No Defence for the Dispossessed Majority By Charles Taylor (Florida)

A good article at by Hispanic dissent Pedro de Alvarado, on the Republicans not protecting Whites, their basis, even though the Democrats go all out on rewarding their horde. No firm answer is given of the root cause, but I think it comes back to this party being on the same team as the Democrats at the end of the day, and both involved in the Great Replacement, just with a differing emphasis.

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China is Boss Now, US Just a Pussy, and a Sick Cat Too! By James Reed

So, the US and China had a trade meeting, and the Chinese basically did verbal kung fu and knocked out the US in record time, so now the US is going to, I don’t know, what does a pathetic libtard nation do, just die? I mean, Biden can’t even hold himself up, falling on the gentle steps of Airforce One, so what hope is there? All the tragic videos are at the next URL:

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Where, Oh Where, Have All the Chips Gone? By Brian Simpson

No, it is not a shortage of hot potato chips and tomato sauce, as nice as it would be to dip into that fatty, salty, unhealthy treat while working on this. No, it is computer chips, And, our friends over at New Scientist, who have been “new” for a long time now, begging the question of what “old scientist” would be, have an explanation.

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The Great Bill Gates Conspiracy By Mrs Vera West

Well, I thought that Natural was naughty, but Dr Mercola is really getting up the nose of the techno-elites, which in itself, is not a pleasant, or hygienic place to be when you think about it. The material below is based upon the premise that the World Health Organization has charted the Covid-19 path for nations. But, who controls WHO? Why, Dr Mercola argues, none other than Bill Gates! And, that is the problem. Also the disclaimer that we here are not advocating any form of medical advice, merely reporting in the public interest on matters of politics.

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Can Our Computer Mad World Bring Us Down? By Brian Simpson

This topic, of whether our computer dominated world will bring us down was discussed recently at, an interesting site with a variety of survivalist and technological articles, well worth having a look. The idea of computers getting out of control was a stable of sci fi literature and films, with the Terminator series probably being the most famous. The message in those movies was that technology, through human hubris would get out of control, and once it became self-aware, all bets are of what it will do, most likely not being biologically based it will see biological organisms tasking up too much room, and thus seek to eliminate them. That day is not here yet, but recently an AI experiments by Facebook, led, supposedly to the computers developing heir own language, which the humans did not understand, so the experiment was shut down.


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Take Back the Port of Darwin! By George Christensen MP

That’s my message to the Australian Government on the back of recommendations of the Pivot report that I tabled in Parliament this week. 

This Pivot report …   is the outcome of submissions many of my Nation First readers made to the China Inquiry, a campaign I ran last year asking Australians to put forward their views on the Australia-China relationship. As it happens, our close ‘friendship’ (I use the word loosely!) with a ruthless, totalitarian, communist regime is of great concern to a lot of ordinary Australians. These people made submissions to a parliamentary inquiry, and from there the Pivot report was formed.

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The Corruption Goes Right to the Top of the Tree By Charles Taylor


The Tyranny of Critical Race Theory, on the Ground

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The Tyranny of Critical Race Theory, on the Ground By Chris Knight

Here is a story, difficult to summarise, but it essentially involved a group of critical race theorists engaging in near terrorism, as it is now defined, or at least harassment and civil rights violations against parents objecting to the manure being spoon fed to their children. Shocking, but it is becoming more common now.

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President Harris, Now According to Senile Joe! By Charles Taylor

False president Joe Biden, after the famous multiple slipping event on the stairs of Airforce one, referred to Vice President Harris, as “President Harris.” The mainstream media have ignored this largely, or just laughed it off. But, it gives the game away, as Biden’s incompetency is now a matter of international attention, as our enemies circle us, ready for the kill.

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Covid-19: Lab Made By Brian Simpson


Dr Mercola continues to deliver to us on all the covid-19 misadventures. Here is more on the lab origin of the plandemic.

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Should All Men be Locked Up? By Richard Miller (London)

It has come so far that the Mayor of London has said that London is not safe for women and girls. I agree with that. But, is the solution a 6 pm curfew for all men? Well, there can’t be racial discrimination, so it will have to be all men. But, that will have tremendous economic impact, and thus is unworkable, without even getting to morality and law, so forget it.

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The Covid Dog Obedience Society! By Brian Simpson

I have used the metaphor of dogs in a kennel to describe our lockdowns in Melbourne, but that is a bit of an exaggeration, since most dogs get treated better than us, and if dogs were treated as humans have been, it would indeed be cruelty to dumb animals! Norwegian psychology professor, Charlotte Reedtz, sees the dangerous psychological effects of this Imprisonment, that will echo down society’s dusty corridors for decades.

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Feminist Tyranny: It Did Not Take Too Long to Come to This! By Mrs Vera West

Naturally, if all heterosexual intercourse, by Whites of course, is rape even with written consent and witnessed by ten thousand lawyers, according to radical feminism, then milder events, such as asking a woman out, will be a prelude to rape, or at least sexual harassment. Gee, anyone would think that feminism was part of the White Genocide/Great Replacement program! But, that would be conspiratorial, not that all this is not!

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No Scientific Evidence Behind Eternal Lockdowns By Mrs Vera West

Across the West, in response to the Covid-19 plandemic, lockdowns have been enforced in most jurisdictions. What evidence is there that this works? As I reported previously, there are US states with virtually identical Covid mortality rates, but one had lockdowns and restrictions, and the other did not, indicating that the lockdowns were not effective. What does the guru himself, Fauci, whose name always reminds me of something in plumbing that I can’t put my finger on, think?

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Now it is Racist Plants! Can the Crazed Top This? By Richard Miller (London)

The present woke, politically correct mania across the West is in over-drive, with each so-called nation, really just disintegrating state, working to outdo each other in a racially self-destructive frenzy. From the once Great Britain, comes this little gem, racist plants. Yes, really.

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Myanmar Regime Seizes Bank Accounts of George Soros' Open Society Foundation By James Reed

I am shocked. Will George Soros ultimately be forced to appeal to people for food? Are chook raffles on the agenda to fund the kill the West program? Will he come to Melbourne to crash at my flat, to save on costs of living? Georgie and me would be the odd ones alright, especially dumpster diving. Will he find that the bags under my eyes are even bigger that his? Anything is possible. Bad military junta.

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Let the People Go! By James Reed

If the Chinese people do not want to remain in Australia because we are despicable white racists, well, best that they remain pure and leave this cursed place. I understand. My feelings are not hurt, being too primitive to feel shame.

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South of the Border, Down China Way By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It looks like China, after doing its bit to destroy Donald Trump, is moving ahead to attack America where it is weakest and dumbest: the immigration open borders fanatic religion, among other things.

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Gasp! This Just has to be Shocking Racism! By Richard Miller (London)

It is almost unthinkable that any former White country would seek to do anything other than commit racial suicide today, Germany, Sweden and the US being examples. But, then there is this story about little old Denmark, run by shield maiden, Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen.

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Anti-Asian Hate Crimes? By Chris Knight (Florida)

The shooting of eight prostitutes by a mentally disturbed White was immediately taken to be part of an anti-Asian hate spree, which the elites and media fanatics wanted to link to Trump’s criticism of China, which then is fed back into the Beijing Biden regime’s anti- “white supremacism” agenda. The problem is, that the recent killings were not race-based, but anti-women/sexual, and other anti-Asian crimes were primarily committed by men of non-white races. But it does not matter to the system, which churns away on its anti-White agenda. Thanks Trump, you chump!

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