The Bioweapons of Biden By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Continuing with the Civil War II/breakdown of America theme, one symptom of this is the vast double standard that now exists. American citizens are subjected to the Covid culture and vaccine mandates, but the flood of illegals are not and are freely moved into red states to infect them. It has been  said that Biden is using people as bioweapons, which is shocking, but true when you think about it.


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As America Falls Apart By Chris Knight (Florida)

America is heading towards an inevitable breakup. It could be a repeat of the Civil War, or it could be a gentler falling apart, as does seem to be occurring now. The division now between red states and blue is stark, and the Great Divorce is now no longer something that a narrow fringe discusses, as I will show in future articles.

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BBC Admits, that at Least 66 percent of Confirmed Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases in the United Kingdom are Vaccinated Individuals! By Richard Miller (London)

This is an indirect one, but the BBC has admitted, indirectly, that 66 percent of confirmed Covid-19 cases in the UK are vaccinated individuals. The BBC released an article   entitled “COVID-19 in Wales: A third of positive cases are unvaccinated.” It pointed out that only 13 percent of COVID-19 cases that required hospitalization were unvaccinated, so the remaining 87 percent are either partially or fully vaccinated. No other options. Logic, in particular the principle of excluded middle, is a wonderful thing! And this will be the future for you in Oz, where your system is jumping over itself with the vaccine passport, now launched in Sydney:

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Sexy Dr Fauci? What?!!! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Guardian newspaper has proclaimed that Covid King Dr Fauci is the sexiest man alive. Define “man” and “alive.” Many responded that this was satire, but no, the Leftist British press is serious. Anyone who is at the top of the Covid house of cards would have been given that honorary title.  But, hey, this is science for the Leftists. If Fauci is sexy, then surely the vaccines work.

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Vice President Harris, Space Cadet By Chris Knight (Florida)

Karma Harris has released a hyper-cringing video using child actors, where she says stupid childish stuff, like you will go to the moon. Well, she should go to the moon and stay there. And, take her mask with her. Take all of the masks with her as a food resource.

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After Masks: Full Face Condoms for Leftist Covid Fanatics! By James Reed

There has been outrage over a story of one US hospital putting plastic bags over the heads of patients, presumably because they were naughty and taking of their magic masks. Ok, but I want to move beyond the shock! horror! to produce some constructive suggestions.

Could this fantastic plastic fetish be a new trend for fanatic mask fetishised Leftists to adopt? Remember the condom drive with AIDs in the 1980s, how that was supposed to solve everything? Could the Left start  wearing plastic bags over their heads? I am not suggesting in any way that they self-harm by tightening the bag. The bag could be open. But, it would be an effective face shield, and may complement mask wearing. Personally, I believe that what is really needed now is for people going out in public during this new Black Death, like to university, is to wear scuba tanks, taking their own air with them. Communication could be done electronically as it is mostly done now. Wearing flippers and a wet suit is optional of course, say for truck drivers.

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Mandatory Jabs for Australian University Students; A Good Reason Not to Go to University Anyway! By James Reed

Here is what the latest is regarding mandatory vaccinations for Australian university students, which is similar to the US position. Given the high vaccination rates at the ever-socially conforming universities, one would have thought that herd immunity, and “herd” is the word, would have been reached, and those unvaccinated could be tolerated to take their own risks, since vaccinations are supposed to deliver protection, and not stop working when confronted by the unvaccinated. But, if I was a student who had concerns about vaccination, just speaking hypothetically about myself, I would simply find something else to do, even go homeless, or better, become a full-time anti-vax critic!

It is simply amazing how no criticism of almost anything related to the Covid narrative has come from the universities in the West, and even the socialists, who one would have thought would be natural critics of Big Capitalism, are on board. There is no dissent at all, and apparently since everyone has to be vaxxed, no dissent is permitted by definition on this issue, as there will be no-one to dissent! But, as raised at numerous websites, and this blog each day, there are real criticisms that can be made against the Covid vaccines, and whether this critique is ultimately correct or not is irrelevant, for it is a live issue, and free speech means nothing if it is silenced by default. So much for the various free speech charters most universities across the West are supposed to support. So much for the universities.

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Medico-Tyranny in the US Universities By James Reed


I covered mandatory vaccination in the Australia university system in the previous article, if I got the blog loading sequence right … come to think of it, that article is above this one. No matter, you will find it. Here is the next step on from the US, about how the mandatory vaccination presence will be maintained. As you can imagine by what has gone down in Australia for far, our ruling elite will no doubt be doing all this, and maybe more.

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No US Covid Vaccine Mandate! By Chris Knight (Florida)

One surprising thing, is that the world, and a big chunk of American employers and employees, think that the Biden administration has made its vaccine mandates law. But as Robert Spencer shows, nothing has occurred beyond press statements, that have no legal validity. It is a game of smoke and mirrors, done to trick the punters into getting the Big Pharma jabs, without facing the inevitable law suits.

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The Great Covid Mask Fetish By Brian Simpson

At present, even in Australian states with no active Covid infections, people are required to wear masks in most social settings. The usual type worn are the blue surgical masks, usually worn all-day, when they should be replaced regularly. The original objections to masks, deceptively given by Covid guru Dr Fauci, allegedly to preserve masks for medical workers, was that most people do not know how to wear and use masks properly, and continuous touching is more likely to spread Covid from hands than anything else. Those objections still hold, and there is more based upon scientific studies, detailed below. Mask wearing does not reduce the prevalence of viral illness and asymptomatic spread is exceedingly rare, so there is no sound reasons for mass mask wearing in public. But, still it goes on to produce social conformity to the Covid New World Order.

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Are the Covid Vaccines Working? For Whom? By Brian Simpson

With the rise of breakthrough Covid infections in highly vaccinated countries, the question must be asked, are the vaccines working as expected? Why is it necessary to have so many booster shots, just to get so-called protection? And, do even these boosters work? Dr Mercola, below, presents the case that the Covid vaccines are not working. The opening story is a real eye-opener, where a Covid infection spread through the dialysis unit at the Meir Medical Center. There the hospital Covid protection includes routine wearing of full protective equipment by all COVID unit staff, including N-95 mask, face shield, gown, gloves and hair cover, and patients also wear surgical masks when in the same room as another patient. However, an outbreak of Covid occurred due to one infected patient; 238 out of 248 (96 percent) of the exposed patients and staff had been fully vaccinated with Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine. Of the 238 fully vaccinated individuals, 39 (16%) were infected, as were three of the 10 unvaccinated individuals who were exposed. As Dr Mercola rightly concludes, this event challenges the assumption that high universal vaccination rates will lead to herd immunity and prevent COVID-19 outbreaks, as 96.2 percent of the exposed population was vaccinated! If the vaccines could fail under these conditions, they could fail anywhere.

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A Problem for the Ron Unz US Bioweapons Version of Covid’s Origin By Brian Simpson

Ron Unz over at the interesting Unz Review, has been pretty much alone in advancing the thesis that SARS-CoV-2, is a US-created bioweapon, used against both China and Iran. I think he may have a case for its use against Iran, but another clever nation could have done this as well, not casting any blame, for a regime threatening to annihilate you must be taken seriously.

Unz’s claim that the US used this as a bioweapon against China is absurd, and flies in the face of the evidence. The main point is that the US appeared to finance the gain of function research that could not be done on US soil. So, yes, Unz is right that the US was developing a SARS bioweapon. But, China went on to cooperate. They were not attacked by the US, but were partners. This is shown by the US funding, and the fact that the Wuhan lab was conducting coronavirus experiments 18 months before the Covid plandemic, as documented in the material below.

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Sing, Sing a Covid Song, Make it Simple, to Last Your Whole Life Long! By James Reed

In this one, I burst out into song, as never before, as it’s Spring time in the Covid commo state, in penal colony New Holland. Apologies to the Carpenters, the old singing duo, not those who work with wood!

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Industrial Scale Electoral Fraud By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The mainstream media have reported on the Arizona audit, concluding that there is nothing to see here, since the number of paper votes tallied up was roughly the same. But this, as detailed below, is pure deception, that the MSM now specialises in, since it was found, and not reported, that the county election had more than 50,000 Duplicated, Fraudulent, Illegal or Ghost Ballots, and Biden allegedly won that county by just 10,457 votes. Clearly then there is a need to decertify the Arizona result.

Indeed, there is a growing movement to decertify the entire 2020 election, with 92 state legislators from all across America issuing a demand letter calling for a 50 state-wide 2020 election audit and decertification following the Arizona audit that revealed how “our representative republic suffered a corrupted 2020 election.” It is called, the New Declaration of Independence.

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The Great Replacement of Europeans by Arabs and Asians: “The Financial Times” By Richard Miller (London)

While the Left always say that the claim of the Great Replacement of whites is just a Right-wing conspiracy theory, they on the other hand delight in demographic statistics showing a rapid fall off in White population numbers. Some MSM are openly calling for a demographic replenishment by Arabs and Asians, for Europe. That, by definition, is demographic replacement. If we let it.

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Biden Yet to Reach Peak Destruction! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It has been proposed that false President Joe Biden has yet to reach peak destruction, for as his poll numbers crash, he, or those controlling him, will become more desperate. Well, I suspect that America will be  soon given its first Black female president in the unpopular form of Karma Harris. Sure, nobody likes her, but what does that have to do with ruling? She knows how to obey New World Order, orders.

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Trump: AIDS This Way Comes! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

No doubt about Deep State plant, Rump, he knows how to inflame the Left with provocative, usually, over-the-top comments. The latest is that the illegals pouring in the border, mainly Haitians, probably have AIDs. He would be better going down the line of Covid, since that is the latest moral panic issue!

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Civil War Coming By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Most Trumpers, and a growing number of Democrats see a Civil War II situation approaching in the US. But, how will this pan out? And, who will win? Brandon Smith, writing at, puts the case that the conservatives should win this, but, the real battle will be when the defeated Left call on UN peacekeeping forces, or join forces with the CCP for a full-on Red Dawn invasion. Naturally, the declaimer, that no-one here is advocating violence in any shape or form, merely reporting in the public interest.

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Over 120 Retired US Generals and Admirals Think US 2020 Election was Fraudulent By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Civil War II is likely to come to this torn and bleeding land of America, as argued in today’s post. It will have substantial impact upon Australia facing the threat of China. Perhaps that is when China will undertake a military attack upon you? As for America, 120 retired generals and admirals think that the 2020 US election was fraudulent. That is significant as it shows that part of the elite structure does not accept the present government as legitimate, so its acts, become delegitimised as well. That is the first step on the road to war, when that government effectively declares war against conservatives, which it has.

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Feminists Declare War on Kyrsten Sinema By Mrs Vera West

Kyrsten Sinema is a US Democrat who is refusing to sign off on the Biden proposals to spend trillions on all sorts of communist agendas. So, her fate is to be harassed by the Left, including following, and filming her in a ladies’ toilet. I think one vid showed a male entering the toilet, I could be mistaken, it might be a transgender. Don’t know anymore.

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