It Can Take as Little as $ 153 to Defeat the Enemy! By Chris Knight (Florida)

A Republican truck driver has spent $ 153 to defeat a rich and powerful Democrat opponent. It just shows that there is hope for the sincere fighting against tyranny.

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The Joys of the J&J Covid Jab By Chris Knight (Florida)

This item is perhaps not of as great significance to Australians, who do not have the Johnson & Johnson covid shot, but here in America, it is one of the big three. A JAMA study, and this is as mainstream as medicine gets, has concluded that those having the J & J shot are more likely to develop blood clotting conditions than the general population. So, the big question is: why? Also, this alone refutes the mainstream ideology that the ill effects are so rare as not to be the slightest concerned with.


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The 1 Percenters are the Real Carbon Polluters! By James Reed

While the globalist elite 1 percenters are advocating no meat for us and a diet of bugs if we are lucky, while gorging themselves on meat, it has emerged from analysis of their carbon footprint, that they release 30 times the carbon emissions compatible with UN One World goals. But, you will see hell freeze over before they reduce their lifestyles. Going to the Copper 26 climate change talkfest in 400 private jets, says it all in the hypocrisy stakes.

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The Fate of the January 6 Peaceful Protesters By Chris Knight (Florida)

Dan Gelernter has covered the horrendous situation faced by the January 6 peaceful protesters, including inhuman prison conditions, and torture. A letter leaked out of the US gulag written by political prisoner Nathan DeGrav, has documented the living hell that these patriots are being subjected to. Trump, as always is silent, only concerned with his own ego.

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The Weekly US Covid Vax Deaths and Adverse Effects Report By Brian Simpson

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), reported this week,  that between December 14, 2020, and Oct. 29, 2021, a total of 856,919 adverse events following COVID vaccines were recorded. This includes a total of 18,078 reports of deaths, an increase of 459 over last week. There were 127,457 reports of serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period, which is an increase of 3,570 compared with last week.

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The Covid Vax Injury of an Elite Athlete By Chris Knight (Florida)

Kyle Warner is a 29-year-old US professional mountain bike racer. He developed pericarditis, POTS and reactive arthritis after his second shot of Pfizer’s Covid vaccine. Initially his doctors refused to believe that it was the shots, which does not give us faith in the medical system. Four months after the jabs, he is so ill he is unable to work or ride a bike. Adverse effects are only rare if you are not the one affected.

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More Trees, Less Grass, Less Food By Viv Forbes

Australia has 440 million hectares of grasslands – that 4.4 M sq km is larger than Europe’s total area of 3.5 M sq km. We also have 147 million hectares of native forests, 1.8 million hectares of plantations and 4% of the world’s global forest estate. Australia has the world’s sixth largest forest area and the fourth-largest area of forest in nature conservation reserves. We are not short of trees.

Australian forests absorb 940 million tonnes of carbon dioxide annually, over double our domestic and industrial emissions of 417 million tonnes per annum. Add to that the absorption of CO2 into our massive area of grasslands, crops, soils and continental shelf waters and Australia does more than its fair share of CO2 sequestration (which means our grasslands and forests are starving for more CO2).

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Professor Robert Clancy on the World Beyond the Covid Lockdowns By Brian Simpson

Robert Clancy is Emeritus Professor of Pathology at the University of Newcastle Medical School, and a member of the Australian Academy of Science’s COVID-19 Expert Database. In the second of two vitally important essays in Quadrant, a journal to be praised for being one of the few Australian mainstream media journals to raise critical concerns about the Covid “consensus,” Professor Clancy discusses life beyond the lockdowns, and how it is not possible to vaccinate our way out of this. On the horizon, for example is the Lambda variant, identified in Peru in early April. It has been isolated in twenty-nine countries by July 2021. Lambda has enhanced viral infectivity, and is resistance to current vaccines. When it arrives the Australian response will be back to the drawing board, and so on forever as ever-new variants of Covid arrive. Not to say other diseases that will arise, by nature, or by use as bioweapons.

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Professor Robert Clancy Takes on the Covid Mainstream By Brian Simpson

Robert Clancy is Emeritus Professor of Pathology at the University of Newcastle Medical School, and a member of the Australian Academy of Science’s COVID-19 Expert Database, so his opinion is well worth examining. He has two recent Quadrant articles which are highly thought provoking, and should be read by everyone concerned about the Covid issue. The first:

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What is Happening at US Hospitals? Could it be Covid Vax Injuries? By Chris Knight (Florida)

Surely all of those injuries flooding US hospitals could not be Covid vax injuries, as much as it looks like it. It has to be a mistake, since the vaxxes are magical, mystical … profitable!


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Globalist Elites Gorge Themselves on Meat … but You will Eat Bugs! By Richard Miller (London)

One of the themes of the present climate change talk fest, COP 26, was about the carbon horrors of meat. Yet it has been shown that the meals delivered at the conference were mostly meat, and over double the carbon footprint of the average person’s meal. Yet these private jet setters want the ordinary people to eat bugs, while their affluent life style is untouched.

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Cancel Culture is Out of Control! By James Reed

The Rasmussen survey had a sample of only 1,000 people but found that 72 percent of those Americans believed that cancel culture was out of control. If the sample was representative, it is interesting, since it would also encompass Democrat voters as well. It thus gives an idea of how truly bad things actually are in the US.


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The CCP Laughs at Old Joe Biden By Chris Knight (Florida)

The CCP paper The Global Times, well worth reading, and free too, as communism is supposed to be, mocks Joe Biden, even laughs at him, as far as an online print journal can laugh, as far as communists laugh. Well, good for them; we all laugh at him too, while in his best Mr Magoo fashion, goes on to wreck the West. “China’s state-run newspaper Global Times mocked President Joe Biden on Tuesday for eliciting “ridicule” by apologizing for America at the United Nations COP26 climate summit this week.

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More Covid in Communist China – Why? By James Reed

The CCP paper, The Global Times has detailed a major Covid flare-up right across China. It is the Delta variant, apparently. Assuming that this is true, it is odd that this is happening at all. If the zero tolerance policies were so effective, as our premier of Victoria also thinks, then nothing like this should occur. As well, 1.05 billion Chinese are fully vaccinated. According to the mainstream Covid wisdom, the present breakthrough infections should not be occurring. But, presumably they are.


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The Pope’s Climate Change War By Peter West

The Pope did not appear at the Cop 26 talk fest, but had his man read his letter. The usual stuff, climate emergency, need for one world unity etc. It is basically the same stuff mouthed by the politicians, so is it any wonder that Biden fell asleep. I would fall asleep, even though this stuff makes me angry, and usually I go into a rage. But that can only last so long before the body shuts down, and one goes to sleep. One wakes to find that the nightmare is real.

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Trump as Failed Mythic King By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Thomas Steuben has written a literary piece comparing Trump to a failed mythical king. Yet, this, as interesting as the account is, it may simply not be so. My hypothesis is that Trump was a Deep Stater plant, who may have gone off the rails a bit, but delivered basically what his masters wanted. And, if given a second chance, will do more damage.


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Dissecting a Covid Victim: Covid Horror Story! By James Reed

I do not know what to think of this story, beyond … horror … of a Gothic type. People pay to watch an old man who died from Covid being dissected. I doubt that the Covid aspect has much to do with it. These sorts of people would probably pay to watch anyone be dissected. Truly morbid. But, it shows the sort of times we are living in.

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The Covid Country of Vaccinated Waterford, Ireland By Richard Miller (London)

In Waterford, Ireland, 99.7 percent of adults over the age of 18 is fully vaccinated. However, it is one of the most highly infected Covid regions in the country. So, how can the magic vaxxes be the final answer to Covid?

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Climate Change Fanatic Inconsistency: Gottcha! By Jimmy “Smokin’’ Reed

Climate change activists have burnt an Australian flag in protest about …carbon emissions. Now wait a minute! Burning a flag results in the emission of greenhouse gases doesn’t it? Oh, they will say, you have to break a few eggs to make an omelette. Yes, but that is exactly the same reasoning used by the elites fly 400 private jets to the COP whatever talk fest. Just ask Princess Greta about this one!

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UK Fully Vaccinated Now Majority of Hospitalizations By Richard Miller (London)

The Covid-19 Vaccine Surveillance Report – Week 43, was published by the UK Health Security Agency (formerly Public Health England) on  28th October 2021,  shows that the vast majority of Covid-19 hospitalisations between September 27th and October 24th were among the fully vaccinated population. So much then for the “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” It also calls into question policies such as that of your Australian government, that sees the vaccinations as the Covid be all, and end all. A rude awakening is coming.

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