Big Business and Open Borders By Chris Knight

Big Business champions mass immigration and open borders, even when it does not seem to contribute to their wealth, and may indeed undermine national security. They are doing what they are genetically, so to speak, programmed to do, and will continue to do so. It is one of the dangers of bigness and monopolies, which lead to such socially destructive action.

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Pope Francis Slow off the Anti-Racist Gates! By Peter West

With all the angst about white racism, everywhere, I was wondering what was holding the Pope back; why so slow giving us the usual business? He should have been faster off the mark in delivering more of the same. Still, better never than late!

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Spermageddon: The End of Sperm! By Mrs Vera West


The year 2045; that is according to my calculator, no it does not work, mental arithmetic and fingers then, a mere 24 years away, not long. But, it has been predicted that at the rate sperm counts are dropping because of hormone altering chemicals, most men will not be able to reproduce. I imagine a movie called The Last Man, where sperm counts crash, but there is one lone man who lives in isolation who still has active swimmers. How would the film go? Does he save the human race? Is he enslaved as a stud bull? Or does he flee and live alone in the wilds of Canada, allowing the human race to reap the rich rewards of its technological hubris? Anyway, no use writing the script, in this climate such movies will not be produced.

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Anti-British Sentiment Comes Down to This Now By Richard Miller (London)

The recent banning of a student for saying “rule Britannia,” during a debate at her university for using “discriminatory of racist” language shows how insane the woke culture has become. The British past is defined as racist by these universities, who are fed by the tax payer, who has no say about what these cesspools do. I agree with your James Reed that the universities need to be closed down and replaced by vocational/trade centres, eliminating the Arts/farts disciplines, the source of all the mischief.

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If it Falls, Should We Care? Maybe By Chris Knight

An interesting paper by the ever-provocative Gregory Hood at American Renaissance, about why he does not care about American decline. The argument is simple: why support a system that is directed to destroying whites as a people? Surely, that is irrational? The only thing to hope for though, is that China goes down the economic tubes too, rather than being the new ruling oppressor. It, contrary to Hood, really could be worse.

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It is Not the Fault of the Dispossessed Majority-Now-Minority By Charles Taylor

Here is a slab from The Washington Examiner, saying what we have said, the claims of anti-Asian violence is not the fault of whites, but of another racial group, not that the left cares about facts. Ok, falsely target whites and let the violence continue unabated.

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Cementing for Eternity, Electoral Tyranny and Corruption By Charles Taylor

Here is the basic information of the treat of H. R. 1, the bill that will make electoral fraud by the Democrats standards. There will never be another Republican president, no matter how many people vote for him, with the electoral fraud now basically capable of generating potentially infinite votes.

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The Green New Deal: Pathway to the New Dark Age By James Reed

While the Green New Deal climate change deindustrialisation ideal of fanatics like AOC, seemed like a distant nightmare under Trump, now with the stolen presidency, the horrors of hell are released upon the earth. Here is material from the great site, showing that this policy will lead to economic collapse.

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What! China with a Masculinity Problem! By Mrs Vera West

I was surprised to learn that the Chinese Ministry of Education, who criticised its young men as being “delicate, cowardly and effeminate,” a good description of Western men too, faced backlash from various interest groups. That is very odd for China, but there you go, the cultural rot of masculinity is now everywhere, except maybe Africa, but it will come.

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More on the Lab Origin of Covid-19 By Brian Simpson

Here is more on the lab origin of Covid-19; once that is accepted one quickly goes down a slippery slope to find that was a great plan to achieve all that threatens freedoms now.

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The January 6 False Flag By Charles Taylor

I am surprised that the standard conspiracy sites have not gone all-out on the January 6 scam, since it defies comprehension what Trump did, with America being burnt down by the Left in 2020, some gentle protests that killed no-one get the biggest over-the-top investigation in US history, namely to take down all of those Trump supporters that this obese traitor led like lambs to the slaughter. No-one is answering at sites like Info Wars and Natural News, why Trump did call in the faithful to Washington DC. It is the great unanswered question. I say treason, that he revealed himself as a controlled agent of the system, and the time that has passed is consistent with this.

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Steroids and Testicles! By John Steele

This article about the ill-effects of steroids upon testicles should be of interest to our younger male readers, who may be tempted in their power lifting endeavours to shoot up. The message is; don’t! The ‘roids will get you in the end. Keep natural and train harder!

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Cutting Off Aly! By Mrs Vera West

I am not a particular fan of Waleed Aly, but this story shows that even the multiculturalists will be put in their placed if they criticise the Covid establishment. What Aly said was fair comment, but he was censored, showing that the mainstream clearly will not allow any free debate, about anything really.

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The US Military Junta in Action By Charles Taylor

This one is a disturbing, as it shows how the military are being used as political agents. The Democrats have already culled out most top-level conservatives from the military, the people who should have been called on by Trump, so now you have a tyrannical military force against conservatives. Witness:

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A Wee Conflict of Interest By Chris Knight

In the context of the Hunter Biden laptop, which implicates the “big guy,” big daddy Biden as all part of the scam, this following conflict of interest is becoming standard food under the Biden regime.

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How Biden Could Start World War III By James Reed

I think it may take a little more than this to get the next big one going, but who knows? Anyway, it will be over quick and we survivors will go into Mad Max mode, dressing in leather jackets, having a bluey dog, and shotgun, or spear.

“Who’s really running the show? Just imagine the following scenario: President Joe spends an evening – actually, more like an afternoon -- watching old classic films, one of which, perhaps, is a Cold War-era action movie about a Russian invasion. When not dozing off he thoroughly enjoys the film. He has his early-bird supper and shuffles off to bed. Later that night, about 3:00 am, Joe wakes up and locks himself in the bathroom with the nuclear football.

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P1: Covid Just Keeps on Keeping On! By Brian Simpson

It is hard to keep up with all this evolving Covid stuff, with a new kid on the block down in Brazil. Will this one escape the vaccines, leading to more lockdowns, then more vaccines, then a new variant, then more mutations, then more lockdowns then … it will go on forever, or until the world just burns out?

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So, They Want an Environmental Catastrophe and Extinction Event? By Brian Simpson

Here is something new to help keep me awake at night, sweating in fear about coming apocalypses; volcanoes under Antarctica. That is something new, and could give the Greenies the rise in sea levels they hope for so much, if these pop their cork.

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Calling Out Fauci By Mrs Vera West

Dr Fauci has been slammed by the inventor of the PCR test, used to detect Covid-19, so will the establishment take note? Sure, and stand firm with Fauci, no doubt.

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Faking Old Joe By James Reed

I saw this article and checked out the video. It shows Joe Biden seemingly phase through a microphone, like super-heroes such as the Silver Surfer and the Vision do, passing through matter. But of course, this zombie is not a super-hero, but a green screen was used. He really is a puppet president!

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