WormGPT, Here Comes the Evil AI Brother to ChatGPT By Brian Simpson

This was on the timeline and was only a matter of time; with the advances that have been made in general AI, such as ChatGPT, now there is the hacker’s response, WormGPT, created by a hacker for sophisticated email phishing attacks. The AI authorities say that is very sophisticated, and dangerous and things like bank accounts are vulnerable. And, Pandora’s box is now open, with even more powerful AI producing even more powerful evil AI, or is that eviler AI? Just around the corner is the revolution in quantum computing which will put all this on yet another level, especially when the CCP unleashes attacks using this. What to do? Be as careful as one can and never put all one’s eggs in the one basket. Me, I avoid the technocracy as much as possible.


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Life, or Rather, Death, in the Ukraine By Richard Miller (London)

Propaganda on both sides of the fence, from Russia and the Ukraine, does not address the true horror of what is happening on the ground there. In short, the ground is full of corpses, of what was once young men. According to one soldier: “There are dead people everywhere. Russians dead. Ukrainian people dead…. the biggest problem we get when we’re going into trenches is stepping over all the dead bodies that are already there from the last people [who] went in – that kind of stuff really haunts you.” As with all wars, this human cost is always discounted by the masters of war, who have their objectives, and use human life as their pawns: 


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Jason Aldean: Try That in a Small Town! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Country music star Jason Aldean has a great song, “Try That in a Small Town.” The recording sailed quickly to number 1. Here is a sample of the lyrics”


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Naomi Wolf, Jewess, Defends Robert Kennedy By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Presidential candidate Robert Kennedy foolishly made remarks that could, and were, taken out of context. He has his defenders, such as Dr Naomi Wolf, who is Jewish. Steve Kirsch, who is Jewish, also defended him. Here is what she has to say on this point. Kennedy means well but is a bit careless; was it the alcohol at the meeting? If so, drink mineral water Bob, better for you.


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Gay Democrat to the Rescue! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Gay Democrat  US IRS (taxation) agent Joseph Ziegler has testified as a whistleblower, alleging a cover-up in the criminal investigation of Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden’s son. After much ado about gayness and how duty to the truth over-rides Democrat loyalty, he dropped his truth bomb: “Both men [investigators] say investigative steps were slow-walked or blocked and that authorities tipped off Hunter Biden’s legal team about interest in searching a northern Virginia storage locker that may have contained evidence and about an attempt to interview Hunter in late 2020 — wrecking both attempts.

They also say that a proposal to interview other Biden family members was rejected and efforts to analyze President Biden’s role in his son’s lucrative consulting work in countries where he held sway as vice president were barred by prosecutors at the US Attorney’s Office in Delaware.”

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Exercise and Parkinson’s Disease By Mrs Vera West

It is turning out that exercise is going to help with most ill health. A study has found benefits from intense exercise for people with Parkinson’s disease, a disease that worries me as my father died from it. How exercise actually does this seems rather complex and need not concern most of us (see abstract below), but the main challenge will be how older people like me, already suffering from arthritis, can get to do such intense exercise. But, I suppose it is all relative. Anyway, this is something that should be checked out with your doctor first.


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Everyone’s a Conspiracy Theorist! By James Reed

See, it is not just people like me who embrace conspiracy theories; everyone does. According to a new article in the journal Psychological Bulletin, people believe in conspiracy theories to feel safe about their environment, and make sewnse of their world. That is the result of a meta-analysis, an overview of other published research. While that is fine, the presumption here is that such conspiracy theories are still false. Yet, in fact, most conspiracy theories are in fact true, seen over a longer time period. Thus, the Covid lab leak hypothesis was dismissed by the mainstream at the time of he virus release, perhaps to let communist china of the hook, but when the origins became a cold case and the damage was done, the narrative switched from natural origins to the lab release. What was a conspiracy one day, another becomes accepted reality.


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Here is the Real Andrew Tate By John Steele

I previous wrote about the limitations of Andrew Tate’s view of masculine virtue. With some more research I discovered that he is now a Muslim. That explains his latest outburst, looking forward to the Islamisation of Britain. In conclusion, Tate has nothing to offer us.


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Green Energy Turns Out to Be CCP Red! By James Reed

Well, blow me over, wherever we follow the Green environmentalist path we seem to end up in the communist Chinese one. Now it has been reported that Australia’s solar energy grid is dominated by Chinese firms with links to the CCP, as all such firms have. With but a word, these firms will be ordered by the CCP in the coming China war to sabotage or disrupt solar energy supplies. What can I say? In the quest to be global, diverse, multicultural and other woke bs, we sacrifice our national security. What a way to go … down.


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Andrew Hastie on the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act By James Reed

The Western Australian Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act was pushed through parliament in record time and came into operation on 1 July 2023. Every person with over 1,100 square metres of land will be affected, even for simple things like building a fence, which will require a permit. This is a test case for the sorts of things that will be also rammed through if the Voice succeeds. And if it does not other states are looking to implement similar Acts.  So, be warned, and get active!


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Climate Fanatics, Glued to Tarmacs! By Richard Miller (London)

Recently some climate change fanatics took things to the next level and glued themselves to the tarmacs of international airports at Hamburg and Düsseldorf. While these airports are supposed to have high security, given terrorism and all that, strangely these hipsters were able to get there and do their gluing. I recall a report saying that the glue used could severely damage their hands and amputation may be required, which will limit body parts to be glued next time!

 But, the real issue here is that it is far from clear that these actions do anything, for people seem more annoyed with the transport delays than anything. It is a bit like the bed-in protests of John Lennon and Yoko Ono in 1969, which got five minutes of media attention, then was forgotten.

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Christine Anderson: If the Globalists Want a Fight, They have Got One! By Richard Miller (London)

Here is one where one needs to view the video, to fully enjoy it. It features German MEP Christine Anderson during the Citizen’s Initiative conference in Brussels. She condemns the globalist organisations, such as the World Health Organization, for their present push to undermine national sovereignty. And, she saws that since the globalists want a fight, they will get one! Good inspirational stuff, and in these dark times, we surely need it!


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The Carrot and Stick Approach to Climate Policies By James Reed

The globalist organisations such as the World Economic Forum are adopting the same carrot and stick approach that they found so successful with the Covid plandemic, with their next agenda, climate change. Covid tracing technologies and vaccine passports were the initial steps to move to even stronger tyrannies, including now, digital ID and Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC). The lack of a massive public opposition to the Covid mandates, has led to the elites gaining confidence that they can push things to the next, and perhaps final level. What is on the near horizon now will be carbon tracking, linked up with digital currencies, so that those exceeding their carbon limit will be financially cancelled. It is harder now to fight this, given the lack of resistance to the Covid mandates, and I am thinking of Western Australis and Victoria returning two tyrannical state governments that were widely condemned in the United States for stamping on liberty.

But, fight it we must, as everything dear to us is now at stake.

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Dr Spencer’s Complaint to the Queensland Human Rights Commission By Mrs Vera West

Here is yet more controversy regarding the transgender issue in hospitals. Dr Jullian Spencer has been stood down from here position as psychiatrist for opposition to various hospital policies, as she details: “I was concerned about the increasing number of children and adolescents – especially biological females – presenting with gender dysphoria in the context of co­morbid mental health diagnoses and complex psychological issues, including trauma,” Dr Spencer writes in her complaint.

“I became very concerned about the potential harm our hospital was doing in immediately using preferred pronouns, that ­unquestioningly affirms a child’s perceived identity and sets them on a treatment pathway of medical intervention that purports to transition a young person into an identity that they are likely to outgrow if interventions of this kind are not applied.”

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Australia’s Ministry of “Truth” By James Reed

We have covered the formal details of the proposed Bill to control so-called misinformation and disinformation, by the ever-tyrannical Albo Labor government. As I conjectured, the internet censorship Bill is being rolled out just in time to control opposition to the No side of the Voice; the Big Tech companies have already said that they will be dealing with what they define as misinformation in the debate, and they are open in support for the Voice. Be sure that that will mean censorship of any wider ranging critiques of the Voice, including exposing the neo-Marxist behind it. The aim will be to force the social media companies to do the government’s dirty work of censorship.

The material below summarises what we have already said over many posts. As well, there are linked videos of the few politicians taking a stand on this issue. It is one of the greatest threats to liberty we have seen since the lockdowns. And, links are given to the petitions that must be signed.

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The Very Idea of Masculine Virtue By John Steele

Andrew Tate, the champion of masculine virtue and strength, has recently stated his defence against sex trafficking charges that the Romanian police are to lay against him. He and his brother are under house arrest until the charges are laid and trial begins. Certainly, Tate has done good in encouraging young men to resist the feminist attacks upon their manhood, and in these desperate times, we cannot be too picky about allies. Still, as detailed by Lifesitenews.com, the Tate position falls far short of the Christian ideal on manhood, which among other things involves defending Christian values and virtues, such as the faith from false teaching and heretics, and institutions such as marriage, and opposition to abortion. Tate does not go into any of his, and as far as I can see, he remains a secular humanist, and probably a sexual liberal.

He contrasts with Roosh, who once was a womaniser, like St. Augustine before his conversion to Christ, but now Roosh lives an orthodox Christian life. He is a preferable model I think to Tate, even given his enormous popularity with a generation of alienated young men. Roosh’s latest, where he argues that the  life of a Godless man is pointless, no matter how much affluence they have:

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The Health of Amish Children By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

Steve Kirsch has recently testified before the Pennsylvania State Senate on the issue of vaccine safety. One of his core arguments was that almost all vaccines, at least those given en masse to children is an examination of comparative epidemiology, or disease rate differences between populations. He cited the example of the Amish, where children are 100 percent unvaccinated, but are largely free from the chronic illness that vaccinated children suffer from such as autism, diabetes and cancer. The average Amish family has seven children, and their numbers are increasing, while the Liberal left, from contraception and abortion are decreasing. And, most importantly the Amish adults are not vaccinated as well, with Covid death rates 90 times lower than the rest of the US population.

For the mainstream, this must be seen as a cruel paradox, but for vax critics, it confirms their scepticism.

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The Lies Scientists Told, and Still Tell By Brian Simpson

Alex Berenson reports that evidence of lies by chief scientists who were at the forefront of the Covid plandemic, are surfacing. For example, a note by Dr Fauci, the face of US Covid health policy, has said: Scientists in Wuhan University are known to have been working on gain-of-function experiments.” This statement was made on February 1, 2020, at the same time as there was a massive cover-up by Western scientists to protect communist China from being in the spotlight about the possible lab release of the Covid-19 virus.

The National Institutes of Health hid Fauci’s words from an email he had written from Freedom of Information Act requests. The email was only released through a House of Representatives subpoena, years after Fauci wrote it. This was a deliberate cover-up to prevent the lab release hypothesis gaining credibility. The scientists who published the Nature Medicine article on March 17, 2020, have recently been shown to have had private doubts about the natural origins position, but rejected the Wuhan lab leak hypothesis because it would generate trouble for communist China, and its science.

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Stillbirths and Miscarriages Associated with the Covid Vaxxes By Mr Vera West

Businessman, and Covid vax critic, Steve Kirsch, has examined the US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), which is the US government site for recording vaccine adverse effects. VAERS has been in operation for 33 YEARS. Over that time, there have been more adverse vax events reported for the Covid vaxxes than all other vaccine injuries combined. Kirsch examined the stillbirths and miscarriage (aka spontaneous abortions) in the VAERS record. He found that adverse effects for stillbirths and miscarriages is 4 times greater than all other vaccines combined. VAERS is around 100 X under reported, so the Covid vaccines have likely caused an estimated 360,000 excess deaths. While this is based upon US data, we expect the same relationship to exist in Australia, but there is no discussion of this, or a parallel analysis of TGA data.


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Agenda 2030 in a Nutshell: The Globalist Dismantling of Western Civilisation By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Our friends at Eurocanadians.ca, have performed the worthy task of offering a concise summary of all the threats to liberty that the UN’s Agenda 2030 poses. This is a small document by UN standards, but its message is clear: the destruction of the West. The undefined term “sustainable development” has been circulating in UN and globalist literature for some time. It involves setting up a New World Order based upon neo-Marxism. While one might have thought that the concern would be in ensuring an efficient use of natural resources, the stated objective in the document is to achieve global equity, first between the Third World and the West, and then within Western societies.

To achieve global equity will involve a redistribution of wealth and resources between the West and the Third World. There is no argued moral justification given for this; it is assumed to be obvious, perhaps backed by decades of anti-racist, multicultural brainwashing. At no point is the Third World given agency, that they should be encouraged to develop wealth for themselves, given billions of dollars of aid that has allowed their populations to explode. The evil white West had harmed them from colonialism, so amends must be made. This is the anti-colonial argument.

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