The Diabolical Anti-Christian Covid Agenda By James Reed

LifeSiteNews’s president and co-founder Steve Jalsevac has warned how Covid-19 has been “exploited by the globalists to advance their agenda,” and this New World Order agenda is distinctively anti-Christian. People are thus going to face the battle of the ages to retain their freedoms. It will be a political fight, but more importantly, as’s On Target stresses each week, a spiritual battle, and one needs to be strong in one’s Christian faith to survive what is coming.


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You Better Watch Out, You Better Not Cry, You Better Not Pout ,I'm Telling You Why … The Covid Police are Coming to Town! By Bruce Bennett

This story just shows that one must be very careful in the Covid state for metaphorical flourishes. Why, one lawyer got, or may be struck off, the list for another metaphorical flourish, right or wrong. One must choose one’s words as if in court on trial, because, we are. Loose lips sink … eh … oneself!


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Ominous Omicron, Covid-21 the Plandemic Continues! By Brian Simpson

Well, it is here, the latest Covid -19 variant, B.1.1. 529, Omicron, using the Greek alphabet, missing Nu and Xi. Not much is known about its effects, but has not stopped the authorities from across the world from going into the Covid freak-out mode once more. Here is some relevant material I have culled out from many hours of reading, mainly the same material repeated, endlessly, as the media pads up. We even have one anxious report that this is the next Big Thing, Covid-21!


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Covid Vaxxes and Ectopic Pregnancies By Mrs Vera West

There has been for some time concern about the effects of the Covid vaxxes on reproductive health. One alarming statistic falling out of the under-reported US VAERS data, is that  there have 2,620 more foetal deaths after getting the Covid-19 vaccine than the reported number of foetal deaths from all other vaccines in the past 30 years.  There has also been a 50-fold increase in ectopic pregnancies in women who had the Covid-19 vaccine compared to other women receiving US FDA-approved vaccines in the past 30 years. That is a highly significant statistic that cries out for an answer.

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Covid Blood Clots Continue to Clot By Chris Knight (Florida)

Myocarditis is reported in one to two in every 100,000 people who receive Pfizer. But, don’t worry, nothing to see here. And, as for Omicron, the genetic high-tech wizards are busy, busy, and should have brewed up something in 100 days if needed.  Like you, I feel happy and secure in a Covid vax world.


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A Town Takes Stand Against Covid Tyranny By Chris Knight (Florida)

It takes but one to take a stand leads to an eventual flood. Right in the heart of woke California we have the town of Oroville, declaring itself a “constitutional republic,” independent of executive orders issued by the federal or state governments, in protest of lockdowns, mask mandates and compulsory vaccinations of the tyrannical Biden regime. It is a good sign as it primes people for accepting the Great Divorce, the inevitable breakdown of America, and thus secession.

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Transmission Potential of Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Persons By Brian Simpson

A pandemic of the unvaccinated? Well, that is not consistent with surging Covid infections in highly vaccinated populations, covered in past blog posts. However, the paper by Salvatore (et al.), reports on the study of the transmission potential  of vaccinated and unvaccinated prisoners, with respect to the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2. It was found that “vaccinated persons who become infected with SARS-CoV-2 to be no less infectious than unvaccinated persons.” I visited my doctor today who wanted me to be jabbed with Pfizer, and I quoted this study. His reply was that at least the vaccines lessen effects. Maybe, but we are getting into headache powder and placebo territory, are we not?


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Roll Up! Roll Up for Your Racial Therapy Session! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It is just plain stupid. Firms are offering therapy for delicate snowflakes triggered by the Kyle Rittenhouse acquittal, including racial therapy, whatever that is. It is stupid since the event involved all whites. But there is no trauma about the Waukesha massacre, where a Black rapper, who has expressed anti-white racist sentiments, was observed to steer the vehicle into people, killing now six and injuring 62, with more expected to die. But as this is a Black on white killing, it does not matter to the Left and woke, even given formal charges,  As WHITE LIVES DON’T’T MATTER!!!!

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Purebloods and the Vaccine Holocaust By Brian Simpson

I am not sure that Mike Adams in his apocalyptic view of the Covid vaxxes is right, but at this late stage of the game, who knows, and we should fearlessly cover all bases. I do worry about the die off scenario, since even if 10-20 percent of people die or get severely injuried, this will have a crippling effect upon civilisation. The idea of 90 percent of the human race going down is at the level of a Hollywood zombie apocalypse movie, and maybe worse … very depressing, to say the least.  I just hope that he and the doctors he quotes are wrong about this, but I have no data to refute them.

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The Covid Vaccine Road to Biofascism By James Reed

Today we have a theme of articles dealing with the Covid plandemic and the emergence of the biofascist state. John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead, “The Road to Fascism: Paved with Vaccine Mandates and Corporate Collusion,” gives a good introduction and overview of how the Covid mandates are the building blocks for the construction of a technocratic medical fascist society, a dystopia that has been erected within months. It is clear that the elites had been planning this for some time, using whatever materials were available, such as climate change, and now pandemic hysteria, to get people to surrender heir freedoms for … what… safety. And, where is it?


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The Five Stages of Dehumanisation on the Road to Totalitarianism By James Reed

Christiaan W. J. M. Alting von Geusau  has presented a tremendous well-researched article on the five stages of dehumanisation that lead to acceptance of the totalitarian state, where totalitarianism “is a state in which nothing can be permitted to exist that contradicts a society’s ruling ideology.” We see this developing at an alarming rate with the entire Covid plandemic, especially in the heavy-handed dealings of the police right through to the subtler coercion with vaccines, and the mind control and manipulation of the media. As outlined below, there are five stages of dehumanisation involved in creating totalitarian societies, which is clearly seen with the Covid regime.

First, is the creation of a culture of fear, and we are seeing this now with the new Covid variant B.1.1. 529, Omicron, which has led to a freak-out in New York, even though not much is known about it. Second is the soft exclusion of people, seen early in the plandemic, such as restrictions on movement. Then the regime justifies these measures by its medical propaganda system, especially television. Following that, the regime moves to hard exclusion, which we see in the creation of medical apartheid societies, with the unvaccinated becoming the modern lepers. Finally, when all this is done, there is extermination, the murder of those who oppose the regime. The creation of Covid concentration camps is a worrying sign, given its historical precedence.  That stage is fast coming up.

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The Covid Authoritarian State is Alive and Breathing! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

We at the blog, and numerous other critics have claimed that the Covid plandemic, or is it pandemonic, has moved the West far away from basic liberal democratic principles, into the region of totalitarianism.  Even from the sensible Left, Naomi Wolf has said, “the new biofascism, very much driven by Big Tech leaders, is a war against human beings and the qualities that make us human.”

Ai Weiwei,  an artist and frequent critic of China's stance on democracy and human rights, a Chinese dissident now living in the West, has said that we are already living in an "authoritarian state" akin to Mao Zedong's infamous Cultural Revolution in China in the 1960s and 1970s, but we "just don't know it." I would qualify this, that judging by the number of people protesting the Covid vaccine mandates, that a lot of people are starting to wake up.

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Guess, What are the Deadliest Vaccines Ever Created? By Chris Knight (Florida)

Once upon a time the deadliest vaccine was the poster child of vaccine success, the smallpox vaccine which killed 1 in 1 million vaccinated people. However, as all reporting organs such as the US VAERS, vastly under-reports, it is estimated below the COVID shots kills 822 per million fully vaccinated, making it more than 800 times deadlier than the previously deadliest vaccine in human history. Yet, these vaccines are promoted as “life saving,” while natural immunity is denigrated. It is hard to not believe in a Grand Plan here.

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Physicians Speaking Up on Covid Vax Injuries By Mrs Vera West

Usually it takes one, or a few lone individuals to take a stand. After a while more people get their nerve, and start speaking out. This now seems to be happening with physicians, at least in Europe and the US on Covid vax injuries.

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The Geoengineering Nightmare By James Reed

The globalist elites, Bill Gates being a public example, want to use geoengineering to block the sun, to lower temperatures. What could p[possibly go wrong with this? Plenty, according to a University of Pennsylvania study. The strategy, based upon what happens with volcanic reactions, may not work, since the sulphur emitted by volcanoes produces clouds in the troposphere, which is the region from the surface to 10 kilometres up. But, geoengineering using sulphuric acid would happen higher, in the stratosphere, from about 10 to 20 kilometres above the planet. It is not certain that the same chemical activities would occur. So, if the experiment fails, how is the sulphur then removed? A new problem.


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A Warning Against Vaccinating the Under 12s By James Reed

This is significant in our manic covid culture. Former Deputy Chief Medical Officer Nick Coatsworth has called for Australian state governments to exempt under 12s from mandatory vaccinations. He believes that the decision on whether to vaccinate them should lie with the children’s parents. It would be good if the authorities granted the same right of choice to all.

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The Rise in UK Non-Covid Deaths By Richard Miller (London)

Just with the collapse of athletes on field, notably leading soccer players, so there has been what the system says is a “mysterious” rise in non-Covid deaths. Some say that this might be due to the lockdowns, other think that it could be the vaxxes and a combination of both. As I see it, the causes are likely to be multi-factored, involving lockdowns preventing people from getting basic medical care and checks, and now the effects of the vaxxes could be kicking in too.

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The Left and Globalism By James Reed

Brandon Smith has detailed the connection between the globalist and the Left. The old Left appeared to be in conflict with the central tenants of the globalists, who promoted transnational capitalism. The old Left wanted socialist economies, on paper giving more freedoms to workers. Of course, this was never delivered by the communists. However, once the economic agenda was abandoned by the Left in the 1960s, they moved into racial and sexual politics, political correctness, following Mao, now called “woke.” The agenda remains the same, of centralised control. The modern Left are happy to let the globalist rule so long as the cultural agenda, such as the Great Replacement, is followed. As Smith shows, the Left such ass antifa are just the attack dogs of the globalists, usually financed by them.

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Collapsing Footballers: The Covid Vax is Never Mentioned By Richard Miller (London)

Yet another footballer has collapsed on field, clutching his heart. The mainstream media says, not it could not possibly be the lifesaving, purely divine vax. Nothing to see here folks, just pretend you did not see it.

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Arise! Arise! Victims of Covid Tyranny: George Christensen By James “Viral” Reed

Queensland MP George Robert Christensen called on Australian citizens to rise up against Covid lockdown measures and vaccine mandates. In a rousing speech, he compared the governments implementing these policies with totalitarian regimes responsible for atrocities and genocide. Totalitarianism usually has humble beginnings, and like a skin cancer, slowly spreads, then accelerates, engulfing all.

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