The Universities Want to be Big, Tough International Businesses … So Let’s Tax Them, Like the Big Boys! By James Reed

It is utterly amazing that the universities across the West, and especially Australia, have got away with what amounts to supplying the intellectual roots for the destruction of Western civilisation. We all know the rhetoric made by conservative professors about the universities serving to conserve the conversation of humanity, but that is just whi...

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Forget about Renewables; It’s Over for Them! By James Reed

Energy experts, such as Professor Vaclav Smil, have concluded that there is not going to be any sort of energy transition to a "green" renewable energy economy, at least in the short term. According to Professor Smil, the world has become more, not less, dependent upon fossil fuels. Apart from the use of fossil fuels in manufacturing numerous chemi...

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Is This It? “New” Bird Flu Strain Kills a Mexican! By Brian Simpson

The internet sites of dissents have gone red hot with news that a man in Mexico has died from the H5N2 version of bird flu, which has not previously infected humans. The man himself had a number of health problems and may have been immune compromised. So, could this be the big thing that has been predicted? At present it seems not to be so. Accordi...

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The Chinese Invasion of the West, By Chris Knight (Florida)

The following article is required reading for Australians, even though it deals exclusively with the US situation. It describes the Chinese influx that is occurring, with Chinese showing the Great Replacement in real time. The issue goes beyond the pouring through the open southern border of illegals, but relates to the replacement that w...

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Albo: Partying While Australia Burns! By James Reed

Anthony Albanese had an expensive lobster dinner with a billionaire, coming days after saying that he had not forgotten what it is like to struggle. Struggle to eat what is described below as three "live" lobsters? Did he eat them "live"? No doubt he may have had some hard times in his life, but those days are gone … at least for a while, until he ...

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Japan, for One, is Concerned about the Blood Supply, By Brian Simpson

A debate is occurring in the Covid vax critical movement about the safety of the blood supply from donations by the vaccinated, who are the majority in society, and the majority blood donators. The epicentre of the debate is Japan, where researchers are concerned about deadly effects from receiving blood. In particular, the concern is with the tran...

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Malcolm Roberts on Zero Net and the Environment, By James Reed

One Nation's Malcolm Roberts issues power-packed comments on each day, which I enjoy and find educating and inspiring. Here is one relevant to our cause, combating climate change alarmism, which threatens industry and farming in Australia and across the West. While the inner-city New Class elites squark on about renewables such as wind turbin...

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Dr Robert Malone on the World Health Organization International Health Regulations: Failure of Procedure, By Brian Simpson

I have been summarising the views of leading critics of the significance of the passing of the World Health Organization International Health Regulations. The consensus view from our side of politics is that all the problematic things seen with the pandemic treaty have been avoided, except the requirement to monitor and control misinformation, whic...

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Lab Leak Goes Mainstream, By Chris Knight (Florida)

Dr. Alina Chan, a Harvard and MIT molecular biologist, published as a guest essay in The New York Times, putting the case that the Covid-19 virus most likely leaked from a Chinese lab, and the research was funded by the US. In 2021, a leaked grant proposal for a collaboration between EcoHealth, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and US-based coronavi...

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The Emerging Problem of Blood Contamination, By Brian Simpson

The matter is somewhat technical, but important. A study involved taking antibodies from people suffering from Long Covid, and injecting this into mice. It was found that the mice, who had previously not been infected with Covid, developed Covid symptoms. It has been proposed that Long covid is similar to the Covid vax injuries, and some believe it...

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Global Fertility and Depopulation, By Mrs. Vera West

If we can trust anything coming out of the UN, and perhaps materials related to the depopulation agendas are as safe as anything, global fertility is crashing. That claim is consistent with everything else available, so we can run with it. United Nations Population Division's World Population Prospects (WPP), states that the world, primarily becaus...

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Bird Flu Update, By Brian Simpson

Dr Peter McCullough, and others have given an update on the emerging bird flu, H5N1 situation. As reproduced in an exact below, they give an account of the significance of what has been called "Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 Clade," which has been deadly to millions of poultry birds, devastating the US industry, has supposedly jump...

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The Covid Mandate Lies, Made on the Hop! By Brian Simpson

We all remember, not with any fondness the "six foot rule," of social distancing that was supposed to save people when they were in public, when the supposed pandemic of Covid "ravaged" the land. But where did this idea come from? Why, none other than Dr Fauci from the US! He was grilled in the US House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandem...

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The Woke Gender Agenda Invades Medicine Now, By Mrs. Vera West

Britain's oldest medical journal, and number two globally after The New England Journal of Medicine, The Lancet, named after the pointed surgical knife with two sharp edges, has been on the path to woke for some time, embracing the climate change and health ideology, some years back. However, now things have gone to the next level. After defending ...

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The Next Round of “Hate” Speech Laws, By Paul Walker

With the Albo government having international-attention grabbing internet censorship, as seen in the Federal Court case involving X of Elon Musk, it is only natural that the Attorney General will move to bring in even tighter "hate" speech laws. We saw this attempt under the Gillard government, where there were various woke categories of protected ...

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(Alleged) Global Warming Caused by Green Energy Policies! By James Reed

Talk about a case of being hoisted by one's own petard, being a victim of one's own schemes! NASA, who are as mainstream as it gets, has reported that most of the recent global warming increases are due to fuel shipping regulations. These very regulations were put in place to supposedly reduce global warming, but have had the opposite effect! As no...

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Mass Immigration and the Decline of Security, By Richard Miller (London)

Polls in France have indicated that the majority of the French believe that the sense of insecurity which now hangs over France like a dark storm cloud, is linked to mass immigration. What took them so long to work this out?! The poll conducted by CSA for CNews, Europe 1, and JDD, found that 68 percent of people surveyed believed that there was an ...

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South African Whites Face Extinction, By Keith Ruger

 Why do we remain in South Africa? Well, despite everything, it is our home, and it is hard to pull up roots and leave. But the future here is grim for Whites, especially the Boers like me. The seizing of White farms is now an open political agenda. It is just the start, as once this is done, it will be White properties in general. South Afric...

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Hospitalized Vaxxed Died at a Rate Almost Twice that of Unvaxxed, By Brian Simpson

A new study published in th peer-review journal, Frontiers in Immunology, has found that vaccinated Covid-19 patients who were hospitalised died at a rate almost double that of unvaccinated hospitalised patients. This mortality was not accounted for by factors such as age and comorbidities, which means two or more diseases at the same time. This le...

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An Analysis of the World Health Organization Revisions to the International Health Regulations, By Brian Simpson

I had been waiting for the expected detailed analysis by Children's Health Defense of the World health organization International Health Regulations. As is known, the pandemic treaty has been postponed for a year or so, and that will be dealt with in another article. But did they sneak in any nasties? Are there any pressing matters of concern? The ...

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