The Incredible Elastic Definition of “Vaccine” By Chris Knight (Florida)

Lifesite gives a thorough discussion of how the US federal government, in moves adopted throughout the West, changed the definition of “vaccine,” so that the mRNA gene therapies could be classified as vaccines. Otherwise the definition, in turn of ‘biological product” would have precluded defining the mRNA gene therapies as vaccines. While they could still be pushed upon the compliant public, it may have made the sheeple slightly more restless in becoming genetically modified organisms.  There was no independent scientific reason for this, other than promoting the MRNA gene therapies.

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The Pfizer Billions By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is the story of the Pfizer billions. They have contracts to prevent people suing them for deaths and adverse effects, so it is money for jam, in fact, entire jam factories! How about a revenue of $ 36 billion, this year alone!


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Deconstructing Italy’s Covid Death Toll By Richard Miller (London)

A new report from Italy’s Higher Institute of Health has deconstructed Italy’s misleading Covid-19 death tally. Italy’s official Covid death tally rose to 132,161 in October of 2021, but this figure was vastly inflated, using non-specific diagnostic criteria: Covid-19 was often listed as the cause of death when it was merely “suspected” and when “it could not be ruled out.” This new medical analysis reduces Italy’s covid-19 death tally by 97.1 percent! This is significant, as the Italian death toll early in the plandemic was used by the medical fascists to kick into gear the Covid lockdowns and other aspects of Covid tyranny.


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The International (Critics) Covid Summit By Brian Simpson: Dr Robert Malone

Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine core platform technology, spoke at the International COVID Summit in Rome, September 12 to 14, 2021. He argued that the Covid shots do not fully protect a person from Covid infection, virus replication or shedding, being a “leaky” vaccine. Thus, the vaccinated can still infect others. Indeed, Dr Malone argued, the vaccines, by reducing symptoms of illness, while still permitting viral replication to occur, may increase the likelihood of the vaccinated becoming Covid super-spreaders. Dr Malone predicts that as the vaccines’ effectiveness wanes, we will see increasing numbers of vaccinated people hospitalised and dying. There is likely to be a mass revolt against the “deal” that the system has “sold” to people, that the way out is the vaccines.

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US Democrat Electoral Fraud Rides Again! By Charles Taylor


Here we go again. The pattern of Democrat election fraud seems to involve dumping masses of fraudulent votes in the middle of the night while the weak Republicans are having sleepy bye bye, and cannot man the posts for surveillance. And if they did, they would just get tossed out, as easily as sweeping away dry, crumbling leaves.  It is enough to make one want to scream with frustration.

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Two Thirds of the French Believe Muslim Migration a Threat By Richard Miller (London)

Two thirds of the French, and given the Great Replacement, that must include a sizeable chunk of the multicult, believe that white, European, Christian populations are being “threatened with extinction” by immigration from Muslim and African countries. Next years’ election will pit globalist lacky Emmanuel Macron  against one of two right-wing candidates: Marine Le Pen or Eric Zemmour, with Zemmour being the strongest against the demographic replacement of mass migration. We will see how much guts the French have to ick a box in the privacy of a voting booth.

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How Does the AstraZeneca COVID Vaccine Cause (Rare) Blood Clots? By Brian Simpson

Researchers at the Greifswald teaching hospital in northern Germany said Friday they’ve discovered how the AstraZeneca COVID vaccine could cause blood clots that could lead to  thrombosis in the brain. AstraZeneca’s vaccine may, in some cases, prompt overactivation of platelets in the blood, which can lead to blood clots, similar to a condition called heparin-induced thrombocytopenia.

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AstraZeneca Covid-19 Vaccine Halted in Several Brazilian States for Pregnant Women By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is one more item to add to the AstraZeneca file.  Several Brazilian states have halted the use of AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine for pregnant women after a woman who had received the vaccine died. ANVISA, the countries’ National Health Surveillance Agency, recommended the “immediate suspension” of the vaccine for pregnant women, the result of “constant monitoring of adverse events related to COVID vaccines in use in the country.”

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The Great Fading “Protection” of the Covid Jabs By Brian Simpson

A Swedish study has found that so-called protection allegedly offered by the Covid jabs fades quickly, and is almost gone within months. There could also be a negative effect, where the jabbed person’s immune system could be worse.

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The Covid Madness Down Under: What Americans Think about Our Penal Colony! By Brian Simpson

Here is an item from Americas, about what the freedom lovers think of the Australian Covid totalitarian system. It is sometimes worthwhile to see what others think from the outside. Things are worse than we think.

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Dark Winter, Dark Fate By Chris Knight (Florida)

A “dark winter,” as old man Biden promised, is coming even if it is “summer” in your hemisphere. It is the Covid winter of discontent. As stated below: “Seriously, the point of this entire exercise (or at least this phase of this entire exercise) is to radically, irrevocably, transform society into a monolithic corporate campus where everyone has to scan their IDs at every turn of an endless maze of perpetually monitored, eco-friendly, gender-fluid, ideologically uniform, non-smoking, totally meat-free “safe spaces” owned and operated by GloboCap, or one of its agents, subsidiaries, and assigns.

The global-capitalist ruling classes are determined to transform the planet into this fascistic Woke Utopia and enforce unwavering conformity to its valueless values, no matter the cost, and we, “the Unvaccinated,” are standing in their way.

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Dr Brian Dressen on the Pfizer Vax and the Risk Benefit Calculus By Brian Simpson

Dr Brian Dressen is but one person who testified before the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) advisory committee before they, predictably enough, endorsed Pfizer’s COVID vaccine for children ages 5 to 11. Dressen is a chemist with an extensive background in researching and assessing the degree of efficacy in new technologies. He  told the FDA advisory panel Pfizer’s vaccine “failed any reasonable risk-benefit calculus in connection with children.” He concluded: “Your decision is being rushed, based on incomplete data from underpowered trials, insufficient to predict rates of severe and long-lasting adverse reactions. I urge the committee to reject the EUA [Emergency Use Authorization] modification and direct Pfizer to perform trials that will decisively demonstrate that the benefits outweigh the risks for children. I understand firsthand the impact that you will or will not have with the decision you’re going to make today.”

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The New York Vax Mandate, Set to Squash Big Rotten Apple! By Chris Knight (Florida)

It is worth looking closely at the emerging chaos that the Covid vaccine mandates are producing in places like New York. Even passive societies like Australia, might change when the punters find that they need endless jabs, and if the critics are right, the hospitals start filling up with victims from the shots. This filling of the hospitals with the sick phenomenon was covered at the blog over the last two days. Scroll down the titles and it will be revealed.

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For the Sake of Justice: They Demand a Full Audit! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The concerns of US 2020 election fraud continue to bubble along. Now 150 law makers from 38 states are calling for a full forensic audit of the entire 2020 election. Ok, what happens when the same electoral fraud uncovered in previous audits show up? Trump has said that either a new election should be called, or he be given the crown of thorns again, none of which will happen. Maybe, just maybe, if enough dirt surfaces, if by some miracle the Republicans can do something about electoral fraud, the issue might get dealt with in a Republican government, but the circularity is evident.

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Winter of Civilisation: The Terminally Ill Universities By James Reed

Lance Welton has given another good account of the sickness of the universities, with a focus upon the US, naturally enough for a native of New York. But much of the same, in out globalised world, applies to Australia as well. Welton sees the collapse of the traditional university having already occurred. Thus, as I see it, the main argument for keeping them open, collapses too. For Australia, it is time to close these places down, end the international student migration scam, and rebuild higher education around occupational training centres. No more Arts, Humanities and so-called, Social Sciences.

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The Majority of the French Believe in the Great Replacement … But, Now What? By Richard Miller (London)

A recent survey revealed that six out of ten French believe that he Great Replacement will happen, in Camp of the Saints style. Well, since they are set to lose their culture and racial/genetic heritage, what are they doing about it? Mass protests? Not likely. Yet, surely, this is just as important as the Covid mandates. But, given it is a little way in the future, it is always easy to put it off, the Great Reckoning can wait another day. Still, other things might catch up with the Great Replacement, such as the Great Covid Die Off depopulation agenda, and the impending collapse of civilisation. All of this could have been avoided if the “good men” who do nothing, had done something in time. An affluent culture ultimately produces weak men in a “mouse utopia” style experiment for humans. You covered this one at the blog a few months back.

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Defend Biological Sex … Go Down as Transphobic … It Would be a Joke if They Did Not Rule the Roost! By James Reed

Mrs Vera West was going to write this one, but has come down with the mother of all migraines, so I will do it instead.

These sorts of stories are becoming less frequent; that of academics defending the idea that there are two sexes, something the New World Order regime denies, seeing that sex is a social construct. Less frequent because the universities are quickly culling out any opposition to its ideologies.

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The Endless Treadmill of Covid Vax Jabs By Brian Simpson

“Partial immune invasion,” is being cited as the reason for people needing booster jabs of the Covid potions, sorry, vaccines. But, if there can be “partial immune invasion” for one shot, why would giving another solve this problem? If a fence has a hole in it, allowing some foxes to get in and kill one’s chickens, why would building another fence with another hole in it solve anything? Surely a new fence, and approach is needed, since we can’t get rid of all foxes?

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Sweden Suspends Moderna Covid Vax By Richard Miller (London)

This is old news, but may not have got much coverage in Australia, but it did hit the mainstream media to some degree here in the UK. Sweden has suspended the Covid Moderna vax. Finland, Iceland and Denmark have taken similar steps. Norway is encouraging men under 30 not to get the Moderna shot, but has not mandating it. The reason? One U.S. study concluded that “young males under [age] 20 are up to six times more likely to develop myocarditis after contracting COVID-19 than those who have been vaccinated.”

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The Covid Vaccine Mandates and the Crisis of Employment By Chris Knight (Florida)

The situation in Australia is not as dire, perhaps as in the US, where there seems to be greater resistance to the Covid mandates. The Federal Reserve, a private New World Order entity that controls US finance because people in the past were too apathetic/dumb, and others too traitorous, has said that the Covid mandates are now starting to harm employment and leading to labour shortages. Of course, the corporate elites rollout the immigration “solution,” but that only works for unskilled jobs. “Transportation and technology firms saw particularly low labor supply, while many retail, hospitality, and manufacturing firms cut hours or production because they did not have enough workers,” its report summary said. “Firms reported high turnover, as workers left for other jobs or retired. Child-care issues and vaccine mandates were widely cited as contributing to the problem, along with COVID-related absences.”

But, they have not seen anything yet; wait until the Great Die Off of the depopulation agenda begins, with even the sacred migrants pegging out. That will be interesting, to say the least.

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