Euthanasia In Germany … for the Covid Vaxxed Only! By Richard Miller (London)

This is probably the height of covid absurdity, that anyone who wishes to be euthanized in Germany has to be vaccinated against Covid, or have proof of immunity. This is a continuation of magical thinking, that Covid is so deadly that it has taken on a transcendental dimension, beyond death itself.

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How Much More Evidence of US Election Fraud is Needed before Action? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I have been writing at this blog with Chris Knight, covering the US 2020 election fraud issue since the night of the election, when hundreds of thousands of Biden votes were dumped into the system. The amount of evidence of fraud was overwhelming at the time, but the courts were too corrupt to fairly consider it, or in the case of Texas, did not even grant standing. This indicates to me, that the US is dead, and that secession is the only way to go. But, for what it is worth, here is yet another report, where there is a video of an electoral official ordering evidence to be destroyed. It all takes my breath away, that nothing is being done about this. Trump talks but is part of the conspiracy.

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California Looting, On Such a Winter’s Day By Chris Knight (Florida)

There has been an alarming rise in looting in Democrat states like California, due to many factors, including diminished penalties, less police, wokeness and economic factors such as inflation. Flash mobs descend upon stores and raid them, being the human equivalents of locust plagues.

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On Covid Vax Antibody Dependent Enhancement By Brian Simpson

Dr Mercola, in a now deleted post has given a great presentation of the topic of Covid vax antibody dependent enhancement, a concept mentioned in many vax sceptical blogs, but seldom explained in the needed detail. In a nutshell, antibody dependent enhancement is the paradoxical situation where instead of a vaccine yielding immunity, the vaccine actually works to produce a more severe version of the disease than if one was not vaccinated at all. This has been seen for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV), Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and it is hypothesised to occur with Covid-19 as well, as SARS -CoV-2 is closely related. Here “virus-specific antibodies enhance the entry of virus, and in some cases the replication of virus, into monocytes/macrophages and granulocytic cells through interaction with Fc and/or complement receptors.”

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The UK On-Line Safety Bill By Richard Miller (London)

Dr Mercola in a now deleted post details concerns about the UK Online Safety Bill. While this Bill on the surface the Bill deals with potentially harmful contents, the mainstream media have used as examples of harmful content, anti-vax material and literature opposed to the mRNA vaccines. They are able to do this as there is no clear definition of “harm” in the Bill, which will allow the System to define as harm, anything they do not like. This sort of Act will then be used as inspiration for further oppressive laws across the once liberal democratic West.

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Fauci Flu Boosters Every Six Months! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Covid gurus Dr Fauci has been promoting the Covid vaxxes for babies and toddlers, but how frequently should everyone be jabbed, given the waning effectiveness of the vaccines? Fauci now says, that booster shots are needed every six months. But for once he seems to be more conservative than other vax fanatics, with some nations moving already to four shots. Not once does any of these people tell us why the vaccines wane and boosters are needed. Couldn’t saline solutions be injected for a placebo effect, with Big Pharma getting the same profit? Oh, the grand conspiracy, I forgot that we were in clown world for a moment!

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The Benefits of the COVID-19 Vaccines have been Exaggerated by the Drug Companies and Misrepresented to the Public by an Uncritical Media By Brian Simpson

As indicated by the title, Dr Mercola in a now deleted post, argues that there has been a number of non sequiturs committed, perhaps deliberately to promote the idea that the Covid vaccinates are safer than they actually are. For example, there is the conflation of relative and absolute risks. Relative risk is the ratio of the same outcome examined for two different groups. It can also be a different outcome for the same group. An example is the relative risk of a car accident after consuming alcohol over a certain limit, relative to no alcohol consumption at all. Or, the relative risk of a passenger travelling with a driver who has drunk alcohol compared to a driver who has not. Absolute risk is simply the rate of incidence of some outcome in a group, such as cancer in a population of cigarette smokers.


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Woke Scotland: Tampons in Men’s Toilets! By Richard Miller (London)

We should all agree that putting tampons in men’s toilets is a great idea. OK, I know all about the trans issues and the gender agenda. But survivalist books often praise tampons as being good for dealing with knife wounds and bullet holes, and in our wonderfully diverse culture, where getting knifed is now common, being able to quickly get something to plug up a spurting wound could save one’s life. I am not sure that the woke thought about it this way.

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Dr Fauci Wants to Covid Vax Toddlers and Babies … but Pfizer Admits that Clinical Trials Conducted to Determine Long-Term Myocarditis Risks in Children are Too Short By Chris Knight (Florida)

Covid king Dr Fauci now wants babies and toddlers vaccinated. Next, I suppose, it will be all mammals, then all animals, then fish, insects and plants! Should inanimate objects such as rocks be injected with spike proteins too? Can spike proteins be injected with spike proteins, and so on in regression right down to the scale of quarks? In the Fauci world of magical vaxxes, who knows?

And, to end on a non-satirical note,  “Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer admits in documents submitted to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that clinical trials conducted to determine long-term myocarditis risks in children are too short. This information, which has not been made public by the company or the FDA, appears on page 11 of an FDA advisory committee briefing last October, in which Pfizer admitted its sample size of clinical trial volunteers was too small to detect myocarditis risks in children 5 to 12 years old.” For some reason the good doctor did not discuss this in his frantic desire to vaccinate all of reality.

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Xi Jinping’s Latest Attack on AUKUS By James Reed

More of the same, nothing we have not heard before. CCP’s Xi has been pinging away at the AUKUS arrangement, seeing it as a bit of aggressive behaviour on Australia’s part, when the role that Australia should play is that of a passive slave. That Xi is so grumpy about AUKUS indicates that Australia is on the right track, and we must go further in acquiring nuclear weapons.


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NT Chief Minister: Opposing the Covid Vaccine Mandates is Anti-Vaxx … Drama at its Finest! By Paul Walker

This is one where it is best to follow the link in the article and see Northern Territory Chief Minister Michael Gunner in action. Such passion for his vaccination cause, it is truly impressive. Hand waving adds to the drama too. I would definitely rank the performance 9 out of 10. The only thing though is the surname has a word in it that triggers some people, I think quite unfairly, but we cannot help the names that fate gives us.

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Men’s Meat Eating Causing Climate Change! By James Reed

It was inevitable, and had to happen in a woke, over the top climate change regime. Now it has been proposed that the real problem with the eating of meat, once pushed as being the excess of cow farts (they do not fart much if grass fed, less than politicians), is that men eat too much of it. According to a UK study, men’s meat eating was 40 percent more than women’s. However, the same study mentioned that a quarter of diet-related emissions were from food and drink, such as coffee, alcohol, cakes and sweets, in other words, junk food, largely carbohydrates. Women tend to like those sweety things. Feminists seem to like nice pink cakes, like their anti-Trump hats. Academics must have their coffee loaded with sugar to produce their daily toxins. So, if men must cut out meat, then let all of the woke do their bit to save the planet by cutting out on their excesses!

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Cancelling the Term “Sex offender” as it May Offend Sex Offenders! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is my tip of top woke crazy story for the week. The Colorado Sex Offenders Management Board has cancelled the use of the term “sex offenders” because it might offend … sex offenders! By that twisted and tortured logic, anyone committing any crime cannot be described as doing what they are doing which is absurd. Probably this all fits into the gender agenda, to normalise the sex offending behaviour.

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Waukesha Massacre: The Shape of Things to Come By Charles Taylor (Florida)

BLM activists have proclaimed that the Waukesha massacre, where a Black BLM activist who has posted anti-white rhetoric, could be the start of the “revolution.” What exactly this means is that they hope to see more of the same, I would presume. Of course, whites are passive in all of this. Nothing, for example from Donald Trump.

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The White House Stands its Dirty Grounds on Rittenhouse White Supremacist Defamation By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The White House has doubled down in defence of senile pseudo-president Joe Biden’s claim that Kyle Rittenhouse is a white supremacist, even though he has never said or posted such bad things. Apparently, Rittenhouse has posed for photographs with the Proud Boys, and that sinks him, the woke White House concludes. But that only shifts the argument back, since the Proud Boys deny being white supremacist, and have many non-white members. That is how crazy the woke clown world actually is.

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Why if the Covid Vaxxes are “Working” They are Not? By Brian Simpson

“If the Vaccines Work, Why Aren't They Working?” by Brian C. Joondeph, M.D. deals with the simple logical issue, that an effective medication should do what it is promoted to do, treat disease. It is a simple idea and applies to the Covid vaxxes as well, or at least should. Dr Joondeph, after making the common disclaimer that he is not offering medical advice, critically dissects the claim on  the CDC website states, “COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective, and free.” He notes that, according to VAERS, the US vaccine adverse effects reporting organ, hospitalizations, deaths, permanent disabilities, and birth defects were greater for 11 months of Covid vaccines than they were for 30 years of all other types of vaccines, including shingles, influenza, measles, mumps, hepatitis, and so on. And VAERS is a voluntary reporting mechanism, which vastly under-reports. Apparently VAERS has found itself, that in their words, “Fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported.” If the present statistics on deaths and adverse effects are multiplied by the corrective percentage, the adverse effects are substantial. And that is for just 11 months of Covid vaxxes, not considering the effects that endless booster shots might deliver. The long term effects are unknown, precisely because the long term has not, by definition yet occurred. And remember that doctors once X-rayed pregnant women, but now, rightly so, do not.

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One World Government, Ready or Not! By James Reed

What is behind the Covid mandates, and the explosion of aggressive totalitarianism we have seen over Covid, which was not seen in 1918 with a flu that really did lead to corpses being piled in the streets? Why now? As detailed in an article “The Specter of One World Government Looms Large,” by E. Jeffrey Ludwig, the covid issue regardless of the origins of the virus, has been used, just like climate change/global warming to advance the agenda of world government, modelled upon communist China. The UN’s Agenda 2030 is one of the main drivers of this, but really, everything happening is being used for the push, such as mass immigration, wokeism, the gender agenda, you name it. These are all trends that serve the interests of centralised control. And, it has all been made possible by the IT revolution. Yes, the ordinary people get a few crumbs, but most developments aid the technocratic state and controlling globalists.

The U.N.'s Agenda 2030 is still in place, and the clock is ticking toward its empowerment — only eight years and two-plus months to go.  This Agenda is for a new world government, which will implement the policies of the Agenda.

This new government on our horizon explains many of the failures in policies in these first months of the Biden administration.  The failures are based not so much on mistakes as on deliberate sabotage to weaken our country, dilute the power that undergirds our sovereignty, and prepare us to accept one-world government.

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Over 10,000 Australian Lining Up for Covid Vax Compensation By Mrs Vera West

In my previous article dealing with my personal frustration with doctors, I mentioned the argument that is given in dismissing adverse vaccine effects, namely that they are “rare.” But, what is “rare”?  Surely whatever probability level is used, it must be consistent with past experience and dealings with vaccines. And, by any standards, there are substantially more deaths and adverse effects from the Covid vaxxes than other vaccines, even ones such as Swine Flu that were withdrawn.

At present 10,000 Australians have registered for a government program for compensation for Covid vax injury. The medical profession says that if that number is divided by all those jabbed, one gets a small number, so, nothing to see here. Well, it is early days yet, and who knows what will happen in the longer term, and by definition, the longer-term has not yet occurred. This blog has covered peer reviewed, or to be reviewed preprint articles and opinion by minority researchers, who suggest that the long term consequences could be dire. Such concerns are also dismissed. But, the mainstream medical profession has been wrong before, many times, such as with the sedative thalidomide, which caused horrendous birth defects, with babies being born without limbs. And long ago, doctors supported people smoking, also seen as a relaxant, even though there was concerns raised about cancer by the medical heretics of the time. Shouldn’t the medical profession follow Sir Karl Popper and exercise a wee bit more scepticism and critical rationality, especially since by any probability standard, doctor-caused illness remains a high killer and producer of adverse effects? They are not infallible.

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I am Beginning to Get Mildly Irritated by the Medical Profession! By Mrs Vera West

I am not the only one, as detailed in an article by Blaise Edwards M.D, “Physicians and Vaccine Tyranny,” it details how doctors have gone right along with everything that Big Pharma and the Oppressive State have dictated. Alternative drugs, and natural immunity has been discounted. They have become, with a few exemptions, uncritical promoters of the Covid vaxxes for all, including low risk groups such as children. My doctor before the vaxxes said that Covid was not such a big thing for most people. He had treated a farmer who went into isolation, worked on his farm and was fine with natural immunity. But, when my daughter visited this week, he was onto her like a shot to get the Pfizer vax, he had had three shots himself, “like drinking water,” he smirked. Well, what sort of water? Her neighbour’s 20-year-old son also got the shot and has heart irregularities, such as rapid heartbeat, around 96 beats per minute resting, chest pains and much else. He dismissed his case as “exceedingly rare.” The lad did not find those remarks, reported back to him, at all helpful. In another article I address the “rare” argument. As usual the disclaimer when discussing these sorts of topics now, no medical advice is offered, only opinions in the public interest.

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At Last! A Use for the Australian Army! By James Reed

The Australian army would probably last about 15 minutes against the CCP army. But, I suppose it is slightly better than Dad’s Army, and what a grand old show that was … ah, the golden years! But all is not lost though, as the Covid plandemic has given a new mission to this so-called defence force.


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