Covid Shots Suppress Immune System By Chris Knight (Florida)

Dr Stephanie Seneff has published a paper, not yet peer-reviewed, which puts the case that the Covid shots suppress the innate immune system, the body’s first line of defence against disease-causing organisms,  by inhibiting the type-1 interferon pathway.

Two microRNAs, miR-148a and miR-590,  are excreted in the exosomes along with the spike protein, and significantly disrupt the cellular  type-1 interferon response. Further, degenerative brain disorders can arise by the circulating spike proteins being produced by neurons in the brain, and in turn being eliminated via exosomes, a type of extracellular vesicle (EV), a family of nanometre-scale, biomolecule-filled, lipid-wrapped packages released by  cells. The microglia neural immune cells then generate an inflammatory response, that can lead to brain disorders.

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CDC: Vaccines Do Not Prevent Transmission By Chris Knight (Florida)

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s director, Rochelle Walensky, the “vaccines” do not prevent trsansmission of SARS-CoV-2.

During an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer,  she said, “What [vaccines] can’t do anymore is prevent transmission.”

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Heart Breaking Covid Vax Stories By Mrs Vera West

While setting out early this morning to begin the day’s work on the blog, I had these two tales of Covid vax injuries come across my news feed. Both are sad, and speak for themselves. There are human stories behind the statistics. Both of these stories led me to weep. I prayed for all of these people.


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WHO: No Evidence that Covid Boosters Needed for Healthy Children By Mrs Vera West

Here is an important one for the present Australian debate with the roll out of vaccination of children, and push for boosters. The World Health Organization's (WHO) chief scientist Soumya Swaminathan said  that there is no current evidence that suggests healthy adolescents or children need Covid-19 vaccine booster doses. "That's the outcome we're most interested in: protection against death. Against omicron, many of the vaccines have shown a reduction in efficacy against infection. And, that's why we see a lot of breakthrough infections. But, these are mostly not resulting in severe disease," Swaminathan said. But, our state premiers are not listening.

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The Indian Law Suit Against Bill Gates By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is an interesting story of a David vs Goliath nature, as an ordinary Indian mum, Kiran Yadav late 2021 filed a criminal writ petition for murder, Smt. Kiran Yadav v. The State of Maharashtra & Ors.,  the Bombay High Court of Judicature, on behalf of her deceased son, Shri Hitesh Kadve. What is interesting is that she is seeking to prosecute Bill Gates, Indian vaccine czar Adar Poonawalla, and Indian government and public health officials over the death of a 23-year-old man who died after receiving AstraZeneca’s  vaccine.


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Surging Hospitalisations; Heavy Vaccinations By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is one more piece of evidence for Covid vax critics who are arguing against the received line that the Covid vaccines are miracle magic bullets, halting the spread of the dreaded Covid, especially in its latest demonic manifestation as the dark spirit, Omicron, an appropriate name for a demon in this age of post-truth and black pseudo-scientific magic of the Covid New World Order. In the highly vaccinated north-eastern US, which includes much of the Empire State, as well as the six states that comprise New England, emergency wards are overflowing, and infection rates exploding. Clearly, the Covid narrative has crumbled, but like any cult, the power elite are keeping it on life-support, to get their agenda through.

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Covid Pandemic is Over, if You Want It? By Chris Knight (Florida)

An article in the British Medical Journal has proclaimed that the Covid pandemic will end when people forget about the media hype and go back to living normal lives. That was almost convincing to me, but the counter-point is that unlike past pandemics, this one is a plandemic, which serves a wider political agenda. I hope that we are wrong, but I do not see an easy end to all of this misery.

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The Four Horsemen of the Left’s Apocalypse By Charles Taylor (Florida)


  1. B. Shurk, has given a concise outline of the four basic ways the Left is working away to destroy Western civilisation, and their fundamental transformation of human existence, if not the very meaning of what it is to be human. Not in the order Shurk discusses, but the horsemen are the climate changed conspiracy, racial violence/BLM and all that was seen in the US in 2020, communist inflation, supply chain issues and famine, and the Covid plandemic. There are other issues not discussed, I think, including the transhuman agenda and AI technology, among other issues that I have covered at the blog. These four issues have been well discussed at this blog too, but the below material does a good job stitching it all together, so hear it from someone else. In short, it is pieces of a diabolical plan to eliminate human freedom and produce a dystopic New World Order, right out of Brave New World and 1984, combined.

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The 5G Kill Switch? By James Reed

As a proud badge-wearing conspiracy theorist, someone who wears a handsome tin-foiled hat shopping with my gas mask, I naturally found this material from Natural linking the Covid plandemic with 5G, something which I know little about, so naturally I am scared. The line goes that apart from some worrying scientific studies about the ill health effects of 5G, basically cooking you, in my pre-scientific terms, some are claiming that 5G towers emit special radiation, and when some vaxxed people get close to the towers, they collapse because of something in their vax. Like in the present Bond movie, ironically entitled, No Time to Die (2021). I suppose a less controversial position would not to go the vax nanoparticles road, but to see that the ill health effects of 5G could impact adversely upon people with weakened immune systems. Anyway, this is the highly speculative piece at the blog today, so take it with a bag of salt. Unlike Brian’s Covid vax pieces, no peer reviewed literature for me!

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UK: Four in Five Covid Deaths Triple Vaxxed By Richard Miller (London)

Is it any wonder that the British government is ending the Covid mandates, since they do not work? At present four in five covid deaths come from the double/triple vaccinated population. How can this be if the vaccines are said to “work”? What we are seeing, as reported the previous paper published in the blog here, is that the vaccines seem to make it easier to get Omicron, as well as other disease by weakening the immune system. In other words, it is counter-productive.

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Pfizer: When Infinity Jabs are Not Enough! By Brian Simpson

Here is the word straight from the horse’s mouth, so to speak. The Pfizer CEO has said that the Covid Vax does not work against Omicron, and that a third shot is thought to give protection, but it is not known how long such alleged protection will last. This makes nonsense of the vaccine mandates mindlessly rolled out in Australia.

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The Coming of Virtual Gulags By James Reed

One of the popular themes of conspiracy theorists from Mike Adams to your truly, is that the evil system is, and will, set up gulags for political dissents. There has already been movements to do this under the Covid plandemic. However, nothing was quite so clever in the evil genius sense as making each person’s home a prison, of solitary confinement under the lockdowns.  A personal fortress of solitude. This was a training exercise to see how far the elites could push the enslavement of people, and the experiment showed that there was no real limit.

Still, successful as lockdowns have been the system does not need to use such measures to produce social control, since with the on-line world it is far easier to control people by controlling their gee-whiz tech devices, phones, internet and e-bank accounts. That is one reason why the elites want to replace cash with e-money, since it is far easier to control. It has already happened with many dissent Right figures, who were a test run for this, and now they move on down the list, until getting to you and me.

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Big Australia is Not Afraid of Infrastructure Problem (But What about Transhumanism and Nuclear Annihilation?) By Paul Walker (Sydney)

Judith Sloan “Infrastructure a Big Problem for Big Australia,” gives a concise outline of the infrastructure problems that will need to be dealt with, if possible, for the dream of Big Australia of infinity migrants. The middle level elites make only token reference now to the need to move beyond a monoculture, since Anglo Australia has long died, and even the once useful multiculturalism has faded in usefulness. It is now all about short term profits, such as expanding real estate prices, as people live like sardines and being from countries where they are used to this, love it. Of course, before the entire framework collapses, from infrastructure overload. Think of it in engineering structural terms, as social infrastructure like a bridge which becomes subject to sheering forces beyond its capacity of resilience.

Still, there are storm clouds on the horizon for these local puny, petty elites. There is the bigger transhuman agenda, tying in with the Covid plandemic, which sees a replacement of humans by thinking machines, who will be the new slaves of the super-elite. Immigration fuelled capitalism is really a 19th century agenda, and is likely not to survive well into this century.

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The Indian Law Suit Against Bill Gates By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is an interesting story of a David vs Goliath nature, as an ordinary Indian mum, Kiran Yadav late 2021 filed a criminal writ petition for murder, Smt. Kiran Yadav v. The State of Maharashtra & Ors.,  the Bombay High Court of Judicature, on behalf of her deceased son, Shri Hitesh Kadve. What is interesting is that she is seeking to prosecute Bill Gates, Indian vaccine czar Adar Poonawalla, and Indian government and public health officials over the death of a 23-year-old man who died after receiving AstraZeneca’s  vaccine.


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Women’s Lib and the Decline and Fall of the West By Mrs Vera West

Feminist Camilia Paglia famously said in “A Feminist Defense of Masculine Virtues,” 'What you're seeing is how a civilization commits suicide," says Camille Paglia. And: "if civilization had been left in female hands, we would still be living in grass huts"? A recent survey reminded me of the great dangers of the present day over-the-top women’s lib, the clearest example being feminism. Survey after survey in the West has confirmed that women tend to the Left. Not all women of course, such as Godly conservative women, but a statistically high proportion. It has been argued that most of the so-called reforms, which have really been the deconstruction of traditional society, such as abortion, have been aided by women’s lib. Of course, behind the scenes have been the globalist elite, manipulating the entire show.  Here, from a mainstream source is back-up evidence. Give me 1822 over 2022 anyday!

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UK Medical Experts Object to Covid-19 Vaccine Rollout for 12- to 15-Year-Olds: Myocarditis Risk By Richard Miller (London)

While the Australian mainstream has ploughed ahead with the quest to vaccinate all human life forms, including 12-to-15-year old’s, in the UK, not all scientific elites agree. A number of medical experts have presented an open letter to members of the UK’s Joint Committee on Vaccines and Immunisation (JCVI).  The experts said data proved that “for males under 40, risk of myocarditis was up to 14 times higher after vaccination than after infection” and the risk of myocarditis in young men and boys increased “significantly after a second dose of the vaccine.” The experts also argued the vaccines are less effective “at stemming the transmission of Omicron compared to Delta” and therefore there may be few advantages for young people facing the  potential increased risks from the jabs.

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Whitewashing the Covid Lab Leak Hypothesis By Brian Simpson

Professor Angus Dalgleish, of the University of London, wrote a paper with other researchers in 2020, which identified a unique genetic fingerprint in the SARS-CoV-2 virus, indicating that the virus had been subject to genetic manipulation in a lab, rather than the product of natural selection. Amino acids in the spike protein had a positive charge, allowing the spikes to readily attach to the body, unlike in natural coronaviruses, because a string of positive charges in a row would repel each other. While this should have been a bombshell article that the mainstream journals would have fallen over themselves to publish, instead, the paper was supressed and Professor Dalgleish’s career suffered.

This shows the intense level of intellectual corruption of the universities, and how deep in the pockets of the CCP universities and academics are.   

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Israeli Study: Even Four Shots Not Enough to Stop the Mighty Omicron! By Brian Simpson

The Australian elites, especially those at the universities now moving to put into place their own vaccine mandates, should pay attention to Israel’s policies on Covid. A recent study has found that even four jabs did not prevent people from becoming infected with Omicron. The mainstream response is to go for infinity jabs rather than make the logical deduction, of the limitations of the vaccines.

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England Ends the Covid Mandates! By Richard Miller (London)

Good news, and I hope, a future direction for the rest of the West. England has ended Covid mandate restrictions, including COVID-19 passes, mask mandates, and work-from-home guidance, considering that the so-called pandemic has become endemic, that is, something now regularly found, like the seasonal flu. UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that this was due to the vaccine campaign, even though England is a prime case of the highly vaccinated still becoming Covid Omicron infected. Perhaps  a petition on Monday signed by more than 200,000 people, calling for an end to vaccine passports and similar COVID certifications, may have had more to do with it.

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Novavax: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly! By Brian Simpson

Just to get us into the mood:


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