China’s Manipulation of US Elections to Come By Chris Knight

There were some articles in past months hypothesising about China’s involvement in the stolen US election, including allegations of printing of ballot papers. This needs to be run to ground, and Trump should have immediately have done so, giving him grounds for invoking the Insurrection Act, instead of being a pathetic cuck. But the future will be one where China does manipulate elections, among other things.


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The Fate of Christians in China By James Reed

Christians are another persecuted minority in China, a nation which basically now is doing what it wants. Christians, according to some reports are being taken to underground torture and brainwashing centres. That’s our trading partner, but it is economically incorrect to object to trade on human rights grounds, I suppose.


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Approaching Near Infinite Anarcho-Tyranny By Chris Knight

Another report on the state of anarcho-tyranny that has been produced since January when the Beijing Biden regime stole the presidency, like taking candy from babies, maybe even easier, since babies at least would cry, while deplorables just go home. Oh, a few made a peaceful protest at the Capitol Building, with one Trump supporter being executed, but most were antifa. And now the regime had an excuse for tyranny. Really, they would just do it anyway, being evil. Here is James Kirkpatrick at on this. Just weep.


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Surprise: Some US Courts ARE Looking at the 2020 Election! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Mike Huckabee, reports on some action in the US lower courts, looking at the 2020 stolen election and fraud. A good sign, but I do not know where this will go, given the uselessness of the Supreme Court. Still, it is interesting for ideological reasons, showing the corruption of the political process, and the need for the USA to break up.

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Plagiarist China: One for “American Renaissance” By Brian Simpson

The American Renaissance site, so-called pro-white and race realist, has championed the view the East Asians are “so much smarter than us.” Well, if that is so, then why has China plagiarised and stolen intellectual material from the dull West? And why bother defending such a dumb people as we Whites? Wouldn’t it be better to become, East Asia Renaissance? Just asking, no offence intended. Oh, I intend to do a technical paper refuting the East Asian IQ ideology in the future. Stay tuned.


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The Profits of Tyranny By James Reed


Britain’s foreign secretary has recently said that democracy is in retreat around the world. No, he is not referring to the internal attack, launched by Western governments to ring in authoritarian Covid-tyranny, but to the economic growth of communist China. True point, but it totally misses the main concern that has been raised about the way the Covid-1984 plandemic has been used to erode freedoms. Given this, it does not really matter much if China produces more junk and GDP bs than the West, if everything worthwhile is destroyed for the tyranny of profit.

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The Greens Love Gender Neutral Language: Good for Environment! By James Reed

The Australian Greens opposed a motion put by One Nation banning the use of so-called gender-neutral language, such as “chestfeeding,” in government materials. Now, why would a party supposed to be concerned about the climate crisis, allegedly threatening human civilisation, take the time to worry about this? In fact, most issues pursued by the Green parties across the world deal with social justice warrior issues. The reason is simply that these parties are primarily concerned with Leftist social justice issues, with the environment, second. Thus, most Green parties would allow open borders, even though this would result in the tragedy of the commons. This makes people of my mind-set mighty sceptical of the environmentalism of Greens. Green on the skin, but the meat underneath is red. I don’t know what fruit is like that, maybe some mutant strawberry, or grape, something unpleasant.  


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Dr Augusto Zimmermann on State Power, Control and Covid-19 By James Reed

ere are some thoughts by Dr Zimmermann on the Covid issue. As a background: “Dr Augusto Zimmermann PhD, LLM, LLB, DipEd, CertIntArb is Professor and Head of Law at Sheridan College in Perth/WA, and Professor of Law (Adjunct) at the University of Notre Dame Australia, Sydney campus. He is President of the Western Australian Legal Theory Association (WALTA), and former Law Reform Commissioner with the Law Reform Commission of Western Australia, from 2012-2017 (appointed by then state Attorney General Christian Porter). Dr Zimmermann was chair and professor of constitutional law at Murdoch University from 2007 to 2017.”


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SpongeBob Gets Sponged! By James Reed

All of us seniors who are fans of sponge baths, will be dismayed to learn that the cartoon character SpongeBob, got banned in one episode for getting a little too close to the truth. We would not want the kiddies, or us seniors, who are subjected to complete Brave New World brainwashing, to think and ponder, if only for an instant. Their role is to become passive, obedient consumers, in lockdown. Our role is to die!

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Trump and Treason By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Biden administration is going full-on in crushing the supporters of Trump. This raises the question of what Trump is going to do about it (nothing, it was part of the deal). To define 70 million or more people as domestic terrorists is decisive grounds for breaking up America. If the deplorables had any guts, this should have happened, instead of sitting back like animals in abattoirs waiting for slaughter.

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UK Now a New Soviet Union Dystopia! By Richard Miller

Of course, the Covid plandemic has sped things up, but before that there was the race weapon. That is still being used, now with indoctrination and anti-whiteness being pushed from the cradle to the grave. This is what happens when the good men just let things go.


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Two Doses are Just Not Enough! By Mrs Vera West


Argentina’s president, Alberto Fernandez, got two doses of the Russian Covid-19 vaccine, but has now tested positive to the dreaded New Black Death. It just goes to show that at least 70 does may be needed, then cocktails from across the world, in a celebration of globalist genetically engineered diversity, from all the Big pharma corporations. Then something good might get cooking. Me, I want to see the Facebook vaccine, and if there is not one in development, then they deserve to get beaten by the twits at Twitter. Oooops, there goes my Facebook page, “I HATE FACEBOOK”! Sorry, Zucky!

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The Compromised WHO Report on Covid By Brian Simpson

There has been growing criticism of the World Health Organization’s investigation of the Covid-19 plandemic, insofar, as China has been seen as unduly influencing the report. Here is some of the latest material on this:


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The Reality of US Anti-Asian Violence By Chris Knight

Here is one of the latest news stories about anti-Asian violence. And, the attacker was not White, contrary to the mainstream “it’s white supremacists” narrative. In fact, FBI statistics do not see Whites as the major attackers at all.


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Queen Ann on the Chauvin Human Sacrifice By Charles Taylor


The Derek Chauvin trial is now on, but its conclusion is virtually certain, since the forces of the radical Left intend to burn down America again unless he is convicted. Leading radicals have already proclaimed his guilt, based upon no evidence at all. That is the coming way they will run law in the ruins of America. Hopefully, Whites will succeed to their own ethnostate.

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Pope Francis’ Revolt Against the Modern World! By Peter West

The Pope has gone even further now, maintaining the so-called climate crisis has its roots in the industrial revolution, implying that industrialism is bad. Well, I am not surprised he would come to this conclusion, reached by the most extreme Deep Green environmentalists.

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The Corporate Role in Attacking Voter Integrity Laws By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Americans wanting to have fair elections have a real fight on their hands, as not only is there the political class to fight, the Leftist establishment and decadent academics, but also the globalist corporates.

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Why the European Grooming Rapes were/are Ignored by the Establishment By Mrs Vera West


Here are some thoughts by Raymond Ibrahim, author of Sword and Scimitar,  a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, a Judith Rosen Friedman Fellow at the Middle East Forum, and a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Gatestone Institute, on why the establishment is ignoring, or down playing the rape of European women by non-white  men in Europe. You can be sure that if it was white men targeting non-white women, there would be hell to pay, and rightly so. But why the asymmetry?

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Hotspots on US Electoral Fraud: the Data Analysis Approach By Chris Knight

High quality material continues to be published on various aspects of the 2020 stolen election, the greatest electoral fraud covered in US history. But, for all we know, this corruption has probably been going on for much of a century. The following material from The American Thinker, a tremendous conservative blog for … well … thinkers, goes to the basics of fraud investigation, as seen in other areas such as insurance fraud, taking a data analysis approach. The results are astonishing, at least for normies who might still believe that the system is not totally corrupt.


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China Threat: From “The Australian” By James Reed

Today’s diatribe is all base upon coverage of China in The Weekend Australian, April 3-4, 2021.  First, China and Russia, it is alleged, are trying to throw a spanner in the works of the magical vax rollout. That is truly shocking, because regardless of the blood clot issue, getting a vax is going to be one’s passport to existence, e.g. vaccine passports, maybe even getting a beer at a pub, as in the UK. Already, I spend most of my spare time getting Covid tests, sometimes from people on the street busking, so I will be ready for the jabs. But, let’s not be too silly because China’s biological warfare programs could kill millions. Read on.


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