “vectors of disease.” If he has to see them in person, he wears a special space helmet, which he looks the part in. This is merely an extreme case of the new normal on universities where fully vaccinated with the clot shots is becoming an entry requirement. Natural selection will have the last laugh on the academics.

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Fear, Looting and Loathing in South Africa: Black Racism? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Even the mainstream media is getting a little nervous about the multicultural dream nation, South Africa. Not because of whiter genocide, and the farm killings, which goes on but is of not interest to the liberal woke West, but shock, horror, “racism,’ although none dare call it that among the warring tribes of Africa. It is like s

Even the mainstream media is getting a little nervous about the multicultural dream nation, South Africa. Not because of white genocide, and the farm killings, which goes on but is of not interest to the liberal woke West, but shock, horror, “racism,” although none dare call it that among the warring tribes of Africa. It is like before the white man came on the scene, showing that the modernist doctrines are historically absurd, and in the future will be dust in the wind.

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Dr Robert Malone: the Covid conspiracy theorists Were Rigth all Along By James Reed

Leading Covid plandemic critic, Dr Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA technology, in his recent article, “Behavioral Control and the End of the American Dream,” shows that he has been fully red-pilled, as seen with his now viral presentation on the Joe Rogen show. He agrees with what we conspiracy theorists have been saying for some time, that this is a planned psyops, geared to produce totalitarianism, and take down liberal democracy. The biological nature of the “pandemic,” so-called, does not justify the draconian measures we have seen, so there is a bigger agenda, that of the final creation of the New World Order, via the “Great Reset.” You will be dead, but happy!


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Spiking Spike Proteins By Brian Simpson

The problem with the Covid shots is the spike protein. Not only does a vaccine focusing upon one aspect of a virus leave itself open to virus mutation problems, but the actual spike proteins, that the vaccine makes the cells of the body produce, has been thought to be primarily responsible for adverse effects such as blood clotting. A Pfizer biodistribution study showed both the mRNA and spike protein is widely distributed in the body, and it accumulates in the ovaries. The long-term effects of this are not known. In the past 10 years in the US, the average number of adverse events reported following vaccinations has been 39,000 for all vaccines, with an average of 155 deaths. The Covid vaccines, according to VAERS which vastly under-reports, exceeds these figures by many magnitudes. Any other vaccine would have been pulled from the market long ago, but not the vaccines of the New World Order.

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The Joys of Saturated Fat! By Mrs Vera West

The following article is not intended by to be holding out medical advice, but is merely for information purposes. However, I have been fascinated by passing remarks the good Dr Mercola has made of the dangers of industrial vegetable oils. He makes a case for consuming traditional foods that have high saturated fast contents, like grass fed beef. The comprise position is to go the way of oily fish and olive oil consumption, a combination of the Iceland and Mediterranean diets, with all of us agreeing that processed foods need to be replaced by whole foods.


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A Three-Year-Old Girl Dies of a Heart Attack One Day After Taking Covid Vax By Chris Knight (Florida)

I must confess that reports of young children dying of heart attacks were very rare in the past as I recall it. But now, reports like the following, detailed below, are becoming more common. So, what is the cause of these oddities? Is it pure chance, or something that has happened recently? If the child had a Covid vaccine, then soon after died of a heart attack, wouldn’t it be plausible to hypothesis that the vaccine was the cause? And, if so, it could happen again. Hence there should be a red alert about this possible health risk. But, in fact, exactly the opposite and further doubling down.

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Journey Through Covid Mass Formation Psychosis By Chris Knight (Florida)

Dr Robert Malone said on the now viral episode of the Joe Rogen Experience, on the phenomenon of mass formation psychosis: “When you have a society that has become decoupled from each other and has free-floating anxiety in a sense that things don’t make sense, we can’t understand it, and then their attention gets focused by a leader or series of events on one small point just like hypnosis, they literally become hypnotized and can be led anywhere.” Covid has been the focal point for this global-wide psychosis.

However, while I agree that there is social insanity, one must be cautious in using the new explanatory tool of mass formation psychosis least the Covid culture just be explained away as a pathology. There is a Grand Plan behind this, as the super-elites are using Covid as a convenient mechanism for dismantling the old order and engaging in the “Great Reset,” to create their totalitarian New World Order. Dr Malone will hopefully explore more who has sown the seeds of mass formation psychosis, and who reaps the fouls crops that have, and will grow.

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Unhealthy Face Masks By Mrs Vera West

I previously wrote at this blog about psychological research that indicted that people wearing face masks looked more attractive than people wearing other face coverings. Given the “other” face coverings, I am not surprised.  Still, face masks were once associated with disease. And, contrary to Covid culture, most masks with long term use can pose serious health risks, as detailed below. For one thing, wearing masks for long periods can increase the level of carbon dioxide in the blood, lower oxygen levels, produce headaches and other ill effects.

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Russian Hypersonic Missiles Next Door By Charles Taylor (Florida)

America and Russia are moving dangerously close to war over the Ukraine crisis. What may push things over the edge is if Putin makes good his threat of another Cuban missile crisis. This time though, it will be hypersonic nukes, that will reach the mainland in much less time than the 1962 one of five minutes. We can see how a nuclear war could easily start. Then China will attack Taiwan, and maybe take out the survivor of he US/Russia conflict. That assumes that they are not radioactive though.

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Mysterious Tumour Growth in Chest After Covid Vax By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is coverage of a mysterious tumour growth that a doctor found in the chest cavity of a patient who recently received Pfizer’s Covid vaccine. This was reported to VAERS as a vaccine injury/death. It is possible that this could be a case of the phenomenon predicted in one medical paper, of the vaccine damaging the body’s DNA repair mechanisms, leading to cancer. But, without further investigation we will not know, and cases like this, if reported, never get fully investigated, since nothing must stand in the way of the inevitable march of the syringe army.

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Covid Profits of Doom By Charles Taylor (Florida)

There have appeared many videos of small business people expressing severe distress from the Covid lockdowns. Suicide rates have increased, as has non-Covid disease rates, an incidence of lockdowns. But I have yet to see any report of a 1 percenter committing suicide or even shedding a tear during the Covid plandemic. Indeed, as shown below, the profits of the super-capitalists have sky rocketed. Covid has sure been good for business. And that is not even to consider the mega-profits of Big pHARMa, who holds the world at gun point, or is that syringe point?

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US Democrat Voters Support Tyranny Against Unvaxxed: No Surprise By Chris Knight (Florida)

There are some Covid vax critics who hold to the position that the Covid narrative is crumbling and that soon it will be abandoned. This, I believe is dangerously complacent thought, since the power elites seldom if ever give up on a good thing, for them, when they have it. Covid, even if it was not a lab release, was such a winner for them, that it would have had to have been released on unsuspecting populations at some point. If Covid had not existed, it would have had to have been invented.


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Mainstream Media Freak-Out Over Vax Resistance By Richard Miller (London)

Here is some material from the opposition,, covering the Covid vax resistance in Europe, no doubt because they are concerned about parallel movements growing in the United States. However, with the recent Supreme Court of the United States decision throwing out the Biden Covid vax mandates, such as movement may not grow in the same way. The article struck me as an apt illustration of the way the mainstream now manages dissent, by discrediting the legitimacy of objections. At no point does the article critically self-reflect and consider that the dissenters just might be right. In other words, propaganda all the way down the line.

The line that the vaccines work in not stopping transmission of the disease, but merely by reducing the spread and severity of the disease, is a major paradigm shift that they do not acknowledge. In fact, Omicron, spreading among highly vaccinated populations, refutes their position, as articles posted yesterday at the blog demonstrated. Disease severity is relative, but matters is the initial transmission and spread.

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Adelaide Nurse of 32 Years: "30 Out 38 in ICU are Vaccinated" By Mrs Vera West

You can hear an experienced nurse from Adelaide depose that she has observed, “30 out of 38 in ICU are vaccinated.” So, where is the protection, and what of the claim that vaccines, even if they don’t produce immunity, lessen the impact of the infection?


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