Federal Court on Monday Temporarily Blocked the Biden Administration’s Covid Vaccine Mandate for Health Workers at Hospitals that Receive Federal Funding By Chris Knight (Florida)

This is good news and shows that at least in the US, some glimmer of hope in the legal system combating the tyranny of the Covid mandates still exists. U.S. District Court Judge Matthew Schelp issued a preliminary injunction against the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Emergency Regulation requiring almost every employee, volunteer and third-party contractor to receive their first covid vaccine by December 6 and meet the January 4, 2022 deadline for both doses of the vaccines. In his ruling, Judge Schelp wrote: “The independent power of the states serves as a check on the power of the Federal Government: by denying any one government complete jurisdiction over all the concerns of public life, federalism protects the liberty of the individual from arbitrary power.” And that is mighty fine words to hear.


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Omicron: Moderna May Not “Work”: CEO By James Reed

The CEO of Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel has said that existing vaccines will be less effective at tackling Omicron than earlier strains of COVID,  due to its number of mutations, and it may take months before pharmaceutical companies can manufacture new variant-specific vaccines at scale for populations.


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Face Masks Make No Meaningful Difference By Mrs Vera West

Face masks have been found by University of Oxford Professor Jim Naismith, to make no meaningful difference to Covid infection rates. “The ONS survey results on prevalence shows that the Scottish and English approach to masking, although formally different since July, has made no meaningful difference to Delta.” “In both countries very high levels of prevalence have continued for months. Thus, the new changes announced are unlikely to have much of an impact if Omicron does indeed spread rapidly,” according to Professor Naismith.


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Covid Tyranny in Germany By Richard Miller (London)

Almost lunch time, and I am exhausted already, digging up the same bad news on Covid tyrannies in Europe. Greece, as I noted in another article is making the Covid vax mandatory for the over 60-year old’s, with that being the age of he Greek old age pension. Now we have incoming Germany Chancellor Olaf Scholz saying that mandatory Covid vaxxes were necessary to contain a fierce fourth wave of the pandemic. It looks like good new Covid Omicron has come right on time!


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UK Christmas is Covid Cancelled! By Richard Miller (London)

Here in the UK, Dr Jenny Harries, the current head of NHS Test and Trace, has told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that “people can do their bit to reduce the spread of the new Omicron variant by reducing the number of social contacts they have.” This will be especially important at Christmas time, where socialising by definition is what season is about, so the recommendation is effectively a cancelling of Christmas, that could still go formal, depending upon how much the system freaks out over Covid Omicron.  


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Covid Tyranny in Greece By Richard Miller (London)

Things might be bad in Australia, especially Victoria, but then here is Greece, which has now made it mandatory for those over 60 years to receive the Covid vax. Fail to do so, and be fined, or face jail.


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A Modern Viral Love Story: Triple Vaxxed Cardiologist Transmits Covid Omicron to Another Triple Vaxxed Cardiologist! By James Reed

Not to in any way make fun about the plight of the Covid vaccinated, but most medical professionals are fanatical about the Covid vaccines, which they see as lifesaving. Of course, there are many critics, and especially in the US, a number of health professionals are not taking the jabs. But really, the majority seem to believe that the vaccines give old style immunity, you don’t get, or transmit the disease. Well, please explain then, how a triple vaxxed cardiologist transmitted the Covid Omicron variant to another triple vaxxes cardiologist? Would it help matters if they had had 72 vaxxes?


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Covid Vax Injuries of Athletes By Brian Simpson

Dr Mercola, in a now deleted post, discusses the alarming injuries, mainly cardiovascular, that peek athletes are reporting. For some, the Covid vaccine status has not been released by the medias, but given travel requirements, it is highly likely they have ben double vaxxed. Others cases, such as the one discussed below, of Florian Dagoury, a world record holder in static breath-hold freediving, had been double-vaxxed. Dagoury was diagnosed with myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle, and pericarditis, which is inflammation of the outer lining of the heart, recognized adverse effects linked to the Covid vaccinations. He had, for example, a resting heartbeat of 100 bpm (average around 80 bpm), and once had a dangerous 177 bpm. It is likely that his career is over, if he lives.


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How Soon Before Small Pox Leaks from a Lab? By Chris knight (Florida)

The discovery of what has been taken to be samples of small pox in a  were found in a Pennsylvania Merck facility on November 15, 2021., and these vials were not permitted to be there. There were also 10 vials labelled “vaccinia,” which is a virus that belongs to the poxvirus family. Some news reports say that this was not small pox, but who knows?  Shortly before this, was the coincidence that Bill Gates had spoken about the scenario of small pox being used in a terrorist attack. Vaccine companies had also moved to create new vaccines for small pox, but it is not clear how this is done without access to the small pox virus. And, if they have small pox, or related viruses, in multiple labs, all the more chance of an accidental release from lab security failure. All of these points and more, create the suspicion that we have not heard the last of small pox and its variants. Certainly, if the depopulation school are right, the release, by “accident” of a genetically modified, gain-of-function small pox, could be the final nail in the common man’s coffin. Dr Mercola, in a now deleted post, joins the dots here.


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The Shape of Covid Mutations to Come By Brian Simpson

With the emergence, rapidly it is supposed by the mainstream, of the Covid variant, Omicron, conspiracies aside, which could be true (i.e. this one was also cooked up in a bioweapons lab and released to keep the covid tyranny going), the issue of why arises. As I have pointed out many times, “leaky” vaccines, which don ot kill of the virus totally may lead to selection pressure being placed upon the virus to mutate to survive. This idea has been advanced by Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, a vaccinologist who worked with GSK Biologicals, Novartis Vaccines, Solvay Biologicals, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Global Health Discovery team in Seattle and Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization in Geneva, as detailed below.


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Covid Vaxxes “Dramatically” Increase Heart Attack Risk, it is Alleged By Brian Simpson

Dr. Steven Gundry, a specialist in infant heart transplant surgery, in an analysis presented during a meeting of the American Heart Association, said mRNA COVID vaccines put many patients at higher risk of a new acute coronary syndrome. Dr Gundry said that mRNA vaccines “dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy and other vascular events following vaccination.” The statistics, discussed below support his claims.


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The Weekly US Covid Deaths and Injuries By Brian Simpson

Each week I report on US Covid vax deaths and adverse effects from the summary given by Children’s Health Defense.org, based upon the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), which is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. A total of 913,268 adverse events following Covid vaccines were reported between December 14, 2020, and November 19, 2021.  There was a total of 19,249 reports of deaths — an increase of 396 over last week — and 143,395 reports of serious injuries, including deaths, during the same period — up 4,269 compared with the last week. It is generally accepted that VAERS vastly under-reports vaccine deaths and injuries, but the magnitude is debated. Figures range from about eight to almost 100, but the higher figures are not likely, but it is said below, “VAERS has been shown to report only 1% of actual vaccine adverse events.” Whether this holds for Covid requires independent investigation.

Even if a figure of 10 is taken, not unreasonable, the Covid vax death toll for the US explodes to almost 200,000.

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Why the Covid Vaccines Don’t Work By Chris Knight (Florida)

Vasko Kohlmayer at The American Thinker.com has given an excellent summary article detailing why the Covid vaxxes do not work. We have covered much of this in numerous blogs, quoting other authors and authorities, but here is a good one stop shop for readers new to our blog. In a nut shell, this far into the Covid plandemic, with high vaccination rates, and boosters, we should be seeing herd immunity, or at least covid cases going down. But, “Following the “success” of their vaccination drives, there occurred dramatic surges of Covid 19. Even more astonishingly, several of these countries posted a record number of cases just after achieving their very high vaccination figures.” How can one therefore say that the vaccines are “working”?


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Pope Demands On-Line Censorship in the Name of God! By Peter West

The Pope is now invoking the name of God for Big Tech to further censor what he calls “hate” and conspiracy theories. Let us, for the sake of argument give him the “hate” claim. Would God want to have conspiracy theories censored? It can be argued that even if the conspiracies are wrong, and it turns out many are right in the longer term, such as the lab release of Covid, this would merely hide the “truth.” What is needed on Christian principles is free and open debate. There is clearly something very wrong with this Pope. He is a puppet of the New World Order, and in my opinion, therefore an Anti-Pope, the antithesis of what a genuine Pope should be.


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DeSantis Unloads on the Mainstream Media By Chris Knight (Florida)

As far as I am aware, Trump has been silent on the Waukesha massacre, a race hate mass murder done by a Black anti-white racist, which the mainstream media is silent about, as it does not suit their race hate agenda. Fortunately, our Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) has lashed out at the corrupt mainstream media. DeSantis will be a vastly superior president to the weak, controlled Trump.


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The Silencing of the Internet Trolls? By James Reed

These sorts of suppression laws, at first glance seem to be directed against a clear and present evil, such as against those posting on-line defamatory statements about people. In principle I have no object to extending the existing laws to the internet. But my concern comes because after all the state has done with the Covid mandates, why should it be trusted? What prevents the law being stretched and abused? Nothing, as far as I can see. As well, the laws will give social media entities even more excuse for suppression, and already, they are over-the-top. Thus, I oppose the social media restriction laws, because I do not trust the government! The maxim for our times must be: the less law, the better!


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Covid Vax Tyranny in Austria By Richard Miller (London)

I know that Covid vaccine tyranny is bad in Victoria, Australia, but there are, believe it or not, places further down the same track, God help us. Austria, has the strictest Covid vaccine mandates in the world, and those refusing to be jabbed will be punished by the oppressive state, even being imprisoned, where I expect that they will be vaccine raped. And, what is the UN Human Rights whatever doing about this? Nothing, they are only concerned with the race and gender agenda wing of dismantling White Western civilisation.


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WHO Generated Panic about Covid Omicron? By Chris Knight (Florida)

The latest “Oh My God,” moment has come with the Covid variant Omicron. Despite warnings that the evidence to date indicates that it is a storm in the proverbial tea cup, some states, such as New York have gone into knee-jerk Covid freak-out mode. Some government leaders are speaking of Covid-21, even when the virus is not showing up in their country! The World Health Organization, (WHO), whom one would have hoped to have been calm and scientifically detached about all of his, is also in panic mode, as documented below. It seems that Covid hysteria is the new mass psychosis of this age.


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Big Game (Pharma) Hunting Dissenting Doctors By Mrs Vera West

This is alarming, but predictable in the Covid totalitarian state. Rather than allowing a scientific culture of critical discourse about the Covid vaccines, the government, Big Pharma, the universities and other ruling powers move to suppress debate and punish dissenters. It is distinctly Dark Ages stuff, at present falling a little short of physical torture, but that may come. It is happening right now with the US January 6 protesters, so anything is possible.


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Covid Deaths By Brian Simpson

Dr Mercola in a deleted article, makes the case that the covid vaccines have killed five times more seniors (65+) than the Covid infection itself. The vaccines have failed: “The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports having more than 30,000 spontaneous reports of either hospitalizations and/or deaths among the fully vaccinated; data from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services show 300,000 vaccinated CMS recipients have been hospitalized with breakthrough infections; 60% of seniors over age 65 hospitalized for COVID-19 have been vaccinated.” “50% of reported deaths after COVID-19 “vaccination” occur within 24 hours; 80% occur within the first week. According to one report, 86% of deaths have no other explanation aside from a vaccine adverse event. A Scandinavian study concluded about 40% of post-jab deaths among seniors in assisted living homes are directly due to the injection.”


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