The Covid Vaxxes and Pregnant Women By Mrs Vera West

The mainstream Covid vax narrative says that the Covid vax will not harm pregnant women. But, there are doubts about this now, at least by some researchers.

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China Denies Stockpile Claim War Preparations By James Reed

It seems it is not only the likes of fringe dwellers like me who see the CCP proclamation that their slaves start prepping with stockpiles of supplies, as the prelude to war. It appears that the ordinary Chinese people are reading this the same way I have. Of course, the CCP is now attempting to hose the fear it originally stirred up, down now. I thank the communist tyrants for their warning.


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The Great Reset: The New World Order of the Technocratic/Financial Elite By James Reed

Michael Rectenwald at, gives a great overview of how all of the bits and pieces of the Great Reset fit into the pre-existing New World Order plan.


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Noam Chomsky, Eternal Socialist By James Reed

Noam Chomsky, leading US Leftist intellectual, has proclaimed that those not vaccinated need to be excluded from society. Brandon Smith points out that this position is inconsistent with his past works, such as Manufacturing Consent, which could easily have been re-written to deal with the Covid tyranny. Times change, but deep down, socialists  do not.


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Mysterious Cardiac Arrests of Peek Athletes … Nothing Covid to See Here! By Brian Simpson

The system is ignoring the phenomena of young healthy athletes, suddenly dropping dead, or getting seriously ill. Could the Covid vax have something to do with this?

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Unvaxxed Stand their Ground! By Chris Knight (Florida)

A recent US poll has revealed that 53  percent of Americans surveyed who are not presently vaccinated will not be persuaded by anyone to get the Covid jab. That is a healthy sign and spirit of resistance.


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No Meat Please, We are Helsinkites! By Richard Miller (London)

Helsinki’s local government will not be serving meat at events next year to save the planet from climate change. Well, if they were really serious, they would not have “events” since events create gasses, including flatulence from people, almost as bad as cows!


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China is Number 1 for Carbon Pollution: Keep Up the Good Work! By James Reed

While the West is self-flagellating over reducing carbon emissions, China is charging ahead, and was even making records during the 2020 Covid freak-out. Its carbon footprint will continue to rise, which has to be done for world conquest. It would not matter if all the climate change rhetoric was true, China puts a historical payback for the Great Hundred Year Humiliation first. Contrary to some misguided Dissent Righters, just because the West is flawed, does not make China any better!

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Buried Under the Covid Trash of Modernity By Chris Knight (Florida)

This is the second time I have written this. Version one has I thought saved to my USB, I went up to a site to get internet, and found I had lost everything, even after clicking SAVE. Going home to my PC, which I thought must have a problem,  I found it working ok. So, I to be sure, I used the laptop, plugged in with the weird electric tingling. But I digress. My computer problems are minor compared to the build-up in New York of trash. The rats are there, coming up from the sewers, as big as pit bulls, almost, and disease will follow. It is like the Book of Revelations.

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My Body, My Vax Choice By Mrs Vera West

The feminists used the argument, my body, my choice to defend abortion, but the argument is flawed, as if the foetus has a right to life, it is not just “my body.” But accepting the argument, it applies directly to the covid vaxxes, since one should have a right to consent to medical procedures, especially those with a clear and present danger. The paternalistic claim of the common good does not hold where the disease has a mortality relatively low for all age groups except the ill and elderly, and where the vax has its own adverse effects, well documented at this blog.

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Enough Fraudulent Votes to have Tipped the US Election to Sleepy Joe! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I must admit that I have grown tired of reporting on the 2020 US electoral fraud, in the light of the Covid catastrophe and all that. There are continuous reports of fraud from the audits, but Trump does nothing, with no outrage by conservatives? A Black criminal dies during arrest from a drug overdose and America burns, but an election is stolen and … nothing. Go figure.

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The Elite are Getting Survival Shelters, in Preparation for the Coming Collapse! By John Steele

The 1 percenters are getting survival bunkers in large numbers obviously preparing for some Big Event, or simply the collapse as they have planned it, or both. No doubt they expect to come out of their doomsday bunkers ready to rule the post-apocalyptic wastelands, even though they already rule the world today, and just don’t have to do this, but as they are criminally insane, they must. Yet much can go wrong. They may have vastly over-estimated their survival resilience, being essentially pencil necks themselves with no personal ability to fight the zombies that mutations will inevitably produce. Someone might even have welded the bunker doors shut, or parked a huge truck up against the door. Who knows what could go wrong?


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China Criticises Australia’s Nuke Sub Plan While Itself Going into Nuclear Missile Overdrive! By James Reed

The CCP had a fit when it was announced that Australia was getting nuke subs. But, in open hypocrisy, China plans to fill its country with so many nuclear missiles that the entire place will become one giant atomic bomb! Really, Australia needs to get some guts and get nuclear missiles, something it should have done instead of the Fabian socialist Great Anglo-Saxon Replacement of the post-World War II period. It is still not too late to catch up, but the Left must be defeated.

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It Can Take as Little as $ 153 to Defeat the Enemy! By Chris Knight (Florida)

A Republican truck driver has spent $ 153 to defeat a rich and powerful Democrat opponent. It just shows that there is hope for the sincere fighting against tyranny.

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The Joys of the J&J Covid Jab By Chris Knight (Florida)

This item is perhaps not of as great significance to Australians, who do not have the Johnson & Johnson covid shot, but here in America, it is one of the big three. A JAMA study, and this is as mainstream as medicine gets, has concluded that those having the J & J shot are more likely to develop blood clotting conditions than the general population. So, the big question is: why? Also, this alone refutes the mainstream ideology that the ill effects are so rare as not to be the slightest concerned with.


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The 1 Percenters are the Real Carbon Polluters! By James Reed

While the globalist elite 1 percenters are advocating no meat for us and a diet of bugs if we are lucky, while gorging themselves on meat, it has emerged from analysis of their carbon footprint, that they release 30 times the carbon emissions compatible with UN One World goals. But, you will see hell freeze over before they reduce their lifestyles. Going to the Copper 26 climate change talkfest in 400 private jets, says it all in the hypocrisy stakes.

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The Fate of the January 6 Peaceful Protesters By Chris Knight (Florida)

Dan Gelernter has covered the horrendous situation faced by the January 6 peaceful protesters, including inhuman prison conditions, and torture. A letter leaked out of the US gulag written by political prisoner Nathan DeGrav, has documented the living hell that these patriots are being subjected to. Trump, as always is silent, only concerned with his own ego.

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The Weekly US Covid Vax Deaths and Adverse Effects Report By Brian Simpson

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), reported this week,  that between December 14, 2020, and Oct. 29, 2021, a total of 856,919 adverse events following COVID vaccines were recorded. This includes a total of 18,078 reports of deaths, an increase of 459 over last week. There were 127,457 reports of serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period, which is an increase of 3,570 compared with last week.

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The Covid Vax Injury of an Elite Athlete By Chris Knight (Florida)

Kyle Warner is a 29-year-old US professional mountain bike racer. He developed pericarditis, POTS and reactive arthritis after his second shot of Pfizer’s Covid vaccine. Initially his doctors refused to believe that it was the shots, which does not give us faith in the medical system. Four months after the jabs, he is so ill he is unable to work or ride a bike. Adverse effects are only rare if you are not the one affected.

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More Trees, Less Grass, Less Food By Viv Forbes

Australia has 440 million hectares of grasslands – that 4.4 M sq km is larger than Europe’s total area of 3.5 M sq km. We also have 147 million hectares of native forests, 1.8 million hectares of plantations and 4% of the world’s global forest estate. Australia has the world’s sixth largest forest area and the fourth-largest area of forest in nature conservation reserves. We are not short of trees.

Australian forests absorb 940 million tonnes of carbon dioxide annually, over double our domestic and industrial emissions of 417 million tonnes per annum. Add to that the absorption of CO2 into our massive area of grasslands, crops, soils and continental shelf waters and Australia does more than its fair share of CO2 sequestration (which means our grasslands and forests are starving for more CO2).

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