Get Ready for Climate Change Human Rights with All the Trimmings! By James Reed

The April 2024 decision by the European Court of Human rights, was that a group of old women were having their health adversely affected by climate change. They had a right not to be harmed by climate change. And the mainstream position is that climate change is a product of carbon dioxide production, which in turn is as product of techno-industria...

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Trump Will Need a War Effort to Deal with Illegals, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Donald Trump, interviewed by Time magazine has said that he will, if elected president again, begin the great deportation of illegals. That sent Leftists into a spin, as illegal-coloured migrants are the closet things decadent secular materialists have to angels. It does not matter if they rape and murder, what counts is that their skin colour is n...

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Is Leftism a Product of Genetic Mutations? By Brian Simpson

I must admit, although it is a bit "mean," I rather liked the hypothesis that Leftism is a product of mutational load, the idea that the present social order favours those who have a genetic propensity of Leftist ideals. They secure resources and can reproduce, those not gays maybe, and so the population gradually becomes Leftist. Noah Carl and Bo ...

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Climate Science, as Corrupt as it Comes! By Richard Miller (London)

 Professor Ulf Buntgen, Department of Geography, Cambridge University, has kicked the climate change academic hornet's nest with a paper recently published in the leading general science journal Nature, with the title, "The Importance of Distinguishing Climate Science from Climate Activism": ...

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Big Australia Defenders Cry in Pain at the Very Thought of Immigration Cuts! By James Reed

The totally inadequate "modest" immigration cuts proposed by perhaps one of the weakest Opposition Leaders in recent times, has been met with yelps of pain from the defenders of Big Australia, over the present insane mass immigration policy, or chaos, which has brought so much misery to so many people, who are as so passive they have not taken to t...

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Sweden on Brink of Civil War, By Richard Miller (London)

Many authorities have predicted that the violence in Sweden will lead to civil war. The latest such prediction comes from sociologist Göran Adamson, a Senior Lecturer in Sociology at Uppsala University, who has said that Sweden has become a "capital of violence." You know things are bad when the sociologists start saying this. And Dr Adamson is not...

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The Pope in Woke Open Borders Overload, By Peter West

The Pope is at it again with his woke open borders rhetoric. He has said that attempts to control the US southern border are madness, and that the US should embrace forgiveness to migrants as migrants make a country grow. In a CBS 60 Minutes interview, the Pope went on to criticise traditionalism saying that "It is a suicidal attitude. Because one ...

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Academic Fraud, and the Fraud of Academia, By James Reed

There are scandals a plenty in the dusty halls of academic publishing. Publishers of academic journals have been pulling thousands of papers, which have been traced to the cheating process, known as "paper mills," where writers from places like Russia and Iran, produce academic papers for a price. This is not just Arts/Humanities gear, but STEM and...

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Microplastics in Males, By Mrs. Vera West

 It has been found that not only is there weedkiller in human sperm, but microplastics have been found in human testicles, indicating that microplastics are either in human sperm or impacting upon them. The problem here is that microplastics have been linked to cancer, and it is a good bet that their contamination would reduce sperm quality, l...

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Climate Change Freak Out: Northern Australia to Become Unliveable !! By James Reed

I had to read this one twice to make sure I was not on a false news post by accident, but no, it is mainstream. The claim being pushed is that Northern Australia will become unliveable under climate change in the decades ahead. Places like Broome and Katherine only need a temperature rise of 1.5C, to be reduced to what the woke would regard as post...

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What Sinister Stuff is Going Down in South Australia? By James Reed

Below for consultation is an extract from, covering the story that South Australia is set to ban social media for children under the age of 14 years. The article quotes the South Australian Premier Peter Malinauskas, a father to four children, saying that social media, things like TikTok, harms children, and that other jurisdictions hav...

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If You are in Victoria, Will the Treaty Lead to You Losing Your House? By James Reed

This is worth keeping an alert about regarding the terrible Australian state government treaties that are something of a woke revenge against long-suffering Aussies for knocking down the woke voice referendum. The Allan government here in Victoria has not ruled out a compulsory acquisition of private property to give to indigenous groups, as well a...

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Goodbye to Klaus Schwab; Role as Villain in Next Bond Movie? By James Reed

 World Economic Forum founder, and present leader, Klaus Schwab, who behaved just like he stepped of the set of a 1980s James Bond movie, as the leading villain, is stepping down as leader of the World Economic Forum in 2025. He is getting old, and feels it is time for new blood; don't we all? We have seen the same thing happen with the Soros ...

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Peru Will be in Trouble! By Mrs. Vera West

We know from the debate around J. K. Rowling's critique of the trans movement with respect to women's rights, that opposing the gender agenda will lead to strong forces rising up to oppose you. But what happens when an entire nation goes anti-woke? We will see in the case of Peru which has passed a law classifying people who identify as transgender...

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The WHO Push for One World Government, By James Reed

Kenyan physician Dr. Wahome Ngare warned during the Second African Inter-Parliamentary Conference on Family Values and Sovereignty, held from May 1 to 3 in the city of Entebbe in Uganda, that the World Health Organization's pandemic treaty is part of its quest, under the UN, to seek control via a one world government. Dr Ngare went on to say that t...

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Woke Ideology Deconstructed, By James Reed

Dissent Right critics go on about the evils of woke ideology and philosophies, "woke" being the new term that encompasses political correctness, and goes beyond it, largely to incorporate the trans business. But what exactly is woke? In the extract below from the Naked Emperor's substack, a case is made that woke is technically critical constructiv...

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And Now the Globalist Bell Tolls for … Coffee! By James Reed

Each morning you can see the CBD streets having venues with open door sides serving coffee to sleepy workers about to do another day. It is the thing they need to get themselves into gear for a mouse run on the modern treadmill. But even this helper is coming under attack, as the World Economic Forum (WEF) goes through its spoiler list of things to...

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Our Polluted World: Weedkiller Found in Sperm! By Mrs Vera West

The issue of the decline in human sperm quality and quantity, which according to leading research, does pose an existential threat to humanity, is a genuinely "wicked problem," which is difficult to solve within the present framework of techno-industrial society. So much of the products of modern living, to produce creature comforts, paradoxically ...

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The WHO Pandemic Treaty: A Failure in Public Health, By Mrs Dr. Abigail Knight (Florida)

Dr. David Bell is a clinical and public health physician was previously the Director of the Global Health Technologies at Intellectual Ventures Global Good Fund in the USA, Programme Head for Malaria and Acute Febrile Disease at FIND in Geneva, and coordinating malaria diagnostics strategy with the World Health Organisation. He is thus an expert on...

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The Australian Jobs Desert, Thanks to Immigration, By James Reed

As argued by Leith van Onselen, Australia simply does not have enough jobs, or capacity to create them, to keep up with the present insane levels of mass immigration. He notes that recent data from the Seek organisation has indicated that the number of applicants per job advertisement increased by 8.6% in March 2024, to be 55 percent higher than in...

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