The US Ministry of Truth By Chris Knight (Florida)

The US scene supplies yet another example of how, in the present globalist climate, organisations that were set up to protect liberties, are going mutant and doing exactly the opposite, creating an effective Orwellian Ministry of Truth.  The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is one example. It was set up to protect the digital security of the US voting systems, but morphed under the Biden regime, to censoring criticism of these voting systems. If CISA was doing the job it were set up to do, the criticisms would not be made in the first place.

When the Biden administration was successfully sued in a federal court, CISA outsourced its censorship role to a non-profit group, which CISA went on to finance itself. This was completely unconstitutional, but CISA claimed that the outsourcing was to “avoid the appearance of government propaganda.” What is of concern here is that there is a movement by the government when confronted by legal defeats, to use non-profit groups to do the work the government wants, making another level of deception, and allowing control where the government did not have it before. It is a strategy for neutralising court victories that occur for freedom of speech.

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A Taste of What is in Store with the Voice By James Reed

Every indigenous student who meets so-called “academic entry standards” will be able to enter university, and the tax payer will pay for this, with a smile on their faces, as it is “social justice.” Apparently, this will be “extra” places, not taking places away from others, but somehow I don’t believe the Albo government, but that is just me, my view.  And, this is just from the Universities Accord, and gives us an indication of the sorts of things the Voice, if successful will pull off. All the more reason to vote, NO! Imagine giving the Albo crowd a signed, blank cheque. It is as bad as the lady near me in the computer centre, who is crying to someone at the other end of the phone because she signed a contract she did not read (“I trusted her”) with a lawyer who did nothing and now wants $ 20,000.

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Sign the Petition Against the Censorship Bill! By James Reed

Go to the website below to sign the petition opposing the ultimate internet censorship bill, that has impressed tyrants across the planet. We must defeat this!

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Trump to be Indicted Again! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

With Trump surging ahead in the surveys, the Deep State is in a state of panic, and is now moving ahead to indict him for the January 6 business. It is another long shot, but it was coming for some time. I suppose the Deep State will cook up massive numbers of bogus charges to try and put Trump away for centuries; the classified documents business is standing at 400 years jail time already. Clearly Trump will need to accept going to jail, becoming president, pardoning himself, then taking down the Deep State, as he said he will do. Maybe getting a big punch in the nose will awaken him to reality.

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The Italian Job By Brian Simpson

Alex Berenson raises the point that has not be well-discussed, namely the role that Italy had in aiding the Covid lockdowns. It was Italy that was the first Western country to lockdown. British epidemiologist Neil Ferguson, who produced what turned out to be completely wrong predictions about Covid deaths, while acknowledging China’s lockdowns, did not see that as relevant to non-communist countries, because China is “a communist one-party state… and then Italy did it. And we realized we could.” And thus, the lockdown mania began, with its total uselessness in stopping Covid spreading, but wrecking lives and small businesses in the thousands.

Why Italy, which at the time had only three Covid deaths? As I see it, no reason in particular beyond convenience, and an assessment of the population that this agenda could be put into place without resistance; they needed a case study and had to start somewhere. And the technocrats were right, and overjoyed at the power they suddenly had. And, the rest is history.

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Snow Brown and the Seven Politically Correct People By James Reed

There has been photographs leaked of Disney’s new ultra-woke, Snow White. This time there is no holding back. The dwarfs are replaced by a multiracial transgender crew, and Snow White is played by a Latino. There is a great commentary on this by Ferfal, the Argentinian survivalists, who is himself non-white, so he can rip into this with no worries about “racism.” He says having a Latino, one of his kind, play Snow White is little more than an attempt to destroy the ideal of Snow White, and I agree. Oh, there is apparently no Prince charming for that would be just too much romantic heterosexuality. Perhaps “he,” if there is such a person in the film, it will be a transgender; anything is possible now.

The question will be, once Hollywood has wrecked all of culture, there will be no more source material for them to soil. Hopefully then, it self-destructs. What an evil institution this is, like all the other evil institutions that fill up modernity.

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Now it is “Green Colonialism” By James Reed

Dr Robert Malone details the latest form of colonialism, Green colonialism, which is having an adverse effect upon Third World countries, also called developing societies. The problem is the globalist elites who have now fully taken over the environmentalist movement, from the Left, are forcing these nations to move to so-called renewable Green energy which is expensive, and produces less energy per invested capital. The end result of this is that billions of people will ultimately be locked into poverty.

The 2021 COP 26 climate summit resulted in the US and 20 other countries agreeing to stop funding oil and gas projects in Third World countries, this would   “could take billions of dollars away from future fossil fuel production and redistribute it to low-carbon energy projects such as wind and solar. The agreement covers ‘unabated’ projects, which generally refers to fossil fuel facilities that don't capture carbon dioxide emissions... The announcement goes beyond a separate agreement by the world’s largest economies last weekend to end public financing for international coal power development.”

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The Gender Pay Inequality Myths By Mrs Vera West

Janet Albrechtsen does a great job refuting one of the great myths constantly produced by the feminist lobby, that men are getting more pay that women. I believe that  the former Australia female prime minister Julia Gillard gave a seminar at  a university along such lines, which is more than a little odd, to have someone who was the first female prime minister claim that there is some sort of intrinsic discrimination going on here, detailed in her book, Not Now, Not Ever (2022), which seems to be arguing that misogyny is everywhere still:


The main critique of the claim that men get paid more than women is that those pushing this line use incorrect statistics; they do not compare men and women in the same occupations, doing the exactly same job. It is illegal to discriminate on pay between the sexes in all Western countries, but there are pay differences given that women do not tend to do the dirty dangerous jobs, or work the same grinding hours. Hence, pay differentials exist, but are irrelevant as detailed below.

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AI Reports that the US Constitution was Written by AI! By Brian Simpson

According to a wide number of AI writing detectors, including ChatGPT, when examining the US constitution, they report that it was written by AI! It is of course impossible that the US constitution was written by AI, as this document was written in 1787, ratified in 1788 and came into operation in 1789. This was about 234 years before the operation of AI writing detectors. So, what follows from this, is how very wrong the AI can be. We have already seen cases where a careless lawyer prepared a case using ChatGPT, and the AI produced plausible, but totally false cases. The philosophical problem here is along the lines of who watches the watchmen, for can one really be confident that the AI is actually producing correct results, and without human checking, how can we know?

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The Great Climate Change Cover-Up By James Reed

As has been covered in recent posts at the blog, climate change is the next Big Thing of the elites, carrying on from the Covid plandemic. Globalist organisations have now adopted the catastrophe narrative that a few years back was mainly pushed by radical Leftist groups. That is the idea that the planet is somehow in danger, that species are being destroyed at record rates, and this is due to man-made climate change, a product of Western industrialism. To “save the planet” requires radical measures, involving a massive slashing of the standard of living in the West, such as the elimination of fossil fuels and meat, just for starters. To give any of this the slightest credibility requires certainty about the basic climate science.

And, this is where the globalist plot comes unstuck. The United Nations (UN) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the main “scientific” organisation promoting the idea of human-caused climate change, and rising temperatures. Only thing, the global average temperature has not risen for 15 years, which is contrary to the global warming thesis, with 1998, still being the warmest year on record. Temperatures have not increased since time, according to  The Associated Press (AP), who  obtained leaked documents. This has caused quite a stir among governments who rely upon the same climate change myths, and damage control is under way.

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Foreign Aid to Communist China! By Richard Miller (London)

This is an incredible story, which I had to fact check, but it is true. The UK government gave almost 50 million pounds in 2022 to communist China in foreign aid. Yes, China, which is proclaimed as an economic super power, with the world’s second largest economy, who buys up vast resources, land and property across the entire planet, gets foreign aid! Talk about digging one’s own grave!

 The money is being spend in areas of culture and education, but there is great difficulty in investigators actually finding the exact sources. Wherever the money goes, it should not go there and China should fund these programs itself. That is grounds for grave suspicions. And, I wonder if the same traitorous scam is happening in the United States, and Australia? Something to check out.  

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CIA Involved in Funding CCP Covid Release Lab By Brian Simpson

Robert Kennedy Jr, who is surging ahead in the polls as US presidential candidate, is certainly upsetting the mainstream with claims that Trump would never contemplate making. One which we can discuss here, is the conjectured involvement of the CIA in funding research on the Covid virus at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Kennedy believes that the Biden regime is not pursuing the issue of China’s responsibility for the release of the Covid virus, because it would bring out into the open National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded bioweapons programs; it has been well documented that US funding did go to this lab. “I think the CIA was involved certainly in this research,” Kennedy said, adding “They were funding it through USAID. And NIH, I think, in the end gave about $26 million in funding to the Wuhan lab. But USAID, which was functioning as the CIA surrogate, gave over $64 million. The Pentagon also gave a lot of money.”

All that is not new, but it is good to see it getting wider public discussion by a presidential candidate. The issue that still is puzzling is the exact role the US Deep State had with the CCP. Could it be, at the end of the day, that the same Dark Forces control both nations? There needs to be research on this issue.

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The New World Order Great Reset: By Financial Shock and Climate Controls By James Reed

Brandon Smith correctly details the present mechanism whereby the combined cabal of globalists, who recently met at the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact in Paris, intend to force through the New World Order in record time. The meeting pulled together the UN, IMF and World Bank leaders, so it was a meeting that meant business. And central to this was climate change, which has emerged as the present Big Thing. The globalist narrative is that the nation state cannot solve climate change, so it must be done by these globalist entities, using the tools they have at hand, including financial control, through the centralisation of finances in Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC). The narrative is that the present economic woes of the world are in large part due to climate change, which is not being effectively addressed by nations. French President Emmanuel Macron said at the Paris Summit that “the world needs a public finance shock” to fight climate change, and the present financial system is not adequate to deal with this. He did not detail what this finance shock would be, but he clearly has in mind some systems-destroying event that will enable the full measure of the Great Reset to be rolled out.

One of the ideas being pushed by the UN is for a wealth tax on the West to deal with global emissions of $ 2.4 trillion a year; communist China, the greatest carbon emitter on Earth seems to escape many of these proposals, being an emerging economy.

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For Fear of China By Chris Knight (Florida)

It all comes out in the wash in the end, my mother used to say, pouring the clothes in a giant copper, to get hot. Sure, the clothes always seemed to shrink, but they sure came out clean! Likewise, it is now reported that the scientists who wrote the March 2020 Nature Medicine article, which rejected the lab leak hypothesis of the origin of Covid, did so because they were afraid to blame China for accidentally releasing the virus. “An accusation that nCoV-2019 might have been engineered and released into the environment by humans (accidental or intentional) would need to be supported by strong data, beyond reasonable doubt,” Dutch virologist Dr. Ron Fouchier wrote in a Feb. 2, 2020, email. “It is good that this possibility was discussed in detail with a team of experts. However, further debate about such accusations would unnecessarily distract top researchers from their active duties and do unnecessary harm to science in general and science in China in particular.” But, the natural release hypothesis was not supported by strong data, as the animal  in the wild responsible for the species jumping was not identified, and never has been.

The concern was about preventing harm to China, even though the possibility was before them that this virus could cause devastation to the West, not so much by the virus itself, but through the technocratic over-reach that would result from both public fear, stirred up by a ruthless media, and the technocrats drive for social control, seen in the unscientific and cruel lockdowns, not to mention, police state brutality.

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Wales, Wool and Slavery By Richard Miller (London)

It does not take much now days for nations, and individuals to be condemned for the slave trade. Take the example of Wales. Wales is allegedly complicit in aiding slavery because it supplied wool that the slaves used to make clothing! This is detailed in a book by academic Charlotte Hammond Woven Histories of Welsh Wool and Slavery / Hanesion Cysylltiedig Gwlân Cymru a Chaethwasiaeth, published by Common Threads Press. While all that is no doubt true, the textile companies did not benefit from slavery in any sense beyond say, farmers supplying food, did. The raw materials for clothing had to come from somewhere, and it could be argued, that given the existence of slaves, it was better that they had clothing, than none at all, and froze to death, or died of exposure.

It is yet another white guilt claim. As long as we have universities, we wil get this sort of stuff.

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Is Obama Really a Gay Muslim? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The item below has been circulating on the internet for some years, but it is almost certainly false. The claim is that Obama is a gay Muslim. That itself would be surprising, but the facts detailed below seemed to me when I first read them to be over-the top, and thus suspicious. I fact checked and saw that various sites said that the claim of the book was fake as no-one could find the book:


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The Greatest Story Never Told … Until Now By James Reed

This one is not easily to summarise, but for those wanting an overview of the globalist strategy to create the New World Order, Dr Mercola has done an excellent job in summing it up, which I could not hope to match. He summarises the work of Jacob Nordangard, a Swedish researcher, who has written extensively on the Great Reset and the New World Order. In particular Nordangard in his book, Rockefeller: Controlling the Game, details the role this globalist elite family has had in the building of a one world economy and society, and their more recent activities in the climate change crisis movement. The basic formula is the same one presently used by the World Economic Forum, that there is a global crisis, threatening civilisation that only this elite can solve, and this can only be done by the surrender of freedom. Of course, it is all lies, devised to give these Dark Lords, ultimate power over all in the world.

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Ye, Who Have Committed Climate Change “Sins”! By Richard Miller (London)

You have to hand it to the Germans, they like to excel in all things woke, perhaps as historical over-compensation. And, now that Covid is in temporary recess, waiting for worse things to come, climate change angst is the big thing. The main German lamestream media, Zeit Online, is priming its readers for accepting restrictions. After all, what was the Covid plandemic, but restrictions? And, climate change is no different, as a recent article indicates. With the climate catastrophe upon us, apparently, people will need to get used to having things banned, just like obedient children. They were trained to do this during the lockdowns, hiding from the bug in their kennels.

 But, the subtext here is that the elites are not going to be banned, or restricted in any way in their private-jet-setting lifestyles. The total insincerity of the whole scam is seen by the fact that no elite has said, “I will lead by example and adopt voluntary simplicity, to save carbon.” Instead, they attempt to justify their own excessive carbon production, as through their private jets, by arguing that they  need to get to conferences to save the world. Well, the world is much better off without their efforts.

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The Present Heat Wave in America Does Not Show That Man-Made Climate Change is Real By Chris Knight (Florida)

The environmentalists are proclaiming that the present heat wave in the US is clear evidence of man-made climate change, and they are out in force, attacking the fossil fuel industry, farming, and what little industrial activity the country has left. But, the problem that they have is that the present heat wave, while severe, is not rare and has occurred before, and will again. There is nothing that humans can do about it, as heating and cooling on the planet is primarily influenced by the Sun. And at present the Sun is highly active, and solar storms are occurring. People should be more concerned about the occurrence of class X solar storms, like the one that missed the Earth by whisker in March this year, that could knock the world back into the stone age. The Greens may get all excited about that until they wake in fright to the reality that they would have to survive without Big Brother.

Open Abolition of Farming By Brian Simpson

Environmentalist and climate change ideologist, George Monbiot, has advocated the abolition of farming, in his book, Regenesis (2022). It is the standard stuff that we have heard from the likes of globalists such as the World Economic Forum, that the carbon footprint of farming is too high for keeping carbon dioxide levels down to some religiously special level. He sees farming as the “most destructive force ever to have been unleashed by humans,” even though without farming it is likely that his ancestors would not have existed, and nor would any of the Left. Their ancestors, if they had that attitude, would most likely have got eaten by sabre tooth tigers, giant bears, and the like, while trying to hunt. He also argues meat producers will not be able to sustainably keep up with the increase in global food demand. So, to delight globalists like Bill Gates, protein needs to come from food made from lab-grown bacteria! And, be sure, these labs will be under control of the global elites making the world into a dystopic technocracy of the worst kind!


How exactly the billions of people in the Third World, who should be closest to the hearts of Western Leftists, are going to get lab-grown food defies comprehension. And the carbon pollution of lab grown meat, for example, has been shown to be a number of times greater than the real thing.


It is all another environmentalist illusion, that just so happens to fit in nicely with the present narrative.