How the Greens Plan to Bury Australia By James Reed

Well, the Australian Greens have come clean on their policies, and whoa! Forgiving student debt and legalising weed, the life blood of the young, is standard. But hey, how about banning petrol cars (not sure about diesel)? They have one seat in the House of representatives now and will hopefully lose tha. But contemplate what this would do to the average family who can barely afford food, let alone having to buy an electric car. No worries the socialist Greens will no doubt say down the track. We will buy these cars for them. I don’t know if the Greens have thought that far ahead yet, but that is where it must go. And, then bankrupt Australia. Nice ones, socialists.

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China Moves Down the Pacific to Australia By James Reed

I covered this issue of CCP China now advancing its agenda to conquer the Pacific last week. Here is more on the same theme by China expert, and critic, Gordon G. Chang.

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Australia: Covid Rides Again, and Again … By Brian Simpson

I am glad Igor Chudov has not been cancelled (yet), as he is producing relevant information and Covid commentaries. Here he updates on something unique happening in Australia, the rise of the new Covid variant BA2.2 or “BA.2 + S:I1221T”, or “B.1.1.529.2”. This variant has already hit Hong Kong, producing the largest spike of deaths from Covid yet seen, so get ready for yet another round of lockdowns and mandates. Igor also says that Australia did not get Omicron immunity, but that Omicron to Omicron infections and re-infections are now common. He does not speculate about why this is so, but could it be vaccine immune deficiency syndrome in a highly vaccinated population? And it seems that those who speculated that the vaccines would aid in the evolutionary development of Covid are right. The vaccines will never keep up with the mutations of the virus. Me, I trust natural immunity.


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Trust Big Pharma? The Lessons of Zantac By Mrs Vera West

Should we trust Big Pharma with the experimental mRNA vaccines, that were raced to market and to deltoid muscles (then other organs via spike protein migration) in Trump’s Operation Warp Speed? Well, I don’t think so. Zantac was a popular heartburn treatment that you could pick up at the supermarket. And, guess what? According to the lawyer Brent Wisner, with Baum Hedlund Aristei & Goldman, who is representing plaintiffs who allegedly developed cancer after taking Zantac, pharmaceutical companies GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi, Pfizer and Boehringer Ingelheim, are now facing class-action lawsuits from people who developed cancer after taking the drug. And Big Pharma knew that the drug caused cancer, but still sold it. “We’re talking 40 years they sold this product and they knew it. And we have the documents. … I mean, we have documents where they straight up say, ‘this stuff causes this cancer.’”

So, why should I trust big Pharma with their experimental Covid vaccine? I will probably get cancer from taking Zantac.

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The Shape of Leftist Judges to Come By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It is almost certain that the Biden diverse SCOTUS appointment of Ketanji Brown Jackson will go ahead, based upon her gender and colour of her skin, not her judicial ability, which should be the highest in the land. So, what is her legal claim to fame, what notable cases? Well, let’s hear it from the mainstream press on this one, as this simply can’t be made up: “[she] heard horrifying details of “sadomasochistic” torture of young kids — including “infants and toddlers” — yet challenged the disturbing evidence presented by prosecutors and disregarded their prison recommendations to give the lightest possible punishments in each case.” Yes, a truly fantastic Leftist replacement for a court that needs to become part of the territory of an abandoned America when secession occurs, the breakup of the nation. Oh, we keep the nukes, they keep the woke and broke. And Ms KBJ, who cannot define what a “woman” is.

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Scrape Gloating the Unemployed! By James Reed

Yep, blame the short fall on worker bees for the sacred economy upon the unemployed, especially those who put in honest resumes. An airwave jockey has been slamming these dole bludgers, clogging up the economy, although he does not cite how many are putting in alleged shonky resumes saying, I do not have any relevant skills. Well, maybe they don’t and are being honest. Maybe this airwave jock should be blaming schools for being woke, and soft on teaching relevant workplace skills. As always, go for the soft targets.


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That’s Smart; Trump Asks Putin to Release What Dirt They have on Hunter Biden Laptop By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Maybe Putin might follow Trump’s suggestion and release what they have on the Hunter Biden laptop that fell into their hands. It would make strategic sense to do so, and the media could say that it was Russian misinformation, since it did come from Russia! But, while of limited used, it would make for fun reading!

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More Putin Nuclear Sabre-Rattling By James Reed

Here I was thinking things were toning down a bit, and Vlad the goes and rattles his nuclear sword again. As well, Deputy Chairman of the Security Council and former Russian President and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev claimed that Russia has the right to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine. Ok, but has he thought about where the winds blow after the fun of letting of these ultimate fire crackers … right towards Moscow! If the war goes nuclear, a mighty lot of Moscow’s cows will be giving radioactive milk. How will that go down in the milk bars?


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World War Z By James Reed

The title is an allusion to a popular zombie book and film starring Brad Pitt. But, the present war is one weirder that the world of zombies and the walking dead. Now a letter, the letter  … no, I cannot mention it, as my laptop no longer punches out that letter. I hit the key but nothing happens. The woke have cancelled it, eliminated its existence.  It is crazy times indeed, living like chalk marks on a blackboard, in fear of the rubber. Oh, they don’t have blackboards now do they but white boards, as blackboards were seen to be racist, putting white chalk all over a black body, oppressive.


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Biden’s Cheat Sheets … Ooops, Nuclear War! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Senile old false president Biden has been pushing the line that Putin needs to be removed. The White House has then had to do damage control, virtually saying, at least to my mind and creative imagination, no, no, no, Putin need not go … the president is a senile old fool who runs at the mouth especially when his experimental drugs get low. Look, we will let you see some of the inner workings used behind the scenes to control this puppet, such a cheat sheets we give him. The print has to be small to get all of the bs and outright lies in that he needs, but, hey, for an old crazy guy, Joe certainly has good eye sight. Pity abt his brain though!

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India and Russia in Direct Rupee-Ruble Payments; Goodbye US Dollars By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Is this an unintended effect, or is it part of the New World Order Great Reset plan, to dismantle the West? If the latter,  then American elites are right on board with this. Kicking Russia off SWIFT and imposing sanctions has simply meant that Russia moves off the US dollar circuit and trades with its own currency. Just as it is now doing with India, who has moved into the vacuum created by Western trade sanctions, with not a care in the world. I will never forget how Trump licked the boots of the Indian PM in a visit, stoking his ego. What an embarrassment., the pro-Russian site tells the present Russia-India trade story., sure has its bias like everything else, but to find any truth now we need to consider a plurality of perspectives, and on Russia, this is a site we need to study.

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The mRNA Vaxxes are About Normalising Cell and Gene therapy By Chris Knight (Florida)

It has been said, loud and clear, the real purpose of the mRNA vaccines. Bayer Pharmaceuticals Division President Stefan Oelrich spoke at the recent World Health Summit, and said how Covid had shifted public opinion about what is acceptable to inject into the body.

“Uh, we’re really taking that leap, uh, us as a company.” “In cell or gene therapy, which to me is one of these examples, we’re really, we’re going to make a difference hopefully, uh, moving forward.” “There’s some, uh, ultimately, the, uh, the mRNA vaccines, uh, are an example for that, uh, cell or gene therapy,”

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And the Winner of the Vaccine Death Race Is … By Brian Simpson

US data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) shows that deaths caused by the Covid-19 vaccines have surpassed those caused by all other vaccines, and this has occurred in a 15-month period, while the deaths from other vaccines took decades. It is a new world record in the New World Order, and the champagne corks of the Dark Lords must be popping all over the world, celebrating the genocidal depopulation, dehumanisation agenda.

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The Elites Can Only Suppress the Truth for so Long before the Dam Breaks Open By Chris Knight (Florida)

Freedom of Information requests, even when not complied with, yield interesting results. Judicial Watch, has filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.  The HHS did not comply with providing communications surrounding adverse side effects of Covid-19 vaccination. Now the HHS will be put through the legal wringer in court, which is no doubt for the best, because it all will come out in the wash.

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NIH Deleted Covid Data for Wuhan Researcher By Chris Knight (Florida)

A Freedom of Information request by Empower Oversight yielded 238 pages of  documents from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which revealed that that in June 2020, at the request of researchers at China’s Wuhan University, the NIH deleted information about Covid-19 genetic sequencing. The deletions show “that an expert advised then NIH Director Francis Collins and Dr. Anthony Fauci that the coronavirus driving the global pandemic originated outside of the Wuhan food market as asserted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).” This is more strong evidence for the lab leak hypothesis, and US involvement with communist China in dangerous gain-of-function research.

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The Transgender Agenda and Sport By Mrs Vera West

The Australian has published a very good article about Olympic champion, civil rights lawyer and women’s sport activist Nancy Hogshead-Makar, who is leading the charge against the situation seen most recently in America with trans swimmer Lia Thomas, whom Nancy criticises strongly. Thomas is on hormone replacement in accordance to the rules, but apparently has not yet had genital realignment surgery. Still, the point is made that being a male for most of his life has all the unfair advantages of a male body for such sports. In essence the issue here is that biological women are not inferior males, and deserve their own sports.

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Unusual Blood Clots in Vaccinated Corpses By Chris Knight (Florida)

The phenomenon of unusual blood clots in vaccinated corpses noticed by funeral directors and embalmers, has started to get attention outside of the publications of Covid critic substacks. Here is one recent coverage, reporting on Richard Hirschman, a funeral director and embalmer from Alabama, who began seeing the long stringy blood clots around the middle of 2021, after the mass Covid vaccination rollout. The blood clots have been seen by his colleagues, but they are keeping anonymous for fear of affecting their jobs. The likely cause is the mRNA spike proteins, but this has yet to be scientifically investigated. 

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On the Good Ship Covid Vaxxed … but Covid Outbreak! By Brian Simpson

We have been reporting on the present-day pandemic of the vaccinated, of massive Covid outbreaks in highly vaccinated populations such as Israel and South Korea. However, there are even more telling Covid hot spots, such as the recent outbreak upon the cruise ship the Ruby Princess, which had a 100 percent Covid vaccination rate. That does not add up to me.

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Eyes Wide Open to the Decadence and Evil of the Washington DC Circuit By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It has long been said that there are evil sex rings associated with places of political power such as Washington DC, and some even say Canberra, but I doubt that Australian politicos have much by way of animal juices, but, who knows? However, regarding Washington, Rep. Madison Cawthorn has blown the lid on some of the gatherings in Washington DC. Yes, but he did not get invited to the Satanic child sacrifice ritual no doubt practiced by the Left of all colours, races and ethnicities, and he may have blown his chances of getting any future invitation.

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Covid Jabs in Australia Coming for Babies Now: State-Sponsored Child Abuse (Natural or Vaccine Business as Usual? By Mrs Vera West

Now it is babies facing the sharp end of the Covid vax syringe, coming from a $ 1 billion extension to the national vaccine rollout from the budget. And, with irony, the government has extended its vaccine injury indemnity scheme to cover children aged up to four years. Critics, such as at natural are asking why this is done and if it is child abuse. Well, it is simply part of vaccine culture. There is, for example a Hep B vaccine given at birth! What, are the bubs IV drug users or having sex? You tell me:

“At birth – Hepatitis B

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