I was amazed to read in the high quality liberal/Left blog The Conversation.com about how prevalent the parasite Toxoplasma gondii actually is, with one in three people now infected. There is no cure, vaccine or anything else, only the ill-effects, at least some of them, can be treated. The material below deals with eye issues, which is not discussed as much as it should be. Most interest in T. gondii has focused upon its psychological effects, which are dramatic in the animal world, and also for humans, rightly giving it the name of the “zombie parasite.” For humans this parasite can produce mental illness, and/or profound behavioural changes, so it is nothing to be sneezed at. It is important to cook meat, especially red meat, well, and avoid the cult of going rare, as the parasite has been shown to be present in even Australian meat. Common sense hygiene too around pets, especially cats, cleaning up their excreta using disposable gloves. Don’t let them lick you. Sorry cat lovers.