The Dystopian Nightmare of the Covid Vaccine Passport Society By James Reed

The creation of a Covid vaccine passport society, is many orders worse than the actual relatively mild disease, since it destroys anything that was worthwhile in life anyway. It has shown the true nature of our system and those who run it, that the elites are totally ruthless, and regard everyone other than their class as expendable.

The saddest thing though is the general level of social pathology. While our side likes to champion “we, the people,” we have seen that the majority of people, certainly not those brave souls who went out, and still go out and protest, but the majority, just go along with whatever the ruling elites say. Some do this with gusto, supporting that the unvaccinated should be deprived of their jobs and freedom. A minority would be happy to see the unvaccinated starve to death, and even some leading Left wing academics support this line. They should realise that when people are faced with nothing left to lose, things will not end well for everyone.

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Increases in COVID-19 Cases are Completely Unrelated to Levels of Vaccination in 68 Countries Worldwide and 2,947 Counties in the U.S. Ergo, the Vaccine Mandates are a Failure! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Dr Mercola, in a now deleted piece, but which he hopes others will publish with acknowledgment, puts the case that present research has shown that increases in Covid-19 cases are completely unrelated to levels of vaccination in 68 countries worldwide and 2,947 counties in the U.S., and data from U.S. counties showed similar trends. New Covid-19 cases per 100,000 people were “largely similar” regardless of the vaccination rate. As Dr Mercola points out, Iceland and Portugal, both of which have more than 75% of their populations fully vaccinated, have more COVID-19 cases per 1 million people than Vietnam and South Africa, where approximately 10 percent of their populations are fully vaccinated. Dr Mercola says: “CDC data show rates of hospitalization for severe illness among the fully vaccinated went from 0.01% in January 2021 to 9% in May 2021, and deaths went from 0% to 15.1%. If the shots actually worked, these rates should have remained near zero.” Ergo, the shots are not “working” or “working” as the mainstream expects shots to work. “Shots” may be the key word here.

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Jordan Peterson Attacks the Covid Mandates at Long Last … What Took Him So Long? By James Reed

Psychologist Jordsan Peterson has come out to attack the Covid mandates for leading to totalitarianism. It is good that he is doing this, but it is really late in the day, and other public figures, like feminst leftist, Noami Wolff, with her claims of biofascism, have done this and more, much sooner. Why has Dr Guru of the Right waited so long to comment?

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Covid-19 Vaccines are Proving to have an Average Negative Effectiveness in Everyone Over the Age of 18 in the UK of Minus-Seventy-Percent … What? By Richard Miller (London)

Here is a surprising analysis published in the, arguing that  based upon data from the UK Health Security Agency, which has recently replaced Public Health England, that the Covid-19 vaccines have an average negative effectiveness in everyone over the age of 18 in the UK of minus-seventy-three-percent! How can this be so? Well, as with any statistical argument, it is difficult to give a summary in a few lines, but those interested in figures can work through the data and calculations below. In short, with corrected data, they go through the same calculations that Pfizer originally did to claim its 95 percent effectiveness (relative effectiveness rather than absolute effectiveness anyway) rate, and get the negative figure.

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Myocarditis and Covid Vaxxed Kiddies By Chris Knight (Florida)

Dr. Anthony Hinton is a consultant surgeon with 30 years of experience working for the United Kingdom’s National Health Service (NHS). He has warned that Covid-19 vaccine-related myocarditis has a 20 percent fatality rate in children after two years, and a 50 percent fatality rate in five years. If this proves to be true, and hopefully not, it certainly supports the minority thesis of Covid sceptics, that there is a depopulation agenda at work with the Covid vaccines.

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Europe has Covid Passes and Plenty of Covid! By Richard Miller (London)

A lesson for Australia comes from Europe: Europe has many highly vaccinated societies with exploding Covid cases. Vaccine passports are in wide use, but Covid continues. Sure, just get boosters, add even more restrictions. That is like saying that adding fuel to fires is the best way of putting them out.


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Does Bill Gates Now have Doubts about Magic Covid Vaxxes? By Chris Knight (Florida

Someone found an illuminating comment from Bill Gates, buried in ravings advocating more totalitarian Covid mandate measures, about the effectiveness of the Covid vaccines: “"We didn't have vaccines that block transmission," said Gates, contradicting previous interviews in which he claimed the shots significantly block transmission. "We got vaccines that help you with your health, but they only slightly reduce the transmission,” he added. He did not expound about why the vaccine manufacturers have failed to deliver the promised goods.

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The Al Gore Mass Surveillance “Solution” to the So-called Climate Crisis By James Reed

Remember Al Gore, who was once the face of climate change hysteria, way before young Princess Greta Thunberg? Well, the ageing guru of hysteria is back, advocating mass surveillance via satellites, censors and artificial intelligence, the so called Climate TRACE coalition. Gore threatens: “we’ll have it down to the level of every single power plant, refinery, every large ship, every plane, every waste dump, and we’ll have the identities of the people who are responsible for each of those greenhouse gas emission streams.” Thus, the global communist elites will move then to control individual carbon emissions, just as they have done in their test run with the Covid lockdowns. Seeing what fun it was to smash human freedom, with generally majority compliance, the elites are not stopping now, total destruction of society or not. This is the endgame.

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Piles of Bricks Popping up Like Mushrooms after a Rain, Or Court Judgment as Rittenhouse is Free, Not Guilty! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

With the jury in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial delivering a not guilty verdict, it has been observed that piles of bricks are appearing all over Kenosha. As in 2020, when this also occurred prior to radical Leftist riots, this is a warning that Leftists are going to be tossing bricks through the windows of the innocent, because that is just what tyrannical thugs do.

“It appears the leftists are getting ready to clock in for work in Kenosha. There is a report of bricks being placed in Kenosha in preparation for rioting.

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Peaceful Black Lives Matter Threatens Bloodshed … Peacefully! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

BLM is by definition, “peaceful,” the very embodiment of moral goodness. Whites by definition now are evil, be because of “whiteness” as Critical Race Theory defines it in their racial theology. Hence, when BLM threatens bloodshed, this must be peaceful, morally righteous bloodshed. It follows from the New World Order definitions.

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The Top 10 Signs that Covid Vaccines are BIOWEAPONS Being Used for Genocide and Depopulation By Chris Knight (Florida)

From Natural

#1. Autopsies of the Covid-vaccinated reveal billions of spike proteins throughout the vascular system, polluting vital cleansing organs and the brain.

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Covid Mandate Tyranny in France By Richard Miller (London)

While there are glimmers of hope in the US, with the Federal court hitting Biden’s Covid vaccine mandate, the tyranny goes on in France. French citizens over the age of 65 who do not obediently get their booster shot will be locked out of most of society.

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The Biden Covid Mandate Might Just Collapse By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is some good news, perhaps short-lived, as the US Federal Fifth Circuit Court issued its stay of the Biden Covid mandates, and the Sixth Circuit Court now taking up the lawsuits filed across the Us. While the Biden regime is ignoring this decision, as is the lame stream media, it will certainly go to the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS). It will be interesting to see if the tyrannical Biden regime ignores that, if they strike the mandates down.

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Covid Curfew in Highly Vaxxed Ireland; The New Normal (Don’t even Ask about Gibraltar) By Richard Miller (London)

Ireland is highly Covid Vaccinated, yet will now have a midnight curfew on social meeting spots like bars due to Covid outbreaks. Likewise, for Gibraltar, the most highly vaccinated jurisdiction on Earth, at 100 percent, which also has exploding Covid breakthrough cases, and is moving to social distancing masks, and the cancellation of Christmas. Hugging is also discouraged. Australia will learn this lesson soon. Welcome to the new normal of the Covid New World Order, more dystopic than even the dystopias of fiction.

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All-Cause Mortality and the Covid Shots By Brian Simpson

Here is a technical summary from Children’s Health and a well difficult summary from Natural, detailing methodological problems in the July 28, Pfizer and BioNTech six-month data on a key Covid-19 vaccine clinical trial that apparently got the numbers who died from the jab wrong, by under-statement. By way of summary: “On Nov. 8, the agency [FDA] released its “Summary Basis for Regulatory Action,” a 30-page note explaining why on Aug. 23 it granted full approval to Pfizer’s vaccine, replacing the emergency authorization from December 2020.

And buried on page 23 of the report is this stunning sentence:

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Newsweek Opinion: Why I am Not Vaccinated By Mrs Vera West

Newsweek US recently published an opinion piece that we are not likely to see a parallel of in Australia, our lame stream media being totally under the control of Big Pharma. The female journalist explains that there is no reason for her, a healthy individual to get the jab. After all, even the vaccinated can get Covid now. And, I add, natural immunity is being discounted because the system wants to see Big Pharma get their sacred vaxxes out for $$$$$$$$$$ and more $$$$$$$$$.


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Former Labor Minister Adem Somyurek Escalates Attack on Dan the Man By Bruce Bennett (Recently released from Penal Colony Melbourne)

You might be as surprised as me to learn that some insiders are making harsh criticisms of Dan the Man. The thing is, you would never have predicted it, not in a thousand years.

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Confirmed: Endless Booster Shots! By Brian Simpson

Are you keeping count? According to one epidemiologist, Australians will need a third, even a fourth Covid booster shot. Here is their ABC giving the normie run down on this. But surely, if any critical rationality still exists, there needs to be questioning of why endless Covid shots are required. Why doesn’t this not show a fundamental flaw in the vaccines? And, if the vaccines do not deal with, in their own way, other variants, there will be multiple infinite regresses of vaccines. People will need to walk around, as long as they live with IV drips, to be constantly fuelled by the “lifesaving” vaxxes, as one authority  described them in a Covid rhetorical flourish. Or, we stand our ground against this, as many fine Aussies are doing, and will do this weekend.


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The Fleeting Nature of Vaccination Status By Brian Simpson

Health organisations have changed the definition of “vaccine” and more recently the definition of “fully vaccinated.” This is the clear example of the changing of the goal posts to suit the Covid agenda. For example, here in Australia, people must get a Covid booster jab at six months or lose their passport “freedoms.” Life, according to the  Victorian premier for the vaccinated, will be about “maintenance of your vaccine status.” Talk about living life looking over one’s shoulder. Some life.

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Yes, We Have No White Supremacists, We Have No White Supremacists, Today … and No Bananas Either! By James Reed

The establishment has attempted to smear the Covid mandate protesters with the tired old “racist, white supremacist” line. Well to test this, Rebel went looking, looking under every rock for these most abominable creatures who want to preserve their own kind, but found … nothing. No, I was not there!

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