Cutting the UN Down to Size By James Reed

Dr Robert Malone has turned his brilliant critical mind to the issue of the UN and its one world agenda, and it is a natural logical progression for anyone who has serious considered the depth of the Covid vax issue. Thus, one is led to look at the main globalist players who were pushing the agenda. And pandemics and health are but one of the UN pr...

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Ann Coulter’s Update on the Fall of the Modern Rome By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Dissent Right journalist Ann Coulter, Queen Ann I call her in appreciation, was in good form this week with the article below which got widely reprinted. It deals with the paradox, or is it tragedy (?), of American immigration, but the points are still of relevance to other jurisdictions. She points out the Biden administration was up in arms about...

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Covid Pandemic Failures By Brian Simpson

A report has been released by Duke University Professor Gavin Yamey and Drexel University professor Ana Roux,is highly critical of American failure during the Covid plandemic. The report, published in the British Medical Journal, found that keeping schools locked down for long periods of time, and forcing people to continuously wear facemasks, led ...

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The Elites are Creating an Alien Sci Fi “Bladerunner” World By Chris Knight (Florida)

 Michael Snyder, in his usual informative style has given eight points indicating that we are not in the world we grew up in, even for those of us born in the 1990s. He lists various things such as advanced surveillance technology being employed everywhere, the breakdown of parental control over children being brainwashed to transition to anot...

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Why We are Not Our Brains, but Beings with Souls By Brian Simpson

 The ordinary person probably does not think much about this except on Sunday, perhaps, but philosophers and theolgicians have pondered the nature of the human mind and conscious experience, since, well, probably as long as pondering was made. Most intellectuals are materialists, especially those in the natural sciences, seeing the mind as par...

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Agenda 2030: Globalist Megalomania By Chris Knight (Florida)

A good piece by E. Jeffrey Ludwig at the American, makes the case, which I am sure we all would agree with, that the UN Agenda 2030, is a power mad document, and hence a great danger to liberty. There is no question that the 17 sustainable development goals are directed to eroding national sovereignty over key areas of the economy and s...

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US War Preparations in Australia By James Reed

The Left does not like this, and no doubt when the universities get back, the international socialists will be at work getting their posters out about the US stockpiling supplies in Australia ready for war with China. And this is a good thing too, as Australia will not last long against the might of China, a might built up by the globalists buildin...

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After Net Zero: The Return to the Sanity of Coal By James Reed

A UK expert on national security, Professor Gwythian Prins, has advised that in these turbulent times, with war approaching, the UK, and by implication the rest of the West, cannot afford the indulgence of zero net, and the turn to so-called renewable energy such as wind and solar. Only coal, oil and gas, and he should have added nuclear to the lis...

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We are the Carbon that the Elites Want to Reduce: Tucker Carlson By Chris Knight (Florida)

Tucker Carlson has recently said that we are the carbon that the elites want to reduce. He was talking with Dissent Right psychologist Jordan Peterson on a number of issues including the population question. Tucker said that when there is a problem of over-population of animals, from household pests, to larger mammals, the pests are killed, and mam...

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The Round Up on Roundup By Mrs Vera West

I recall a council worker, a friend of my late father, who did weed spraying, and who previously worked in the country of New South Wales doing crop spraying, proclaim that Roundup was so safe that he never took precautions such as gloves and a proper mask (which he did use in the crop spraying). He said to me that on days when he did not spray for...

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The Rental Crisis Out West By Mike Downey

Their ABC has given a realistic portrayal of the housing accommodation crisis out here in Western Australia. Perth's vacancy rate has been around 0.7 per cent for a year, which has led to rental prices soaring. At present the median rent is $ 600 a week, an increase of 20 percent. But wages only grew by 4.6 percent in Western Australia in 2023. Con...

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The Economic Cost of Screen Time By Chris Knight (Florida)

A report from the Deloitte Economics Institute and the American Optometric Association, on "excessive screen time," found that in the US 104 million people, and around 70 percent of people working office jobs, spent in excess of seven hours a day staring at computer and phone screens. This was producing a cost of $ 73 billion per year from health, ...

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NAB Branches Closing Down By James Reed

It is said that the reason why dozens of national Australia Banks are due to close in the coming months in Australia is that people are using online banking, and so it is no longer economical to have branches open. According to the NAB website, "With more customers choosing to bank online, over the phone, or by video, and because fewer customers ar...

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The Taylor Swift Psyop By Charles Taylor (Florida)

There is much talk on the internet from conservatives about the rise of pop singer Taylor Swift, who for most of her career was silent on political issues, but in recent years has been radical on a Leftist agenda, supporting the trans movement, and now it seems, going full steam for Joe Biden. There is even speculation that she could shift the US e...

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French Farmer Protests Show the Rest of the West, the Way By Richard Miller (London)

French farmers, with the "siege of Paris," are showing the West, suffering from the ill effects of the same globalist policies, how it is done. The farmers sought to block off entrances to Paris as a protest about the climate change alarmist policies which are destroying agriculture. Ultra-woke President Macron moved to talks for the farmer's deman...

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The Cost of Living Crisis in Brisbane By James Reed

Today at the blog we have covered the cost of living and accommodation crisis in Western Australia, but these issues are national, and it is a moot point which state is worse off. THEIR ABC has also given coverage of the Brisbane situation. Brisbane has had the highest rent, energy, health and insurance price rises in the past year, and it is killi...

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Albo, A PM for Migrants By James Reed is a go-to site for sharp economic critiques of the Albo government's mass immigration program, the largest in recent history. It is argued in the extract below that while Albo has been celebrating the alleged creation of 650,000 jobs since coming to government, these jobs have all been absorbed by the massive migrant intake, an...

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The Addiction of Meta and Social Media By Mrs Vera West

There has been a body of growing psychological evidence about the harms of social media, especially excess use. This relates to numerous issues, from pornography, to cyber-bullying. And it may come to a head now with 41 US states and D. C., suing Meta. The claim is that there have been addictive features deliberately built into Instagram and Facebo...

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A Covid Vax Injury Case Victory! By Ian Wilson LL.B

 As reported by journalist Rebekah Barnett, there has been a successful Covid vax compensation case. The South Australian Employment Tribunal has held that the Department of Child Protection (DCP) must pay compensation and medical expenses to a youth worker who developed pericarditis (heart inflammation) after getting a Covid booster because o...

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Slovakian Prime Minister Orders Investigation into Excess Deaths and the Vax By Richard Miller (London)

Not all political leaders are in hock to Big Pharma and ignoring the excess death crisis which has occurred since the Covid vax rollout, as the UK and Australia are doing. Slovakia Prime Minister Robert Fico, has given a speech in parliament, saying that given the excess deaths in the country of 21,000, there will be an investigation into Covid-19 ...

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