US NIH Tortured Monkeys in Experiments! By Chris Knight (Florida)

It is getting difficult to keep up with the revelations coming out about the frightening experiments done by the US National Institutes of Health. First it was torturing beagle dogs to death with sand fly attacks, and now it is psychological torture of monkeys. Maybe they need to change their name to the National Institutes of TORURE!

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Racist AI! By James Reed

This has occurred before, but AI given basic data delivers what the system defines as “racism,” which has a low threshold now. Here is the latest. Just Ask Delphi! How could something that Socratic be wrong!

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The Real Threat from Cumbre Vieja / La Palma Island Volcano By James Reed

I have been following the La Palma Island volcano eruption issue. Mike Adams sees the main threat being that there could be a massive amount of volcanic ash thrown up into the air causing a volcanic winter. That will really make the Greenies and climate change maniacs happy right up to the point of starvation. As well, a massive chunk of rock could slide into the ocean, drowning the coast of North America, although that scenario is less likely. Still, volcanic winter is nothing to sneeze about and it might be good to get an extra pack of toilet paper next shop, and maybe even another tin of baked beans, to eat in the darkness of the volcanic wasteland, whilst dodging Covid attacks. I did not think that I would be in my own The Walking Dead movie at my life’s end, but here I am.

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Covid Virus Attack! Queensland Get Ready! By James Reed

Here you can get it from or from the more excited Natural, but the end result is the same: Queensland and the rest of the country of Soviet Australia will be opening up and the Covid bug will be having fun infecting all naughty unvaccinated people. But as explained, by the kindly Queensland Chief Health Officer, there is no problem running face-to-face with Covid so long as you have had a spike protein vax. Only thing though is that numerous highly vaccinated countries and regions, such as Israel, still have massive breakthrough infections. Get ready for booster shots after boosters, endless jabs. Just to be safe. It is the mythology of the times. And, wait until the highly vaccinated population goes back into lockdown; that should be interesting!

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What Does it Take to Receive China’s Nobel Prize? By Chris Knight (Florida)

Apparently, it does not take too much to receive China’s equivalent of the Nobel Prize. Dr. Malik Peiris, a Sri Lankan virologist working in Hong Kong, who previously served on The Lancet medical journal’s COVID-19 origins investigation committee, has got one recently for his “research” that allegedly showed that Covid arose naturally and not from a CCP lab. For this gig he got a hot $ 1 million, which is not bad money at all. But unlike most Noble Prizes, based upon research grounded in reality, this claim is not withstanding scrutiny, so it is a prize of ideology only.

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China’s “Social Credit” Coming to Australia, or is it Here Already? By James Reed

The high quality liberal Left on-line journal, The, usually has material we disagree with, but in a post about how China’s social credit system is coming to Australia, they have done excellent work along freedom lines. Most of us would not be aware of how far down the track the City of Darwin is in adopting the CCP system. As but one example, discussed in the article, The Northern Territory News reported that: “Darwin council will use Chinese-inspired surveillance technology to gather data on what people are doing on their phones and to put up ‘virtual fences’ that will instantly trigger an alert if crossed. The surveillance society is being set up in record time.

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Covid Tyranny Fightback By Chris Knight (Florida)

While your scowling authoritarians have proclaimed that we will be wearing masks for years, over in the US there is direct action against this line of tyranny. The head of the Chicago police officers union  called on its members to refuse to comply with the city’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate. I could not imagine the Australian police – and I lived in Oz for a long time – doing anything like that.

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Should the US Invade Australia to Restore Freedoms? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

If I was president of the US, invading Australia to restore freedoms would be on my to-do list, after sealing shut the southern border. It would not take long or be a very hard job at all. However, the US is not really in any better moral position than austral, and in some respects is worse re the Covid mandate madness.


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Covid Culture and the Weaponising of Fear By James Reed

John Mac Ghlionn in an epic article at the, details in a nutshell the weaponisation of fear and loss of freedom coming from the Covid plandemic. The elites have moved to achieve the elimination of what had remained of liberal democratic freedoms, seeing Covid as a grand opportunity to brainwash and socially control populations. Certainly, there has been some pushback, but the level of social conformity to subjecting millions to lockdown conditions, for fear of getting a virus that is not a new Black Death, is remarkable. The elites at the higher levels must be over joyed to learn that humans are even more like bees than bees.

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The Great Big Pharma Revolving Door By Mrs Vera West

Talk about conflict of interest, or if you prefer, a great revolving door in the drug industry. Basically, the whole society is run like this, with the same elites circulating constantly, like compost being turned over in a compost pile.

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Dr Li-Meng Yan on Covid as a CCP Lab Creation By Brian Simpson

The lab origin hypothesis of the origin of Covid gets strong support from Dr Li-Meng Yan, a scientist who escaped from communist China, and who has been tirelessly proclaiming this position in the US. According to Yan, SARS-CoV-2 was made in CCP military labs, The Third Military Medical University and the Research Institute for Medicine of Nanjing Command. Their work was based upon a bat coronavirus called ZC45 used as a template to create SARS-CoV-2. If true, this definitely makes Covid-19 a military weapon. Given US funding, there must be a grand conspiracy behind it all, for has the US and the CCP conspired together to create and release Covid to bring down Trump, end liberal democracy and create the Covid New World Order?

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The Weekly US Covid Vax Deaths and Adverse Effects By Brian Simpson

Here is my weekly update on Covid vaccine deaths and injuries in the US, as reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Data showed that between December 14, 2020, and October 15, 2021, a total of 818,044 adverse events following COVID vaccines were reported including a total of 17,128 reports of deaths — an increase of 362 over last week.  There were 117,399 reports of serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time. This was an increase of 5,434 compared to last week.

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Shedding of the Covid Virus Even Given Vaccination: Shredding the Covid Vaccine Mandates By Brian Simpson

A recent peer reviewed study has, as Aaron Sri argues, destroyed the justification for the vaccine mandates, and certainly the medical apartheid society that is being constructed, in Australia, and as covered elsewhere in this blog, New Zealand. The reason is that the CDC and State Health Department scientists find similar or higher viral load of Covid-19 virus among the vaccinated relative to the unvaccinated. This means, as Sri rightly concludes, there is effectively no difference between the symptomatic vaccinated and unvaccinated in terms of viral spread and transmission.

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Covid Guru Dr Fauci Keeps to His Lies By Chris Knight (Florida)

Keeping with today’s theme about the lies the elites tell, let’s look at the latest from Covid gurus Dr Fauci. A new letter from the National Institutes of Health, admitted the agency engaged in gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. In his testimony Fauci had denied this, even though if it was true he would have known this. And, given the revelations of the letter, he still holds his ground and denies it, which is probably the legal thing to do, to avoid contempt, at least initially.

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The Hunter Biden Laptop Implicates Joe Biden! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I covered the revelations from the Hunter Biden laptop in an earlier post today, where there was a mingling of funds between the two bank accounts, which could be a problem for senile Joe, as Hunter was involved in shady deals, or at least, deals with shady people. For example, covered below, is Hunter’s dealings with a Chinese tycoon arrested on money laundering charges. But, meanwhile, the Democrats are going on a witch hunt against any Trump officials involved in organising the January 6 rally, as if that was against the law at the time. Open hypocrisy.

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Emperors of the Ashes: The Elites’ Plan to Destroy Personal Wealth By James Reed

The globalist elites are plotting to destroy personal wealth. discusses this in the US context, naturally enough, but the same points eventually impact upon Australia. This all arises as the Great Reset uses the mechanisms put in place by the Covid plandemic to further attack the middle classes and small business, and put market share in the hands of Big Business, like Amazon, who had enormous benefits from the lockdowns. Needless to say, Big Pharma has come to virtually rule society, aided by its gang of technocrats.

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The Immigration Invasion/War By Chris Knight (Florida)

A good article appeared at of the present immigration invasion, if not war, now occurring. Tens of thousands of illegals are making their way across the vast deserts of Mexico, coming from all around the world, and these illegals are in good shape, with good clothes, the latest phones, and certainly do not look like they have endured survival conditions in the desert. In fact, there are no reports of migrants dying in the desert. So, there is a behind the scenes plan to bring them all in. and that is precisely what is being done, with many Covid infected illegals being flown into red states in the cover of darkness. This is a civil war, using migrants as bioweapons. It is all part of the Great Disintegration of America, as the establishment Left work to deconstruct the USA and elevate communist China to world supremacy. These useful idiots seem to think that they will hold onto their positions or more in that world, when in fact the children of the revolution end up eating the parents of the revolution.

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Rawhide! Round ‘Em Up, Trump Supporters! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The political witch hunt and purge trials by the evil Biden regime against Trump supporters is in full swing. The Democrats have a House panel, the equivalent of an inquisition, and will haul before it all the enemies of the Democrats, those thought to be in any way responsible for the fantasy revolution that almost occurred on January 6, then get the Department of Injustice to squash them. Hopefully, Trump will get their best treatment, being drawn and quartered and this just might stir up the Trumpers.

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The Amazing Shuffling Bank Accounts of the Bidens By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is some more revealing news arising from the lost, then found Hunter Biden laptop. It seems that there was a mixing of moneys from Hunter Biden and Joe Biden’s bank accounts. There is also another item, covered in another post, that the pair had a joint bank account. Given the shady deals Hunter was involved in, the likelihood arises of some darker money passing over to old Joe. The FBI is considering investigating this, and Hell has been reported to have frozen over.

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The Great Replacement Goes Mainstream By James Reed

As reported at the great site,, which publishes some amazing articles given the oppressive censorship of Canadian, much like Australia, the Great Replacement has gone mainstream. The concept is that so-called non-discriminatory mass migration, implemented in most Western countries in the mid-1960s, but certainly in the post-World War II period, as a response to the nationalism of the Second World War, is leading to non-white majorities in all of these countries. This has gone mainstream in so far as the New Class elites in each of these societies champion it and see it as a moral necessity. It is a signature of their own moral superiority, and for some, revenge.

But, the most likely result will be civilizational collapse, as the elites did not figure upon other agendas of elites higher up the food chain, or great chain of being. If the depopulation scenario of people like Mike Adams is correct, then these elites too may be part of the 90 percent that will perish, along with much diversity. So, it may all be for nothing. It just goes to show that the elites needed to communicate better!

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