South African Cardinal Slams Preferential Black Economic Empowerment By James Reed

 No doubt about South African Cardinal Wilfrid Fox Napier, he has no respect for wokeness and political correctness, being a critic of BLM and affirmative action. As he is Black, the bleeding-heart white liberals must ignore him, not debate him.


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Musk Apocalypse! By Brian Simpson

Mega-star Elon Musk has made a number of warnings about humanity polishing itself off, and his latest fear is that this will occur before he colonises Mars. But, if humanity has this suicide impulse, all he is doing is delaying the inevitable, since the extinction event will occur on Mars down the track too!

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An Unhealthy Leftist Obsession with Unfounded Conspiracy Theories and Dystopian Police States By James Reed


Just mention conspiracy theories” and my shell-like ears prick up, well, at least for a moment, but then they collapse with muscle fatigue.

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Why Did They Come in the First Place Do You Think? By Paul Walker

At least in Canada, recent migrants are leaving Canada, due to the lockdowns. But, didn’t they come for cultural enrichment, that simply radiates from them? How can Canada survive?

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Japan Helping in the Quest to Make the Oceans Radioactive! By James Reed

Well it is good that radioactivity is pretty much a health food, at least in Japan, as the Japanese government is set to release over a million tons of radioactive water from the Fukushima plant into the Pacific Ocean, to presumably help fish grow 18 eyes, and humans, two heads. Surely this is a good thing, that will make the new mutants into super hero consumers, with two mouths to consume, radioactive fish, say? Just imagine all 450 of the world’s lovely reactors going into meltdown come the next Carrington Event, or nuclear war. Good times for all!


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At Step 10, of 10 Steps to Fascism: Naomi Wolf By James Reed

We know that things are getting bad, when a feminist Leftoid says that America, and maybe the West, is well on the way to totalitarianism, and it is not Trump’s fault. Think in terms of what the Covid-1984 has done, in normalising biofascism.


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Covid-19, Conversation Killer! By Mrs Vera West

It seems that killing traditional liberty is not all that Covid-19 is doing, it is also destroying the art of conversation as well, as people locked away in their kennels do not have the chance to engage in face-to-face conversation. As I typed this I got a message from the kind people at Google, who watch over me like guardian high tech angels (devils?), that Brisbane is now in lockdown. My guess is that New South Wales probably will follow, as Covid Cases leak across the border – but that is my hypothesis only, not a statement of fact. Then will it be Melbourne’s turn to freak-out again? Perhaps we should freak-out now and avoid the Easter rush!


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On Anglo-Nordic Survival By Chris Knight

There have been various discussions of how the Anglo elite surrendered its control of society in the United States, Australia, Canada, the UK and New Zealand. It seems that this has not occurred in other civilisations, which have not committed suicide, at least in such a rush. Two books with different points of view worth reading are Eric P. Kaufmann, The Rise and Fall of Anglo-America (2004) and Andrew Fraser The WASP Question (2011). There are insights on other sites too:  

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The Myth of the Surge in Asian Hate Crimes By Charles Taylor


The system is pushing the line that whites, who are not Democrat elites or part of the ruling class are racist, and must be controlled. Every shooting is classified by the media as white supremacist, whether it is true or not, only reporting the non-white nature of the crime after the psychological damage has been done, in this psycho-political war. Likewise, with the claim that whites are committing hate crimes against Asians. That the majority of offenders are a different colour is conveniently ignored. That is what is done in wars, in this, the most one-sided of all wars. What’s truth got to do with it?

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Is China Heading Towards Demographic Collapse? By James Reed

While the CCP is pretty cocky now, doing things like testing the West with planes and ships of war, there is a problem sitting on the horizon: demographic collapse. Here are some thoughts on this by Gordon Chang, a leading China critic, himself racially Chinese so the racism smear just won’t stick.

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How Weak Does the US Get? No China Covid Punishment By Brian Simpson

It seems that even if China did unleash the Wuhan flu, there will be no repercussions, because it is business as usual. That is what will kill the West.

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Taiwan to be Over-Run, Soon By James Reed

Under Beijing Biden, it is only a matter of time before China moves to crush Taiwan. Well, there goes all the computer chip stuff, which will surely upset Western capitalism. Does that worry the local elites? Probably not, since most are communists, genetically programmed to love CCP values.

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Eternal Masks and Lockdowns By Brian Simpson

I supposed that we all guessed this, that when the elites are on a winning wicket, they stick with it. Covid-19, the Wuhan flu, the New World Order bug, the CCP virus, call it what you will, will be with us for as long as it is of use to the elites, as a former British Supreme court judge has recently warned. When they say it is the new normal, they are not kidding!

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We are Now in World War III By James Reed

According to Lt. General Tom McInerney, the Covid-19 plandemic was a biological attack by the Chinese Communist Party upon the West. If so, Trump was not wrong in calling this the China flu.

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There Goes Dante; Who’s Next? By Richard Miller (London)

It is sad that the state of multiculturalism has led to things such as Dante having to be censored to not offend the minorities, but that is just how it is with diversity. You cannot have robust free speech and diversity at the same time, as they clash.

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Anti-Asian Racism and the CCP Virus By Charles Taylor

Numerous articles have shown, based on FBI statistics, that the attacks upon American Asians were not by Whites, but by another racial groups, including Blacks. But, let us think through what it means when the Left blame Trump for calling Covid-19, the China virus, and The Epoche Times, the CCP virus.

If the virus did come from Wuhan, whether naturally or released from the lab (deliberately as an act of terrorism, or accidentally as an act of negligence), then Trump is right to call it the China flu, as that is where it came from, as much as the Left would like to hide it. If Asians are targeted because of this, that only makes some sense if the Asians were somehow involved in transmitting the virus. But, that would have to be Chinese from Wuhan in Americas, which is not many. The attacks targeting say, Indians, would be far from the mark. In fact, there is no evidence I could find of attacks even on American Chinese merely because of the virus. There may be racist attacks, but finding evidence that the attacks were motivated by beliefs about disease epidemiology, is difficult.

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The Vatican: No Borders, No Differences By Peter West

Even clearer than the Pope’s diatribes are recent remarks by Cardinal Miguel Angel Ayuso Guixot, president of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, who put the line that in a globalised world there are no borders or differences, all to cuddle up to China. Yet, China is a complete refutation of the globalist ideology, being strongly nationalist, self-serving and with an ethno-racial identity inconsistent with the no-difference approach. Also, nothing about human rights abuses in China; that is only a concern with the West, but when it does mild things to restrict the immigration invasion, the Pope jumps up and down. Well, not up and down, that is too much exercise, he moves his lips sternly indeed, maybe waving a finger.

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Taking on The New York Times By Chris Knight (Florida)

The New York Post has taken on The New York Times over the George Floyd riots. TNYT pushed the line that it is the police’s fault. No, the police did not burn down cities, as surprising as that seems, but the radical Lefties, antifa and BLM.

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Aqueous Film Forming Foam, Set to Kill Us all! By Brian Simpson

People need to take to the streets on the issue of chemical pollution which is next to nuclear war, something that threatens to end the human species, the crash of human fertility being but one example. Here is another killer, from the United States, the emission of deadly Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) into the environment through burning to try to dispose of it, although there is no evidence burning does any more than spread three poisons around. Read on, and weep.

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Just Call me “Half Plonk,” and I will Call You “Tree”! By James Reed

It is fine now to identify as a tree, as part of gender relativism/nihilism. So, from now on, I will identify by the one thing that gives meaning to my life, a half-drunk bottle of plonk! Just call me James Half Plonk! Well, the strongest guy in the world is Viking Halfthor, so what’s wrong with Half Plonk? Say, it should be an interesting fight between Viking Halfthor and English man Eddie Hall this year, the two strongest guys in the world. It is seeming to ignite all rivalries going back13 hundred years. Well, that is one sales pitch that could be given.

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