Luciferase? Glows Fluorescent Blue? Injected into Us? Whatever Could it Be? By Mrs Vera West

I found the idea that some chemical called “luciferase,” was found in the Covid vax, to be thought provoking. The root of the word goes back to a reference to light, but it also refers to the Prince of Darkness, not saying that Satan lives in the vaccines of course, but the ultra-paranoid 666 folk just might. “The vaccine glows, at least Pfizer’s does,” Melissa Strickler, who worked for the pharmaceutical giant for nearly 10 years, said. “It looks like someone took a blue glowstick, cracked it open and put it in the vial, but only if there is light and it is around a dark background.” Ms Strickler, in her career, which has now been terminated by her whistle-blowing, had never seen anything like this. What could its purpose be?

But this is not the only questionable aspect of the vaccines, Strickler says. According to an interview with exposure site Project Veritas, Strickler revealed insider Pfizer emails from high-level employees directing lower-level workers to not discuss the role of aborted foetal cells in the development of its Covid shots with the public. One would be forgiven for thinking that they wanted to hide this, rather than proclaim it as a natural part of the abortion system. After all, if the foetus has no right to life, what rights are there associated with a few of its cells? Makes utilitarian sense in the way most things do in this most diabolical of systems.

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The Covid Bio-Political Weapon By Brian Simpson

An increasing number of Dissent Right sites are publishing articles depicting Covid, real or politically constructed, as bio-political weapon. That makes sense of the whole scene, with the lab leak hypothesis even getting mainstream discussion now, and no further evidence, if there was any to begin with, being advanced for the bat soup idea.

Naturally, if this disease was being developed in a lab through gain-of function research, the question to be asked is, what purpose? The mainstream response, if one is given, and discussions typically do not go there, is that it was necessary to create this Dr Frankenstein monster, just in case Nature did, so that Nature could be beaten to the punch. However, many have pointed out that the type of virus has characteristics not likely to emerge in Nature, a case made in the Wade article that broke the silence on the issue. As well, Covid-19 has delivered so many things that the ruling elite have wanted - the end of Trump via fraudulent postal votes among other things, right through to ending liberal democracy and getting people socially conditioned for CCP life, that free thinkers would be suspicious on political grounds alone, beyond biochemistry. Here is more.

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Another Covid but Vaxxed Tragic Death: The Human Face to Breakthrough Cases By Mrs Vera West

Here is the Covid vax human tragedy story for today. Shawn Kuhn, 21,  who was fully vaccinated senior majoring in exercise and sports science at the University of Georgia (UGA), died October 11 from COVID complications. Kuhn had been in and out of three different hospitals, for the past six weeks before being finally placed in a medically induced coma and was put on a ventilator.

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Create the Sickness, Then Sell the Cure By James Reed, has this concise summary of the whole Covid tyranny misadventure, something which will not be read in the media, even alternative here in Oz. The article details how the present failure of the vaxes, as seen through the declining effectiveness and the need for repeated booster shots, has been blames upon the unvaccinated, who have become the convenient scapegoats for the present surge in breakthrough infections across the world.

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Australia’s Covid Concentration Camps By James Reed

“Concentration camps” is the term being used by US critics of Australia’s Covid policies, and it sounds about right to me. What other term best describes isolated high security facilities, patrolled by police and guards, where people are locked away? “Prison” is one other term, but that is consistent with it being a concentration camp. The Covid camps are probably going to be more … concentrated … in population than prisons, so the name is appropriate. Most facilities will have 1,000 beds, so no one will be sleeping on the floor.  Still, it could not be worse than what we have had, where everyone’s home became a prison, as people were kept in home detention. At least in prison, you do not pay to be there and the state supports you.

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Supply Chain Nightmares for the Foreseeable Future, Years and Years By Chris Knight (Florida)

The US supply chain crisis is initially Covid generated, but now seems to have taken on a life of its own. During a recent interview with Bloomberg, U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg admitted that some of the supply chain problems that we are currently facing could last for “years and years.” That should mean, at least two more years. But, added to that is the kick-on effects from the Covid mandates, where we will see a significant number of workers sacked or resigning for not taking the vax. This is creating a perfect storm. Some supermarket shelves are emptying, and there are many items from food to hardware that we can’t get. You really have to shop around, and Florida is generally pretty good on supplies, normally. But, there is no more “normal.”

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Uncle Joe Biden’s Amazing Shared Bank Account! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

While Joe Biden was vice president, he shared a bank account with his son Hunter Biden, and a mingling of the finances of the pair may have occurred. Since Hunter was involved in deals shady enough to set in motion an FBI investigation, Joe Biden may also be looked at by the FBI. Of course, this is all just play acting, since the pair will be found to be as pure as the driven snow. That is how it is Democrat America. If they can steal an election, every other thing is just taking candy from a baby.

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Trump, Father of the Vaccine By Charles Taylor (Florida)

One piece of evidence in favour of the low intelligence view of Trump, over the traitor view which I have argued for since my banned book of 2017, is seen by Trump constantly wanting to be seen as “father of the Covid vaccines,” with no concern about the deaths and adverse effects. The plump guru has even been booed at rallies when talking about the vax, so you would think that even a moderately intelligent person would learn to shut up about it? I have also lamented that many patriots cannot see Trump for what he is. Still, maybe things are changing, as detailed below, Mike Adams, long-time Trump supporter, at long last gives Trump the serving he rightly deserves.

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How is the Johnson & Johnson Vax Going? Down! By Chris Knight (Florida)

I think the Johnson & Johnson Covid vaccine is not available for Australians, but we have it here in the US. How is this: “A study published Thursday reported a steep decline in vaccine effectiveness against infection by August of this year, especially for people who received the J&J vaccine,” CNN reported. “The researchers found that among more than 600,000 veterans, J&J's vaccine's protection fell from 88% in March to 3% in August.”

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CCP Law Punishes Parents for Children’s Bad Behaviour! By James Reed

Commo China is now punishing parents for the “very bad behaviour” of their children. The idea I suppose, from a collectivist bee-hive perspective, is that the parents are responsible for socialising the children, and if the children misbehave, the parents have their part to play. Put like that, the idea has a moment of sanity, but on closer analysis falls apart, since plenty of decent parents who do the right thing, end up with problem children because of genes or social environment. Peer groups have a lot to do with it. Thus, the CCP should move to the next level and punish peer groups as well. So, they might as well punish everybody. And why not, that is the commo collectivist way?


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Did the FBI Help Stage the January 6 Peaceful Protests? By Chris Knight (Florida)

The claim that the Deep State, such as the FBI, was involved in setting up the invasion of the Capitol Building on January 6, has received bits and pieces of evidence over the year. There appears to be someone in a video who looks like a Fed urging people to go into the Capitol Building, and police wave them in, like animals walking into a trap. That was the excuse for Trump to do nothing, and for the Biden regime to declare war upon Trump supporters.

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Wokeness is Destroying the West: Vlad the Lad, Putin By James Reed

If one has to be destroyed by a nuke weapon, who better to fire it than Vlad Putin? I was surprised that he looked a bit short next to Prezzy Xi, but maybe Xi is a giant China man? But, I digress, or rather have not even got to my main point yet, which is? Yes, Mr Putin has said what we have all been saying too, that wokeness, once called political correctness, is set to destroy the West. The West, as he sees it is going through something like the revolution which Russia, then the USSR, went through in 1917, and we all know how that turned out: the USSR collapsed.

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Covid Lockdowns: The Mental Health Ill-Effects By Mrs Vera West

I have blogged before about the mental health effects of the Covid plandemic, especially the unchartered territory of locking people way in Victoria for the longest duration on Earth, more than communist China. The Daily Mail did a good job by letting two teenagers give their perspective on the Covid anxiety that they have experienced. It is quite possible that an entire generation has been harmed. Australia could have had the backbone to go down the road of Sweden without lockdowns, having only social distancing and even masks, but ones that work. But our “leaders” took the paranoid approach. And we have yet to see the breakthrough infections come for the vaccinated, as in Israel.

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Covid Shopping Mandates By Brian Simpson

Dark times for those who work at the supermarkets. The no jab, no job mania is in full swing, and now the latest victims are workers in the three major supermarket chains. Here, in the Soviet state of Victoria, workers will have until January 31 2022 to be jabbed. It gives a little time to find a new job. Hopefully people will be resigning right around Christmas, as a gift to management. My son’s friend works part-time at one supermarket and is already looking for new work, maybe doing on-line stuff to avoid the Covid mandate mania.

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NATO Prepares for Nuke War with Russia, because Nuke War with China is Just Not Enough! By James Reed

Talk about gluttons for punishment. It is not enough to want to fight war with China, but Russia, the old enemy is back on the menu, and NATO has big war plans, if necessary. The plan is called, “Concept for Deterrence and Defense in the Euro-Atlantic Area.” It involves conventional warfare in both the Baltic Region and across the Black Sea, as well as the use of nukes, cyber-warfare, and even war in space. But, is this wise? Russia has the Satan II nuke which can wipe out a land mass the size of France. Must be a death wish operating here.

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The Alex Baldwin Anti-Gun Shooting By John Steele

Woke ultra-anti-gun actor Alex Baldwin was on the set of his Western movie, Rust, and accidentally shot dead cinematographer Halyna Hutchins, 48.  A second shot injured Rust director Joel Souza, but some reports have it that the same .45 Long Colt bullet did it by passing through Hutchins’ body. This was a terrible accident, but one which should have been prevented by safety measures, after the death some time back of martial arts legend Bruce Lee’s son Brandon Lee, on the set of the movie The Crow. Brandon Lee was killed by the residue of lead inside a pistol which was discharged when a blank was fired. The gun was not checked.

It seems that something worse than this occurred, with real bullets being in the gun, from a mix up with target shooting at the set.  This occurred due to the negligence of a non-union worker, who was brought in after union workers had walked off the set due to safety concerns. Baldwin was told that the gun was safe, but he had a duty of care to check it himself, and point it in a safe direction, not at Hutchins. But, as a radical anti-gun advocate in real life, he probably did not have firearms training, only banning that which he did not understand.

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Urgent! Time is Running Out to Voice Your Opposition to Digital identity Proposal!

Dear Reader, Do you trust politicians and bureaucrats? If the answer is ‘Yes’ then you need do nothing BUT if the answer is NO, then you need to get cracking and make your submission on this Legislation and be sure to send copies to your Federal Member and ALL Senators. I am unhappy with the warning sent yesterday regarding the Public consultation on Australia’s Digital Identity legislation. Its importance was NOT emphasised enough! Background: “On 1 October 2021, the Hon. Stuart Robert MP, Minister for Employment, Workforce, Skills, Small and Family Business released the exposure draft of the Trusted Digital Identity Bill and related legislative instruments for public consultation.” The exposure draft consultation period (Phase 3) is open until 5:00 pm AEDT on Wednesday 27 October 2021. FOUR DAYS TIME! MAKE YOUR SUBMISSION HERE -

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Is Covid-19 a Falsified “Pandemic” Exercise? By James Reed

This is an interesting perspective on the Covid tyranny, that it is a falsified pandemic exercise. What does this mean? As argued at, there is a case that Covid is an “operational exercise,” “exercise program,” or “hoax.” One indication of this is to examine laws that were passed in the US just before the alleged Covid outbreak, including laws that test national preparedness to deal with disasters.

One  program is named the National Exercise Program and was developed, led, and conducted by the Department of Homeland Security and other federal bureaus and departments. Apart from terrorism, one focus is upon emerging disease threats, via pandemics. As the article states: “Both the timing of this legal update (October 2019, only a few months before COVID-19) and the oddity of the update itself (adding simply “and emerging” to describe “threats” suggests U.S. federal government national security and public health officials were legally preparing for future planned national exercises involving “emerging threats,” planned exercises which could result in legal liability without the October 2019 amendment to the National Exercise Program law) make this one of the most significant indications that COVID-19 may be a falsified pandemic “National” (and International) “Exercise.”” This goes with the mountain of other evidence indicating that the gain-of-function research at Wuhan received US funding. Could it be that there was a global plot to first bring down Trump, then fast track the New World Order, as climate change hysteria was not doing the job? If so, what comes next? Another plandemic?

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Well, it Could Be Worse: the Kiddies Could Have Masks Glued to Their Faces! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here is Covid insanity to end the working week, at least for the Australasian time zone. At a Colorado Springs middle school, teachers have taped masks to children’s faces! The Covid plandemic has brought out the worst in people, and expect that more bad times are to come, because now we will experience the full-on economic consequences of this global folly, or rather New World Order conspiracy.

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Could it Really be? Covid Guru Dr Fauci Telling Pork Pies? By Chris Knight (Florida)

US Covid guru Dr Fauci, who has a lively opinion on everything Covid, told the US Sensate that an NIH grant did fund gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. But, the truth does tend to out.  Molecular biologist Richard H. Ebright recently posted a letter from the National Institute of Health (NIH) showing that an NIH grant did fund gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, completely contradicting Dr Frankenstein, sorry my mistake, Fauci. So, what is going to happen? Nothing.

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