The Dreaded Ivermectin By Brian Simpson

We offer no medical and health advice here, but only items in the public interests for information purposes. Ivermectin … the name makes many tremble here in Australia. No doctors dare mention its name. Still, once upon a time in Brazil, things were different.

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Will the “Untouchables” Soon Be in New Zealand? By Bruce Bennett

The Leftist New Zealand government is now moving to ban young people from smoking so to eliminate smoking. When the law comes in people aged 14 will never be able to purchase tobacco. Well, civil liberties arise, this all goes back to the mindset of the Prohibition of alcohol in the US from 1920-1933. It produced the entrenchment of organised crime in America. This may not be so dramatic in New Zealand, but there is no doubt in my mind that a thriving black market will arise. Also, older people will have limited purchases of smokes, so older folks will unload some of their purchases.

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Anarcho-Tyranny, Everywhere By Chris Knight (Florida)

A good article at Breitbart makes the case that the entire Julian Assange affair is a case of anarcho-tyranny. It has been defined by the Urban as follows: “ Anarcho-tyranny is a concept, where the state is argued to be more interested in controlling citizens so that they do not oppose the managerial class (tyranny) rather than controlling real criminals (causing anarchy). Laws are argued to be enforced only selectively, depending on what is perceived to be beneficial for the ruling elite.” Certainly, the treatment of Assange, with abuse of rights and torture, along with the CIA contemplating assassination for someone exposing the dirty secrets shows how evil the system is. We see the same pattern with so many things, with the Covid plandemic being even more blatant.

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Concern about Covid Vax Side Effects By Chris Knight (Florida)

The main concern of American voters, and I expect right across the West, is that those unvaccinated are so because of adverse reaction effects. Given the extensive literature on this, that is quite rational. And given the suppression of information by the mainstream media, it is good news that there is still some critical thinking out there.

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PRESS RELEASE 16th December 2021 Why I refuse to submit to the Covid PCR “test” by Graham H Lyons B Agric Sci M Public Health PhD

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was developed as a laboratory process to amplify fragments of RNA and DNA (which are abundant in the human body) to enable sufficient material to be quantified. Its inventor, Kary Mullis, repeatedly stated that PCR “does not identify free, infectious viruses at all”, and should never be used as a diagnostic for this purpose.

Yet this is exactly what it is being used for, to “identify” SARS Cov-2, the supposed cause of “Covid-19”. However, this “test” was developed using nothing more than computer modelling of a genetic sequence. No actual viral isolate from a Covid 19 patient was ever used in developing this “test”. SARS Cov-2 is an in silico “virus” which has not been isolated, let alone proven to be the cause of Covid-19.

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Covid Outbreak on the Fully Vaxxed “Love” Boat By Mrs Vera West

Here is yet more evidence that the fully covid vaxxed can spread the virus. A cruise ship had 100 percent of people vaccinated, yet a dreaded covid out break occurred. Can the Australian health authorities, and the moronic/Omicron Vice Chancellors of universities moving to ban the unvaxxed to allegedly “protect” the vaxxed, please explain?

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UK Booster Shots Every Three Months, Forever! By Richard Miller (London)

Here is what is in store for Australians as the covid Tyranny intensifies.  UK Health and Social Care Secretary Sajid Javid of Great Britain has announced plans to impose a policy of booster shots for all adults every three months for the rest of their lives. That was seemingly a few heartbeats ago, every six months, so you can bet your used syringe that the booster time will be boosted to two months, then one month, and eventually, people will need to have a mobile IV unit with them, with continuous 24/7 vaccination. The entire social universe is now, just one on-going vaccination. Vaccination unto death.

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What is the FDA Hiding? By Chris Knight (Florida)

You have to be suspicious. Why is the US FDA asking a Federal judge to give it 75 years to produce data concerning the Pfizer and BioNTech vaccine, an increase 20 years from a previous request? Could it be that by that time, whatever it is that they are seeking to hide won’t matter, as almost all of us will be long dead by then? To my mind, this fact alone puts the entire vaccine under a big question mark. “If you find what you are reading difficult to believe—that is because it is dystopian for the government to give Pfizer billions, mandate Americans to take its product, prohibit Americans from suing for harms, but yet refuse to let Americans see the data underlying its licensure,” said a lawyer working on the Freedom of Information case.

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Covid Post-Pandemic Stress Disorder By James Reed

The system is aware of the disturbing phenomenon of a rapid rise in heart conditions in younger patients. Naturally, seeing this as in any way connected to the vaccines must be rejected, as it would severely challenge the covid narrative, at least in principle. In reality the system vis stone-walling everything, so even if corpses were piling up in the streets, stacked tenfold, the scared vaxxes would always be given a clear run.

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UK Covid /Stockholm Syndrome By Richard Miller (London)

I have long been concerned about the white pathology and general ethno-racial, social suicide tendencies of the British population. Now, given the usual caveats about opinion polls, assuming for the sake of argument that the following poll can be trusted, the vast majority of Britons support the same covid restrictions seen earlier in the year, being re-imposed upon them with Omicron, even though the virus is extremely weak and not a threat. If this is true, and I hope that it is not, all hope is lost. We can only move to a Plan C, post-apocalyptic scenario, where as a Darwinian event, collapse establishes the natural order of the past once more. Perhaps man has lived long enough the life of a battery hen.

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Stiff Covid Talk from a Funeral Director By Richard Miller (London)

This is getting down to Covid basics, because if anyone knows how people are dying it is those at the end of the pipeline, the funeral director, the men catching the penny on the final toss. In the UK the director of Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services, John, described seeing an “unnatural” rise in the deaths since the vaccine rollout, with an uptick in deaths related to thrombosis, which he attributes to the Covid-19 vaccine. And, if you can’t trust your funeral director, who can you trust?

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Feel Sad for Rejected Camels! By James Reed

With all the bad and sad news, how about some light relief? Something like a camel beauty contest! That sounds prima facie absurd, but here in the West we have animal shows, say for livestock and dogs and cats, so it would be racist to mock the values of diverse cultures, and we would not want to do that, would we? No.  So, in principle  I understand that a people whose lives once depended upon the camel, and in the longer-term may do so again, would like to seek camel excellence. Only, I personally know nothing about camels except that they have humps. And, there is cheating in the beauty contests, which is very sad. Camels should be appreciated for their natural beauty, whatever that means, without artificial enhancements. That’s cheating, like taking steroids. I could in time grow to like camels if I had one to get around Melbourne city on. It would be grand to proudly ride one down the main drag.

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Covid Vaxxes: From Collapsing Athletes to Miscarriaging Women By Mrs Vera West

Two areas of Covid adverse effects which are vastly under-discussed are the miscarriage phenomenon and the collapsing of peak level athletes. In the US as of November 19, 2021, 3,071 miscarriages had been reported to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS).

Data published in April 2021 showed that miscarriages occurred in 82 percent to 91percent of women who got the shot during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. Add to that the issue of peak level athletes collapsing after the Covid jabs, and that alone should spark concern, as if there were no other matters.

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Vaccine Mandates Should be the Last Resort: World Health Organisation By Mrs Vera West

Apparently, the Australian authorities that are fully into some of the most draconian Covid mandate measures on the planet, are not listening to sacred international health organisations such as the World Health Organization. “Mandates around vaccination are an absolute last resort and only applicable when all feasible options to improve vaccination uptake have been exhausted,” WHO Europe director Hans Kluge told a press briefing. “Public confidence and public trust” in authorities and vaccination uptake must be taken into account before imposing vaccine requirements, Kluge said. Now no doubt the Australian tyrants will say that all feasible options have been exhausted, but that is demonstrably false, since going to the Covid full-on nuclear option was their first choice. It shows the level of power-madness that has gripped them.

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Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, a Vaccine Expert, Virologist and Former Senior Officer of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Says: “Stay Unvaccinated” By Mrs Vera West

Dr Bossche’s message of staying unvaccinated will be lost on the vast majority of the population, who have all too willingly drunk the Kool Aid. This was done despite the internet being up, and even with censorship, a few minutes research could have uncovered a vast amount of critical material to get a person still having two neurons to rub together – and there are not many remaining with that – thinking. Nevertheless, Dr Bossche maintains that the vaccines, primarily the mRNA ones, have the problem that the “antibodies” produced  suppress a person’s natural immunity, but they “cannot substitute for it” since these “antibodies,” even if they actually provide any kind of protection against infection or transmission, do not last very long.

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The Test for Covid By Chris Knight (Florida)

The following material from Brownstone details the main objections to the PCR test for Covid. The core issue seems to be methodological in nature, namely that the mere presence of DNA in a patient is no more proof of a disease being caused by the virus having that DNA than the presence of DNA at a crime scene is proof of the identity of some alleged crime being committed. Even the inventor of PCR, Kary Mullis, who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1993, vehemently opposed using PCR to diagnose diseases: “PCR is a process that’s used to make a whole lot of something out of something. It allows you to take a very miniscule amount of anything and make it measurable and then talk about it like it’s important.” “PCR tests are quick and extremely sensitive, but their very sensitivity makes false positives likely” reported the New York Times, “and when hundreds or thousands of people are tested, as occurred at Dartmouth, false positives can make it seem like there is an epidemic.”

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The Weaponisation of Food By James Reed

Fear any organisation which has the words “sustainable development” in their title. Thus, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), a coalition of the world’s largest multinational food corporations, with Bill Gates as a member, who also is in the process of deciding what foods are “moral” and which are not, as part of their equity food strategy. Also dread the word “equity,’ since it means, that what you have will be taken away from you.  Remember, you will have nothing and be very unhappy, if still alive.


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Nuclear War with Russia? Is that Really a Good Idea? By James Reed


Mike Adams covers recent remarks by US establishment leaders from both parts indicating that they are itching for nuclear war with Russia. Well, assuming that this is authentic, and not part of an even bigger conspiracy, the sort of thing that would be covered in an Antony C. Sutton book if he was still alive, we need to ask where this will go, if it happens? Russia has hypersonic missiles that probably can escape US defences, as well as the Satan nuclear bombs that can take out an area the size of Texas. What then is the plan, a form of mass suicide to get it all over with?  Maybe.

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Are ICU Units Filled with the Unvaccinated? More Covid False News By Richard Miller (London)

Protecting the sacred ICUs of hospitals has been an ongoing theme in the Covid plandemic. Lockdowns were needed, allegedly, to save these units from being over-run. As far as I know, no-one suggested setting up more units. Anyway, the same argument is being rolled out now, that the ICUs are filled with naughty unvaxxed people. But, as detailed below, it too is untrue, at least for the UK.

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Pfizer CEO Sees a Fourth Dose for Covid Omicron By Brian Simpson

Mrs Vera West covered the item that three doses of the Pfizer Covid vax are being proposed to deal with Covid Omicron. But a new news item just in my news feed says that Bourla, CEO of Pfizer wants four shots now. Of course, four will turn into five, to be fully vaccinated, and so on until death do us part. Say, how many jabs has this guy had? I could not find out via Google, if he has had three yet, but maybe so, some sites say two. I suggest that he goes for four and more. Good luck with that.


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