Renewables to Crash the Grid, By Richard Miller (London)

Stephen Broderick, in the Engineering Department at Southampton University, has been researching the energy demands of electric vehicles for many years. In 2017 he warned the UK parliament that the grid did not have the capacity to handle electric vehicles in every home, or heat pumps, let alone both together. At present Dr Broderick is even more p...

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Two Thirds of Australians Want Lower Immigration, but They Won’t Get it Without Mass Protests, By James Reed

Last financial year's net overseas migration (NOM) numbers were 528,000, which is not counting the "silent" immigration factor of overseas students, who almost all stay, especially those from India, as covered in previous blog pieces. Opinion polls have shown massive opposition by the Australian public to mass immigration such as now being experien...

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The Japanese Now Face Migrant Crime and the Coming of the Great Replacement, By James Reed

I had come to think that the Great Replacement was exclusively an attack upon Whites, primarily Nordics, northern Europeans. But, while that was once true, the attack by the globalists has now been raised a bar, given that they are sure that the White race is finished and now in its death throes. The focus has turned upon homogenous societies that ...

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The Battle Against Migrant Crime, By Richard Miller (London)

The joys of diversity are being seen right across Europe, increasing excitement and song-and dance multicultural bliss. German trains are particularly exciting with insults, harassment and knife violence for starters, along with some daytime rapes. Young asylum seekers feature in this excitement and vibrancy. An account of the attacks and violence ...

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Steps to Avoid the Digital ID, By James Reed

The Digital ID Act is now, unfortunately law. Nation First has given a useful set of ideas abut what can be done now to survive it, to fight back and get the Act repealed. That will require the Opposition getting power, and I think a new leader to replace Dutton. But in the meantime, Nation First says that above all else people must resist and not ...

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DeSantis Throws Out Climate Change! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Our governor here in Florida is showing how it should be done, snubbing his legislative nose at the climate change agenda. Governor DeSantis has taken on the climate change zealots, by side-lining climate change. For example, he has banned wind turbines off Florida's coast. He has said that "the designs of the left to weaken our energy grid, pursue...

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The Trees are Getting Bigger! By Brian Simpson

Here is some good news from the mainstream who accept the climate change narrative. On the global warming hypothesis, there is increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. But carbon dioxide is a plant food. And indeed, a recent report has indicated that at least trees are loving it, getting bigger, by a process called carbon fertilisation. The ques...

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The War Against Manhood, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

 Eric Utter, "Men are Under Attack, Especially Judeo-Christian Ones," has given a concise account of the big, under-discussed problem of the cultural war against manhood. Indeed, many aspects of the gender agenda have this problem as its root. The trans issue is debated within the context of the deconstruction of womanhood, such as trans women...

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Ex-CDC Director Admits the Adverse Covid Vax Effects, By Chris Knight (Florida)

Dr. Robert Redfield, former director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), has admitted that there actually is a herd of elephants in the room, that there was suppression and silencing of Covid mandate critics, and that there are significant adverse effects from the Covid vaxxes. This is important news, as these claims are not...

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On the Brink of Civil War: Billionaire Investor Ray Dalio, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Billionaire investor Ray Dalio has been right on the money before, and his prophecies are thus worth considering. He has recently said that there is a 40 percent chance of a new civil war, Civil War 2.0, in America. This started in 2020, and is now intensifying, putting the country on the "brink." But he sees the chances of a war between the US and...

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The Great Immigration Cover-Up, By Richard Miller (London)

The Telegraph, although most of its punchy articles are behind paywalls, is doing an excellent job for a mainstream publication to expose the Great Immigration Scam. In their latest critique of the immigration government mafia, they observe that civil servants are blocking the publication of material detailing immigrant crime. There was supposed to...

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Does Western Civilisation Still Exist? By James Reed

Leading US social critic Paul Craig Roberts always has something punchy at his site. Basically, he sees the world falling apart, rapidly, and America is leading the slide downhill into the dumpster of history. Indeed, he asks in a recent article, whether we can ...

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So Much for “Tolerance”! By Richard Miller (London)

Green Parties around the world are very crazy, but perhaps the Scottish Greens are the worst of a bad bunch. Thus, some Green activists signed a "Scottish Green Declaration for Women's Sex-Based Rights," which is a classic old-style feminist document, affirming women's rights, that "sex is a biological reality," and that women have a right to equal...

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The Onrushing Wave of Death? By Brian Simpson

Richard Sauder seems to be an ordinary South American bloke from Ecuador. He is one of the few to comment on the significance of claims by leading doctors, Dr. Dolores Cahill, formerly at the Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Genetics in Berlin, Germany, and more recently Professor of Translational Science at Conway Institute at the University Coll...

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The Covid Vaxxes and Abdominal Bleeding, By Brian Simpson

 It seems that here is some new adverse effect from the Covid mRNA vaxxes being uncovered every week. The bad news for this week is from a study published in the peer-reviewed medical journal Hepatology (the specialty relating to the liver, gallbladder, biliary tree, and pancreas):

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How Long Will the War Ships Last? By James Reed

US aircraft carriers, the pride of the US military, could be sunk by as few as 24 communist Chinese hyper-sonic missiles, according to a study published in the Chinese journal Journal of Test and Measurement Technology. The simulation involved the USS Gerald R. Ford, and the simulation also targeted other surface ships including the CG56 Ticonderog...

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Is it a “Queer Planet”? By Mrs Vera West

Apparently, there is a forthcoming documentary that we will probably have fed to us, by the NBC, that attempts to show that homosexuality is widespread in the animal world, and that there are more than two genders. The sort of things that will be viewed are the classic gay penguins, bisexual lions, sex changing clown fish, and so on. The counter to...

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Why are Anti-Globalist Politicians being Subject to Assassination Attempts? By Richard Miller (London)

Following from the assassination attempt upon Slovakia's anti-globalist Prime Minister Robert Fico, Irish Republican European MEP candidate Malachy Steenson faced a similar threat, but the would-be assassin was stopped by police, before causing harm. According to Steenson: "These are the threats that we face in this country for standing up for our ...

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Is the Pope Catholic? No, I Don’t Think So, By Peter West

Andrea Widburg, my very favourite writer at American thinker, takes the old joke, and treats it seriously, "Is the Pope Catholic?" The answer is one that I have been giving at the bog for some time; namely, no he is not. The case is clear from his public stance on issues such as climate change, Islamic immigration, and sexual ethics, speci...

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The Threat of the Educated White Liberal Woman! By Mrs. Abigail Knight (Florida)

!Normally only conservative women dare to write on this topic, as even from our side "white knight" males may feel that they need to defend White university educated women, rather than call them out at their own game. However, Jack Cashill, "January 6, Covid Stir the Fascist Soul of the Educated Liberal Female," is a male who dares to tread in this...

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