Whirling Triffids are now Invading the Seas By Viv Forbes

"I saw them now with a disgust that they had never roused in me before.
Horrible alien things which some of us had somehow created,
and which the rest of us, in our careless greed, had cultured all over the world.
One could not even blame nature for them."
Bill Masen, in “The Day of the Triffids”

Wind turbines need a huge area to generate significant electricity. An area the size of Wales would need to be covered in wind turbines just to meet one sixth of UK’s daily energy needs.

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The War on Natural Immunity By Mrs Vera West

The answer to covid, given the failure of the vaccines, as documented in the posts today, would seem to lead one back to natural immunity, apart from the immune o-compromised. Yet the authorities continue to discount natural immunity, despite peer-reviewed evidence, and the more common sense observation, that humanity actually did survive before vaccines, and that most of the benefits that are alleged to be given by vaccines in the past, was due largely to public health measures. I have an academic paper on this: John McKinlay and Sonja McKinlay, “The Questionable Contribution of Medical Measures to the Decline of Mortality in the United States in the Twentieth Century,” The Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly, vol. 55, 1977, pp. 405-428 “[t]he introduction of specific medical measures and/or the expansion of medical services are generally not  responsible for most of the modern decline in mortality.” (p. 406) Also see, I. Illich, Medical Nemesis, (Pantheon Books, New York, 1976), and  T. McKeown, The Role of Medicine: Dream, Mirage or Nemesis, (1976).


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The Myth of the Viral Blizzard By Chris Knight (Florida)

The idea of a “dark winter,” was given currency by false President Biden in a recent speech, predicting misery and doom for the unvaccinated. I simply don’t know why they don’t give everything to Big pHARMa and just get it over with? Oh, I forgot, the depopulation agenda. Anyway, Covid Omicron, the mildest kid in the Covid family is now being used to continue the moral panic and hysteria, with talk of a “viral blizzard.” The cold metaphors come from it now being winter here in north Americas, but here in Florida, we don’t have much ice and snow!


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The Covid Path to Power and Tyranny By Brian Simpson

“The COVID Scam: The Progressive Path to Power, and Tyranny,” by J. Deane Waldman, M.D., is another great summary  piece from The American thinker.com, that confirms the position taken by the blog writers here, that this is not a pandemic generated by Nature, but a plandemic, using a lab-created virus to consolidate power by the globalists.



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Spike Proteins and DNA Damage By Brian Simpson

We have covered this issue before, of the study that reported how the spike protein harms cellular DNA repair. Here is the abstract of the study for the more technically minded anti-vaxxers.


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Athletes Suffering Covid(?) Cardiac Arrests By Chris Knight (Florida)

The phenomenon of peak athletes collapsing on field is no wide-spread across the world, but the mainstream media and health authorities are loath to see the obvious connection, that it is almost certainly the vaxxes, the common cause in all of this. Here is a detailed outline of who has collapsed, and died.


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The Joy of Omega-3 Fatty Acids By Mrs Vera West

One of the champions of having an adequate intake of Omega-3 fatty acids, best found in oily fish like salmon and tuna, is Dr Mercola who has a book coming out on this. His position is that one should strive to maximise Omega-3 intake, while vastly lowering Omega-6 intake, found in most vegetable oils. Go for olive oil and coconut oil instead for cooking. While we here at the blog offer no health and medical advice, for information purposes, here is a neat summary by Natural news.com of this nutritional issue.


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Young, Fully Vaccinated Australians, Dying By Mrs Vera West

This is one where the video presentation is must viewing. An Australian emergency room doctor details how the Covid vaccinated are dying like the proverbial flies, and the cases of myocarditis and pericarditis in the young has surged. According to the whistle-blower doctor’s experience as an emergency room doctor, a vast majority of these cases were caused by either Pfizer or Moderna’s Covid vaccine. In his opinion, the mRNA vaccines are still experimental, and the vaccinated population are the test subjects, or lab rats, all for the profits of Big pHARMa.


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Japan Shows the Way on Covid Mandate Freedom By James Reed

With much of the West, including Australia having  Covid vaccine mandates, that do little to control the disease, but much to destroy civil liberties and roll in CCP-like communist totalitarian societies, or biofascism as Naomi Wolf calls it,  it is good to see some sanity remaining in a sea of total madness. Japan has handled the plandemic well from the beginning, and while still advocating the jab, the government has told the vaccinated not to discriminate against the unvaccinated. Japan has always had a high culture. I tip my katana to them.


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The US Weekly /Covid Vax Death and Adverse Reactions Data, VAERS By Brian Simpson

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. has updated statistics on Covid vax deaths and adverse effects. VAERS under-reports by values that have been estimated to be from 41 to 100, meaning, one multiplies the given stats by that factor to get the real-world value. Between December 14, 2020, and December 10, 2021, there was a total of 20,244 reports of deaths — an increase of 358 over last week — and 155,506 reports of serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period — up 4,560 compared with the previous week. Excluding “foreign reports,” 691,884 adverse events, including 9,295 deaths and 59,767 serious injuries, were reported.


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Covid Vax Crimes Against Humanity By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I wish this group of lawyers luck in their case before the International Criminal Court, to prosecute the main Covid vax players for crimes against humanity. I doubt that the case will succeed, but it needs to be done for the record. Missing from the list of defendants is Donald Trump the father of the vaccine, who should be number one on the list.


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Trump, Father of the Vaccines By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It is quite amazing to watch old Don Trump shrill for Big pHARMa. He seems to have no awareness of the controversy surrounding the vaxxes, and rather than keep quite simply keeps pumping harder for Big pHARMa. I have argued that Trump was a Deep State plant, and still hold to this. Hopefully he will be totally discredited by 2024, or become living proof of his vaccines.


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A Heart-Breaking Finding By Richard Miller (London)

Research from the University of Oxford has shown that 1 in 100 or 1 percent of all vaccinated individuals were admitted to the hospital or died with arrhythmia or irregular heartbeat. Guess why this does not make international headlines, while religious leaders like the Archbishop of Canterbury proclaim that the vaxxes are an answer to a prayer. Whose prayer?


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Triple Vaxxed 4-5 Times More Likely to Get Covid Omicron that Unvaxxed! By Richard Miller (London)

So much for any pandemic of the unvaccinated. As argued below, the UK government’s own figures, released by the Office for National Statistics, show that people who are triple vaxxed are 4.5 times more likely to test positive for Omicron than those who are unvaccinated, and the double-vaccinated are 2.3 times more likely to be infected with Omicron than those who haven’t taken any vaccinations.


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Believe in the Conspiracy Theory of History! By James Reed

I was educated about the conspiracy theory of history by Eric Butler, who said that the alternative was the idiot theory of history, of unconnected random happenings. The idea that agents plot and plan in secret, is in fact a scientific idea, having a clearly definable causal mechanism, rather than just assuming random associations. In a classic piece at Mises.org, Murray Rothbard gives a spirited defence of the conspiracy theory of history, a fine presentation.


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Cancel Christmas Says the World Health Organization? Much Better to Cancel Them! By James Reed

I am pretty sick of hearing about WHO telling us what to do. I hope if Trump gets back in, after the civil war the woke Democrat generals are planning is squashed, he cancels the WHO. Starving them of funds might get them thinking about basics. And, since most people are vaxxed, you know, have received the magic potent from the technocratic wizards that make them “immune,” what could possibly go wrong? Anyone would think that the vaxxes don’t work.


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The Archbishop and the Covid Jab By Peter West

What are we to make of the Archbishop of Canterbury’s claim that refusing the experimental mRNA vaccines goes against Christian faith? You can guess it, it is the love one’s neighbour line. But, it all assumes the naïve mainstream narrative that the vaccines “work” and are safe. But, if critics are right about the alarming adverse effects, couldn’t the vaccines be seen as sinful, unclean in fact? Isn’t this all technocratic worship?

Jesus associated with the lepers of his time and did not seek any vax at all. Matthew 8: 1-4: “When he came down from the mountain, great crowds followed him. And behold, a leper came to him and knelt before him, saying, “Lord, if you will, you can make me clean.” And Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him, saying, “I will; be clean.” And immediately his leprosy was cleansed. And Jesus said to him, “See that you say nothing to anyone, but go, show yourself to the priest and offer the gift that Moses commanded, for a proof to them.”

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Are Bad Times are Coming for Cryptos? By James Reed

Is this the beginning of global control over crypto-currencies, like Bitcoin and H-Bar? The reserve Bank of India wants a complete ban on all private crypto-currencies. The financial elites have been worried for some time about this decentralised currency. Hillary Clinton at one recent meeting of the brotherhood of evil voiced such concerns, and so has Trump. I do not know how this will pan  out, with bitcoin being attacked by so-called environmentalists for its use of energy in cyber-mining. Even if I had some of these magic computer things, I would not know what to do now. I am more a baked beans and Spam man.


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The Magic of Honey! By Mrs Vera West

Dr Mercola continues to deliver the goods on health with an excellent discussion of the health benefits of honey. The message to put on your tasty toast is that honey beats most big PHARMa medicines in terms of dealing with the treatment of cold symptoms in adults. Why, once upon a time, pure honey was used to treat gunshot wounds! Of course, the usual disclaimer, that no medical advice is offered. But, hey, pure honey is still great on hot buttered toast to get you going in the morning.


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Beware of Spike Proteins! By Brian Simpson

Dr Mercola, in a now deleted piece goes into detail about why we should be concerned about the spike proteins produced by the experimental mRNA vaccines. Here is a a key passage: “Manufacturers initially guessed the synthetic RNA might survive in the human body for about six months. A more recent investigation found the spike protein persisted in recovered COVID patients for 15 months. This raises the suspicion that the synthetic and more persistent mRNA in the COVID shots may trigger spike protein production for at least as long, and probably longer. What’s more, the number of spike proteins produced by the shots is far greater than what you experience in natural infection.

As explained by Dr. Peter McCullough, this means that after your first shot, your body will produce spike protein for at least 15 months. But, when you get shot No. 2 a few weeks later, that shot will cause spike protein production to go on for 15 months or longer. With shot No. 3 six months after that, you produce spike protein for yet another 15 months.

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