Climate Change Authoritarianism By James Reed

There has been a misplaced focus of attention upon an academic paper by Ross Mittiga, in the American Political Science Review, December 6, 2021. The paper puts the line that dealing with the alleged “climate crisis,” could require governments to adopt an authoritarian approach, which Mittiga believes is justified in the light of the Covid mandates. He holds that climate change is even more serious, hence even more drastic measures than we have seen with Covid could be justified. We maintain that the Covid mandates are not justified, so the alleged “logical” link to climate change is broken. It is highly likely that the authoritarian measures anyway would do nothing for the environment, and everything for consolidating global power of the ruling elites, just as Covid did, and continues to do.


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The Covid Vaxxes and Changes in Menstrual Cycles By Mrs Vera West

For some time, the hypothesis that the Covid-19 vaccines interfered with the female menstrual cycle, was dismissed as a Right-wing conspiracy theory. However, evidence is emerging that the Covid-19 vaccines do indeed impact upon the menstrual cycle, affecting the change in the length of the cycle, affecting the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis function. Individuals receiving two Covid-19 vaccine doses in a single cycle do appear to experience a longer, but temporary cycle length change, of about a day. That may not seem very dramatic, and in a sense, it is not, but is it first mainstream scientific evidence, and who knows what will come next?

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“Two-Dose COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination Conferred Limited Adaptive Immune Response Among the Aged Mice Which Rendered Them Susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 Infection” By Brian Simpson

A very recently published study in the journal, Emerging Microbes and Infection, undertook a mouse model of Covid infection to investigate age-associated breakthrough Covid infections, that is, Covid infections in vaccinated mice. It was found that he immune systems of the aged mice were significantly impaired compared to that of younger mice, and the aged mice were more susceptible to re-infection, also due to decreased immune function. It is hypothesised that the same result may be replicated in human populations.

Emerg Microbes Infect

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Covid Vaccines: Scientific Proof of Being Lethal Weapons By Brian Simpson

According to a recently posted article, which gives a very useful research bibliography, there are over a “thousand scientific studies to prove that the Covid 19 vaccines are dangerous and all those pushing this agenda are committing the indictable crime of gross misconduct in public office.”  Certainly that conclusion is not made in any of the papers as such, but is a reasonable inference from digesting all of the evidence, it can be argued.

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The Common Cold, Covid and Natural Immunity By Brian Simpson

I think it was in a video featuring Dr Fleming, where it was mentioned in passing that those who have the common cold and who have  certain genetic profile may already have some natural immunity to Covid. This was of interest, and I did an internet search to find some more information on this. It seems to be correct, as the mainstream science reports.

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China Water Wars Loom By James Reed

As documents, China is fast running out of water. While China is buying up the world’s food reserves, and globalism is allowing this, even if it means famine for the West in the future, water is not practical to ship over, being simply too bulky. The conflicts are likely to be regional, and could see the invasion scenario played out in South East Asia, and on the border with India. It is not likely that Australia would be invaded merely for water, as there is not much for us. But resources and space are different matters. There I think our Judas elites  will sell us out for their thirty pieces of silver.


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Remember the Polio Vaccine Causing Cases of Polio? By Mrs Vera West

This had escaped my mind for some time, but in the light of the present day vaccine religion, it is worth reflecting upon the fact that vaccines, even those with  long-term tests have has often paradoxical, contrary effects. Thus, here is a mainstream media report that in Africa there are now more cases of children being paralysed from the viruses in the polio vaccine than from viruses in the wild. But wait, how is that possible, when vaccines are said to be, oh so safe? Surely there should be zero cases of his occurring?

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Left Wing Freak-Out! By Charles Taylor

Here is a report from my go-to source for Left swing freak-outs, The Guardian, reporting on Canadian professor, Thomas Homer-Dixon, founding director of the Cascade Institute at Royal Roads University in British Columbia, saying that by 2025 US democracy could collapse if anyone other than the Democrats get power, basically. It is amazing to read this sort of Leftist bs in the context of the vast 2020 electoral fraud, and even if Biden did not engage in the greatest electoral fraud in US history, as he himself put it in a Freudian slip, he has behaved as a dictator now, or those pulling his strings. The unconstitutional Covid mandates are not mentioned, and even sensible Left-wing critics like Naomi Wolf have seen the US fall into what she calls biofascism. There is no serious attempt to rebut any counter evidence, only a quest just to stir up fear among the Left. The same is being done with many public statements from the Left saying civil war is coming. Well, civil war has been conducted for a long time already, a one-sided one, where the Left launches all of the assaults.

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Queen Ann on the Great Epstein Cover Up By Charles Taylor

Ann Coulter, loving called by her fanboys like me, “Queen Ann,” rips into the scam behind the Epstein paedophilia cover-up. This is relevant given the conviction of pimp Ghislaine Maxwell. While I predicted this case wrongly, there is an appeal coming, with some line about jury bias or some disqualifying issue, which could over-turn the decision. We do not know what has gone on behind the scenes. But as Coulter reports, Epstein had filmed elites having sex with children, and those tapes were permitted by the feds to “disappear.” Thus, the real crooks in this look like slithering away again, back to their elite snake holes. After all, Epstein was most likely murdered in his cell, in the most suspicious of circumstances (guards conveniently gone when they should have been there, and no convictions for them either).

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University Pennsylvania Professor Says America Better with Fewer Asians! By Chris Knight (Florida)

US academic Amy Wax has caused a racial meltdown, not difficult to do now, by staying that for cultural reasons, America would be better off with an immigration restriction upon Asians. Of course, the white genocide establishment responded that this is racist blah, blah, even though China and most Asian countries have immigration policies which are racially based. Try becoming a citizen of China!

 Still, beyond the usual race arguments, there are legitimate security concerns about a coming war with China, with so many potentially loyal agents being in the US, located in strategic areas. Much of China’s tech comes from leaks from such agents now, so what will happen when the Fatherland firmly puts pressure on American Chinese who have family back in the homeland? And will the system go back to the dehumanised prison camps of World War II, or accept being undermined from within?

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Universities have Long Ago Abandoned Reason By James Reed

The cultural wars, debates over political correctness, now called wokeness, began in the Western universities and the toxins spread from there, a phenomenon beginning at least as early as the 19060s, but possibly the seeds were sown before this. However, it is the covid plandemic which has really shown the university’s true colour, namely red, where they have become mere propagandists for Big pHARMa. Indeed, many universities are right in vaccine culture, either jointly working with Big pHARMa, or supplying scientific canon fodder to do tech work. Worse, there is no critical analysis of the vast socio-political consequences of the Covid plandemic, with critiques coming from outside the universities. The few critics that have spoken out have, or will soon be eliminated by the vaccine mandates. Here is one US academic, Marty Makary, a professor at the John Hopkins School of medicine giving his interesting take on this, not as radical as me, but worth a look.

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Covid “Cure” Worse than Disease: Nurses Blow the Whistle By Mrs Vera West

We are now in the era of most people having had at least one Covid vax, typically an mRNA spike protein one. Thus, the question arises from such manic widespread use of what was in saner times seen to be an experimental vaccine (now defined as “lifesaving” by our dopey and/or corrupt pollies), as to what the ramifications of this use will be?  Numerous drugs have been approved by the health authorities and given to patients, only to be later found to have disastrous adverse effects, such as thalidomide. With the Covid vaxxes, with big money tied up with them, doctors at the bottom of the food chain have been found not to be reporting Covid vax adverse effects, as article at this blog over the last few weeks have documented. But brave nurses are speaking out, usually anonymously, since the system will sack them in an instant.

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Professional Soccer Players have Heart Attacks … Covid Vax Rides Again? By Richard Miller (London)

As far as I am aware from correspondence with your blogger Brian Simpson, the phenomenon of sports players collapsing with heart conditions, including heart attacks, many dying on field, has not yet been observed in Australia. But with a larger vaxxed up population here in Europe, we see things happening that would be rare or not yet occurring in Australia due to the smaller population sample space. Here is coverage of five international soccer players who collapsed and died from heart attacks, just before or after Christmas. The media was shy about mentioning Covid vaccine status, but it is a requirement for all such sports persons to be vaxxed, given travel requirements in the EU. So, we can assume that they were vaxxed. Further, by a process of elimination, the most reasonable hypothesis to give a common cause is the Covid vaxxes, rather than say diet. We can assume that international athletes would have a good diet. In other sports, such as body building, athletes do die from heart attacks from steroid abuse. It is remotely possible that some deaths in soccer could be steroid related, but steroids tend to be used in more strength orientated spots. Thus, it is likely to be the vaxxes again, although definitive proof remains to be provided.

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There! Up in the Sky! It’s Superman! No, it is a Falling Pilot! By Chris Knight (Florida)

I do not know much about flying a plane. If the pilot has a heart attack and suddenly drops dead, I think the guy riding shotgun could probably bring the big bird down using auto pilot. But, what about if there was real bad luck and he has a heart attack as well due to the stress of number one man having a heart attack? My neighbour accidentally caused a bushfire, and he was so stressed he had a heart attack. If your heart is already pin-cushioned by mRNA Covid vax spikes, well, watch out!

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Good to See People Following My Advice on China/Taiwan Invasion! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

In the light of the US almost certainly not defending Taiwan, I suggested previously that Taiwan now undertake a scorched earth project, of eliminating its semiconductor plants. It needs to do this as seen in the disastrous US Afghanistan withdrawal where the Taliban got billions of dollars of US weapons.  The US does not care for much nowadays apart from deconstructing itself, and the Great Replacement of White America. Too much of the power elite is in the pockets of the CCP.

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Good News! Good News! FDA Pfizer Fizzle! By Chris Knight (Florida)

The US FDA had opposed the Freedom of information request release of the data which Pfizer used to licence its Covid-19 jab, wanting 75 years for the 450,000 pages to be released. That means that most people jabbed now would be dead, so the truth will be presumably buried with them, unless the Covid depopulation catastrophe occurs soon, so everyone is buried even sooner! However, a US federal judge has ruled that 55,000 pages must be released every month, which means, if this ruling is not successfully appealed, the full gruesome details will be available in just over eight months. Already there have been bombshell revelations with the limited amount of data released, such as Pfizer’s phase three jab trial. Brook Jackson, a whistle-blower who worked on Pfizer’s Phase 3 COVID jab trial, has claimed that Pfizer’s data was falsified, patients were unblinded, the company hired poorly trained people to administer the injections, and follow-up on reported side effects lagged behind:

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Love in the Age of Covid By Mrs Vera West


Sometimes I despair, but then I have a cup of tea and some nice Arnott’s Monte Carlo biscuits, dunked in the tea, then some prayers, and I feel ready to begin the battle again. Are you ready for this one?

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How Soon Before We Have to Get Around with an IV Covid Vax Drip Back Pack? By James Reed

I  have not even had one jab, but the faithful of the Covid cult have got two, and now will be able to get, if they are good kiddies, their booster four months after their second vaccine. Here is “their’ ABC covering all the exciting details. Notice how the jab time keeps decreasing, so I wonder if at some point, the members of the Covid cult will have back packs and an IV system of continuous vax feed? Injected straight into their brains.

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Covid Rides Again in France By Richard Miller (London)

The new Covid strain, B.1.640.2, the "IHU variant,” was known about two months ago, but made news a few days ago when detected in France, in a vaccinated man who returned to the south of France from Cameroon. The strain is thought to have 46 mutations, compared to Omicron’s 50; which is more than most shops have flavours of ice cream. However, the world health authorities have not got enough information about the variant to freak-out at the moment, but be sure that something like this will replace Omicron, or worse. Anyhow, let her rip, Boris old son, as the classic ciggy ad said:  

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Mad Macron’s War on the Unvaxxed By Richard Miller (London)

Here is an example of Covid tyranny that would have been unheard of a few months ago, where at least the elite had a bit more discretion and restraint. Over the stagnant pond in France, Macron the mad, is laughing like the Joker from the Batman movies at his plans to make life hell for the unvaxxed. It will be too bad if the vax critics are right and the vaxxed start going down like flies. We pure bloods need to hang on and ride this out, and let the system self-destruct. Oh, and pardon the “French,” pun intended.


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