Freddie Ponton has published in 21st Century Wire, a long investigative journalist coverage of what he argues is the creation of a new shadow government parasitic to the corporate state: “McKinseyGate: France’s Shadow Government and the Rise of the Corporate State.” The essay exposes the role played in this by consultancy firm such as the globalist Accenture, Bain & Company, Boston Consulting Group (BCG), Cap Gemini, Deloitte, Eurogroup, EY, McKinsey & Company, PwC, Roland Berger, and Wavestone. Among these firms, the name of McKinsey & Co should be familiar to Australians, and there will be more about their role in the discussion below.
Ponton’s essay is motivated by the recently released report by the French Senate, Summary report of French Senate Commission Inquiry into the Growing Influence of Private Consulting Firms on Public Policy. The conclusions of the report are discussed in detail in the extracts reproduced below for readers wanting details about how this played out in France. In summary, these transnational corporations have been paid billions of loot for work done in recent times, especially for consultancy on the Covid pandemic, the implementation of vaccine strategies and the rollout. This has occurred not only in France, but also the United States and Australia. The French Senate Report expresses alarm at the power and secrecy around these consultation firms, and the way the government bureaucracy has been taken over, to serve corporate agendas. In particular, the separation of the corporate sphere and government, something as important as any separation of powers, has been broken down and what the French call “pantouflage,” has arisen, as people move from the corporate sphere to government and back again, bringing enormous conflicts of interest, let alone security issues, since most of these big firms, as referenced this article, work with CCP China on projects as well. Their interests are globalist, not to the local nation.