Have Spike Protein, Will Travel By Brian Simpson

Evidence has emerged that the mRNA spike protein, that is produced by the body’s cells as part of the gene therapy that the mRNA vaccines are, does not stay at the injection site, but migrates around the body, lodging in various organs including the brain. “We made a big mistake. We didn’t realize it until now,” said Byram Bridle, a viral immunologist and associate professor at University of Guelph, Ontario. “We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen, we never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein. So by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin.” Thus, it is no wonder that we are seeing the stunning level of deaths and adverse effects.


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China Got Away with Covid Due to Corruption of the West By James Reed

Frank Schell, a business strategy consultant and former senior vice president of the First National Bank of Chicago, gives a frank answer about how China got away with the Covid-19 lab release, most probably intentional. Sure, the US was involved in setting up the Wuhan lab, and promoting gain-of-function research, this has been shown by released emails, documented in earlier blog posts. But China got away with the actual lab release because so many elites in the West are simply in the pocket of the CCP. They would, and do, sell out their country for big brown bags of money from the CCP. That is what se are up against, the treason from within, that runs right through the decadent and decaying West.


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mRNA Covid Vaccines Reprograms both Adaptive and Innate Immune Responses By Brian Simpson

A scientific paper has appeared presenting evidence that the mRNA vaccines reprogram both the adaptive and innate immune systems, resulting in immune system dysfunction. The biochemistry of this is a bit complicated for summary in a few sentences, but thanks to Children’s Health Defense.org, and Dr Jessica Rose, we have a lively and readable account below. It is but one more piece of evidence of the harms of the mRNA vaccines.


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Door-to-Door Covid Mandate Tyranny By Chris Knight (Florida)

This year, 2022, seems like it will involve an intensification of the totalitarian measures of the Covid state. The latest, seen in New York and parts of Europe is door-to-door enforcement of the Covid mandates, with Austria leading the wave there, but New York not far behind, with agents arresting those who do not haver the jab, the sign of the Beast, in New York City.


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Taking on the Father of the Covid Vax By Charles Taylor

First it was Infowars.org, now Natural News.com, who are criticising Trump, who is constantly proclaiming that he is father of the Covid vaccines, and that the vaxxes are some sort of health food. As Trump has said, normally it would have taken five to 12 years to get an experimental vaccine, actually, a gene therapy up, or in,  but corners were cut, big time. He rejects the idea that there is any evidence of adverse effects, and is the most over-the-top promoter of vaccines. What makes me suspicious is that in the years before his presidency he said that vaccines caused autism. So, why the change? My hypothesis is that he became controlled opposition, and his present position is a continuation of that.


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The Spanish Flu Vaccine Conspiracy By James Reed

Was the Spanish flu ended by the magic vaccines? Or, as proposed below, was the vaccine really the cause? I do not know, but being of a conspiratorial mind-set, I found the speculations fascinating, irresistible. Of course, no health advice is offered to anyone who time travels to 1918 and catches the Spanish flu. Actually, it is thought by some to have come from China.  Funny that sounds familiar. Where else have we heard that recently?


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US Nurses Speaking Out on Covid Vax-Caused Heart Attacks, Clotting, Strokes By Mrs Vera West

We are seeing brave health workers, a minority of course, coming forward, blowing strongly their whistles about the cover-ups occurring in the hospitals with Covid vaccine injuries, even deaths. US nurses are doing this at the risk of being sacked by corrupt officials who care only about protecting their rackets. Medicine ceased long ago to be about much else other than profit for Big pHARMa.


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The Relentless March of Cultural Marxism By James Reed

Conservatives may not be aware of how extensive the march of cultural Marxism has been, with the major institutions of Western societies now almost completely dominated by this ideology. The universities are a notable example, with conservatives long being driven out. Thus, the young are subjected to endless brainwashing in all subjects now, even in STEM. The long march through the institutions is now complete. As so much evil comes from the universities, I have long proposed that they be shut down totally and higher education be restructured along the lines of various decentralised schools and guilds, such as doctors training in teaching hospitals, lawyers in law societies, sciences in science schools. The Arts and humanities can be funded by George Soros, and be located in areas such as nuclear waste dumps.


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Will that be Racist Milk in Your Otherwise Virtuous Black Coffee? By Richard Miller (London)

With all of the bad news about the Covid plandemic and the harms from the vaccines, it is almost a relief to get back to good old crazy political correctness and woke. Still, if the mass die off hypothesis is correct, as covered extensively by your Brian Simpson, I imagine that in the post coronapocalypse world to come, we will not be seeing very much woke, since the Left love their vaccines, and worship at the altar of Big pHARMa.


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The Covid Vaxxes and Pathological Priming By Brian Simpson

Pathological priming is not something out of a Hollywood zombie movie, but the phenomenon where, organisms are exposed to epitopes that match human proteins, leading to the production of autoreactogenic antibodies that attack tissues anywhere in the body. It is hypothesed that the Covid vaccines could lead to pathological priming based upon the evidence of increased all-cause mortality, seen in a number of jurisdictions, particularly in the UK, and histopathological evidence of autoimmunity across various organs. More bad news.


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Covid Vaccines and Adenopathy: What’s That? By Mrs Vera West

Adenopathy is, roughly, enlarged lymph nodes, often in the arm pit. It has been pointed out by a radiologist, anonymous, as he does not want to get sacked for raising any problems with the sacred Covid vaccines that now rule the world, that adenopathy is being seen in woman, all of whom have been vaxxed. Still, even people dropping dead on the sports field has not been taken as a good reason to stop the world from receiving the I am Legend vaxxes. What is a little adenopathy between friends, I mean boosters?


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Omicron Putting Egg on the Faces of Health Authorities By Mrs Vera West

Well, well, well. Covid Omicron is forcing health officials to rethink the present vaccinate-everything-that-moves policy, since, the bug seems to successfully escape the allege spikey protein mRNA net. It is possible that things like mass infections and natural immunity, just like with the annual flu, might be back on the menu. Here is a mainstream media take on this.


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Covid Vaccines Do Not Stop Hospitalisations or Deaths By Mrs Vera West

Alex Berenson puts the case that the Covid vaxxes never have stopped hospitalisations, or death, even at peak effectiveness.  He shows that a US database, used in an article published online December 28 in the Journal of the American Medical Association - JAMA Internal Medicine, offers proof. Vaccinated people had a nearly 1 in 200 probability of requiring hospitalization for Covid in the first six months after being “fully vaccinated.” Deaths, ventilator use, and other severe outcomes also occurred in vaccinated people.


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Update on Revealing Scientific Papers on Covid By Brian Simpson

According to this scientific paper, referenced below: “VAERS deaths are underreported by a factor of 20, consistent with known VAERS under-ascertainment bias. Comparing our age-stratified VFRs with published age-stratified coronavirus infection fatality rates (IFR) suggests the risks of COVID vaccines and boosters outweigh the benefits in children, young adults and older adults with low occupational risk or previous coronavirus exposure.”


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Israel May Abandon Covid Vax Program By Brian Simpson

There are two schools of thought in Israel on the Covid vax mandates. One, the dominant one, is to move to a fourth jab, in the light of surging Omicron infections. But, there is a growing concern that too many jabs may harm the body’s immune system, and that herd immunity is best reached by mass infections. The controversy, in all its glory is covered below. Probably the endless jab school will win, and it will be jabs all the way.


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Covid Vaxxes: More Harm than Good By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is a video of the Pfizer 6-month data which shows that Pfizer’s COVID-19 inoculations cause more illness than they prevent. The presentation also gives an overview of the Pfizer trial flaws in both design and execution.


On COVID Vaccines: Why They Cannot Work, and Irrefutable Evidence of Their Causative Role in Deaths After Vaccination: Sucharit Bhakdi, MD and Arne Burkhardt, MD By Brian Simpson

The following material summarises the presentation by Dr. Bhakdi’s and Dr. Burkhardt’s presentations at the Doctors for COVID Ethics symposium. They detail why the covid vaccines do not work, and the adverse effects possible. In particular they indicate that there are likely to be long-term adverse effects, with substantial deaths and injuries, given the drive for endless boosters. After this material, and comments from Infowars, I give my take.


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Killer CCP Robots! By James Reed

It seems that the average commo Chinese soldier is having a tough time in the mountains, so the CCP is sending in the robots to kill, kill, and do more killing. Isn’t technology, and communism an explosive mixture? I imagine this is a test run for World War III against the West. Why, we may live to actually fight one of these things with … I don’t know, maybe rocks and clubs.


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Get Ready for Three, Four, … Infinity Jabs! By Brian Simpson

Who really thought that to be fully vaccinated would mean getting only two jabs? No, get ready to be jabbed unto death. Vaccination mania is the new fanatical religious cult in town.


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Covid Vax Protests in South Korea By Richard Miller (London)

Asian societies tend to be highly ordered because of acceptance of authoritarianism and regulation, something which goes with the race, not saying that this is in any way a bad thing, just … it is not us. That said, it is highly significant to see protests in South Korea. There have been some protests in the past over various issues, but the Covid vax mandates seems to be the strongest.


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