All Bow to Global Emperor Zuck Plucky the Censurer! By James Reed

With Facebook influencing elections, ands deciding about what millions will know from its acts of censorship, covered in a previous article, Zucky has more power than kings of old had. It is not good, and something must be done about it, say in about 100 years of so. He will still be going strong as alien lizard people from the most distant galaxy GN-z11 are apparently long living.

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Facebook to Label all Covid-1984 Posts; It’s Just What Global Emperor Zucky Does! By James Reed

The turning point in the elimination of freedoms was clearly the 2020 Covid plandemic, and if there is a future, historians will write about this crazed period with incredibility.


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Rapes at the Border By Chris Knight (Florida)

Beijing Biden has produced a border humanitarian crisis, which is what lunatic liberals do. He said, in effect, come in, come in, one and all, and they are, including criminals and rapists, raping away. Thanks, Joe.

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Diversity: The Social Cohesion Acid By James Reed

Some insightful comments by Brett Stevens at, the blog charting America’s decay due to among things, diversity, which in all its forms erodes social capital and the glues that hold societies together. All for short-term money and power for a gang of elites. Where I disagree is that it is not the case that the Western world has woken up to this issue, but is still in denial.

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Covid-19 and the Global Food Crisis By Brian Simpson

The Covid-1984 plandemic has driven food insecurity, and it may well be that the side-effects of this event will be much worse than the actual disease itself. Such are the costs of ringing in a New World Order, Great Reset and all the salad trimmings.

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Elon Musk Rejects the Covid-1984 Ideology! By Brian Simpson

I follow Elon Musk, because, unlike Bill Gates, he is one of the interesting, sometimes amusing elites. He has said some odd things, such as AI could destroy humanity, that we could be wiped out before he colonises Mars, and so on. All entertaining stuff. But, he has been getting dead serious about Covid-19 vaccines, masks and lockdowns. I am sure the system did not appreciate his comments criticising the  Faith, the Church of Covid.

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Collapse Can be Quicker than Most Expect; The Failed State of America By Michael Ferguson

I have been following the reports by Florida correspondents, Chris Knight and Charles Taylor, from the battle fields of the US. One cannot but be grateful that things in Australia have not got to those levels of tyranny and decay …  just yet.  But we in Victoria did get a taste of what the system is capable of doing during the Covid-1984 freak out, where we Melbournians were locked in our kennels, and those daring to escape were dealt with by the dog-catching police. Still, we are not at the total cesspool level just yet, as America now is, detailed in the extracts below. But, all the forces that have torn America down are operating here, so it may be only a matter of time, if good man, and women, do nothing. The same globalist elites, who wrecked Europe, intend to do the same to us, for we are in line.

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Big Tech, Totalitarian America, and Covid Tyranny By Mrs Vera West

It is incredible how all the tentacles of the globalist octopus unite and coordinate when needed, such as Big Tech, and Big Government, now attempting to squash so-called Covid-19 vaccination misinformation. What they call “misinformation,” is of course, any criticism of the vaccines, including evidence of ill-effects. Naturally, some Big Tech elites also have interests in the vaccine regime, so they have a reason to protect the Faith. Biden’s claim that a wartime effort is needed in national vaccination, defies logic, as many things he has said, such as multiple masks (regardless of the individual efficiency) have been.

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The Great Covid Relief Scam By Charles Taylor

I am suspicious about everything that Beijing Biden and his band of Demon-rat pirates do, and the hyper-inflationary Covid relief program is no exception. The scam has been nailed in an excellent piece at Natural, showing that it basically is a payback to Democrat supporters and hangers-on, for polishing off Donny Trump and restoring the order of swamp creatures.

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Leading Vaccine Scientist Says: Stop the Covid-19 Vaccines! By Mrs Vera West

A leading vaccination scientist, Geert Vanden Bossche, who is no anti-vaxxer, has said that while the Covid-19 vaccine works for individuals, it is inappropriate for a global mass vaccination program. Natural evolutionary forces could turn a relatively harmless virus into a “bioweapon of mass destruction.” The present Covid-19 virus could become much more infectious, and viral resistance to the vaccines could occur. That seems to be a knock down argument, because if we have a clayton’s pandemic now, we might get a real one the way the system is going. There is a big problem using viruses for New World Order purposes.

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Climate Change and Eternal Pandemics By James Reed

The globalist technocrats and medicocrats are now moving to join up the dots of their Big Thing ideologies, including climate change, and of course, the latest New World Order producer, the Covid plandemic. Apparently, climate change will change environments producing new bugs. Well, one thing is clear, and they admit it, globalisation is a key force in globalising disease. As long as borders are open the virus floods in. That is why there had to be some shutting of borders, which caused utter heartburn to the crazed immigration-mad wing of the elites. Be patient they must have been told; there is a bigger agenda at work here. The immigration flood can be continued at any time. But first, we have big business to do. And we all saw what that involved, the squashing of daffer Donny Trump just being a warm-up.

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A Methodological Problem for Lockdowns By Mrs Vera West

The issue here is that when one compares American states that totally freaked out with the Wuhan CCP flu, like California, and compare their Covid mortality rates with states like Florida, which had no such restrictions, there are essentially similar outcomes. To my common-sense mind, this is an argument that the restricted approach was a failure, limiting freedoms for no good health reason, although there are  political, New World Order reasons.

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Jaw Chomping Pain from Social Media By Mrs Vera West

I can understand this well; merely seeing the young folk texting their lives away gives me intense pain in my jaw too.

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Big Tech Moves Faster to Totalitarianism, because it Can By Brian Simpson

The writing is on the wall, or the IT equivalent, as Big Government, in the final stage of tyranny before inevitable collapse, goes full totalitarianism, as the insecure, scared elites move to attempt secure their power as the world slides to hell. The move is to control all emails and social media. Well, I knew this would come to an end, but there was a world before this, and activists will have to go back to paper, snail mail, letter boxing as so on. We have been there and done it.

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The Climate Change Attack Upon Bitcoin By James Reed

Bitcoin, one of the main cryptocurrencies, is totally decentralised, and thus a major threat to the establishment financial system. It enables people to do pretty much an off-system mode of financial living. This has caused the elites heart burn, but now they are fighting back, big time, with things in their handy dandy toolkit, such as climate change. Of course, Bill Gates is there to throw his hat into the ring.

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Meghan Markle for President? No Kidding! By James Reed

For a moment I thought, but she is not a US citizen, but of course she is. So, after her display of cultural Marxism and anti-Royalty with the really big O interview, here is the next piece in the theatre of the absurd:

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Talking Trees? By Brian Simpson

I talk to trees, but do trees talk to me? Of course not, they are too busy talking to each other.

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The Real Insurrection in America By Charles Taylor

Washington DC, the swamp District of Corruption, is barb-wired up, and likely to remain so, as a show of force to many deplorables who may object to the business as usual stealing of elections, in this joke democracy. But, one only needs to look at 2020, to see the real insurrection, as antifa delivered its show of force by murdering and burning down America, with few convictions, the corrupt state officials just letting offenders go, and still are.

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Face Masks and the Existential Threat of Dreaded Plastic! By James Reed

I love plastic, I like collecting it, and I like its feel. Plastic is one of humanity’s most fantastic creations. And I welcome the oceans becoming plastic. Marine life is not what it is advertised to be, compared to joyous plastic. I mean to say, what have the oceans ever done for me? Of course, the environmentalists disagree, but what about all of those wonderful Covid-19 masks, that they support? Why, that’s plastic, and it is generating mountains of waste!

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China’s Military Will Whip the US: Joe Biden to Surrender to Chinese Communist Rule? Why Not? By James Reed

With Joe Biden’s weakness and senility on display for the world to see, China is upping the stakes over Taiwan. There is opinion that the US would lose a fight against China, rapidly. Too much time has been spent on nonsense such as maternity flight suits and woke politically correct bs, and not much on how to win a   war. I hope the woke folk are on the front lines to show me how wrong I am. I will then apologise from the bottom of my black, politically incorrect heart.

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