Excess Deaths in England and Wales By Richard Miller (London)

The Office of National Statistics for England and Wales reports that  there have been at least 74,745 excess deaths over the past eighteen months, which is 37 percent above the five-year average. These excess deaths are mostly not directly due to Covid, with only 12 percent of the excess deaths involving any symptoms associated with Covid-19. In fact, over 65,000 of these excess deaths were the result of other physical, mental and social issues due to the lockdowns, including ill-health and suicide. The Covid tyranny has been a form of social genocide, and no lockdown was necessary at all, as the control example of non-locked down Sweden showed. All of this for the New World Order.


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How are They Going to Explain All the Newborns with Cardiac Problems? By Chris Knight (Florida)

Steve Kirsch reports on a local US Children's Hospital having all three NICUs are full of infant patients with cardiac problems.  He asks: how will the CDC and the White House whitewash infants with cardiac issues? My guess is that as the vaccines might be implicated, the problem will be ignored in open view, just like the US election fraud. It is post-truth in action.


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The Swedish Total-Population Cohort Study” “Effectiveness of Covid-19 Vaccination Against Risk of Symptomatic Infection, Hospitalization, and Death Up to 9 Months” By Brian Simpson

A study by  Peter Nordström (et al.), which the researchers conclude support administration of a third Covid vax booster jab, shows that there is a rapid decline in vaccine effectiveness. For example, there was observed to be a steep decline in the Pfizer shot’s efficacy, going from 92 percent relative risk reduction at days 15 to 30 post-jab, to 47 percent at days 121 to 180. From seven months on, “no effectiveness could be detected.”

There is an alternative way of looking at these results, and that is that the conclusion of having a third jab, will, as in the case of Israel lead to a fourth, then more frequent jabs. Surely the conclusion jumps out, that something better is need. Even if one is pro-vax, wouldn’t fewer jabs be better that infinity jabs?

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The Great Pfizer Heart Drug Debate By Chris Knight (Florida)

There are many internet blogs writing about how US The Food and Drug was notified that the children’s formulation of the drug contains Tromethamine (Tris), a chemical that reduces blood acidity and stabilizes people who have suffered a heart attack. A sample of this discussion occurred in Natural News.com, quoted below, as it is our favourite go-to site. We love Mike Adams, almost as much as Alex Jones, and when I ever grow up, I want to be like Alex. And, we like a good conspiracy as much as the next Right Wing fringe dwellers. But I note that the Left wing fact checkers are saying that the drug Trissssss, sorry, Tris, has been added not because kiddies might have heart attacks, a logical thing to think, but to stabilise the potent. And why was this not done when the vax was first brewed in its high tech cauldron? Well, responses vary here, but some say speed of getting the vax out was needed. But, how long does it take to tip the stuff into the techno-pot anyway? I think that this is implausible. I like the natural News.com take myself, but I have done my due diligence with the opposing view, giving it a fair hearing, with no satire, or not much.


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Covid Negative Patients Swamp Hospitals By Brian Simpson

The mainstream media has been in over-drive to push the Covid vaccines, generating fear and trembling among the ever-anxious sheeple. But, there has been little coverage of a phenomenon that any half-decent press should have covered, namely the masses of sick and dying patients, who are Covid negative now clogging up the hospital system, such as America. The problem in acute in jurisdictions that are highly vaccinated, and were the first dark cabs off the ranks of the Grim Repeater Taxi Service to get the sacred jabs. But, it must be a coincidence, so the deaths and injuries remain a medical mystery. Just imagine if it ever was uncovered that the jabs might be responsible … but, that could never happen, as it would not be reported.


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Pfizer Fizzes at Meme War By James Reed

If one was a multi-billion-dollar mega-corporation, one would have thought that if engaging in a meme war against anti-vaxxers was your goal, a pretty good job could be done. There would be plenty of lovely juicy cash to hire clever people to do great memes. But Pfizer’s recent attempt to defend the sacred vax by memes went down like the proverbial lead balloon, rather than up like Led Zeppelin at their prime.


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The Race/Immigration Issue Heats Up in France By Richard Miller (London)

First it was Marine Le Pen, and then French author Eric Zemmour, who have warned of the “Greet Replacement,” of France, being over-run by non-white migrants in Camp of the Saints style. Now the same issue of migration replacement has been raised by French MP Éric Ciotti, who also used the term “Great Replacement” to describe how Muslim immigration has changed France. The run to the election is heating up, but be assured the globalist elites will hose the debate down at the last moment, and the white sheeple will panic and charge blindly through the same old gate into the same old pens of mental imprisonment … until they are replaced!


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The Virus that Brought the West to its Knees, Killed Less than the Common Cold? By Chris Knight (Florida)

There has been a critical re-evaluation of alleged Covid deaths in Italy, which was an early case in the Covid panic, lending support to the lockdowns and other Covid measures across the West. But, it turns out that the Covid deaths were vastly over-stated, with mortality at the time in Italy, less than the common flu.


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US Covid Mandate Tyranny: Now it Comes for the Troops! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Many thousands of US troops look like denying the Biden regimes’ Covid vaccine mandates. If they stand their ground they look like losing everything, with dishonourable discharges, including losing all veteran’s benefits, perhaps even medical services. Thus, one could have risked life and limb fighting for US globalist wars, and be thrown on the scrap heap. I expect a lot of highly trained people will get … mildly annoyed …maybe even bouncing off a stern letter to the White House.

Say, why has Word indicated that every single word in this article is an error, even the Word “the”? It is typed on a MacBook which is not too old either. I can’t work out what is a typo with this maze of underlined red! Like my brain, it is on the way out!

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The Threat of Microplastics By Mrs Vera West

Microplastics are yet another existential human and environmental health threat, impacting with issues like the collapse of sperm quantity and quality, as many of the polluting plastics also have hormone disrupting impacts, and these plastics are now everywhere, including inside our organs. Here is a brief guide to the dangers, with articles to follow up. Of primary concern is the impact of microplastics upon human cells and their function, as now detailed. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.technologynetworks.com/applied-sciences/news/amp/microplastics-can-deform-cell-membranes-and-impact-function-351724

“It is estimated that, since the 1950s, more than 70 million tonnes of microplastics have been dumped into the oceans due to industrial manufacturing processes. These plastics are ingested by aquatic and human organisms through water, food and the air we breathe. It is estimated that their size ranges from 0.1 microns to 5 millimeters and are made mainly of polypropylene, polyethylene, polystyrene, polyamide and acrylics. Plastic particles the size of a micrometer are present literally everywhere: in the oceans, in the air, in the snow of the Himalayas, and even in human placentas. Toothpaste, sunscreens, common chemicals or packaging also contain plastics. And although studies indicate that the consumption of microplastics does not lead to death or immediate or food poisoning, there is growing evidence of its effects on cells at the molecular scale, which are difficult to identify experimentally.

In this context, Vladimir Baulin, physicist and researcher in the Department of Physical and Inorganic Chemistry at the URV, in collaboration with Jean-Baptiste Fleury, of the University of Saarland (Germany), has discovered in a recent study that microplastics can mechanically destabilize lipid membranes by adhering to and tightening them. The results of the study were published in the scientific journal PNAS.

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Big Australia Evil Empire Strikes Back! By James Reed

The Covid lockdowns had the unexpected benefit of closing off migration for a time. It was like stopping someone getting a drug, and enabling natural health to return. Of course, the manic mass migration movement, especially the sharks in real estate who rely upon population pressure to keep house prices rising at insane levels, were eating carpet over this time.  But now the pressure is on to “catch up” with migration being proposed to turned on at never before seen levels. But, the majority of what remains of “Australians” oppose a return to Big Australia. Having a taste of protests with Covid, let’s see if something along the same lines can be done at long last against the much deadlier threat of migration swamping, and the Great Replacement of Aussies. Street protests now! A mass strike would go down nicely next to boycotts of Big Australia corporations, no discrimination, just those championing it, purely political.


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A Mainstream Science Critique of the Covid Vaccine Mandates; The Question of Viral Load By Brian Simpson

It is getting interesting. A report in the mainstream medical journal, Lancet Infectious Diseases, destroyed the main argument for the Covid vaccine mandates, namely that these vaccines prevent transmission of the Delta strain. The article argued that the vaccines have “minimal” impact on preventing transmission of the Delta strain. The article showed that fully vaccinated people with Covid infected others in their household at the same rate (approximately 25 percent) as unvaccinated people did (about 23%). The vaccinated were found to have as much viral load in their upper respiratory tract, making them just as contagious as the unvaccinated. Hence the alleged benefits of the mandates fall apart.


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Eric Clapton on Covid Vax Injuries: This Has Gotta Stop! By James Reed

Rock legend, as they call them, I take it that it is not people who are skilled at working with rocks, cement and stones, Eric Clapton, had an adverse reaction to his second dose of AstraZeneca’s Covid vax. However, his main concern is the vaccine mandates’ loss of freedom. He put this all together in a song This Has Gotta Stop, which is not bad at all, if you want to claim my soul, you will have to break down this door. Amazingly it is still up on YouTube.


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Now One Can be Diagnosed as Sick from Climate Change! By James Reed

It is one of the signs of the times, that a doctor has now diagnosed a patient’s asthma as due to climate change. I suppose given the vast academic literature about the supposed health effects of climate change, this was a slow train coming. But, soon it will be a very fast train.


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Masked California Covid Rate Twice that of Unmasked Florida By Chris Knight (Florida)

This should be on interest to highly controlled Covid tyranny places like Melbourne. California, a socialist cesspool, even worse than Victoria, has masks and all the trimmings. But its Covid rate is an incredible double of my home state of Florida, which has one of the lowest Covid death rates in the US. Go figure; seems to me that mandates do not work!


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People Who have been Double Jabbed against Covid-19 are Dying from all Causes at a Rate Six Times Higher than the Unvaccinated By Brian Simpson

This article by Dr Mercola surprised even me, and I spend most of my day, now that I am on long service leave, reading the Covid literature, and reporting for this blog. He says that recent data from the U.K. Office of National Statistics shows that people who have been double jabbed against COVID-19 are dying from all causes at a rate six times higher than unvaccinated people. The US CDC however has two studies allegedly showing that the Covid jabs reduce all-cause mortality. But, according to all-cause mortality statistics, the number of Americans who died between January 2021 and August 2021 is 16 percent higher than 2018 (the pre-COVID year with the highest all-cause mortality) and 18 percent higher than the average death rate between 2015 and 2019. Dr Mercola asks: did Covid-19 raise the death toll despite mass vaccination, or are people dying at increased rates because of the COVID jabs?


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An Academic Declares War on Climate Change! By James Reed

It was predictable, but now an academic, Heidi Peltier, who is a “senior researcher at the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs at Brown University and director of programs for the Costs of War Project,” believes that the so-called climate crisis is so severe that there now needs to be a “war on climate,” declared. Just imagine where this will go, with those who eat red meat, no doubt, now being seen as domestic terrorists. Farmers will be first on the list.


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The Harms of Facebook By Mrs Vera West

Don’t be evil? Is that Google or Factbook’s motto? No matter, Facebook has been seen in a CNN poll by 76 of people to make society worse. And, 38 percent of respondents said that they do not trust Big Tech to act in the public good. That sounds just about right to me, and the figures will no doubt grow by the time the next poll is conducted, as Big Tech is totally out of control.


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Open Borders, USA By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Most American voters are now acknowledging that the Biden administration is creating an open borders situation, so as to stuff the US with potential Democrat voters. The endgame of this will not be some eternal rule by the Democrats, creating a multiracial diverse communist paradise, but yet one more failed state on the largest of scales.


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Queen Ann Coulter on the Anti-White Racial Socialism of Build Back Better By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Ann Coulter, as only she can, does a great deconstruction of the Biden regimes Build Back Better, which she shows is a form of anti-white racism, something the Democrats excel in.


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