The Children of the Revolution Will Eat the Fathers of the Revolution By Mrs Vera West

In my articles I often reflect on how the cult of Leftism has progressively got more radical, as earlier versions become mainstream. Thus, in my time, it has gone from civil rights to BLM and Critical Race Theory, from ending the White Australia policy to Asianisation, from feminism to transgenderism. And it is not going to stop there as US comedian Ricky Gervais has recently said. Where will it end? It cannot continue forever since these movements erode social capital. I expect that cultural collapse has already occurred, but technology and economic growth has for the time held the system together. But, that too will be eroded, and the Great Fall, as with Rome, will occur across the globalised world, including China.

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Covid Tyranny for the Locals, While the Covid Untested Pour in By Charles Taylor (Florida)

While on the subject of Covid tyranny and hypocrisy, can anything in the world beat the open madness of having rigorous Covid mandates for the local US population, including masks for school children, while allowing the open invasion through the southern border of illegals without testing requirements or even masks! Anyone would think that the Biden administration is using Covid as a political weapon!

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Covid Vax Opposition in the Military and the Dishonourable Discharge By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I was given a medical discharge from the US military after injury by the enemy from a fire fight. This led to full benefits as well as an invalid pension, and I am grateful to have served my country. However, it is quite another matter to receive a dishonourable discharge from the US military, and I expect the Australian forces as well. People will lose benefits and a whole range of rights. Here is what Covid conscientious objectors in the military now face in the United States.

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Local Secessionism By Chris Knight (Florida)

Gregory Hood, at American, addresses the question of US secessionism, the breakup of America along red and blue state lines. Breaking up the entire nation in one go is going to be difficult, but there could be, and seems to be happening now, smaller movements, as described below. There is also the quasi-secessionism of Florida and Texas taking a stand against Biden’s Covid mandates, which could become more significant as time goes by.


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Research Guide to Covid Vaccine-Caused Myocarditis, Pericarditis and Cardiomyopathy By Brian Simpson

For those with more technical interests, and an increasing number of people, not so much interested in economics and politics are turning to the blog as a clearing house for Covid critical information in Australia, here are some technical papers going into details about the heart conditions caused by the Covid jabs.


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Vaccine Induced Mortality By Brian Simpson

The mortality from the Covid jabs during the first 30 days of the European vaccination drive, is estimated to be 1,018 people dead per million doses. For the world, considering only deaths counting as Covid deaths, the death toll from the vaccinations is estimated to be between 200 and 500 deaths per million doses. Given the assumption that around 4 billion does of the vaccines have been administered around the world, there could be 800,000 to 2 million Covid vaccine-induced deaths - or worse. Dr Mercola goes into detail in a now deleted post. We have never seen vaccines like these.

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The Woke End of 007 James Bond: Licence for Political Correctness! By James Reed

Leading into the weekend, something of a lighter note, the death of James Bond 007, in the latest offering, No Time to Die (2021). Yes, the latest Bond movie, the only one which I will not see, not only replaces Bond with a woke black woman, drops all the beautiful women, but kills off Bond at the end of the movie. This movie is so bad that even those within the movie circle are condemning it. Next, I am sure Bond will be resurrected as a Black. Still it could not be as bad as this ending, as a Black actor would not put up with the politically correct humiliation that Daniel Craig seemed to have no problems with. This was an actor who hated the Bond role, and was the worst Bond of all, even worse than George What’s-His-Name, who had one gig in On His Majesties Secret Service. No Time to Die very much replicates that past Bond failure, even having some of the same theme music and a similar plot. Anyway, there are still the classics by real man hairy-chested Sean Connery, to watch when nostalgia grips one.

They have done to Bond what they have done to manhood and the rest of traditional culture.

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Trump: Treason, Stupidity or Both? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Trump, firing from the hip has said that unless the electoral fraud issues are resolved, Republicans should not vote in future elections. Did he think this through or is the traitor being true to form? Not voting makes it certain that the Democrats, who are now conducting a one-way war against Trump’s people, will totally annihilate them. If this fool had half a brain, or even two neurons to rub together, he would suggest legal non-violent protests, such as a mass national truckers strike, or a general strike, and it should have been done on January 7, 2021.

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Victoria, Servant of China By James Reed

While the state of Victoria is locking us down, having apparently thrown away the key, there are dark secrets being revealed about secret deals to help China win major state projects. I do not know why we bother having a so-called “Australian” government at all, when so much of the place now is just CCP. But, I suppose, that is the plan, isn’t it?

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A Thumb’s Journey in Social Media Land By James Reed

With all the warfare, the politics and New World Order, vaccinations, needles, disease …it’s exhausting … time to relax and think about something else for a moment, while having a nice cuppa, with Arnott’s biscuits to dunk into it. Nothing better; it brings back memories of watching Carlton at the footie ... but unvaxxed that will never happen again. Anyway, about the question of thumbs and scrolling …

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Zuckerberg’s Sneaky 2020 Election Funding By Chris Knight (Florida)

It is all coming out now. Zuckerberg CEO of Facebook, spent hundreds of millions of dollars in marginal seats to help get Joe Biden over the line. Was this really necessary, since as Biden himself said, the Democrats were running the most comprehensive electoral fraud campaign in history? I suppose no stone was to be left unturned, as there was the possibility that Trump might have put down his cheese burger and golf clubs in the second term and actually done something about Big Tech. Instead they treated Trump in his fall like dogs treat lamp posts, by banning a sitting president.

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The Merits of Natural Covid Immunity: A Summary of Recent Research By Brian Simpson

Childrens Health has put together a comprehensive case for the merits of natural immunity to Covid over the vaccines, natural immunity being essentially more robust, dealing with the whole virus rather than one protein. The table below, which I hope reproduces here (if not go to the original source), has a summary of the peer reviewed evidence for natural immunity. This could be useful to readers in legal battles ahead, since natural immunity in Australia is being sidelined in favour of a fanatical pushing of vaccines. It is as if the government is like a human cell, that has been taken over by the viral proteins of Big Pharma!

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Does the Covid Virus Really Exist? By Brian Simpson

There is among the vaccine critics a minority position that claims that the Covid-19 virus, SARS-CoV-2 does not exist. How can that be, since one can easily Google pictures of the molecular structure of the virus? Here is the case for this position from Natural, for comprehensive coverage. I do not agree with this. Even if there were methodological difficulties in the beginning in identifying the virus, from what I can uncover, I think this has been solved now. As well, the postulation of the existence of the actual virus explains how initially otherwise healthy people did get sick. Something was happening biologically, and the simplest explanation is a common cause, a virus.


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Covid-19 Outbreaks in Highly Vaccinated Singapore By Brian Simpson

We will continue to update on Covid breakthrough infections in highly vaccinated countries. Singapore is a model for vaccination. However, “Singapore reported 1,647 new COVID-19 [Chinese coronavirus] cases on September 27, the day measures were tightened. By the next day, new cases topped 2,000 for the first time, and have not fallen below since,” CNA reported on October 19.” So, this is the most likely future for Australia, as even places with close to 100 percent Covid vaccination rates are still experiencing outbreaks, as I document in another article today at this blog at Waterford, Ireland. Expect our authorities to really freak out when the sacred Covid vax magic does not deliver instant paradise, or even a return to business as normal.

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To Lament the Loss of the Word “Woman” is Now Transphobic! By Mrs Vera West

Feminist Left author Margaret Atwood, who has supported the transgender agenda in the past, now has got into hot water for merely tweeting her disagreement with the ban on the use of the word “woman,” and insistence in the use of gender neutral language, which renders it impossible to discuss various issues related to women. She was labelled a TERF (trans-exclusionary radical feminist), as previously was  “Harry Potter” author JK Rowling for equally as mild criticism of the transgender movement. At least, the collapse of civilisation will mean no artificial hormones and surgery, and probably no Left at all, so I expect these debates will not be part of the future.


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Pfizer: Silencing Governments, Throttling Supply, Maximising Profit By Chris Knight (Florida)

A Public Citizen report, by the US consumer rights advocacy group, has alleged that Pfizer has used its position of a leading Covid vaccine producer, to “silence governments, throttle supply, shift risk, and maximize profits” through secret contracts with countries around the world. Pfizer has bullied Latin American countries during contract negotiations. For example, Brazil came to accept a contract that “waived sovereign immunity; imposed no penalties on Pfizer for late deliveries; agreed to resolve disputes under a secret private arbitration under the laws of New York; and broadly indemnified Pfizer for civil claims.” In short, Pfizer secured dream contracts that seem reserved for Big Pharma, specially vaccine producers.

Big Pharma rules the world, at least at a certain level.

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Covid Surges in Waterford Ireland By Richard Miller (London)

Add Waterford Ireland to the growing list of places where there is a high vaccination rate, of 92 percent, but with the highest rate of Covid infections in Ireland. Is it a “pandemic of the unvaccinated”? Well, consider County Waterford where almost every single person over the age of 18 has been double jabbed. However, Covid case numbers are surging with more than 700 new cases in the last two weeks, with the number of vaccinated patients in ICU now is almost as high as the entire number of Covid patients in ICU a year ago. It is a pandemic of the vaccinated.

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The Covid Lab Leak Hypothesis goes Mainstream By Brian Simpson

When Trump proposed that the Covid virus had escaped from the Wuhan labs, that was regarded by the New Class as racist, and even if true, could not be true. However, with Trump gone, having served his masters well, the truth is gradually leaking, if not escaping, from the lab of mainstream media, with the lab leak hypothesis now being seriously discussed. Yes, but was the leak an accident or deliberate, and if deliberate, then this is an act of war against the world? But is the CCP entirely at fault, given as well evidence of funding from the US? The bits of the puzzle have yet to be put together into an explanatory whole, but you can be sure that the story is a dark one.

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The Digital Identity Legislation: Submissions in Opposition are Due by 27 October, 2021. By James Reed

This is an email I received which was so well put I reproduce it, but it is warning about the proposed digital identity legislation proposed by the federal government. The email gives where this is likely to go, down the track, but the government material is all reassuring. Sure, what else could we expect; “trust me I am from the government and am here to help.” Sure, help whom?


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Covid Vax Injuries, Unleashed By Brian Simpson

An international group of experts is calling for an immediate end to the Covid mass vaccination programs. This group of 57 scientists, doctors and public health policy experts, has released a report questioning the supposed safety and efficacy of the Covid-19 vaccines. The group’s study is titled “SARS-CoV-2 mass vaccination: Urgent questions on vaccine safety that demand answers from international health agencies, regulatory authorities, governments and vaccine developers.” The vaccines have been pushed through with emergency authorisation, none had proper animal trials before beginning human trials, and in short, the populations of the vaccinated, are part of the on-going experiment. Thus, is it any wonder that we are seeing the deaths and often bizarre adverse effects, as documented below.

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