A New Year; New US Covid Vax Deaths And Injuries By Brian Simpson

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S., showed a total of 1,000,229 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines were submitted between December 14, 2020, and December 24, 2021. This included a total of 21,002 reports of deaths and 162,506 reports of serious injuries and  excluding “foreign reports” to VAERS, 709,084 adverse events, including 9,623 deaths and 62,069 serious injuries, were reported.


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Oblivion Agenda: Mike Adams on the Extra-Terrestrial Transhuman Depopulation Agenda! Yikes! By James Reed

Mike Adams gives his view of what is behind the present Covid vax depopulation agenda. He says there are basically two hypothesises, the Biblical one involving a battle against Satan, and the naturalistic one involving extra-terrestrials, from another dimension or from deep space. His idea is that the aliens have decided that humans are a liability and need to be eliminated, and the present virus is the main way of doing this.


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Dr Robert Malone on the Covid Nuclear Truth Bomb By Chris Knight (Florida)

Surprising truths come from the mouths, not only of babes, but insurance CEOs. In Indiana USA, deaths are up 40 percent among people aged 18-64 years. “We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica,” the company’s CEO Scott Davison said during an online news conference this week. “The data is consistent across every player in that business.” How is this to be explained? The mainstream media are not going there, but in science, one looks for a common cause to suggest a plausible generative mechanism. What else suggests itself other than the vaxxes, consistent with a further body of evidence of their adverse effects?


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UK Evidence for Dr Robert Malone’s Mass Formation Psychosis By Richard Miller (London)

Support for Dr Robert Malone’s claim, made during the now “viral” edition of the Joe Rogan show, that the Covid plandemic involved a form of mass insanity, which he called “mass formation psychosis,” is given support by revelations hat have been known for some time, that the UK medicocrats freely admitted using methods of mind control to instil fear in populations. This can be seen right across the West in terms of the mainstream coverage of the entire Covid narrative, with television being particularly bad. Just watch the evening news and be amazed at the level of bs and propaganda.


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Unvaccinated Just as Infectious as Vaccinated: A Survey of the Evidence By Brian Simpson

Vaccinated persons who become infected with SARS-CoV-2 to be no less infectious than unvaccinated persons. The are multiple sources of evidence for this, from scientific studies, to empirical observations of populations. A summary now follows giving material for anti-vaxxers.


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Australia’s Giant Green Gamble on Solar Energy Toys By Viv Forbes

By the time solar energy reaches Earth’s surface it is spread very thin – even midday sunshine will not boil the billy or make toast. And solar collectors will only convert about 20% of that weak energy into electricity. Thus thousands of solar panels are needed to collect significant energy, and lots more to charge the expensive batteries needed to maintain electricity supply overnight and during cloudy weather. Despite these disadvantages, force-feeding of “green” energy by all levels of government has given Australia nearly three million solar collectors (mainly imported from China).

It requires scads of land to generate significant electricity from the sun’s weak rays. But even in sunny weather they produce nothing for 16 hours every day. And a sprinkling of dust, pollen, ash or salt, or a few splatters of poop from birds or flying foxes can reduce output by 50%, while night, snow or heavy cloud cover snuffs them out completely.

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Dr Robert Malone on Covid Natural Immunity By Chris Knight (Florida)

Dr Robert Malone’s interview with Joe Rogan has gone viral, following his ban from Twitter, the wits who banned President Trump. The blog, I believe covers that today. Below is a brief article by Dr Malone, proclaiming the superiority of natural immunity over the vaxxes. One wonders how any humans survived before vaccines, given the official Big pHARMa propaganda.


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Mass Covid Psychosis By Brian Simpson

Stories at the blog today will deal with the issue of mass social psychosis produced by the Covid plandemic. To warm things up, here is the story from CNN of their sort of hero, a woman who was fully vaxxed, had multiple negative Covid tests, boarded a plane from Chicago, discovered mid-flight that she had Covid, then locked herself in the toilet. Yes, well, what about other people in desperate need of the toilet, ladies who did not want to go into the men’s loo?


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What Next Will European Police Have? Trained Attack Tigers? By Richard Miller (London)

This one is particularly nasty viewing, and has bad optics for the Covid police, as they set an Alsatian dog upon a Covid protester. Apparently, the cops were too weak to subdue him themselves, even with all their weapons. After this, some comments on the British cops recent politically correct dealings with the eternal rape gangs.


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Lead Article: Dr Robert Malone on Mass Formation Psychosis By Chris Knight (Florida)

Covid mandate critic, Dr Robert Malone was banned by the twits at Twitter. He then appeared on the Joe Rogan show, and the segment went viral, with millions more watching it than would have read anything he wrote on the pathetic twitter.  No doubt about it, sometimes the mainstream media can’t help shoot itself in the foot. And, Dr Malone calling out the present craziness of the Covid society, mass formation psychosis, also led to attacks in  the mainstream media, which in turn will peak the curiosity of more millions about the Covid plandemic. So, a good start to the year. The highlights of the interview are below, but it is worth having a cup of tea and some nice cream biscuits to dunk in it, and sit back and enjoy. I like Joe Rogen’s style, with super casual opp. shop clothes, tats, and huge unnecessary headphones, next to a brick wall. He is certainly doing good work exposing the Covid plandemic.  


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The Great Divorce By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Z Man, whoever he is, uses a phrase I have thrown around in relation to secession, the breakup of nations, the “great divorce.” But he gives a spin to it rather differently, namely that society is now divided between the insane and the sane, all cut along the lines of the Covid plandemic. People have gone crazy over events such as not seeing someone wear a mask, but the deeper social psychosis is at the system level, with the lockdowns and police brutality, right down to the denial of medical services. This is planned socio-cultural collapse in action. The elites think that they will control the forces now being unleashed, but I doubt it; it will at the end of the day eat them too.


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The Epidemiological Relevance of Covid-19 Vaccinated Individuals is Increasing … You Don’t Say? By Brian Simpson

The mainstream Covid narrative of a “pandemic of the unvaxxed” is fading somewhat with the herd of elephants in the room, of the vaxxed to the hilt, now falling into Covid purgatory. This relevance of the Covid infected vaccinated is now even recognised in academic journals. So here is one for ready reference if the topic comes up with your unfriendly neighbour GP, who in good medical ethics fashion, may be more concerned about your vax status than treating the illness you present with, just like my former GP. Santa has his little helpers, but Big pHARMa has his grunters too.


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Covid in the Land of the Penguins By James “Iceman” Reed

So how did Covid occur among almost two thirds of those brave, freezing souls at the Princess Elisabeth Polar Station in Antarctica? Everyone was fully vaxxed to the hilt, and all precautions were taken? My hypothesis is that it is the blasted penguins doing it, waddling around in the freezing weather and getting all sorts of infections, and then spreading it to humans. Well, it makes as much sense as the bat soup hypothesis of Covid’s origin, that swam long enough for the CCP to cover all the tracks from the Wuhan lab release. Who says that crime does not pay?


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This is No Virus; It is Organised Crime! By Brian Simpson

Dr David Martin, interviewed by Stew Peters, says clearly that the Covid plandemic is planned genocide, pure and simple. We have covered all of this at the blog, but Dr Martin says it very clearly without technicalities. He says in no uncertain terms that it is a criminal process, and needs to be responded to as such.


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Animal Studies and Covid Omicron: It is a Pussy Cat, Not a Lion! By Brian Simpson

Covid Omicron, with a name like a bad dude from a Transformers’ movie, is causing the present wave of panic and hysteria among the chattering and drug administering class. However, animal studies indicate that while the virus is highly transmissible, it is by far the weakest variant of Covid we have seen. Some are even daring to suggest that since the virus is ripping through the population, people will get it, get over it and end the Covid freak out. Oh, shock, horror, hospitals might still get overwhelmed, ICU wards stressed out. Well, isn’t about time that it was suggested that empty building be converted to ICU units, rather than destroy entire economies? Why, in war zones, operations are performed in tents. Yes, I watched the TV show, MASH!


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World Council for Health Calls for an Immediate Stop to the Covid-19 Experimental “Vaccines” By Mrs Vera West

The World Council for Health has called for an immediate stop to the covid vaccines, which they see as a dangerous experiment. There document appears below.


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The Neo-Feudalism of Bill Gates By James Reed

Children’s health Defense has done another great job of exposure, something the mainstream media should do if it was not owned by those needing exposure. Bill Gates has figure in the Covid plandemic quite substantially, even though he is no medical scientist. He has championed global lockdowns that have destroyed small businesses, but which have enriched the big players. A dangerous food insecurity has arisen from the downturn in the global economy, killing 10,000 African children every month. But ironically, Gates has moved to buy up farm land, he being no farmer. So, what is going on here, and what is his game plan, as the plandemic has already increased his wealth by $ 20 billion? What next?


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The Mathematics of Covid Vax Safety, Or, Lack of It By Brian Simpson

Statistician Mathew Crawford has written a number of articles, showing that the CDC and other public health agencies have taken steps to intentionally hide safety signals in relation to the Covid vaccines, to get them into people’s arms. Crawford examines a methodological  tool used by the CDC called a “proportional reporting ratio” (PRR), assesses one vaccine against another — comparing “the proportion of a specific AE [adverse event] following a specific vaccine versus the proportion of the same AE following receipt of another vaccine.” But there are problems here: “[O]ne vaccine that kills and cripples 20 or 50 or 1,000 times as much as a very safe vaccine will show the same PRR … and no safety signal will be identified by the CDC. By design … [E]ven if I take a cell … and plug in some enormous number like 1500, there is still no safety signal as per CDC definitions.” Crawford believes that the PRR function is designed to “establish an illusion of safety” and provide “a reason to ignore the true signs of danger.”


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Pathological Priming and Paradoxical Immune Enhancement Phenomenon By Brian Simpson

Evidence of the harms of the mRNA Covid vaxxes seems to be coming every day now. One such issue is “pathological priming,” or Covid vax disease enhancement, due to exposure to the pathogen’s proteins via the vax, which primes the body to autoimmunity.  Every protein in the SARS-CoV-2 has at least one epitope that matches human proteins elsewhere in the human body and around one-third of the epitopes in SARS-CoV-2 virus that match human proteins also match immune system proteins. It has been observed that The Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Briefing Document on the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine already had indications that pathological priming could arise, particularly in older people. Pathological priming explains how the vaccinated are still getting covid, when a vaccine is supposed to give “immunity.”


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The Two Corporations Who Own the World By James Reed

I did not know exactly how bad the centralised control of the money power was until reading a now deleted piece by Dr Mercola, preserved below for your holiday reading pleasure. Big pHARMa and most of the mainstream media are largely owned by two asset management firms: BlackRock and Vanguard. Dr Mercola details the extent of their ownership, and the surprising number of companies controlled by these entities. Not much is known about who owns them. He mentions that the world’s richest families with wealth accumulated since the beginning of the industrial revolution are behind it. So, the task ahead will be to investigate who these creatures are. They do not seem to like the light of exposure, so that is the first thing to do. Certainly they are higher up the order than Soros and Bill Gates, who are no doubt intermediate players, being highly visible.


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