Terrorising Australians By Mrs Vera West

Dr Judy Wilyman is a true Australian intellectual hero on the vaccine awareness front, working on exposing the hidden truths about Big Pharma for a quarter of a century. She did a fantastic PhD thesis, now a book, on her research that the system went into moral panic over. Her supervisor and university supported her, which is surely one of the high points of the recent free speech battle in Australia.


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As Covid Elastic as Dr Fauci and Bill Gates By Chris Knight (Florida)

As detailed by Children’s Health Defense.org, Covid King Dr. Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates substantially changed their opinions on Covid vaccine effectiveness. Not so long ago, the vaxxes were seen as “magic,” but both now admit that effectiveness wanes rapidly. Rather than seeing this as showing that the vaccines were flawed and a new approach was needed, or even within the mainstream paradigm, that better vaccines are needed, the answer is to give booster shots forever. No matter that each shot has a risk of death of an adverse effect, however small, and as mathematics bluff, Brian Simpson has pointed out, by the convergence theorems of probability, it becomes certain that an ill effects will occur over a long (infinite) series of trials. It is like that old cartoon. A man is on a street looking for his lost keys, in a lighted area. A patrol cop comes by, asks what he is doing and is told about the lost keys. The cop asks, did you lose them around here? No, the man replies, I lost them over there in the dark. The cop: then why not look there? The man: because there is no light there!


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Hospitals Filling Up with the Fully Vaccinated By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is more Covid vax news that the mainstream media are suppressing, that hospitals, at least in the highly vaccinated US and Europe are filling up with ill people who do not have Covid. And, to make matters more interesting, the spike in ill and dying people is seen in states with the highest Covid vaccination rates. And Covid cases as well are exploding in some highly vaccinated states. For example, Vermont, the most vaccinated state in the US, is likewise seeing a massive surge in hospitalizations, with more new cases of Covid, than it saw during the peak of the plandemic prior to the introduction of the spike protein vaxxes.


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A Society of Looters By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Many blog sites are detailing the real pandemic in the US, not yet imported to Australia, fortunately, that is the pandemic of looting. The looting is organised, done mainly by Blacks, but some Whites are involved, no Asians, and involves masking up, and raiding luxury goods from stores. The police, largely defunded, do not get there in time to do anything, and probably are told not to anyway. Apparently, no security guards use the guns they were given because of the Saint George Floyd precedent. If any of the looters were shot, then the entire Left antifa would burn down the store anyway, if not the city. They are sitting at the ready, waiting for an excuse for violence.


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The Covid Mandates and Constitutional Law By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Libertarian Institute.org has given a tremendous presentation detailing the limits of the common law, with respect to US constitutional matters, but the same jurisprudential principles apply to other common law countries with a  written constitution, such as Australia. The point made is that the doctrine of precedence, Stare Decisis, a Latin phrase meaning literally, “let decisions of the court stand,” usually is a principle that allows wrong decisions to stand, and the common law system is slow and grinding, so the decisions take many years to get reviewed, and then, often, wrongly. That is the fault of the existing common law system that conservatives salivate over, seldom having practical reality about law. (I studied a few years law in Florida before military service, never reaching the bar, failing my finals.)

The main US case dealing with pandemic law is Jacobson v. Massachusetts (1905), which courts relied on to resolve disputes about religious freedom, abortion, gun rights, voting rights, the right to travel, and many other issues. However, the decision was meant to be very narrow, upholding the state’s power to impose a nominal fine on an unvaccinated person. Its ratio, or main decision, never meant to support any wider claim for mandatory vaccination, and the decision should have been read relevant to the facts of Jacobson v. Massachusetts (1905), but was not, as detailed below. My view is that law is the inevitable slave of politics, not the white knight that most conservatives think it is. It delivers, almost always, decisions the ruling elites want. Not always though, sometimes there are hiccups, such as the recent Federal Court decisions against the Biden vaccine mandates, which the regime simply ignores! But that is in lower courts, and we have yet to see what the Supreme Court of the US (SCOTUS) will do. Remember, this court denied even the position of standing, the right to be heard, to the state of Texas over the electoral fraud issues.

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People Appear to Die at Rates 20 Percent or More Above Normal for Weeks after Receiving their Second Covid Vaccine Dose: Please Explain! By Brian Simpson

A Swedish study has proposed that people are dying at a rate 20 percent above average for weeks after receiving the second covid spike protein jab. The statistic is buried in the paper, but the analysis below, which is well worth following, uncovers it. The analysis was originally published at Unreported Truths by Alex Berenson. So, if true, how is the correlation accounted for by the mainstream, who are loath to see any problems with the sacred vaxxes? Normal scientific reasoning would draw a link between deaths and the jab, as a research hypothesis, then explore. But this is not a time of Kuhnian “normal science.”


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The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Colluded with EcoHealth Alliance to Circumvent Federal Restrictions on Gain-of-Function (GOF) Research By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is more on a story that we have been covering at this blog, on the likely lab origin of Covid-19, which should have been called the Wuhan flu. “Emails reveal the National Institutes of Health (NIH) colluded with EcoHealth Alliance to circumvent federal restrictions on gain-of-function (GOF) research and avoid oversight. NIH officials allowed EcoHealth Alliance to craft oversight language governing its own GOF experiments. At least two NIH officials expressed concern that the experiment might fall under the designation of GOF banned under federal moratorium. They later accepted EcoHealth’s illogical justification for why the research should not be restricted.” More on the twists and turns of this, below.


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Face Masks are Forever! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Many studies have shown that the main sorts of face masks worn by people, which are not N95 or above, are largely useless and may have contrary effects. And, with mass vaccination, why should masks be worn at all? But authorities across the world are keeping to the mask mandate, as a sign of compliance to the Covid New World Order. It is easy to see the obedient slaves, and more civilised in a consumer society than cutting off a foot, as was done in the past to slaves, apparently.


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Mass Formation the Prelude to Totalitarianism By James Reed

Dr Mercola in a now deleted post, but one he gives his blessings to other blogs to reproduce with acknowledgement, discusses the idea of mass formation as a prelude to the creation of totalitarian societies. Under mass formation, populations willingly give up their freedom. In summary, there are four conditions. The first condition for mass formation to occur is a “lack of societal bonding. In other words, social isolation on a mass scale, which is precisely what the lockdowns were all about. But even before the pandemic, social isolation was at a historical high. The second condition is that a majority of people must experience life as meaningless and purposeless. The third condition is widespread free-floating anxiety and free-floating discontent. This refers to discontent and anxiety that have no apparent or distinct causes. The fourth condition is free-floating frustration and aggression, which tends to naturally follow the previous three. Here, again, the frustration and aggression have no discernible cause.”

Once these four conditions are widespread, mass formation can occur, which allows for totalitarianism to flourish. Unfortunately, that is where the West is now.

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The Mainstream Media Who Incited Waukesha Massacre Won’t Cover Their Carnage By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Is it surprising? The Rittenhouse self-defence killings were portrayed as being a “racist” event, even though what the media would call “whites” were all involved. Kyle Rittenhouse was denounced by no less that false President Biden as a white supremacist, with no basis at all, and no detraction. Then a Black rapper who has posted anti-white racist material on-line kills six using his SUV, and injures scores more, and the mainstream media says nothing to see here. Some even blame the SUV, as if it was a self-driving car! If this is not a conspiracy in the spirit of the Great Replacement, I will walk to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, China! If this was a white who did it to blacks, the entire country of America would be burnt to the ground by BLM.


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More on the Covid Vax Depopulation Hypothesis By Brian Simpson

Here is more on the Covid depopulation hypothesis, that the plandemic is really about culling population numbers. Dr. Shankara Chetty, a family doctor in South Africa, who has treated 7,000 Covid-19 patients without one death, believes that the purpose of the pandemic and vaccine campaigns, is to “control and kill off a large proportion of our population without anyone suspecting that we were poisoned.” “If I had to give you my opinion, as to what is happening on a global scale,” he said, “[the] spike protein is one of the most contrived toxins or poisons that man has ever made. And the aim of this toxin is to kill billions without anyone noticing it. So, it’s a poison with an agenda.” Killing billions unnoticed must go down as quite an achievement by the Dark Lords.


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Surging Disease in Highly Vaxxed Los Angeles By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is yet one more example that anti-vaxxers can use to critique the notion of a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” Covid-19 is surging in the most highly vaccinated areas of Los Angeles. And areas where vaccination rates are low are better off than the more highly vaccinated areas! In normal times, one would infer that there must be something wrong with the vax, which would be the logical inference for anything else. But, no, a good medico-political fairy tale must never be disturbed by the facts and cold hard reality.


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No Vote On Woke! By Chris Knight (Florida)

As pointed out by this material from Real Clear Politics.com, the woke revolution, much more radical than the cultural revolution of the 1960s, never was voted upon. Of course not, the elites never go on democratic principles, just like in the West, there was no vote on multiculturalism, multiracialism and mass white replacement migration. At the end of the day, the elites know that the good men will do nothing, and we are not referring to those people now taking a stand, but the great majority who do not, and just let it happen while they are in their comfort zone, of “my job,” my “life style.” At least with Covid, some people have demonstrated supreme courage and have thrown in their jobs rather than getting the spike protein jab. Hats off to them!


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The Viral Express Train to the Wuhan Lab By Brian Simpson

Reports continue to mount up, indicating that the most likely origin of Covid-19 is from a lab leak, intentional or unintentional, from the Wuhan lab. Recently reported leaked documents have shown that the CCP Wuhan Institute of virology was undertaking research on coronaviruses from bats obtained from Laos for a number of years. For example, scientists in September discovered a coronavirus strain named Banal-52 in Laos sharing 96.8 percent of its genome with SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing Covid-19. This is where the US EcoHealth Alliance and the US government come in. According to New Zealand based data scientist and pandemic origins researcher Gilles Demaneuf, he believes that the leaked documents’ show,  “we got a leak of a document showing that the EcoHealth Alliance was sampling bats in Laos. They say in the document that because it would be complicated to come back and ask the U.S. Government for permission to give some of the grant to a Laotian lab, they’d like to send all these samples to a lab that can analyse it for them. It was in a place called Wuhan. So the outbreak happened in a city with the world’s largest research programme on bat-borne coronaviruses, whose scientists had gone to at least two places where these Sars-CoV-2-like viruses live.”

Murder investigations would move to arrest suspects at this point, but nothing is going to happen because at the end of the day, what we have with the Covid plandemic is a joint US CCP operation. This is interesting, since it shows at the end of the day that these countries are just part of one globalist centrally controlled New World Order.

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Skipping Xi, Not to Offend the Emperor of all Men, Xi By James Reed

The World Health Organization has skipped the 14th letter of the Greek alphabet in naming the latest Covid mutant, Omicron. If they had kept to schedule it should have been Xi, but that offends the emperor of all men, CCP leader Xi Jinping, one who tells WHO what to do. Breitbart.com agrees, with WHO helping to create a smoke screen to cover the CCP virus. The WHO has been aiding China since the beginning of the pandemic, failing to hold them accountable for unleashing the virus from its lab leak. As noted below, German paper Der Spiegel reported in May of 2020, that German intelligence believed that Xi Jinping personally asked the head of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, to delay key warnings about the Wuhan flu. That, if true, enabled the rapid spread of the virus, and makes WHO an accessory, to the consequent harm.


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DARPA Mind Control Weapons … because You Can Never be Done Over Enough! By James Reed

I came across this article at livescience.com, a mainstream science on-line journal, reporting on the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, DARPA’s move to develop what the article describes as mind control weapons, using genetic engineering of the human brain, nanotechnology and infrared beams. Recently DARPA announced that six teams will be funded under the Next-Generation Nonsurgical Neurotechnology (N3) program to develop technology providing a two-way channel for communication between the human brain and machines without requiring surgery. Thus, out of sci fi movies, soldiers will be able to mentally control killing machines. I imagine the tech will be used first to terrorise local populations, as a test run.


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Is Covid Omicron a Pussy Cat? By Brian Simpson

The Covid variant Omicron fills the news cycle, as the authorities get into a new freak-out mode, seeing the endless possibilities of lockdowns, new vaccines and even more of the same. Some are speaking about this being Covid-21, which is true in a political but not a biological sense. In fact, Pretoria doctor, Barry Schoub, chairman of the Ministerial Advisory Committee on Vaccines, told Sky News that symptoms linked to the omicron coronavirus variant have been mild so far. But, it is never too early for a good moral panic and bio-hysteria, especially if it suits the present Covid New World Order agenda. So, get ready for yet another Covid cycle of lockdowns and freedom denial, until the next wonder vax, and then the next variant, forever.


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The Miracle of Modern Covid Medicine: A New Covid Variant Two Weeks After Big Pharma has its New Variant Vaccine! By James Reed

It is either a fantastic coincidence, or Big Pharma somehow can see the future, but vaccine manufacturers as said to be getting ready to release a new vaccine to deal with Covid Omicron within a few weeks. What can we say, it simply takes our breath away … well, hopefully not? And, some wit has already pointed out that “Omicron” is a genetic rearrangement of the letters of “moronic.” Great joke Dark Lords of the New World Order!


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Why Not Invite the Chinese Spies in for a Spot of Green Tea? By James Reed

A Chinese communist spy ship decided to cruise around Australia for three weeks collecting sensitive electronic data. I imagine if the same thing was done to the CCP there would be a very different response to the Australian one of offering the crew hot buttered scones with strawberry jam and cream, while nervously following it in some old leaky dingy.


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An Anti-Globalist Alliance Under the Cross of Christ Against the Covid New World Order! By James Reed


Here is some very good news for Christians, like us, concerned with fighting the Covid New World Order, promoted by godless globalists. The proposal is to form an international Anti- Globalist Alliance, under the cross of Christ, that is, an extension of Christian faith to fight this. It is unlikely in my opinion that we will get many political leaders, but certainly this should be a grassroots resistance movement, acting peacefully and prayfully. I am definitely thinking more about end times and eternity nowadays, and less about economics. More the spirit and a bit less the body, but others may disagree. God bless them!

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