There Goes the Navy! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The latest Covid madness in the US is a proclamation that all US Navy personnel must be vaccinated by November 28, 2021, or face separation. This will lead to a significant number of resignations, all at time when the CCP is banging the drums of war. Is that the plan?

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Trump, Father of the Covid Vaxxes By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Trump was responsible for getting the Covid vaccines produced quickly in the stupidly named, “Operation Warp Speed,” named after the Star Trek faster than the speed of light travel. Despite being booed when talking about this “achievement” at rallies, he seems oblivious to the opposition to the vaccines. He is slightly better than Biden insofar as he wants the vaccines to be voluntary, as libertarians like him do, he thinks that by the “art of the deal” he will convince the sceptical to be jabbed. It will be the same disaster in the end.

Now many from our side may see Trump as low intelligent, but I go further, seeing things like the insane January 6 gathering, and Operation Warp Speed as making Trump part of the Deep State plot for the New World Order. Trump has enabled the Left to push further than ever before, as a backlash. Yet, still conservatives idolise this traitor.

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The Pope, Enemy of Free Speech By Peter West

The Pope has gone from being an open champion of globalism, immigration, and vaccinations, to now wanting Big Tech to censor, not only “hate speech,” that critical of his ideology, but also conspiracy theories, no doubt related to the Covid vaccines. He is indeed, the anti-Pope.

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China’s Hypersonic Missile Test By James Reed

I read one report from the CCP denying that it tested a hypersonic missile that went around the world, then hit its target. I also watched a YouTube video where a defence expert deflated the entire concept of hypersonic missiles, which actually go a bit slower that more conventional ICCBMs, but are more manoeuvrable.  But, the report I like the most is the claim that this was the result of China stealing US technology. The below take does not detail how, but clearly it has come from the racially suicidal post-1965 immigration policy, where anyone can migrate to America. It has led to the present border “crisis” which is really mere state-sponsored invasion, and at the upper end, some Chinese nationals loyal to mother China, deliver the IP back to the CCP.

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Blaming the Unvaccinated for the Death of a Neo Con War Monger! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The death of fully vaxxed neo con war monger Colin Powell, has seen some less than surprising establishment reactions. The most common, came from former Trump administration Surgeon General Jerome Adams, who blamed the former Secretary of State’s death upon the fact that some people were not vaccinated. Even though Powell was old and had other illnesses, which Adams admitted, he still blamed the unvaccinated for Powell’s death. the actual report is below. Notice how there is no explanation of how the unvaccinated caused the death, unless it is proposed that the sole people getting Covid and spreading it are the unvaccinated. But that claim flies in the  face of breakthrough Covid infections in even more highly vaccinated populations such as Israel. I suppose, no opportunity to push the spiked proteins, must go to waste.

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One Covid Vax, and then Waxed: Covid Vax Deaths By Brian Simpson

Dr Mercola reports on the latest trends in Covid vax deaths, in a now deleted post. There are numerous reports of people just dropping dead after receiving the Covid vaxxes, often within hours of getting the jabs. The significant thing is how the official Covid spruikers, such as Dr Fauci of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, say that the deaths have to be "put into context with the population they occurred in." As many occur in the aged, the trend is to say that these people were sick anyway, and would have died, so nothing to see here. Yet if this was due to anything else other than the politically correct Covid, there would be concern, if not outrage.

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Covid Vaccine Mandates: An American Critique By James Reed

I found the following Dr Mercola post, now deleted from his site because of System’s tyranny, but which he permits others to circulate, of great interest, as it is a scary example how the Covid New World Order means business. In fact, all businesses who fail to enforce the vaccine mandates, whatever objections they have, face fines of up to US $ 700,000 per infringement, which guarantees bankruptcy to most. Thus, the state is getting business to do its dirty work, and precisely the same thing is being done now in Australia too.

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Whistle-Blower Reveals Hospital Covid Cases 90 Percent Vaxxed and Cover Up of Adverse Effects By Chris Knight (Florida)

There are a significant number of hospital whistle-blowers coming forward, most from the US, to report on Covid infections which are now predominantly among the vaccinated – up to 90 percent of cases in some hospitals - even those having had two jabs. The following story is interesting as it is a case of how hospital administration conspired to minimise reporting into VAERS, by simply prohibiting a physician’s assistant from filing reports! So, that is one more reason why VAWERS under-reports Covid vaccine injuries.

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A Covid Vaccine Mandate Protest Message for the Left By James Reed

As seen from the recent Brisbane counter-protest to the good folks protesting the Covid vaccine mandates, the Left, especially the radical wing of commos, have embrace the Big Pharma vaccines. I have noted before that the old Left used to critique Big Capitalism, and expose the misadventures of Big Pharma, especially in the Third World with vaccine testing sometimes leading to death, but not anymore. Still, as reported by Natural, the Australian Left might be behind the US curve, as there are now increasing numbers of Left protests and Democrats as well. It is fully multicultural, with, as covered at the blog by me yesterday, hip hop and rap musicians attacking the Covid regime, and many of these are “non-white.” The System tried to portray anti-vaxxers as white supremacists, but seems now to have dropped this since it is too hard to maintain. I saw footage of a recent Adelaide protest, and one of the speakers was surrounded by Aboriginal anti-vax supporters. So, the System is getting a problem, and it could not happen to a nicer tyranny!

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Fully Vaccinated US Homeland Security Secretary Tests Positive for Covid-19 By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is another example of a fully vaccinated person in the limelight getting Covid: US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. While this is now not extraordinary given the frequency of breakthrough infections, it is somewhat ironic that someone who would be following al the Covid culture protocols, still goes down.

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Big Pharma Profits Sky Rocketing By Brian Simpson

With all of modern life revolving around the Covid vaccines, the question that should come to any sceptical mind, is how much money is Big Pharma making out of this, especially with endless jabs being the new normal?  Well, for starters, Airfinity, a health data analytics group put total market sales for COVID vaccines in 2022 at US $124 billion. It is big business alright, and it is natural to ask, what is ruling here, health, or the profit motive?

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The Covid Plandemic Billionaires By James Reed

The lockdowns from manufactured Covid moral panic have had an enormous social toll on small businesses. You can see how so many have closed their doors, forever. And, with the vaccine passport and administration of it, with increased costs through the threat of massive fines, it is getting to hard for many to make a living any more. But, there have been a group who have benefitted enormously: Big Business, like Amazon, but above all else, Big Pharma. But that is not all, as the number of billionaires in the US has significantly increased since the start of the Covid plandemic. If it is all not a conspiracy, then it will do until the real conspiracy is revealed.


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A US Doctor Speaks Out on Covid Vax Harms By Chris Knight (Florida)

Dr. Patricia Lee, a licensed physician in California, said in a letter dated September 28 to officials at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), that her experience with patients harmed by the vaccine “does not comport with claims made by federal health authorities regarding the safety of COVID-19 vaccines.” “In the letter, Lee described observing “entirely healthy individuals suffering serious, often fatal, injuries,” including transverse myelitis, resulting in quadriplegia, pneumocystis pneumonia, multi-system organ failure, cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, postpartum hemorrhagic shock and septic shock. Lee, a practicing physician for more than 20 years, said she “never witnessed so many vaccine-related injuries until this year.”

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Covid Vaccinations Forever is the New Normal By Brian Simpson

We need to listen to the CEOs of Big Pharma, as technocrats belonging to Big something-or-other now rule the world. So great master, what do you see in your crystal ball? I will tell you what I do not see. I do not see a normal life for the unvaccinated, ever. The new normal is to be eternally vaccinated. Vaccines are now the meaning of life, the new centre of the universe about which all will orbit. All hail vaccines! All hail Big Syringe!

God help us all!

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The War of Words between Texas and the Northern Territory Over Covid Mandate Tyranny By James Reed

Covid mandate tyranny in Australia is being noticed by the United States and being called out. But our elites don’t care, and push back. Take the Northern Territory for example, which is in Covid overdrive. It would be amusing if we were not in Australia. Then we too, could sit back and gasp.

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Why is China Free to Pollute if There is a Climate Emergency? By James Reed

China now is the nation with the most carbon emissions. But because it is non-white and communist, it is protected from the climate change hysteria, which only applies to once white nations. I can’t see any other explanation.

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Starving to Death in Covid Mandate Crazed Hessen Germany By Richard Miller (London)

Let this be a lesson to all those who are whinging about the vaccine mandates and punishment for the great unvaxxed, as it can get worse. Over in Hessen Germany, retailers can decide to stop the unvaxxed, modern plague victims, from coming into their stores to get food. When people are deprived of even food, I wonder where this will lead? After all, life in jail does requires feeding prisoners.

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The Real Cost of Immigrant Rocket Scientists to Denmark By Richard Miller (London)

The strangest thing is that nobody would have believed that the influx of rocket scientist migrants into Denmark would be racking in almost US $ 5 billion. No, I did not get that right. The opposite in fact.

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More Unpleasant Discoveries By Richard Miller (London)

Just imagine if you were a social justice warrior and then found out that your ancestors had slaves! It would be like being a white supremacist and finding out that you were not in fact white, but really a pygmy. I am sure it happens, every day, and twice on Fridays.

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Colin Powell Dies of Covid, but Vaxxed, So it Could Have Been Worse! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Neo-con Colin Powell has died of Covid, while fully vaxxed. Even old Joe Biden admits this, but says that the vaxxes are ok, as Powell had other conditions, and the vaccines don’t work well, something like performance anxiety! Powell was a neo con war monger, and we will not miss him, or his kind.

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