January 6: It was All a Set Up! By Charles Taylor

Given that most of the Capitol building protesters were not Trumpers, but lots of Leftists, how can the anarcho-tyrannical system define this event as white supremacism? Why, easy, if there was not a single white person there it would not matter. The over-lords say and do what they want, being let go for far too long.


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The Joy of Nuclear Expansion By James Reed

I have frequently said that Australia, if it was not a toy migrant receptive pseudo-nation, would have developed a nuclear defence in the 1940s. But, no, with populate or perish, somehow people became the priority over advanced technology. What a place. Anyway, at least the UK is doing one thing right, getting more nukes, as like guns, the more nukes the safer.


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Chump Trump Discovers the Border Crisis By Charles Taylor

Trump has said that the border crisis will destroy America, but it was obvious that the Demon-rats were going to do this and more, for if they can steal an election in broad daylight, anything is possible. Trump let it happen, he could have fought back on January 6, but chose to be the greatest cuck in history, and that is saying something.


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Wokeness Led to China Winning: Even Liberals Can See It! By Chris Knight

In Australia you may not have heard of Bill Maher, but he is a liberal commentator, critical of Trump. But recently he has been going against the grain of Leftism, by raising issues about the Left’s sacred cow, or dragon, China.  


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Italy, Covid Vax and Manslaughter By Mrs Vera West

Of course, it must be a great coincidence given that vaccines have been passed down by the saints of biochemistry themselves.


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Boulder Shooting; Ban All Guns of Terrorists! By Charles Taylor

The liberal Left gun banners cannot help themselves and must wait impatiently for the next shooting to proclaim: look guns, kill ban them all, except for us, and our goons in the police and military! But, the latest shooting in Boulder has been done by someone who is hardly a white supremacist, and looks very much to be an old school Islamic terrorist.


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More Reasons Not to Trust Trump By Chris Knight

So, you have the greatest electoral fraud system in history, as Biden himself said, and a program to destroy America, now in full swing and Trump when leaving office with his tail between his legs, after the utter embarrassment of being cucked by Pence, leaves Biden a love letter. How long will it take for people to wake up to this fraud? Jared lurking the background should have sent off alarm bells.


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Emissions Confusion by Viv Forbes


What parallel universe are our politicians living in?

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The Marvel of Wokeness By Bruce Bennett

I lived on a small farm as a kid growing up in rural Victoria during the 1960s and missed most of the madness of the time. I did collect Marvel comics, especially Stan Lee and Jack Kirby’s run on the Fantastic Four and Thor. That so-called silver age was really a golden age, but it did not take long for what we now call political correctness to grip this genre. When Kirby left, I gave up on Marvel, seeing the writing on the wall. Now this is where it is at.


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Go Ducky, Go! By Brian Simpson

Ok, I never liked the name DuckDuckGo, but Google is a silly name too. Can you gargle a google, you tell me? “Eventually, they changed the name to Google; the name of the search engine originated from a misspelling of the word "googol", the number 1 followed by 100 zeros, which was picked to signify that the search engine was intended to provide large quantities of information.”


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Digging their Own Graves By Mrs Vera West

If the Chinese lab release hypothesis of the origin of Covid-19 proves correct, then America, through its globalist funding has help contribute to this crisis, and its doom via Beijing Biden.


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It is All a Grand Plan for US Destruction By Chris Knight

The catastrophic flow of migrants over the border, produced by Biden, is no accident. The aim is to bring in Democrat voters, and to dilute the White population, as part of the Great Replacement, something the Left is big on. Some do not comment on the racial aspect, but the general political consequences are clear enough.


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Please Explain; Covid Cases Spiking in Some High Vaccination States! By Mrs Vera West

Surely the very point of vaccines, is not just to make money for Big Pharma, using people as sinks, but to vastly reduce disease cases, if not eliminate disease. So, what is to be said about states with high vaccination rates, but spiking Covid cases?


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Zombie Apocalypse, America By Chris Knight

I had to go to San Francisco for business for our firm as no-one else would go. I was amazed at the level of social land physical decay. One had to be careful where one walked, least one step in human crap! The smell was terrible, like a war zone. But, all around was drug culture, a people crazed for a variety of drugs. With this comes social disintegration and crime, making the whole place take a zombie apocalypse feel. In fact, I would feel safer in The Walking Dead, than unarmed, around what walks the streets of most American cities.


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The Tragedy of Covid Suicides By Mrs Vera West

Apart from the economic misery, which is related to this, Covid suicides are one of the most depressing aspects of the present madness. Here are the grim statistics.


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Green and Gone! By James Reed

There is only one game in town and that is glorious fossil fuels, splendidly producing carbon dioxide for hungry plants to eat, and flourish. Try and divest fossil fuels, and the very spirit of oil will rise against you!


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Whoa! It is Getting Weirder by the Day! By James Reed

This one is astonishing, as a father is arrested for referring to his own biological daughter as “she” once she had transitioned to a “he.” I would like to have assembled all of the past great philosophers from Socrates to Alfred North Whitehead and maybe even Bertrand Russell, and put this scenario to them, and get feedback. What would King Alfred the Great think, let alone, Jesus Christ? The Buddha? Just speculating; of course, I will call him whatever he wants. Me? Don’t call me late for dinner. Gee, I just understood that one.


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The False Asian Hate Crime Narrative By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Left, Democrats and mainstream media have moved on from the January 6 rave, to the latest big one to smash White people, namely Anti-Asian racism. The brothel shootings are defined as race hate, even though the police have dismissed a race motive, and two Whites were killed. As documented below, the FBI statistics do not support the latest Leftist mania.

But, I wonder why the Left has to expend energy always seeking some hook to hang the racist tag? Why not just say anything, since conservatives are so soft and fearful they will not push back? Look at Trump who talked big up until January 6, then set things up for Biden, probably after some deal was done, took his bat and ball, or rather golf clubs, and returned to the good life of golf and junk food, and the worship by millions of zombies who cannot tell a traitor from a friend. Notice how the Democrats who swore to have him arrested are oh so quiet now about Trump. We don’t know half of what went on between these traitors, the art of the deal, indeed.

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Woke Queen Karma Harris Does Her Version of the Markle Whinge! By Charles Taylor

I find it amusing how the rich and powerful coloured folk like Meghan Sparkle and now Karma Harris, can whinge about racism, while millions of Whites, and Blacks, struggle to survive in an economy devastated by Covid-1984 lockdowns. There is no credibility to their blabbering at all, and they are just playing to the Leftist people in the rich ticket seats, who can shake their loot in time. Say, it will be interesting to see the two screaming queens playing off against each other for the decaying crown of the US. The country is going to be so rotten in a few years, if not months, that few would want the burden.


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A Spoonful of Sugar Really Does Make the (Liver) Medicine Go Down! By Mrs Vera West

Julie Andrews almost got it right in that classic song from Mary Poppins (1964). But sugar even in small quantities can smash the human liver, in less than “delightful ways.”


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