Medical Race Moral Panic By Brian Simpson

We have had a major medical conference saying that race does not exist, and does not impact upon health, because it does not exist, in perfect circular “logic.” The problem is that slavishly pursuing political correctness could harm the health of racial minorities, so the liberals have a paradox on their hands.

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The Tribes of Britain By Richard Miller (London)

          There are some excellent historical pieces on race and Nordics (Northern Europeans) filtering through at Occidental, including this one on genetics and the Anglo-Saxon migrations.

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The Case Against Diversity By Chris Knight (Florida)

With diversity the ruling ideology of cultural relations, it is good to consider the critique of this idea, which has also been revealing its destructiveness. A good summary article by Greg Johnson over at, gets all of the points together. The site, with Brett Stevens is also an extended critique of the diversity ideology.


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Abolishing Maths for Diversity By Brian Simpson

The present attack upon mathematics is part of a general attack upon science that the Left has been conducting since the 1960s, but it has become more radical by the decade. And, it is no longer just something well-paid decedent Arts academics play with, but the sewer now flows into the public domain.

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I, Biden, the Insurrectionist! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The present anarcho-tyrannical system is going after the peaceful protesters at the Capitol mangrove swamp on January 6, and it seems even those nowhere near the building, as an act of state terrorism. But, and this is human interest, Biden himself, long before his brain went into meltdown, was an insurrectionist too! Now, he is false president, aiming to ban guns in less than three months in the job! Secession now! End the corrupt US of Asses! Can the people get off their asses and stop waiting for bid daddy, traitor Trump to do something? He has golf and junk food to occupy his organs.

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Talking About Corruption and Cover Ups By John Steele

While Beijing gun-banning Biden is taking away the guns of lawful citizens, it seems the Deep State protects his son from gun offences. Normal people would be in jail for the following misadventure. America is supplying so many examples of what is wrong with the West, because, I suppose it is in an advanced state of decay.

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Biden Abolishes America By Chris Knight

Some good nationalist feedback following Biden’s chaotic diatribe about open borders in his first press conference, where remarkably he stayed awake long enough to lapse into incoherence and blame Trump for everything. But, his message was clear enough: white America dies now under the hammer of open borders and infinite immigration.

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Guaranteed Income but Not for Poor Whites! By Charles Taylor

The US is now a full-on, openly discriminatory, anti-white racist society. It does not haver my allegiance, it is not my country. Time for the Great Divorce: Break up the rotten apple of America!

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Republican-Controlled Wisconsin Assembly Authorizes Investigation of 2020 Presidential Election By Charles Taylor

While the big players like Trump have given up, some are still pursuing the stolen election issue.

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Biden’s Brain: Complete Chaos By Charles Taylor

Dementia Biden has had his first press conference, and the press gave him an easy ride, while he lied about the border crisis saying that it not new or larger, nothing to see here. But, during the conference he slipped slowing intro utter incoherence. Here, you need to check it out. It is just as well the Deep State is controlling him on his electronic dog collar, for who knows what he could do if allowed to roam on his own.

Longer-Term Adverse Effects from Covid-19 Vaccines By Mrs Vera West

Dr Mercola is my go-to site on updates on the adverse effects of the Covid-19 vaccines. Most discussions have been of short-term effects, but there may be longer term effects too, as well as moral ramifications.

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Bill Clinton and Women’s Empowerment? What! By Mrs Vera West

The Left are so over-the top throwing their weight around that they can rub it in people’s faces, so that a talk on women’s empowerment with Karma Harris. Let me see, this guy has been accused of multiple rapes, there are allegations about visiting Epstein’s paedo island, and it goes on. Wouldn’t it have been better to have say one of the Obama’s? Why have a man at all in a talk which will no doubt push the glass ceiling idea by the vice president, who has no glass ceiling.

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Do Demons Walk the Earth in this End Times? By James Reed

There is speculation on the net, including natural, that we are in end times, with plagues, UFOs and even demons running around everywhere. Personally, my view is this planet has always been a type of purgatory for most people, and a lucky few with money escaped much of the harshness, but  go to the Third World, and death and disease confront you. Thus, the mouse plague in New South Wales, I see as natural, a cyclic thing we have seen before. But, I have no doubt that the Dark Lords who rule us are demonic in a classic sense, of being like the Terminators, some sort of human outside, but inside pure demon straight from the pits of hell. That makes more sense than talking about lizard people. Thus, Big Tech leaders should have been asked: “Can you comment on allegations that you are a satanic demon from the pits of Hell, here to do the biddings of your boss, Satan, Prince of Darkness?” “Sorry, I will have to get back to you on that one!”

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The Queen Plans a Diversity Drive! by Richard Miller (London)

It gets worse by the minute; can’t anyone stand up against this madness? I guess Sparkle will be US president in 2024.

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China, a Finger in the Pie, Drug Pie! By Brian Simpson

China is dominating the money laundering business in America for the South American cartels. Well, how does that go down with the American Renaissance proposal of East Asians having less crime than goofy whites? More naïve empiricism I suppose.

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Adverse Thoughts about Adverse Effects By Mrs Vera West

Dr Mercola, our go-to source on all things Covid-1984, even beyond Natural now, discusses the latest adverse effects of the Covid-19 vaccines, as people die. I will be mighty upset, if I have to take the vaccine to avoid torture or the social equivalent, only to die an agonising death. Can’t I just take my chances on the disease and be given that? Pretty please with sugar on top!?

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There Goes New Zealand! By John Grant (Auckland)

Do not panic; New Zealand is not missing out on destruction by identity politics, so anyone thinking of escaping the madness in Oz by coming to the land of the long white (gasp!) cloud … well, just think again. Here is a mainstream media take on this.

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More on US Electoral Fraud By Chris Knight

Here is more on electoral fraud in Georgia, shown by some recently uncovered emails.  Just weep tears of blood as Trump let all this go down the drain, as America dissolves. What does this fool think will be left by 2024? Hopefully his empire will fall in the chaos to come.

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Looking Through Windows, Darkly By Brian Simpson

Who knows what surprises Uncle Bill has had put in Windows. Yep, Windows is not like an ordinary window, clear and easy to see through. No, it has sinister cobwebs.

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Feminist Naomi Wolf on Biden’s Brain! By James Reed


The feminist author Naomi Wolf, although from the Left, has been speaking out on issues such as the lockdowns, the move to totalitarianism, and now Biden’s brain. She makes some good points, but I wonder how the rest of the Left are going to treat someone daring to have a bit of free speech?

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