Now “The Wall Street Journal” Criticises Fauci By Brian Simpson

Things are definitely moving along on the wild west Covid trail, and we are catching up to where we should have been 12 months ago, but had to take a politically correct pause because the establishment would not want Trump to be right about anything, even the truths of arithmetic! Now that he is gone forever, mainstream papers like The Wall Street Journal are having a crack at Dr Fauci and his role in the whole nasty Covid viral business.

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A University, Self-Cancels …Will it Short-Circuit? By James Reed

Here is another story from the crazy US university scene, where what happens there today, happens in Australia tomorrow, on your tax dollars. Ever wonder why you are poor! Anyway, the story told by Robert Spencer is that at the American University in Washington, “a petition that began circulating in late February on social media sparked a conversation among American University students and staff members alike — whether or not Islamophobia is rooted in the School of International Service.” And, you guessed it, it is. Robert Spencer takes this nonsense apart.

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The CCP’s Wuhan Lab Deserves 50 Nobby Prizes! By James Reed

Material below contemptuously proclaims that the Wuhan lab deserves a Nobel Prize for its work on the molecular biology of the Covid-19 virus. Mind you, not for letting it loose on the world and destroying economies of the West, but for hard core science stuff. But, when it is proven that the virus got out from the lab, that should not alter the claims for a Nobby, sorry Nobel Prize, in the slightest, given who they give these things to now. I mean to say, it takes ingenuity and sheer guts to do what the CCP has done, so sure, give them the Prize, they will soon have the world, taking it from the puffy wrinkled, senile woke hands of the West.

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Covid’s Origin Backstory: Enter Peter Daszek By Brian Simpson

While much critical writing on the Covid origins issue has focused upon Dr Fauci, there is another key player less discussed, Dr Peter Daszek. Here is how he fits into the great Covid story. In some respects, he is as important, if not more so to the present state of affairs than Fauci.

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Neo-Marxism, the Real Culture of Critique By James Reed

I had a copy of Professor MacDonald’s The Culture of Critique, but unfortunately the rats ate much of it, as I stored my books in the leaky carport of my Russian neighbour, which is a home for most of the rodents of Melbourne.  But he says the eating of rats   is good, compared to what he had to eat in Russia during the USSR period. So, I can’t check the book, and did not find a pirated copy on the internet, which I would never use anyway, being a believer in the sacredness of private property, any departure of which would be communist, but I seem to recall that Kev pinned the blame upon the Frankfurt School, which on first reading put me off frankfurts, which I did like, boiled up. Anyway, to focus, there is a case that the problem is with Marxism in general, and the entire Leftist Weltanschauung, points also made in another blog post, overlapping with this one.

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James Wesley, Rawles: How Amazon Destroyed American Book Publishing By John Steele

James Wesley, Rawles, the comma is intentional, but now seems to have been dropped, is a successful survivalist writer and Christian. He has a great site, which consists of readers essays which are assessed for great manly prizes, such as guns. Anyway, here is his informed critique of Amazon book publishing. This is no sour grapes, as he has been successful. The few Kindle books I put out, not having any advertising money did poorly. Not even mum bought a copy, but as she is dead, I forgive her.


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Fear the State: The Primal Terrorist By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I have covered many stories on the corruption and evils of the State, clearly indicating that we are in a condition of anarcho-tyranny. Here is a good summary of the issues, while I have a quick drink before dusting off my pants and getting back in the saddle. publishes good stuff.

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The Downfall of Perspex Screens By Brian Simpson

How the Covid groupies love their perspex screens, hiding behind them, thinking that they are safe from the deadliest disease known to bats! Not so.

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Utopia 2020: Vaccine Apocalypse By James Reed

Utopia 2020 was a TV series that went for a few episode then was cancelled. It was about a vaccine that had a secret ingredient that was to sterilise the bulk of the human population. As vaccines are the greatest things ever invented, and could never be used in this way, the series must have been cancelled, being too farfetched and fantastic not because it was in any way touching any globalist nerves!


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FBI Violated the Constitution? Happens All the Time By Charles Taylor (Florida)

America’s not-so-secret Leftist police force, the FBI, worse than the KGB in the day, was investigating so-called “white supremacists” long before the Capitol peaceful protests, no doubt getting ready for its false flag coup. We know that “white supremacist” is another term for anyone supporting anything even vaguely along Trump lines, or anti-Democrat. Trump should have closed it down while he could, but, did nothing.


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Covid Vaccines and Period Pain By Vera West

The link, if it exists, between the Covid-19 vaccines and reports of period pain, should be investigated by all of those big time promoted feminist biotech and medical researchers in the university. I bet none of them risk their cosy careers to investigate this one.

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Hate Speech for Animals too? By James Reed

Two legal professors have argued that hate speech concepts can be just as easily applied to animals. But there is a twist in the story, that I cover at the end of this article.

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Swiss Reject Climate Change By Richard Miller (London)

At last some sanity; the Swiss in a referendum have rejected three climate change polices, and zoomers and millennials were right up there voting it down! After all, it is their world which is going to be destroyed by the globalists.


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What Do Chinese CCP Dr Frankensteins Do on a Lazy Sunday Afternoon? By Brian Simpson

Well they do not rest, that is for sure. But there are always some great projects to work on, like impregnating a male rat! It must have been fun to push the boundaries, just like with Covid.

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One Strike and You are Cancelled! By James Reed


US composer, Daniel Elder, had a promising music career ahead of him. But, then he made the fatal mistake of making a mild criticism of BLM and antifa thugs burning down areas near to him, so the system moved to finish off his career. It is just what they do now, being allowed to get away with it. Mass national strikes and food shortages might make them think, as Charles argues, but the deplorables are just too gutless to even make lawful protests, as Deep State plant, Trump said to roll over and die. And, they are, deplorable lot of deplorables they are. The Australian equivalents are just as weak. Shameful.

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What Would the Vaccine Inventor Know Anyway? By Brian Simpson

Here is material where Dr Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine core platform technology, and Steve Kirsch, who has been researching adverse reactions to COVID-19 gene therapies, outline the case against the Covid vaccines. Their opinions are worth reviewing, given how close these two have been to all the action. The main problem, as noted by Dr Malone, is that the spike protein is a bioactive cytotoxin. He warned the U.S. Food and Drug Administration about this, but they dismissed his concerns, holding that the spike proteins do not circulate, something which has now been disproved.


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Australia and Voter Fraud By James Reed

Our US correspondents, Chris and Charles have been covering the US voter fraud issue in detail. But the question arises about whether something like that could happen in Australia. It is doubtful that there could be the things here as seen in the US, allegedly, with the voting machines, and massive numbers of dead people voting for the Democrats, and open violation of electoral laws, but there are still problems with the Australian system, that a tremendous article, the best researched I could find, the, has detailed. I was somewhat surprised to find that, as one politician put it: ““Electoral fraud, malpractice and errors are a common feature of the Australian electoral system.”

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Fly Them to the Moon …and Leave Them There! By Brian Simpson

The idea of flying the elite out into space and leaving them there is grand. But of course, the problem is that they will not go into space if there is any likelihood of this happening. Pity that, but the thought is in the right place though.


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Leaving Aborted Live-Born Babies to Die, for New Zealand Leftists Feminists, is Fine! By Mrs Vera West

Read on and be shocked, because New Zealand’s radical abortion laws are a test case, coming our way. It amazes me that the Left jump up and down about any expression of “racism,” as they re-define it, to include anything that Trump says, but allowing aborted babies born alive, to die with no medical intervention, is all legal now. Does anyone else see a moral problem here? A medical ethics problem, doctors, nurses?


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China keeps Hack, Hack, Hacking Away, in the World’s Great Comical Musical! By Brian Simpson

Australian authorities are concerned, as detailed elsewhere at this bog, about Chinese spies. But humans are a high investment. Cyber-attacks, and hacking done from the comfort of a Chinese dungeon using cyber-slaves, are much more cost-effective, and deadly.

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