Harvard University Professor of Medicine Martin Kulldorff: Children Should Not Get the Covid Vax By Mrs Vera West

The manic drive, or is it child abuse, to vaccinate children, who are a low risk for Covid, is now being pushed by the technocrats. But there are some health care professions who have taken a stand against this, such as Harvard University Professor of Medicine, Martin Kulldorff. “I don’t think children should be vaccinated for COVID. I’m a huge fan of vaccinating children for measles, for mumps, for polio, for rotavirus, and many other diseases, that’s critical. But COVID is not a huge threat to children,” he said on EpochTV’s “American Thought Leaders” program. Yes, if Covid is not a major risk factor for children, why vaccinate? It is as if big Pharma has a tireless search for bodies to deposit its goo.


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Covid Mass Psychosis By Mrs Vera West

Dr Mercola in a now deleted post, but one which he permits to be reproduced by others, details the mass insanity at the social level that the Covid plandemic has produced. Without going into the high theory here, which he does very well, at the practical day-to-day level we see this clearly. The most notable example has been the lockdown of Melbourne for the longest time of any place on Earth, which has really been for nothing, since once open, Covid is going to spread anyway. Oh, the vaccines. Apparently our authorities have not heard of breakthrough infections. Oh, that is due to the unvaxxed. Well, there are many examples of jurisdictions with high vaccination rates, and surging Covid infections. Nothing though must challenge the sacred vax, and natural immunity, despite Israeli studies indicating its superiority to vaccines, is discounted in the Covid Oppressive State. Mass psychosis, or is it part of the Covid New World Order plan? Perhaps both.


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There Go the US Police Down the Covid Drain! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This will get serious and is one of the kick-on effects of the Covid plandemic. In the US, not but it seems in the more compliant Australia, police are resisting the Covid vax mandates and are refusing to disclose their vaccination status. This will mean possible sackings in the future, with some major US cities, especially those with high crime rates now, losing up to one third of its police. These people cannot be simply replaced by illegal migrants flooding over the border; drug cartel members might be able to help a bit, being at least as corrupt as many police! It is more likely thought that the police shortage will just go along the lines of the original conspiracy to defund police anyway. It will be a bonanza for criminals as every city becomes like the mythical Gotham city of Batman, ruled by Bane-like warlords, with no Batman. Get out of the cities if you want to live!


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Dr Frankenstein Fauci: From Torturing Beagles, to Poisoning the Brains of Monkeys, to Experiments on New York AIDS Orphans By Chris Knight (Florida)

It will be hard to beat Dr Fauci for the Dr Evil Award for 2021. First it was the experiments with Beagle puppies who were tortured by sand flies. Then the torture of monkeys. Of course, there is the whole Covid thing, which is effectively the torture of the planet. But before that, as a warmer-up, are the experiments on AIDS orphans in New York, who were subjected to drug trials. “In 2005, the city of New York hired the VERA Institute to form a final report on the drug trials. VERA was given no access to medical records for any of the children used in trials. Their report was published in 2008.

They reported that twenty-five children died during the drug studies, that an additional fifty-five children died following the studies (in foster care), and, according to Tim Ross, Director of the Child Welfare program at VERA (as of 2009), 29% of the remaining 417 children who were used in drug studies had died (out of a total 532 children that are admitted to have been used).”

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Clogging in Lungs, Vessels and Brains of Jabbed Patients By Brian Simpson

The medical director of America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS), Dr Ryan Cole, a pathologist, has said that “Under the microscope, we see clotting in the lungs, we see clotting in the vessels, we see clotting in the brain, not from the virus, but from the spike [protein] from the vaccine itself.” “In our data around the world, from the United States, from the U.K., from the EudraVigilance in Europe, we have seen more death and damage from this one medical product than all other vaccines combined in the last several decades, in just a short 8-month window of time.” And, this from just one or two jabs. What will four or more do? How about one per month?


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Oh, Mr Magoo Trump, You Have Done it Again! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Leave it to Donald Trump to screw things up! Trump has announced his new social media company, and social media platform, Truth Social, but it turns out that Trump Media & Technology Group, has formed a partnership with Digital World Acquisition Corp. (DWAC) to create the platform, which is expected to be hosted by RightForge, but DWAC has ties to the Chinese Communist Party. Talk about going from the frying pan into the fire, if not blast furnace!


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The Seriously Ill from the Covid Vax Shots Fill the US Hospitals By Chris Knight (Florida)

Again, this is something that the mainstream media while reporting, are not linking to the Covid vaccines. Emergency rooms across America are “swamped” with organ failures and serious illness, most of these people not having Covid. But the injuries are consistent with Covid vaccination injuries. So many people are in hospitals that patients are being treated in reclining chairs in hallways. I suppose the next step will be tents on the lawns and outdoor areas. This may be a cruel lesson for Covid culture.


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Gender X Passports Now! By Chris Knight (Florida)

The US has now introduced its first passports with an “X” for gender, probably to deal with the intersex. But this will not go far enough given that there are now, what is it, 64,000 types of gender-sexual identity, and cultural studies departments are uncovering dozens more each day.


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Superman’s Bisexual Identity By Mrs Vera West

Christopher Newport University recently welcomed the award-winning journalist Sophia Nelson as a scholar-in-residence. But when she objected on Twitter to DC comics making superman bisexual, there was an immediate call for her to be sacked. She deleted the tweet, but before doing so delivered a strong sting to cancel culture: “There is a wave coming. A movement of sick and tired Americans. Tired of being pushed around and bullied, canceled, targeted, harassed for our faith beliefs, for our values, for our free thought and free speech. Today it’s me in the crosshairs. Tomorrow it’s you.” Indeed, the children of the revolution usually go on to eat the parents of the revolution.


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Vaccine Passports Could Spread Covid! By Richard Miller (London)

Here is a surprising one that may be useful to Australians fighting the insane vaccine passports; that vaccine passports might actually increase the spread of Covid! How is that possible? According to a report by the UK Department of Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), the passports might encourage over-confidence, as people visit poorly ventilated spots. This admits that the fully vaccinated can contract the virus and spread it, something not really talked about in Australia, but it is here in the UK because it is now unavoidable.


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Rust Never Sleeps By John Steele

Last week on the set of the Western film Rust, Alex Baldwin shot two staff, accidentally shooting and killing cinematographer Halyna Hutchins, a 42-year-old wife and mother. The bullet went into her chest, came out her back, and hit the shoulder of Joel Souza, the director. There has been much speculation about how this could have happened, and Breitbart goes into detail of how the accident, really gross negligence, arose. The interesting question is whether Alex Baldwin is charged or not. But, regardless of the criminal questions, there will be massive law suits that he cannot avoid. I do not think he will be doing much anti-gun activity for a while!


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The Australian Universities and the Covid Vax Mania By Paul Walker (Sydney)

Academics championing the Covid vax regime have a fearless self-confidence of not being wrong, a self-confidence that academics usually have about everything. Is that science? I think that local academics should challenge the vax promoters on campuses to public debates, on both the science and public policy issues. Every main point they typically make remains open to challenge, as I see it, and even if they were right, ideas need to be tested.  If the leaders would like to make vaccinations compulsory, or have, how about they accept liability for those on universities who get vaccinated and injured? Bring on the public debate!  Do the universities have the intellectual guts? I bet they don’t!


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Bayern Munich Soccer Star Joshua Kimmich Causes Covid Vax Storm! By Richard Miller (London)

Bayern Munich soccer star Joshua Kimmich, who is likely to become captain of Germany in the future, has created controversy by saying that he is yet to be vaccinated because of his concerns about the lack of long-term studies into the effects of the vaccines. “Medical expert Alena Buyx, president of the German Ethics Council, said Kimmich is “caught up in misinformation. He is very badly advised. This is something that has now spread, and it would be great if he’d used his platform to get better advice to be a role model in this regard.”

Buyx added: “It is important to clarify that these forms of long-term effects do not exist.”

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The Fourth Booster Shot Now! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here in the US, in such a short space of time, we are up to the fourth booster shot of the Covid vax goo. The CDC has just approved a fourth Covid vax shot for adults with compromised immune systems. This is no doubt moving in the direction of Israel which has the fourth booster for all. And, with waning immunity, it will not stop there, with I suppose ultimately booster shots every month.


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Dr Peter McCullough Details How His Patient Died from the Covid Vax By Mrs Vera West

With the fanatical Covid System promoting vaccines regardless of costs and ill-effects, which are said to be rare and thus inconsequential, it is important for informed decision making to consider the stories of people who have has adverse effects from the vaccines, if not died. Each week or so, I detail one such personal story. Today here is some material to ponder from Dr. Peter McCullough, who discusses how one of his patients died from the Covid vaccines. “She had shot number one. She had shot number two. After shot number two, she developed blood clots throughout her body. She required hospitalization and intravenous blood thinners. She was ravaged and had serious neurological damage … the next month I get a call from the Dallas coroner’s office saying she’s been found dead at home.” But, this is just another statistic, unless you are the family left behind.


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Pfizer Paid for Pro-mRMA Vaccine Article! By Chris Knight (Florida)

The CNBC published an article, called “For Pfizer, a COVID-19 vaccine may just be the beginning for the potential revolutionary promise of mRNA technology.” As expected, the article celebrated the mRNA technology as a major scientific breakthrough that will deliver untold benefits. The only thing though is that the article was actually paid for by Pfizer, and is thus an advertisement, and in fact had the hashtag “#ad. In recent times many  Instagram influencers and athletes have come forward admitting that they were offered money for promoting the Covid vax. https://www.infowars.com/posts/corrupt-cnbc-openly-admits-pro-mrna-vaccine-article-paid-for-by-pfizer/

“CNBC openly admitted to peddling COVID vaccine propaganda on behalf of pharmaceutical company Pfizer, one of the major manufacturers of the mRNA injection.

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Striking Against the Covid Mandates By Chris Knight (Florida)

It is about time that workers did use their ultimate weapon, the strike, against the Covid system. Dock workers across the West have been striking against the Covid mandates. International Dockworkers Council, an international non-profit association comprised of 92 dock workers organizations from 41 countries, and representing 100,000 affiliated members, has issued a statement in solidarity with them. “We do believe that, although vaccination is a key element in the fight against the pandemic, making it compulsory undermines the freedom of workers to decide about their health,” the IDC added. “We can only these reject these dictatorial policies that go against the rights and freedom of choice of the people that have cost us so much time and effort to achieve. Such a decision can seriously affect the livelihood of many families, including school children.” The right stuff, indeed.


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More Shady Biden Business Deals By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Hunter Biden just does what he wants, since his dad is president. Thus, he has admitted that one of his shady deals in China had everything to do with his father being vice president at the time. That family ties generated these deals is not seen as a conflict of interest on the part of Joe Biden of course by the mainstream media. Joint bank accounts, the lack of separation of funds, all these things have been discussed in the alternative press in recent days, but the mainstream does not care. Yet the slightest ill-word by Trump about anything led to them going into fits of rage, eating carpet and the floor boards too. The system is too evil and rotten to save, and secession is the only hope. One cannot live with such rottenness.


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The Covid Vax Plight of Professor Aaron Kheriatry By Chris Knight (Florida)

It is happening in academia, with the Covid culture leading to sackings and suspensions for those who have not been quaxxed, that is vaxxed. As expected, something was sure to come out of the woke University of California, and Professor Aaron Kheriarty is one example. There are academics from the Left facing the same suspensions, so it is now beyond traditional boundaries.

“Yesterday I received this notice from the University of California, where I have worked my entire professional career and where I did my residency training:

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Covid Vaccines are Creating Evolutionary Pressure for the Virus to Mutate By Brian Simpson

The Australian Covid ideology, glibly pushed by our authorities is that he vaccines will solve all. We have reported on health official virtually gloating about the fate of the unvaccinated once the country is opened up, and the Grim Reaper allowed to roam freely. Yet, as argued by Dr Mercola in a now deleted piece, the high Covid vaccination rates are creating evolutionary pressure upon the virus to mutate with higher levels of pathogenicity. According to U.K. data, the COVID death toll is higher among the fully vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated. Thus, between February 1, 2021, and September 12, 2021, 63.5% of those who died from COVID-19 within 28 days of a positive test were fully vaccinated.


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