Chinese Makes Hypersonic Missiles, While the West Makes Woke Messes By James Reed

China has just successfully tested a hypersonic missile that flew around the world, then hit its target. The US military have no idea how they did this. Well, first, the CCP military are not spending their time on woke events, but are getting down and striving to get together the technology and man power to fight and win a war. The US military seems to want defeat and self-destruction. It would rather go complete transgender than to get up the latest missile system. Thus, Taiwan is dead in the water. And Australia is on the list too unless we get nuclear missiles. Not necessary hypersonic, but nukes for nice quiet nuclear subs. Note the double standard of commo China, criticising Australia for getting nuclear subs, but charging ahead to get the latest missile system.

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The Pope Sees Georg Floyd as a Near-Saint! Also Goes Full New World Order By Peter West

Here is the latest that the Pope is up to. First, he has compared criminal-now-saint, George Floyd to the biblical good Samaritan. That is not worthy of critique, it is simply stupid. More concerning, following from some reports, is his recent discussions of a global constitution, a world court, and world government at the White House. He raised the same points later at the UN. Meanwhile the globalist UN has pushed on its explicit New World Order one world government agenda, with a confirming vote by 193 nations on the document “Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.” Sustainable development, organised around the so-called climate crisis, which will be used to bring in a one world government by 2030.

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Australia Going Beyond the CCP; First They Came for the Man in Tats, then …They Came for Me! By Paul Walker

The next over-the-top neo-fascist measure is to ban biker members from showing their tats in public or even being together. That is close to just banning them. And, why not since many are associated with the drug trade? Well, many are not. And as for tats, well the girl who cut my hair yesterday had her shapely legs all done up in some sort of flower array tat, so tats are unfortunately common now in the young.

Once the oppressive State gets away with banning one group it does not like, it will work its way down the list, just as Big Tech did by first banning so-called extremist sites, then finally President Trump himself. If anyone should be banned, it is those who do the bsanning!

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Chart Topping Songs Against the Covid Tyranny By James Reed

I am no lover of modern music, but to be realistic it does have an important influence upon the young. That is why the system has a meltdown when musicians like Eric Clapton are critical of the Covid regime and the sacred vax, and more so for younger artists. Thus, we note that some hip hop and rap musicians are attacking the Covid regime, with music rocketing to the top of the charts. I even listened to it myself for a few seconds in researching this article, and was pleasantly surprised that I was not ill with heart burn, which modern music usually gives me.

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Covid Vax Effectiveness Claims of Big Pharma: Too “Good” to be “True” By Brian Simpson

Here is a source with discussions of the claim that the Covid vaccines are highly effective against Covid. One of the core arguments is, apart from the methodological critique of the studies conducted by Big Pharma, such as some studies not being fully “blind,” is that there is a substantial difference between relative risk and absolute risk. First, the relative risk: “Vaccine efficacy is generally reported as a relative risk reduction (RRR). It uses the relative risk (RR) – ie, the ratio of attack rates with and without a vaccine – which is expressed as 1–RR. Ranking by reported efficacy gives relative risk reductions of 95% for the Pfizer–BioNTech, 94% for the Moderna–NIH, 91% for the Gamaleya, 67% for the J&J, and 67% for the AstraZeneca–Oxford vaccines,” But, a more important concept is that of absolute risk: “Although the RRR considers only participants who could benefit from the vaccine, the absolute risk reduction (ARR), which is the difference between attack rates with and without a vaccine, considers the whole population. ARRs tend to be ignored because they give a much less impressive effect size than RRRs: 1·3% for the AstraZeneca–Oxford, 1·2% for the Moderna–NIH, 1·2% for the J&J, 0·93% for the Gamaleya, and 0·84% for the Pfizer–BioNTech vaccines.”

The absolute risk factor is much less impressive and thus favours “risking it,” as one does for the flu each year, taking alternatives, including natural health, hand hygiene, but also social distancing practiced sensibly. Common sense once more. And the disclaimer, that claims of “fraud” are made by the quoted source, not this blog that is merely reporting material in the public domain.

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The Insane Society By James Reed

The Covid plandemic has shown that the elites are either insane or evil or both. The over-the-top, unreasonable lockdowns, the total lack of public debate, even in the face of other nations such as Sweden taking a different course of action, lends support to the thesis that we are living in an insane society. Even the origin of SARS-CoV-2, was shrouded in ideology, with the lab release hypothesis being regarded as conspiratorial by writers in a leading medical journal, who had one co-writer in an outright conflict of interest, undeclared interests. The New Class, anti-Trump and pro CCP had to reject the lab origin hypothesis, because Trump advocated it, and also to give time for the CCP to cover its tracks; talk about conspiracies! So, today, nothing is done about the issue of who is responsible for Covid, if the lab hypothesis is true. So much of the Covid plandemic seems irrational until one does cross over to the view that planned or not, the globalist elites are milking it for all they can to bring in their New World Order.

While taking a different track, here is George Christensen with some thoughts about how crazy the country now is.

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China: Talk about the Kettle Calling the Pot Black, or Yellow! By James Reed

China is angry with Australia for daring to contemplate defending itself with nuclear subs, while China masses of nuclear weapons. To shame the whites, so that they drop the idea of defending themselves, being eternally plagued by a pathetic white guilt complex, China has raised three alleged Australian atrocities. China knows a good atrocity when it sees one, having done a job on Tibet, having set up concentration camps for the Uyghurs and other minorities, as well as organ harvesting. Hence, it knows what it is talking about!

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Over the Covid Top, Northern Territory, or is it the Northern Terror? By James Reed

Here is the Northern Territory’s Covid mandate. First an outline, then I rip into it.

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I am Glad Daniel Craig is No Longer Playing Bond By James Reed

I will be writing up my critique of the latest bond movie, No Time to die, where they kill off Daniel Craig as James Bond. What a terrible woke Bond this one has been! Here is some stuff about the sorts of bars Craig likes as a warm-up to my article.

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Censored for Claiming, Men are Stronger than Women! By Mrs Vera West

This is how far the gender agenda has gone; evolutionary biologist Colin Wright has been censored by Instagram for posting a study showing that male-to-female transgender people, have a natural advantage over biological women in multiple sports, which they conveniently saw as “hate speech.” Looks like some “hate” is in fact, TRUE!

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A Diverse, Multicult “Lord of the Rings” By James Reed

The Lord of the Rings trilogy of films cause moral panic among the elites, as the characters depicted were white, there were Nordic themes, and most of all it showed a morally superior white people fighting evil. Now that culture of whiteness will be deconstructed by the coming Amazon TV series. Well, we can always watch the movies again, or better yet, read the book again.

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The Mainstream on Covid Vax Booster Shots By Brian Simpson

Here is material from the mainstream Left-wing on-line news the, reporting on the splendour of Covid booster shots. Yes, truly magnificent, but why are the boosters needed, why isn’t one jab of the magic potent enough? Because “The finding suggests that protection against infection, with or without symptoms, starts to wane several months after full vaccination, though other studies show that vaccine protection against hospitalisation and death is far more robust.

“The possible increase of breakthrough infections over time reinforces the need for a booster programme,” said Paul Elliott, head of the React study and professor in epidemiology and public health medicine at Imperial. “It’s an incentive for people to get their booster dose when it becomes available to them,” added Prof Christl Donnelly, a statistical epidemiologist on the study.” So, one jab does not do it. Why should two? Israel is up to four now.

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Life, but Not as We Know it Jim, for the Unvaccinated in New South Wales By James Reed

For your interest, here is the fate of the unvaccinated in New South Wales, according to the state government website. Notice how the unvaccinated are not permitted to attend church, thus living in sin, or go to a hairdresser, thus living in sin, and with unkept long hair down to their knees!  Mask are to be worn, on an aircraft when the aircraft is flying above NSW and in the airport. So, why does a mask need to be worn while flying above NSW? One would have thought that the closeness of plane flight would have required it, regardless. No matter. It is all crazy, and the rest of the world will have a field day throwing satire at it. Australia is pretty much finished as a country as I see it; game over unless some mighty radical pro-freedom changes occur.

As well, the measures fail by their own terms, because on their assumption that the unvaxxed are the spreaders, and the unvaxxed somehow cause the vaxxed to lose protection, even the biofascist measures will not stop Covid.

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Court Dismisses Challenges to Covid-19 Vaccinations for Workers By James Reed

I hate to say that told you so, but Ian Wilson LL. B told you so! He predicted that the courts here in Australia, as in the US, would uphold the Covid vaccine mandates, and they have, so far.  All of the arguments that readers of this debate will be familiar with were advanced, and all rejected, including issues of coercion and right to bodily autonomy, and arguably not without reason. There are always reasons. I presume from reports, but are uncertain, that  concerns about insufficient long-term data on Covid-19 vaccine safety and side effects, were dismissed as well, and I am not sure how much evidence was discussed and what expert evidence testimony occurred. That is what I would have got my $10,000 an hour lawyer to base my case upon, calling in every scientific critic in the world via Zoom, if permitted. But, if I could afford such a lawyer, I would not be in court in the first place, but somewhere other than Australia, drinking one of those exotic drinks with fruit falling out of it.

It is possible if in the future, 90 percent of the vaccinated population perishes from the vaccines, in the most extreme (low probability) scenario, that courts across the West may think differently, but then I expect that most judges would not be making learned decisions then, and the rule of law, and society would have ended. Interestingly it would then be the rule of warlords, who may make decisions a little differently! Covid might even become some new type of pagan god, worshipped in strange ceremonies involving masks!

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Basketballer Gets the Jab, then Down and Out By Chris Knight (Florida)

Brandon Goodwin, an otherwise fit US basketball player got the jab, got blood clots, and is now out for the season. Well, at least he is still alive to live in Covid culture. Small mercies.


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This Week’s US Covid Vax Deaths and Injuries By Brian Simpson

Each Monday I bring, from the excellent vax critique source of Childrens Health, the US Covid vax deaths and injuries, from data by  the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).  Historically, VAERS records only around an incredible 1 percent of vaccine injuries due to various reporting limitations, covered in other blog posts.


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Who Blocks the Unvaxxed Hordes? By James Reed

So, we have all the restrictions on the naughty, unclean unvaxxed, like me, but who is going to enforce them, and at what cost? Well, given that the elites were prepared to destroy small business, I suppose this extra cost is a not worrying them. Let them eat not cake, but vaccines.

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Another Tragic Young Covid Vax Death By Mrs Vera West

An otherwise healthy 16-year old boy had his second Pfizer Covid vax, and died less than a month later. In a normal world, this fact alone should spark extreme cation.


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Texas, Pro-Vax, but Voluntary By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Texas is showing the way for more Covid fanatical jurisdictions both in the US and Australia, particularly your Northern Territory, which from where I am in Florida seems like Covid moral panic over-drive. The vaccine mandates have been banned by Texas governor Greg Abbott, so that vaccination is voluntary. There has been no explosion of Covid cases. Thus, watch red states like Texas and see what happens.

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The Mainstream Confront US Secessionism By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The issue of the breakup of America is becoming mainstream now, with most Trump supporters, well, supporting it. Given the intense conflict between conservatives, and the Left which has become increasingly insane, one would have thought that the Left would be happy for the Great Divorce. Not so; it seems that nothing short of the total vanquishing of their conservative enemies is acceptable, for no live and let live position can be tolerated. It is just the way the Left has acted since the revolution of 1917. Now it is the revolution of 2021. 

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