New VAERS Analysis Reveals Hundreds of Serious Adverse Events By Chris Knight (Florida)

While VAAERS has been shown by many researchers to vastly under-report Covid deaths and injuries, there are still some surprising data that comes from an unbiased analysis of its existing data. A new VAERS analysis done by Albert Benavides found “hundreds of serious adverse events that were completely missed by the CDC that should have been mentioned in the informed consent document that are given to patients. And we found over 200 symptoms that occur at a higher relative rate than myocarditis (relative to all previous vaccines over the last 5 years). Altogether, there were over 4,000 VAERS adverse event codes that were elevated by these vaccines by a factor of 10 or more over baseline that the CDC should have warned people about.”


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Being Driven Mad by the Covid Plandemic! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Regardless of the reality of Covid, what is unquestionable real has been the vicious response of the system. It has shown that under the thin veneer of so-called liberal democracy there lurked a totalitarian drive as evil as any in history. The effects of the Covid tyranny, with home imprisonment, has had profound mental health impacts that will affect an entire generation. The global elites should not be wearing the best suits on the planet, but instead, strait jackets in high security mental/prisons. We are ruled by the criminally insane, who have taken over the asylums.

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CDC: No Record of People with Natural Immunity to Covid, Transmitting the Virus By Chris Knight (Florida)

The mainstream media, part of the Military Industrial Pharmaceutical Complex (MIPC), have down played natural immunity to Covid, despite an Israeli study showing the superiority of natural immunity over the vaxxes. However, the US CDC has recently made one small concession, granting that it has no record of people who are naturally immune transmitting the virus that causes Covid-19. On the other hand, even mainstream authorities, some quoted in blog posts today, such as from WHO, now admit that the Covid vaccines are “leaky” and that the vaccinated can still transmit the virus, as is seen in many jurisdictions across the world. How long will it take for the truth to out?

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The Unvaccinated will be Miserable and Lonely for Life: Aussie Health Chief! By Brian Simpson

Here is my choice of the week, and it is always a hard one, for the creepiest Covid tyranny statement. The Queensland president of the Australian Medical Association said that the unvaxxed will be miserable and have a lonely life. But, let us stand back a moment and speculate, considering the worst case depopulation  I am Legend scenario of the Covid vax critics. If there is a possible Great Die Off of say, 50-90 percent of the Covid vaxxed population, and I am not claiming this, but some critics researchers do, then who will have the lonely life? Why it will be the unvaxxed of course, because they will be alive, while the righteous vaxxed will have died, hypothetically speaking of course! So what the technocrat says has its own theoretical and empirical assumptions, none of which can be known now to be true, because, well, that is how inductive scientific knowledge just is, as Scottish philosopher David Hume (1711-1776) proved.

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Large Numbers of German Soccer Players, Collapsing, Some Dying … None Dare Mention the Covid Vax! By Richard Miller (London)

It has been reported in the German newspaper Berliner Zeitung that “unusually large number of professional and amateur soccer players have collapsed recently.” There was no investigation of the percentage who have had the Covid jabs, but given that the cucked Germans, who otherwise passively await ethno-racial oblivion from the Great Replacement, like all Nordics, are the most highly vaxxed in Europe, it is very likely that they have. So, why are athletes in particular falling down for the count, or are they simply a more visible sample of a Covid vax collapsing population? My guess is that it could be all of the above, that the athletes are a notable sample, highly visible by collapsing on the sports field due to stress of exertion, but that they are a sample of a much wider group of Covid vaccination harmed people now filling the hospitals.

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Space Cadet Jeff Bezos’ Dystopia By James Reed

The real question is, are the elites like Bezos, or as I like to call him, “Bezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzos,” serious, or do they say stupid things to get press coverage, being in love with their own image? Well, the latest from this 1 percenter is that people will move off Earth and live in space colonies, and the Earth will become a theme park, perhaps owned by the likes of him. Oh, they already do. But he forgot to mention, that the hyper-capitalist class would have long ago destroyed Earth, and if space colonies come to exist, it will probably be his kind served by robots. Or, the elites go down with the planet, the preferred option.

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The Kyle Rittenhouse Trial By Charles Taylor (Florida)

For once I feel mildly optimistic, which is rare today. Regarding the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, where the then 17-year-old shot two antifa dead, and shot off the biceps of another, I think young Kyle might succeed in self-defence. There was an amazing cross-examination of the antifa feral who had his arm injured. He admitted that he had a loaded handgun, and that Kyle only shot him when he pointed this weapon at him. The lead prosecution guy with the balding hair put his head in his hands, as the case collapsed!


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Florida Surgeon General Hits Out at Covid Mandates By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo has said that unless people speak up in protest against the Covid vaccine mandates, there will be “more of the same and worse.” He feels that it is time for people to speak up. On this Ladapo is right, as a resistance movement is growing across the globe to the tyranny that has been imposed upon the people, some of the most perverse denials of freedom in human history, making the slaves of the ancient world look like free men by comparison.

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Biden’s Banking Nominee Wants to Eliminate all Private Bank Accounts! By Chris Knight (Florida)

This fits in  with the globalist control of private banking as discussed among other things at COPO26, the climate change talkfest. Astonishingly enough, Saule Omarova, President Joe Biden’s nominee for the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), said during a March 2021 virtual conference that there should be an elimination of all private bank accounts and deposits. The Federal Reserve, she believes, should control all bank deposits. These people are totally out of control.

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The Globalist Agenda of Left Wing Environmentalism By James Reed

An insightful article at the Left-wing on-line organ The, clearly indicates that environmentalism is firmly dominated by Left wing ideology, and is anti-West, seeing Whites as the eternal villains. Really, even if there was an environmental crisis, and I think not, the fight against the Left, and globalist communism, is more important. There are worse things than dying, and opposing Left wing ideology is metaphorical the hill which we must die upon, worst case scenario, of course.

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The Gender Agenda Marches Ahead in Sweden By Mrs Vera West

The Swedish government has returned to centre stage of wokeness, after a good response to the Covid madness by rejecting lockdowns … it was al short-lived. Now children as young as 12 years, may change their legal gender without medical examination or approval. Surgery will still be at 18 years, but this is moving on the slippery slope of changing sex as soon as birth.

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The Climate Change Scam and Global Financial Tyranny By James Reed

The global financial elites were working away behind the scenes of the recent COP26 talkfest to produce a further move towards the New World Order, the rule of the financial elites. For Australia, the banker gangsters refused to loan Australia any more money without increasing interest rates by 1.5 percent. But there is more. The most powerful private financial interests in the world, under the cover of COP26, have developed a plan to transform the global financial system by fusing with institutions like the World Bank and using them to further erode national sovereignty in the developing world. …  an “industry-led and UN-convened” alliance of private banking and financial institutions announced plans at the COP26 conference to overhaul the role of global and regional financial institutions, including the World Bank and IMF, as part of a broader plan to “transform” the global financial system. The officially stated purpose of this proposed overhaul, per alliance members, is to promote the transition to a “net zero” economy. However, the group’s proposed “reimagining” of international financial institutions, according to their recently published “progress report,” would also move to merge these institutions with the private-banking interests that compose the alliance; create a new system of “global financial governance”; and erode national sovereignty among developing countries by forcing them to establish business environments deemed “friendly” to the interests of alliance members. In other words, the powerful banking interests that compose this group are pushing to recreate the entire global financial system for their benefit under the guise of promoting sustainability.”


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The Evil Empire of the Syringe: The Vaccine Addicted Society By Chris Knight (Florida)

As Dr Mercola points out in a post soon to be deleted, the only choices before us now are freedom or slavery, and to opt for freedom will likely involve short-term suffering, from loss of jobs and freedoms. He discusses the work of Catherine Austin Fitts, who previously exposed corruption within the banking and financial sector, and is now focusing on the Covid society, with its vaccine mandates. In the US, unlike more socialist societies like Australia, there is no legally valid vaccine mandate, there’s no official document from government, be it in the form of legislation, law or regulation, and one Federal court has rejected the legality of the mandates. But the Biden regime presses ahead, regardless. This is indeed a worrying sign since the Covid plandemic now transcends the rule of law. It is the rule of Big Pharma, the tyranny of technocracy.


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The Real Dr Frankenstein … eh, Fauci By Brian Simpson


Robert F. Kennedy Jr., chairman of the vaccine awareness site, children’s health, has a book entitled, The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health. I will probably not get the book, being cash strapped like most of us, but a great view appears below from Dr Mercola. Kennedy’s book gives a complete exposure of Dr Fauci, right from his work during the AIDS “pandemic” through to the present Covid plandemic.

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Covid Mandate Tyranny in Europe By Richard Miller (London)

Covid tyranny is in full-swing in highly vaccinated Europe. In Germany, the Covid incident rate is reaching new highs, even with the vax, so it looks like it will be a return to lockdowns. But, not to be beaten in the Covid madness stakes, Austria is moving to gain the distinction of being the first country in the world to lockdown only the unvaccinated! I suppose that the next step will be Covid concentration camps, something like that proposed in Australia. It may become hard to differentiate between the two countries down the track.

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US Federal Court Rules Against Biden Covid Mandate … Regime Says Ignore It! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Many are celebrating this as a great victory, and in a way it is; the US Federal Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled against President Joe Biden’s national vaccine mandate for companies with 100 or more workers, holding that the policy as “staggeringly overbroad” and an abuse of “extraordinary power.” That it is. However, the Biden regime is still pushing ahead with the mandates, basically ignoring the court decision. No doubt this will go to the Supreme Court of the United States, if they have the guts to hear it, which I very much doubt. But, there is the likelihood of a regime so evil and corrupt, and so much in contempt of the rule of law, as the 2020 election fraud showed, that a decision against the Covid mandates by SCOTUS might be ignored too.

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The Maoist Cultural Revolution in the West By James Reed

Pam Geller, who does great work in the same area as us, and is excellent on political correctness and the critique of Covid culture, makes the following notes connecting Chairman Mao’s cultural revolution with what is happening in the West today. What we are seeing, she details, is a version of what Mao did, only softer in many respects for the moment, but highly dependent upon technocracy to get the foul deeds done. The same results, of mega-death await down the time track, if people do not stop this.

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How Far it has Gone: Normalising Paedophilia By Mrs Vera West

There have been a disturbing number of academic attempts to “normalise” paedophilia. The latest comes from an assistant professor at Old Dominion University, who claims that "minor-attracted people" — those who are sexually attracted to people under the age of 18 — shouldn't be stigmatized for their attractions. There is apparently nothing wrong with such feelings so long as they are not acted upon, it was proposed. This has generated a fierce internet debate. But, simply, the same argument could be used to say that those who have psychopathic murderous desires, are also fine, so long as they do not act upon them. The argument surrenders any idea of social health in favour of a crass utilitarianism. And, beyond that is the obvious political dimension, as the New Class once more attempts to deconstruct the old-world values, and push their agenda, where the new normal, is no normal at all.

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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. “There are Worse Things than Death — This is the Hill We Die On.” By Chris Knight (Florida)

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who is chairman of the Children’s health Defense organisation, has given an inspiring speech on the Covid vaccine tyranny and the need for courage to resist it. The speech was given art the Weston A. Price Foundation Annual Conference in Allen, Texas Weston Price needs no introduction to all of those concerned with health from an alternative perspective, outside of the dragnet of Big Pharm and Big Agri. Rather than summarise the speech, which is largely emotional, in a good way, and inspiring, all those suffering from a bit of fatigue should get a cup of tea and listen; follow the links. The following summary is also good stuff.

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This Week’s US Covid Vax Death and Injury Report By Brian Simpson

As usual, I am grateful to the Children’s Health, for their compilation of statistics on US Covid vax deaths and adverse effects, for last week, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). This is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. there was a total of 875,653 adverse events following COVID vaccines were reported between December 14, 2020, and November 5, 2021. There was a total of 18,461 reports of deaths, an increase of 383 over last week, and 135,400 reports of serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period, up 7,943 compared with the previous week. Excluding “foreign reports” to VAERS, there were 643,957 adverse events, including 8,456 deaths and 53,780 serious injuries, were reported between December 14, 2020, and November 5, 2021. VAERS has been shown to vastly under-report deaths and injuries.

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